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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20655830 No.20655830 [Reply] [Original]

Ampleforth will suck the marketshare out of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and every shitcoin for the next 60 days and there isn't anything anybody can do about it.

>> No.20655871

What happens when the price is .9 at rebase time and then peoples coins get sucked away

>> No.20655894

More AMPLS. You dont know how it works based on your post.

>> No.20655896

I'll make you a deal. If this hits a negative rebase in 60 days I'll eat my dick on camera.

>> No.20655904

Ask the bagholders in 2022 what happens, they'll know. Marketcap discovery for the next 2.5 years. If you can't understand it, I don't have time to explain

>> No.20655922

Let them seethe

>> No.20655990

We hit 2.20 damn. Didn't expect it to recover this well.

>> No.20656015

All the sell walls disappeared on kucoin.

Is Bog letting us move higher?

>> No.20656306
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>> No.20656548

Thank you Ampleforth, you are giving us a second chance at buying bitcoin early. I am %100 sincerely grateful

>> No.20656639

Fudders rekt weekly on this. Same pattern every week. One day it will pop uo to $10 to $20 range on a fomo run.

>> No.20656706
File: 82 KB, 1570x547, ampl FX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are people not getting this. Imagine you buy 5000 ampl at $2. You've spent $10,000 for this Ampl. Now over the next several weeks/months/whatever if the rebase continuously stays positive, your 5000 ampl is going to keep growing in number, every 24hours. You buy 5000 today, you might have 5500 ampl tomorrow, 6200 the next day, etc. If the rebase % stays positive, the total number of ampl you have keeps growing over time. Now one day in the future, the value of each ampl becomes its target price of ~$1, and the market cap has sufficiently grown that it's difficult to sway the price away from $1 anymore. By the time that happens, you have accumulated lets say 50,000 ampl because of all the positive rebases over time. Although each ampl is only worth $1 now, and you bought your ampl at $2, you still come out on top because a total of 50,000 ampl at $1 is 5x more than the $10,00 you spent to buy your initial 5000 ampl

>> No.20657037

Buy pressure from this is insane and organic. The number of new wallets on uniswap alone in the last day is almost 1000. This shit is going parabolic.

>> No.20657080

They get it. the FUD isnt people not getting it. They just want to shake people out.

>> No.20657249

This except a 10% compounded rebase for 30 days will be $500,000 USD @ $1 per ampl in your example.

>> No.20657428

I just bought in, but I feel like it's too late, no way this lasts more than another 10 days

Is there a site where I can check rebase percentage?

>> No.20657655

Look at the biz archives four weeks ago when everyone was calling the top at 100M. Ampleforth is undervalued at any figure below 100B. That’s only for its use within the crypto market. When it’s being used with derivatives that’s when it will hit true market cap discovery mode.

>> No.20657697

if i wanted to add more to my stack, at what time should i buy? before or after rebase

>> No.20657745

you don't know ampl do you? we going to 5$ baby


maybe baby


10$ eoy

>> No.20657796

Before for guaranteed rebase, after if you want to gamble.

>> No.20657798

oh and to buy now wouldn't be the worst, considering rebase soon and I don't think we'll dip..

>> No.20657809

Technically, the answer is after the rebase. Anecdotally it does not matter. The price dips usually the same amount or slightly less than the rebase % gain. On a spicy day like today when people are fomoing sometimes there’s no dip at all. With eth mooning, I wouldn’t be short anything right now, rebase or not.

>> No.20657817

What happens when whales start dumping millions of AMPL that were created out of thin air

>> No.20657867

Your entry point is all that matters. If you think its going to dip wait to buy then, otherwise I'd say now cuz this shit probably isnt going to slow down for a few days.

>> No.20657882

$1 EOY

>> No.20657897

price crashes and anyone who holds loses their tokens via rebase so everyone sells and it's the most glorious crash ever seen with a -85% rebase

>> No.20657950

AMPL has unironically the chance to replace the fraudulent tether mafia..

>> No.20658043

This is gonna end in tears

>> No.20658069
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.20658089

Not possible, -10% is max rebase

>> No.20658104

It means that money is always going to be coming into AMPL so that we never have a negative rebase, and she's right.

>> No.20658149

>seen with a -85% rebase
the rebase cant be 85% but the price can drop by that much... which will cause people to buy because that is guaranteed returns - 4-5x atleast.

>> No.20658213


>> No.20658352

this already happened 2 times already and the marketcap had come back even stronger.

>> No.20658409

This. It took us less than a day to recoup a 100m loss from 400m in the market cap and now we're at an ATH of 435m

>> No.20658418

Check the oracle rate

>> No.20658444

The biggest shame is that so many garbage scam projects get promoted here that when a legit project comes along most people dismiss it or attack it, because 99 times out of 100 that is the right approach

But this is different, and I just think it's a shame because I want my fellow biz bois to join in on this ride

>> No.20658495

>-85% rebase
You haven't read the Ampleforth Red Book. Max negative rebase is -10%

>> No.20658501

When those projects take off, the attacks get worse not better - witness Chainlink FUD reaching peaks heretofore unknown.

>> No.20658525

If you joined the telegram group or saw the stupid boomers buying into this it hurts even more. /biz/ could easily make it with this as a whole.

>> No.20658554

it can't have an -85% rebase in one go, but if the price is tanked it will rebase neg until that changes, and if it keeps rebasing neg people will keep selling
>guaranteed returns
how many times do I have to say this, in investments, there are no such things as guaranteed returns. You know what "guaranteed returns" look like? a low risk savings account at 0.25% annually. If ANYONE EVER says this phrase when it comes to crypto, you know they are a deluded and stuttering pothead

>> No.20658600

I think at this point its safe to say you'd have some ROI if you bought in, I don't see the market taking another shit until 600m if even that. Buy pressure below $2 is absolutely surreal.

>> No.20658666

>Bitconnect, everyone gets free money, yay!!!
1,3B crash
>Hex, everyone gets free money, yay!!!
800m crash
>Ampl, everyone gets free money, yay!!!
500m-600m crash, print screen this

>> No.20658675

I'm, not saying it's about to crash, I'm saying the retards who keep saying this is a sure thing don't understand shit about what they are buying and how vulnerable this model is to collapse even at a billion dollar MC and I won't buy an investment if it's full of retards just based on personal principle.

>> No.20658691

I agree with this. I went completely in because as insane as it sounds I find AMPL to be a pretty safe bet. Hype alone is going to drive this to at least 800m.

>> No.20658699

>Ampl, everyone gets free money, yay!!!
found the retard clueless nigger

>> No.20658701

Hex has a market cap of over a 1B lmao.

>> No.20658745


Remember that Ampleforth is bitcoin at 10x speed. BTC has an equal distribution of wealth in 2020. All the OG bitcoiners sold billions USD worth of BTC in trenches and look where we are now, stable at almost 10k. That’s because there is demand to meet the supply. With Ampleforth, whales never get a chance to fully mature, in a sense. Each cycle is a 10x at best (so far) and that’s when “whales decide” to cash out and go fuck trannies in south east Asia. (Am I projecting?) Those massive dumps are met with equal or greater buying pressure from the next wannabe whales. Rinse and repeat. There might be ONE giga chad whale with balls of steel that will hold for a year and acquire 10,000,000 AMPL ripe for a dump. But by then, the market cap will be so high that he won’t even be able to move the price.

Anyway you slice it, Ampleforth is genius. Everybody is a winner because this token has VALUE. There isn’t anybody in the world who does not NEED and/or WANT a censorship resistant store of value decoupled from traditional and crypto markets.

$1 EOY

>> No.20658750


Green ID confirms it
Triple 6 confirms it

>> No.20658783

Time getting rebases > timing the market cap

>> No.20658833

>decoupled from traditional and crypto markets.

Isn't it coupled exactly to the dollar?

>> No.20658842

the fact that reddit continues to reject AMPL, tells u everything u need to know about it

>> No.20658847

i mean i never owned any hex and fuck that shit and all, but how is that chart a crash

>> No.20658848


>> No.20658851

It's not eligible for the ranking because it's fucked up

>> No.20658854

biggest buy signal

>> No.20658866

At first I used to get upset when people didn’t understand AMPL... like, it’s not THAT hard to realize what it is and it’s potential. But, then I realized not everyone is capable of that sort of thinking.... and they get scared by it and lash out, and I should have compassion.

>> No.20658920


>> No.20658924

it's good, because it's easier to swing with all the dumb money that thinks the rebase are dividends that you dump for profit kek

>> No.20658957

>guaranteed returns
your talking about the thing in itself. im talking about the perception of people. from the perspective of some of the buyers those are guaranteed returns. i know nothing in life is guaranteed blah blah blah.

>> No.20658974

Ponzi, search the definition of it

>> No.20658975

Fuck em, not everyone deserves to be rich.

>> No.20658988

>You know what "guaranteed returns" look like? a low risk savings account at 0.25% annually
a coin that is designed to go to $1 and has been (by that point) tested in an open market. If that coin goes to .50 - thats as close to a guaranteed return as your gonna get in crypto

>> No.20659028

thanks for the emotional heads up .next dump in 10 days noted

>> No.20659042

And with the added volatility comes added LP fees, which makes me more money in the geyser. The fact that Reddit faggots aren’t in AMPL makes all of this that much sweeter. Keep on stacking that NANO, Reddit, continuously getting dumped on by the Bitgrail guido faggot.

>> No.20659219

>buy 100,000 AMPL at .50c
>sell 30,000 AMPL at 1.00
>how did I lose money?
google what a rebase is lmao

>> No.20659247

im talking about buyers that are on the sidelines... if they see .50 they will buy the shit out of it. i know i will

>> No.20659275

why does the team hold 80% of the supply? that's rather alarming

>> No.20659284

uh ignore me. im retarded. i suppose the supply doesnt expand until its over 1.06

>> No.20659285

That’s the uniswap pool contract which is decentralized. This is a common misconception.

>> No.20659289

Not true; weakfud, look up the token release schedule

>> No.20659316

Wow. So you’d buy for .50c at a $3 bil mcap instead of $4 at a $400 mil mcap?

Interesting. Everytime I read comments like this I can’t help buying more cause we realy are that early aren’t we lol

>> No.20659326

They tried already, how did that work out?

>> No.20659335

See this past week

>> No.20659424

Kek good shill

>> No.20659514

? im in dude.
>the incentives baked into the protocol to get people to buy when the price dips under .95 will not work
fuck man i guess AMPL is doomed if noone is gonna buy it under a $1



>> No.20659781

reddit only does things like garlicoin, the worst chart in human history

>> No.20659846

i am retarded. someone explain to me why investing in AMPL is a smart decision, and when i should invest.

>> No.20659864
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I think you should avoid, leave the profits for the rest of us

>> No.20659896

if you honestly believe ample cant get double hex youre honestly a complete retard and i bet you dont even have 500k in crypto/bluechips

>> No.20659938











>> No.20659962

its an experiment. thats first. even the team admit that. this is first and foremost an experiment of a large scale.
AMPL right now is testing out the hypothesis : that certain market incentives will give AMPL a unique volatility footprint. Meaning that : the incentives should make it uncorrelated.

If this hypothesis turns out to be valid. Then AMPL has massive value - since it will be the only investment which is truly uncorrelated from bitcoin AND the general economy.

So, right now if you buy - you are betting that it will be uncorrelated - which should be its own reason to buy into it. Portfolio diversification - "everyone needs it in their portfolio"

>> No.20659968

Dude. DeFi is the biggest thing in crypto right now. Its collateralize with extremely volatile assets. AMPL fixes that.

This is so huge. Its not a replacement for bitcoin but its as important to the crypto space as bitcoin.

>> No.20659997


>> No.20660058

word comment want meant for the other guy
genuine noample fudders truly hate making money
nothing against chad ample holders fudding tho

>> No.20660074

invest today idiot. coin price doesnt matter. every day you wait loses you 20% mc share.

>there are retards waiting for it to drop to $1 when the mc could be trillions by that point

imagine buying $1000 at $1 of a trillion dollar mc when you could buy $1000 at $2.31 of a 300 million mc

>> No.20660129

makes sense. you /biz/fags know more than me and i'm getting sick of being stuck in buttfuck nowhere and i need to get out.

>> No.20660218

wait, the market cap is currently spiking and is at 300m. should i be as quick as possible to get as much as possible before the cap ends up at like 500m or 1b?

>> No.20660285

Yes stop dicking around

>> No.20660341

Then the true test is when Bitcoin crashes. If it keeps its position at that point, then it should sky rocket in MC.

>> No.20660478

yeah i agree.

>> No.20660591

another retard who failed to read the basics

>> No.20660676

Doesn't it have to be correlated with ETH? The price is dictated by the amount of ETH in the liquidity pool. If the price of ETH crashes, the AMPL/ETH ratio is momentarily the same on uniswap and the price of AMPL crashes as well. There is no other place with the same volume or liquidity to dictate AMPL price and that becomes the new price.

>> No.20660768

This is also true, my guess is there will be fast traders trying to get in on this action. With ETH mooning slowly now, it doesn’t so far seem to be a bit connected. Only time will tell.

>> No.20660920

>Doesn't it have to be correlated with ETH?
i know its semantics but it doesnt "have" to. and just because the price crashes at a certain point doesnt mean that it is 100% correlated is on a spectrum. so it can be 75% - 80% uncorrelated or 20-25% correlated and still be a good portfolio diversification asset.
the hypothesis is mainly in the context of the market incentives that are live WITHIN the AMPL market space. that because AMPL has its own reasons to go up or go down - that should make it an uncorrelated asset.
i think only after like a year or so - can we say with any uncertainty whether its correlated or not.

>> No.20660964

>100% correlated is on a spectrum.
correlation is a spectrum**
fuck my English up.

>> No.20661014

>looking at price correlations on a coin where price is irrelevant and then pretending it means something
>refusing to look at the correlations of ampl market cap vs btc and eth which would be significantly correlated

>> No.20661318

Rebase rituals? Smoking a cigar atm and getting the whiskey ready

>> No.20661352

lmao i just play with my pp thru my underwear

>> No.20661412

Hey I wonder what ever happened to that dude who sold 20k Ampl before the start of the geyser. He would have been close to a mil today right?

>> No.20661417

you too?

>> No.20661429
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tbf i do that all the time lmao

>> No.20661509

I asked this in another thread but whats stopping someone from buying like 10k worth of AMPL and selling every rebase every day while keeping their principle?

At 0.8 percent a day, thats close to 800 usd give or take. Seems like a no brainer no?

>> No.20661546

if you sell 800 a day, that's 800 that's not compounding
sell 800 one day is the same, but the second day if you sold it'd be 800 vs 880 if you held for compounding (if i understand right)

>> No.20661708

Smoking a fat weed knosp is mine

>> No.20661761

The fudder from here? Yeah he would have 800- 900k now.
He fucked up.

>> No.20661774

Because you miss out on the compounding effect, which is where the serious gains come from

>> No.20661804

I let my ampl ride now for 15 dass and I have made my first 10x in Crypto. Would Ive sold my rebase it would be a 3x only

>> No.20661857

I'm willing to invest around 30ETH in this shit someone can explain me how it works? can i just hold my AMPL and get rewards for that or what? also what's the price target for this in 30 or 60 days.

>> No.20661934

god, imagine

>> No.20661942

Hold it in your wallet, you will get rebases automatically. Most of us use trust wallet. MEW is fine too.

The price target is $1. If you understand that you will sell 100,000 AMPL at $1 a piece from a $1000 investment at $2.50 per AMPL, then you understand how it works. This is dependent on the assumption that the market cap will grow for the next 60 days. With the geyser, fomo, and constant market cap discovery, there’s a very high chance it will play out this way. DYOR. Took me a few days to “get it”. Holding it and watching what happens to your portfolio and the market is the best run down you can get. God speed.

>> No.20661985

My man

>> No.20662049

im inn

>> No.20662070

I'm bullish myself but the ENTIRE crypto world has a marketcap of $288 billion right now.

Seems a little high

>> No.20662369

You must be new... its pretty low. Total MC of crypto will be way higher EOY - beside somebody starts a war or Corona 2.0
If the world doesnt go to shit, this is the start of the next big crypto cycle. Dont you anons see the signs?

>> No.20662911

Loading my dry herb vape and enjoying some black coffee

>> No.20662943

I make some green tea

>> No.20662976

Market cap is all that matters. Your buy in is basically your share of the entire market.

>> No.20663153

Big brain anon spotted. Health > wealth

>> No.20663457

>looking at price correlations on a coin where price is irrelevant and then pretending it means something
price or marketcap ... either way ... we have to wait to see if the hypothesis is valid.
>refusing to look at the correlations of ampl market cap vs btc and eth which would be significantly correlated
i didnt know BTC and ETH have gone up 50x in the last month anon. and again... we have to have more data to know the outcome of the hypothesis.

>> No.20663503

>what is time

>> No.20663547
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Routine cycle post, exciting weekend incoming

>> No.20663603

Pretty much exactly what I was looking at. We'll almost certainly see some dumping around 600-650m, but if we can hold through and NOT FUCKING PANIC SELL we'll come out okay.

>> No.20663605

Im calling it now, we’ll see our first 50% rebase this weekend

>> No.20663621

That would have to be what, $7 or some shit? I know for sure theres a lot of whales that will 100% dump if it approaches $3.50 again.

>> No.20663688

There's definitely at least one major dump before 1B. The log mcap graph may not even suggest one at all but we're in such uncharted territory with this coin. Moon or not this is one of the most fun speculations available right now.

Man that's a bold prediction. >>20663621 I'm inclined to agree, that's such a direct multiplier to gains on early adopters there would surely be profit taking.

>> No.20663710

Exactly, it couldn't even get to $2.40 without a dickhead dumping the price.

>> No.20663717
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I always forget to fucking attach

>> No.20663739

We wont man. This is too high.
This. Even I would dump my bags if we go to 3,50.

>> No.20663758

The only thing about that I'll say is the dumps are getting bought up incredibly fast. I anticipate a lot of buys after the rebase.

Can't blame them for cashing out at such a huge amount. With all the rebases their coins would be worth a literal fuck load at even $3.

>> No.20663827
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>AMPL dumping
its over bros...

>> No.20663887

Stfu nigger this isn’t shit

>> No.20663894
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nah we comfy

>> No.20663960

you tards who hold through rebase are exactly why im making fuck you money. it's not hard anon....

>> No.20663998
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This fud is so last week

>> No.20664012

holding is better if you don't wanna stress out swinging, with a liquidity like that both are profitable, there where some rebases that instantly pumped, you could get rekt doing that, but gl

>> No.20664068

you're correct. this isn't fud. big money is made swinging as long as you do it right. free money, actually. the best money.

>> No.20664178

Guys seriously, I know nothing about Ampleforth. Can you tell me what the hell does it do?

>> No.20664192

swinging requires experience and above all, patience and courage. Most people have none.

>> No.20664208

How has the mc exploded and price only 2x'd

>> No.20664473

Biz slowly wakes up

>> No.20664727
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Okay I just looked at their website.

>AMPL is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, but with a twist: supply changes daily
Why? Why does the supply have to change? Who benefits from this?

>The AMPL protocol automatically adjusts supply in response to demand. When price is high, wallet balances increase. When price is low, wallet balances decrease.

In the normal world, an increase in demand makes the price increase. If the supply is artificially increased as well, it will drop the price.
Conversely, if the demand is low, the prices drop, then supply artificially drops, increasing the price.

Essentially this mechanism makes it a stable coin. So what is the point of AMPL? To be another stablecoin?
What am I missing?

>> No.20664807

But afterwards your token will be worth more, so you don’t lose anything.

>> No.20664830

Another anon said this much better than I am about to, but it's because AMPL is pegged at the 2019 dollar, so 1 AMPL today (assuming it ever gets to around $1) will always be worth 1 AMPL. For smart contracts and things of that sort, it makes the conversion 1 thousand times easier and also makes it worth something in and of itself.

>> No.20664831

its point is to be a stable coin. being a stablecoin, you will always own the same % of the MC. if you get in early enough that means that you will buy for example 0.001% of a 500m MC which can then end up being 0.001% of a 10b MC. that's how you can make money from ample, by holding getting the rebases and hopefully you will end up owning a shitload of $1amples.

>> No.20664941

Is it still early? Where can I get it?

>> No.20664994

>is it still early?
that's the million dollar question anon. I believe so, but this is only speculation.

>where can i get it?
kucoin, uniswap, bitfinex.

>> No.20664997

Yeah, it's still early. I'm shilling this, yes, but I also happen to believe with my entire heart that 1bn mcap in 60 days is entirely likely, and eoy probably 10bn.

Uniswap or Kucoin.

>> No.20665042
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Also for those interested or thinking this is still bullshit, look at the fucking volume on FTX

>> No.20665069

When dump holo

>> No.20665074
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>> No.20665097

You're stupid if you think this is going to dump.

>> No.20665129

I am making $5k a day from rebases. Is this what its like to make it?

>> No.20665155

how much of that is legit?

>> No.20665188

god i wish that was me

>> No.20665235


>> No.20665246

Are those the futures that launched yesterday? Can you explain your thoughts short anon I have zero experience with this kind of stuff.

>> No.20665259

Have you looked at the graph today? Market cap has gone up by an obscene number and I think somewhere around 2000 new wallets were added in the last 24 hours.

>> No.20665310

Fact: anyone who larps about swinging the rebase is just doing so to try to get more liquidity into his short. It’s not possible, not anymore. Tonight’s rebase is a fat 10% and you won’t catch the knife that goes to -12%. Best of luck for those who try though. It’s just one of those things you have to learn the hard way

>> No.20665341

I should clarify 2000 new wallets on etherscan. FTX and Kucoin don't actually count wallets seperately.

My fiance is a financier and explained them to me like I was 10 but let me see if I can help you.

A short is contract to buy said "stock" (in this case we're buying AMPL) at a lower price by a given date. If it doesn't reach that price by that date, then the option to buy is executed and you have to buy them anyways and pay whatever price they are. I long is the opposite, you bet on a stock reaching a certain price and make a percentage off of the sale price.

Again, I'm a smoothbrain when it comes to this but it seems like a very promising market for AMPL due to futures being very easy to manipulate with the added benefit of affecting rebase percentage.

>> No.20665352

$1 end of decade

>> No.20665356


>> No.20665362


God I fucking hope so, we'll all make it.

>> No.20665377

$1 end of 2030

>> No.20665386

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH imagine when Chaina starts buying this OOOOO

>> No.20665418
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My plan? HODL

>> No.20665431

Yeah, China is still asleep to what AMPL is, in addition to a lot of India actually. Unironically if /biz/ buys into this we can be the bankers of the cryptoverse kek.

>> No.20665440


>> No.20665445

I see, thanks for the info anon.
So in the case of ampl you would long it now if I think we will further rise in price? And once we go into the area of lets say 3-3,50 I would want to short it coz I think we are heading for a correction?

So wouldnt someone who has high capital be able to long or short ampl on FTX and then buy or sell the shit of the coin on uniswap?

>> No.20665479

Yes, you'd long if you think the price will go up. Something to consider, after every rebase due to there being more AMPL in circulation it takes more dollars to move the price on a day to day basis.

I'm sure that's possible but market manipulation at 450m MCAP is very very difficult.

>> No.20665501

Stop looking at the price. Look at the market cap and trade the market cap. At $3.50 the market cap could be lower than it is now, and it would be a terrible decision to short it then.

>> No.20665529

For futures and shorts price is important day to day, for a holder it doesn't matter, all that matters is your price of market entry day before rebase. Lower you buy = more AMPL you have = higher AMPL effected be rebase.

>> No.20665556

theyre just gunna keep buying during dumps and sell after rebase which makes the price so volatile that anyone holding will keep collecting until 1$ eoy

>> No.20665568


>> No.20665591

What the fuck was THAT

>> No.20665598

So if the idea is to collect rebased until it hits $1 then wouldn’t everyone selling at $1 cause a massive dump in price?

>> No.20665621

>Something to consider, after every rebase due to there being more AMPL in circulation it takes more dollars to move the price on a day to day basis
Yeah I get how ampl works was just curious about the impact of longs/shorts. It is basically daytrading on steriods - betting on the price.
So would one be able to make money putting a long on ampl and in the same time buy lets say 100k ampl on uniswap and therefore fill his own long and profit?

Yes I got that anon. But in the example of FXT short/long you bet on the price solely am I wrong?

>> No.20665653

FTX longs and shorts work a bit differently than normal AMPL, thats all I know about it. For instance people that have long calls don't get rebase whereas short calls do.

>> No.20665693

Let’s be clear, market cap discovery and the expansion phase will last for the rest of this year.

If the price ever goes under $1, who **isn’t** going to want to scoop up cheap ampl and be the next generation of millionaires? This is how it reliably maintains its peg at at least $1. Human greed.

>> No.20665737

I see, will have to read into this your insights made me curious.
>one week from now pink wojaks popping all over biz AHHHH I lost everyting in a short!!!
Thank anon and godspeed to your ampl journey!
Rebase in 1 hour!

>> No.20665794

If I buy 500 ampl today , how much do you think i would have in 60 days?

>> No.20665836

If you have an average of 9% rebase every night, you would have $206,836 if there were no negative rebases

>> No.20665908

lol how big would the MC get in that scenario? let's be realistic...

>> No.20665911

10x minimum

>> No.20665973

>He thinks it's is a joke.
AMPL is going to upset the entire crypto market.
AMPL will cannibalize other projects.
It's simply a better solution.

>> No.20666056

right now the geyser return is insane but what is it longterm?

>> No.20666085

how so nigger?

>> No.20666119

HEX is not a ponzi nigger

>> No.20666134

holy shit did bitconect really hit 1.3b
definitely selling all my ampls after learning this and seeing these digits

>> No.20666165

uhhh how do future markets work im so confused by this tweet

>> No.20666215

The AMPL team has already indicated that they will continue an incentive program after the geyser has ended (I have read everything AMPL):


When it comes to the future plan for Geyser, Brandon explained: “The Geyser is going to continue for the perceivable future. We have not really decided what the downstream platform will be at the end of the 3 months. But we do know that we want to start the next program before this one ends, so there are no down times or weird interaction with the marketplace.”

>> No.20666239

This. The numbers seem crazy but here I am making money hand over fist, and the party hasn't even really started yet. There is absolutely nothing else like this out there. Not even a single investment opportunity in general comes close, forget crypto.

>> No.20666253

It means lol:
AMPL is going to eat crypto
Software eats the world
~Andreessen Horowitz (Yes, I'm rich)

>> No.20666273

Does moving my Scampies to another wallet reset their market value?

>> No.20666285

Fuck me I have to buy more...

>> No.20666301

we are talking about the possible MC in 60 days, not 2 years. your calculations are not possible.

>> No.20666327

Beep bop Beep bop:
My calculations:

>> No.20666335

You skipped reddit and went straight to biz on your first day in crypto? I like your style kid.

No, they fucking don’t reset. Use trust wallet.

>> No.20666352

You have to remember there's a compounding effect when you hold, so eventually after the first month you end up making a shitload from every rebase. After two months that's A LOT of money.

>> No.20666379

>the fact that reddit continues to reject AMPL, tells u everything u need to know about it

Fuck, I'm selling my car and going all in

Watching those soi soaked faggots miss the bus time after time after time makes my cock even harder than I thought possible

>> No.20666392

Thanks m8. How does the rebase oracle know where to send the rebase if the AMPLs move?

>> No.20666393

Same anon, it feels great and only keeps getting better. I got a 28k stack before tonight’s rebase, wbu?

>> No.20666421

they just change in the wallet automatically
it can work negatively too fyi if sub1

>> No.20666428


Automatic, all wallets are adjusted

>> No.20666446




>> No.20666447

Lol, it’s all on-chain and the contract calls every single eth/ampl address automatically and instantly at 10pm est every 24 hours. You don’t have to do anything, ever. Watch it happen tonight you’ll get the hang of it. 20 minutes left

>> No.20666498

do i need to withdraw or reinvest my ampl accrued rewards from the geyser to get them rebased

>> No.20666513


Rebases happen inside the geyser, 100% automatic as far as I know

>> No.20666519

no, they rebase in the geyser as well

>> No.20666835



>> No.20666896

I think AMPL is the first real "store of value" token.
Basically, with Bitcoin people call it a "store of value" but can't define what that value actually is. With AMPL it's right in the protocol that it's based on 2019 $1 pegged to American inflation.

>> No.20666908


>> No.20666962


>> No.20666974

10 PM EST is officially my favorite time of the night

>> No.20666997

your at the foot of a bull run, believe it or not. 7k wallets TWO days ago, 12.5k today. futures launched yesterday. Maker vote - i think still waiting on that

>> No.20667005

BTC is a store of value.
BTC failed as a currency (e.g. paying for a candy bar with ur BTC... plz)
AMPL will eventually work as a store of value
a currency alternative via it's elastic money supply providing eventual stability.
e.g. paying for a coffee with AMPL
Yes. That simple.

>> No.20667018

as long as the mc is increasing, that's true. but how much would the MC be after 60 says of daily 10% average rebases?

>> No.20667033


lmao please tell me you didn't actually do this the day after the correction

>> No.20667047


>> No.20667060

Made another $7k today

>> No.20667078


$132b, which I'd say is the upper end of this thing's potential

Unless a real crypto bull market kicks off, in which case holy shit we're all gonna be so fucking rich

>> No.20667085

paying with ample still takes gas fees and eth block times

>> No.20667090

Perhaps in the future, AMPL is still limited by ETH transaction fees. Perhaps ETH 2.0 will solve that.

>> No.20667096

Holy fucking shit i gained 5k dollars on the rebase. no dip in dollar value. what the fuck is happening right now

>> No.20667102

goddamn i'm jelly

>> No.20667114

it overcorrects every time but not the time i fucking sold. how can this be happening to me

>> No.20667128

This will hit 5bn market cap before winter

>> No.20667129

I'm not going to calculate every single day in a 60 day period at a 10% rebase right now (again, you need to factor in the compounding effect so you need to calculate the individual days), but it would/will be in the top 3 in terms of market cap at that point.

>> No.20667130

so you're telling me that in 60 days, ampl MC's will be 40-45% of the total crypto MC today? no way.

>> No.20667151

ampl's MC*

>> No.20667162


Way high end of the potential, totally. Unless of course this is the beginning of a new bull market, and we end up back at 850b market cap

I can see this slowly eating up the stablecoins though

>> No.20667183

mate, I hope you're right, because then i'll make a shitload of money.

>> No.20667189

Nailed it.
The AMPL developers also indicated within the white paper that AMPL could eventually become it's own chain...
ETH 2.0 could/should provide cheaper transaction fees averting that issue.
Visa is close to 1.5% for merchant fees.
Let's see what happens pals.
This is the cutting edge.

>> No.20667215


Same! All I ask is for AMPL to reach a $5t market cap, not much really

>> No.20667222

fuck no. any retards that think that are just that, retards. theoretically it would be possible but it will dip or stagnate well before that. as newer and newer people entering get less and less rewards. this thing is still in reality for now

>> No.20667224

It only seems unbelievable because you're comparing this to the rest of the crypto market, which is understandable, but AMPL is a very novel (I would almost say revolutionary) concept in the space that doesn't rely on BTC in order to determine its value. As a result you need to just look at AMPL as its own thing. There's no reason why this can't easily surpass BTC's market cap and stay there, without a bull run, in the coming months.

>> No.20667259

ground yourselves anons.

>> No.20667261

is coinbase wallet ok too keep all my apms in?maybe I should move too matamask

>> No.20667274

yes, but it will still need a significant amount of new money to enter the crypto space in a very short period of time, which is impossible unless the golden bullrun occurs within this timeframe.

>> No.20667288

ledger nano s
cold storage locked up in a box thrown into the ocean

>> No.20667304


$17T EOM

>> No.20667315

gotta keep getting that sweet rebase though

>> No.20667350

we atleast know, that there is 10x more money out there that can flow into this. defi has 2billion locked up - so getting 300million of that is not that far fetched, if not more

>> No.20667388

Jesus look at how fast it's getting bought up, my God.

>> No.20667406


>> No.20667426
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Rock hard, lads

Rock fucking hard

>> No.20667443


>> No.20667454

0.05% - ORCA
0.01% - WOLF
0.0025% - BARN OWL
0.001% - ANACONDA
0.0005% - MUSKRAT
0.00025% - CHAMELEON
0.00001% - FUNGUS

Report in, animals

>> No.20667457

alright ample niggers. you got me, i want on this ride with you all.
does KuCoin support the rebases? can i just buy and hold on kucoin?

>> No.20667467

it's gonna dump, this is a fakeout

>> No.20667484

It's not about being "grounded", it's simple math. As long as there is enough demand and we keep getting positive rebases, as we have been, the market cap will go up. It's as simple as that. It doesn't even have to be 10-20%. Obviously on some days it's going to be a smaller adjustment, because people sell and the market fluctuates, but that's also just the protocol at work. You can doubt me as much as you want. I am telling you that at some point this year AMPL is going to have a larger market cap than BTC. It's a pure numbers game.

>> No.20667493
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Not till after this weekend, lad ;)

>> No.20667501

Someone just dumped 3 million USD worth of tokens, and the price barely moved. This is crazy. Look at that buy pressure.

>> No.20667503

If you hold on kucoin are they paying out the rebases properly or taking most of it like chink Jews?

>> No.20667510

how do u check? wallet accounts? where can I see the live transactions?

>> No.20667512

the rebase works in any wallet, my dude
all wallets store the proof of your coin/token ownership in the blockchain. wallets are more like keys that allow you to send your tokens to someone else rather than being actual storages

>> No.20667514

It's a direct change in your wallet, not a transaction

>> No.20667535

After watching the kucoin market after the rebase it got me wondering: if the rebase was 10% and the price only fell from 2,30 to 2,13 at the absolute lowest and went up to 2,19 again, that means the price actually spiked up? 2,30 / 1,1 = 2,09. Why wouldnt literally everyone buy before a rebase and sell immediately after? It's literally free money.

>> No.20667536

all coins/tokens* i meant

>> No.20667538

so kucoin will automatically adjust my balance every day at 10 PM EST?

>> No.20667544

Should I buy more eth on coinbase or through metamask?

>> No.20667558


0.001% is roughtly 2k AMPL right now for anyone wondering

>> No.20667569

This is one coin exchanges cant manipulate right now since most of it is on uniswap.

>> No.20667586

You should try it, you cracked the code

>> No.20667587

the liquidity pool has tripled since the selloff from 4$, there aren't enough plebs to push it anywhere near $4, much less $3. this is distribution right now, targetting $1.95 by tomorrow's rebase and $1.75 by Sunday's. Screencap this.

>> No.20667600

Not always guaranteed

I thought 4.7k AMPL

>> No.20667618

Why are you talking like that is a bad thing? It's in the hodler's favor if they get rebases at that rate. A sharp rise in price gets people exiting

>> No.20667626

Rhino reporting. I don't even know if I'm going to make it at this point.

>> No.20667628

i just realized that every single person in the uniswap liquidity pool is basically abusing impermanent loss as a mechanism to slowly offload their bags.

>> No.20667645

Yup. People in there are getting insanely rich and obviously offers incentive for people to buy in due to the increased value. Rebase makes people think they're buying in cheaper and this will continue until 10bn at least.

>> No.20667675

Making it

Are you using the fully diluted market cap or the circulating supply value? I've just been grabbing numbers from CoinGecko (aside from the rebase lagging indicator)

>> No.20667720

The tragedy of the commons.
You aren't rich so I don't blame you for not knowing about this.
Rich folks have too much $$$ to play this game to win VS the avg sub millionaire.
(^ Incentives... This is probably the most important post in this thread).
Good luck.

>> No.20667724

>tfw wolf with one slutty grandma who fucked a tiger

a-am I actually gonna make it

>> No.20667757


>> No.20667767

please spoonfeed me sir. as i understand it, the more people buy AMPL from the uniswap liquidity pool, the more that people who are supplying that liquidity convert AMPL into ETH, is this not the very definition of slowly offloading ?

>> No.20667784
File: 156 KB, 500x334, tiger_ampls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moreso than most, lad

>> No.20667787

>meme lines
>instead of counting to 10

>> No.20667802

Rich folks can create enough "liquidity" to buy the whole market.
Why would they not?

>> No.20667809

I can't count sirs

>> No.20667811

>buy a small stack on kucoin just because
>price goes up, value goes up
>price goes down, value goes up
holy shit this really is the makeit coin. Im all in now

>> No.20667820

How are you so sure that Ampl will ever reach that stability? I understand exactly how the coin works. The problem is the sub 100 IQ people that don't but still hold it. If the major whales cash out and the retards feel the repercussions of two negative rebases what do you think they are going to do? they won't wait it out they will sell and it will cascade down to nothingness and die.

>> No.20667824
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>and there's nothing anybody can do about it!

Blocks your path

>> No.20667855


Neither can I ;_;

>> No.20667859

>I am telling you that at some point this year AMPL is going to have a larger market cap than BTC.
stay grounded anon

>> No.20667874

wazzzzaaawazzza aaaapppp

>> No.20667907

lmao why do you think it's a good thing? when price depreciates by a higher percentage than the rebase, you lose money to hold.

>> No.20667916

this will end up ruining crypto when it implodes, there will be so much negative press that paints crypto as a ponzi

>> No.20667928

literally bought 4 days ago i still feel early i made good gains so far covering my initial 2x

>> No.20667933


>> No.20667944


>> No.20667948

Fungus should be at the top...

>> No.20667953

>this will end up ruining crypto when it implodes
i sometimes have this thought too

>> No.20667971
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Feels so good

>> No.20667988

gunna be with all these pump and dump retards thinking a few hundreds was worth it

>> No.20667997

so you're saying it's more worth their while to keep price high-ish for good rebases, collect fees, and only sell from the moon ($4+) than to bother with classic market making?

>> No.20668011

Because the goal of this algorithm is to get to a dollar. As long as it's maintaining positive rebases to where your AMPLs ultimately match the amount you invested in $, you should be safe when it crashes to $1. You never mentioned it dropping more than the rebase % either.

>> No.20668056
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>> No.20668058

I'm saying rich people play by different rules to increase networth over time (e.g. funding projects, fees certainly, never sell ideally).
Sub-millionaires this the opportunity of a lifetime to grow networth.

I'm out.

>> No.20668089

bought sub 10k wallets lol almost 1k a day now cant wait for end of august having some vacation money ugh

>> No.20668094

Holly shit i just made 5k$ rebase

>> No.20668096

i gave numbers that are outside the bounds of the rebase we just had and will likely have tomorrow. can you go back please?

>> No.20668114

this is it. poorfags like me are gunna have comfy ass fuck capital

>> No.20668134

Made $7k. Been making $5k-$10k a day from rebases since last week.

>> No.20668145


Nah, not sure what the other anon is talking about but you're right. providing liquidity can allow them to slowly scale out while yield farming/receiving rewards from Uniswap/Ampleforth

That's not all its being used for, though. Others are using it to hedge against AMPL potentially tanking. The rewards and pool fees make it lower risk lower reward

>> No.20668177

And you realize rebase is based on a volume average data set, right? Highly recommend reading the redbook before talking numbers. Your weak fudding is fooling no one

>> No.20668204


Me too anon, and it feels so good.

>> No.20668228

Holy moly 300 replies
Sup anons are ya winning?

>> No.20668264

you can be too join the cult its comfy af rn

>> No.20668283

all fudders from 2 days ago are now asking us how this works lol

>> No.20668308
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>> No.20668310

Comfiest coin to hold indeed, >>20668283 is correct. I will say that 8 PM EST to around this time is best to talk AMPL.

>> No.20668337

>turned $2,300 into $6300 in 4 days

>> No.20668479
File: 287 KB, 757x615, 1552274383404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I joined the crew end of June and redpilled bizraelis.
We're all gonna make it

>> No.20668494

nice anon. i only put about 500$ in a few days ago got 1.2k technically by end of month ill be sitting on soething like 10k idk but fuck poorfag cigs and shit. i need this capital! 1$ EOY!!

>> No.20668703

how? swinging?

>> No.20668780

well you amplechads got me. i am now the gay owner of 890 AMPL.

please give me free money

>> No.20669121

Considering i have 20k ampl as of today, when realistically i might reach 1m$?

>> No.20669317

If AMPL were to go to 5bn, you could have $200k, but unless there is a bull run, I don't think you will make a million without tons of successful swing trading

>> No.20669329

Sorry, $500k

>> No.20669344

which is better ROI? holding AMPL in my wallet or providing liquidity to uniswap/geyser?