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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 659 KB, 960x726, capsnipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20672968 No.20672968 [Reply] [Original]

What I'm going to tell you is of crucial nature to your future wellbeing, so take some time to concentrate.

/biz/ has been flooded with shitty pajeet scams for a long time, especially for the past couple of months, which makes finding real value difficult. You're constantly looking for that 0.01% gold nugget out of massinve amounts of inflowing diarrhea.

I've been in crypto since 2013 and in my experience the most certain indicator for real success for these projects in the quality of the whitepapers. I've actually read 100+ of them in during that time and I can easily say that 90% of them are absolute garbage: either from the just the non-academic structure up to relevant math being blatantly incorrect. Now lately I came across something interesting - quality that I hadn't seen in a long time. Perhaps Chainlink and Reserve come close in terms of raw quality.

First this


This is not advice. This is not a call to buy. Just get acquainted to how to indicate potential.

>> No.20673006
File: 479 KB, 1325x1272, 1567989058472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal scam.

>> No.20673035

you don't have to buy. Just read the whitepapers for a valuable lesson that you will get later on.

I will remind everybody on biz about this thread when the time is right.

>> No.20673049

I don't give a shit about the whitepaper, anyone can write a 20 page doc that sounds technical. But if they can't be arsed to put up real pictures on their website, it's a scam.

>> No.20673097

It may be a scam... But have you ever considered you might just not have an eye for valuable crypto and talent to make good money in crypto?
I tried telling people on this site multiple times about a coin that was under 2c and now is at 4.5c. Nobody listened and just accused me of being a pajeet.
Posters like OP are obviously trying to help people. But bitter people like you are so nihilistic, rick and morty style that you can't even see a helping hand when it comes.
Thanks OP.

Did you buy into this thing OP or you just see the potential in the white paper and are observing it?

>> No.20673116

except when the anonymous nature of the founders is necessary for the success of the project. As you might know, synthetic asset trading might face regulatory blackflashes so unless they've progressed into a completely decentralized stage of the project, being public and open about their identities would be an actual red flag as it proposes additional threat to the project itself.

>> No.20673120

Congrats , you did a 2x. I also a did a 5x yesterday. It's fucking Defi, every ape can make great gains right now. I'm not buying into a shitcoin where the devs are uploading fake pictures. If you want to stay anonymous, do that. Don't pull this shit.

>> No.20673142

Whether or not you are right, your bitter attitude and big stacks won't make you sleep better at night.

>> No.20673155

this is the first project I've bought into after participating in Chainlink ICO, but as it's still very low market cap I think it could help out a lot of bizlets who are thorough in their research.

>> No.20673183
File: 59 KB, 605x548, 1578366814903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep very well. My bed is extremely comfy.

How many coins are there doing synthetic asset trading? How many of them are anonymous? This is the twitter of one of them btw lmao.

>> No.20673208

unknown team, no product till Q4. It's worth a look, but only when it dumps to 1/3 of its current value.

>> No.20673236

Will i make a bit of money if i invest 50 euros into cap?

>> No.20673266

honestly, I would probably also prefer if they just completely removed their 'identities' from the website and whitepaper and stayed completely anonymous, rather than having these alibi profiles. Essentially I agree that it could be considered a red flag, but that dynamic alone doesn't change the fundamental value of what they're attempting to create.

the beta is projected to launch in the middle of August so if you want an entry, before that milestone is the time

>> No.20673268

Look at /biz/ at any moment in time. Discount all coins that are obvious scams (such as this) or that are getting shilled after they have already mooned hard (90% of them). Put your money in one of the remaining ones. Profit.

>> No.20673356

depends if you're willing to lose that 50. If they deliver the beta product, you'd probably easily make 10x. If they don't, you'll lose 90% of it.

>> No.20673379

Ocean Protocol will break upwards like Link and beyond.

Think "The Ethereum for Data tokens".

Good luck!

>> No.20673394

Bitshares did this years ago. It limps along even now.

>> No.20673471

>tfw our boy is presented with an actual opporunity and decides to shill an overvalued low quality project instead


>> No.20673494


>> No.20673544

Thanks based anon, accumulating some of this gem right now

>> No.20673631
File: 119 KB, 719x602, cap.finance members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason these people are accumulating

on the image:

people who have also liked CAP related tweets:

>> No.20674212

There are some high caliber CT people on that list, interesting. How come it's still so low marketcap wise?

>> No.20674252

they haven't started shilling it yet because the beta hasn't launched yet, so nobody knows about it yet and this is exactly where the opportunity lies for biz to be early

t b h I haven't seen this high concentration of 'well known' defi people in a TG probably ever

>> No.20674463

When is the beta release? I need to time it with AMPL and STA.

>> No.20674624
File: 159 KB, 512x512, JRE apu 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said it's estimated to be launched in the middle of August so probably less than a month from here

>> No.20675633

Not added to Blockfolio yet, how early am I this time?

>> No.20675706

Very early.

OP, I just read the first of the two papers. It is actually a nice idea.

Basically when you own CAP, you're betting that people will lose money margin trading as it represents a share of the automated market makers pnl.

>> No.20675758


Thanks to the first anon who shilled Statera and a bit later shilled COL, but nobody listened.
I shilled COL after the rebrand with all my obnoxiousness.

I wish I had put some serious cash into it even if I couldn't cash out due to liquidity problems.
I'm still butthurt I missed BONK when it was posted first on /biz/ and even gave everyone a headups before letting them buy.

I have a project that's been lowkey shilled here and called scam numerous times. It's not as fancy as Save, COL, STA barely even Ghost.
It's Cryptid CID. It will moon in August when the game is released+Mcafee's announcement of his crypto debit card and a new crypto game partnership with Ghost where Ghost holders CAN receive a limited Ghost NFT.
The con is that there's little liquidity.

>> No.20675921

Anyone buying in be careful: you can’t swap cap back to eth using uniswap, swap button greyed out

>> No.20675947
File: 46 KB, 468x750, 1584715227913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circulating Supply
100,000 / 10,000,000

x100 dilution alert

enjoy getting capped

>> No.20676244

Im quite stupid and did not have enough eth as fees. High fee times apparently