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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20664218 No.20664218 [Reply] [Original]

>be broke neet
>can't afford crypto
>read about all of you making gains

I know Javascript and Pythoon. Any job recommendations I should go for?

>> No.20664244

nobody is hiring right now man, we are sort of in the middle of a lockdown due to a global pandemic

>> No.20664249

Become a furry porn artist. This is a serious suggestion. Even the ones with mediocre skills can rake in decent money.

>> No.20664537
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It's too fucking late

>> No.20664563

Do crypto hackathons/bounties, get paid in crypto.

>> No.20664568
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OP listen to this anon

>> No.20664595
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Fuck off back to Sodom and Gomorrah
Trump hates you

>> No.20664643

entry level dev at java and pythoon, do some freelancing, apply for jobs even remote, get more skills in the field and earn fuckin money. also how broke are we talking, post your room photos with timestamp and hand

>> No.20664682
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and a little backstory how you ended in this point of life, how old are you etc. share and maybe i can help to heal your mind son

>> No.20664782

>never going to make those sweet Gommorahbux

>> No.20664848
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, 5AM Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're never going to make it. None of us are ever going to make it.

>> No.20664916
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I sleep in a shoebox of a room. There's not much to say. I've been a screw up my whole life and spent half of my 20's drinking everyday but have stopped and are now exercising. I just never had proper guidance as a child and was never taught the importance of things such as saving and having a healthy credit score. One of my biggest goals right now is hopefully owning a home.

>> No.20664951

I have approximately $250 in my bank account and like $30 in my wallet. I had my trump bux but had to fix my car recently after getting my catalytic converter robbed from thugs

>> No.20665051

I’ll let you suck my uncircumcised penis, name a price?

>> No.20665158
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there is a way comrade

>> No.20665209
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Make your own crypto using ARK (because java)

>> No.20665210
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you can get more of your skills in coding on Udacity, of course in other places on internet and since you understood JS and P you will be able to self learn on the go basically with the jobs.

so what you have to do right now is instead paying attention to crypto or some other shit that you are not part of, is look at your situation and your situation only.

i missed ETH, i missed BTC, but well i also missed girlfriends in my teens and being fit, being born handsome and countless other fuckin things. stop thinking about past and look into the future.

and now your future is to get any job that pays money that wont steal your soul.

so. either you send HUNDREDS of application in upcoming weeks to get to a test/entry level position.dunno whats the procedure in burgerland, but in my country companies get coders with zero experience/no education just by giving them tasks to solve as "job meeting". you send an online application etc.

use formal fuckin photo, use formal language, just like i use fake confidence to talk to girls. fake it till you make it. ofcourse dont go into the meeting/email like you are master fuckin coder.

if that wont start after 100 < hundred at least tries. proper tries, you go to a local pizzahut and start to deliver pizzas. or go help in grocery shop.

anything that gets you out of home for couple of hours a day, and pays money if coding doesnt work out.

also dont bitch out after 50 no-contact send CV's or rejections. if you have friends, even no-contact for years ones - reach out maybe they can get you some job.

and remember, all of those other motherfuckers they dont want you to win. repeat that to motivate yourself
>they dont want me to win

and prove them wrong anon.

>> No.20665305

Thank you Anon. You have no idea how much this means to me even if it's just one post at a Yugoslavin trader info board. I will attempt to put myself out there. Thank you again

>> No.20665349

Apply for an entry level Fed job at DHS or some other bloated or in need agency and ride the big govt weeney. Youll still be a neet just on the govt tit and not your mommies milkies

>> No.20665438

Honestly I wouldn't mind as long as I made something. Thanks

>> No.20665457

forget crypto. what you need now is a stable source of income. when you can finally save money and be secure you can think about investing.

>> No.20665477

>not knowing trump has a lion fursona

>> No.20665560
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>I will attempt
no, you will either go for it, or you will bitch out in your mind. dont trust even yourself, mind needs to be trained.

there was points in my life that i was so depressed and out of it, that i was afraid to go to grocery shop and talk to people. like make human contact.

i know the struggles, and i dont come from money. i took many horrible jobs at my life, but any job is better than prositution or being a hobo/beggar.

people will always laugh, no matter what you do. fuck all of them. do you, do fuckin whatever to start having a routine.

wake up, get coffee, go to job, and there wasnt a day in my life that i worked for someone else that i didnt think how fuckin crushing that is, but everyday i thought about what i will buy with it.

also crypto is not the only way, opportunites will present themselves in your life, but also you have to be ready to take them.

work on your mind, listen to podcasts, read books.

i believe in You Anon, we all do.

>> No.20665661

Out of curiosity what do you now for income?

>> No.20665719

Then take >>20665210 advice and get to it. You're an autistic retard just like the rest of us here. You can do it!

>> No.20665751

hey bro you know that plate of nuggies your mom brought to your room?
i came on them

and she watched

she milked me out onto them

just thought you should know bro, she called you fag too.

>> No.20665799
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Dude, if you just need some extra money for crypto go out and bust ass on the weekend. Get a job doing industrial construction. Or- Dumpster dive for crypto money. I did that and made a few thousand dollars. Sell shit on Ebay. Sell fucking printer parts on ebay, sell fucking shit from the trash on Ebay. You have to be willing to do what ever it takes.

>> No.20665800

sales. and its 3am in my country, going to sleep. take care son

>> No.20665819
File: 186 KB, 500x804, the-communist-manifesto-karl-marx-and-friedrich-engels-why-the-41071665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS commie, this is a cut throat capitalism board

>> No.20665846

There's no Maybe, if you think that way you'll be a loser . You have to stand up and say I want to be a champion


>> No.20665937

One tip of advice - learn to have no shame and unabsihly lie abotu yourself and your skills. Change your last name to a jewish last name, and make up how you were a programmer to help Zoinist dismantle Palastine ops.

Apply for an analyst role. When it comes to your skills - say machine learning with python. Read a book to get the basics, bullshit your way in. Have rudimentary programming skills makes you a far better asset than 90% of workers.

But first identify what mental problems got you into your situation and take full responsibility. That is the only start to sustainable change.

>> No.20665996

>tfw moving out this week to go be NEET or freeter in a nowhere town
>whatever might as throw some applications out there to prove to my Dad its hopeless
>use autism at work hiring incentives at JP Morgan because fuck it I want diversity hiring to work for me for once
>May actually have an opportunity now
I haven't gotten any interviews yet of course but it makes me wonder why I'm moving.

>> No.20666409

Holly shit, this is really fucking nice, thanks anon

>> No.20666466

hey anon have a look at exodus.io they have a few jobs that pay in bitcoin so maybe its win win?

>> No.20666715
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have 20 bucks?
>use that and triple it
>put 20 bucks back into eth
>use the other 40
>triple it
>put 20 bucks back into eth
>use the other 100
>triple it
so on and so forth

>> No.20666867

Your probably short

>> No.20666879

Nigger on Coinbase right now you can get $10 of EOS and $10 of XLM just for answering a few questions. That's $20 right fucking there, then learn the art of shitcoin flipping and build your funds.

>> No.20666906

I want to get rich solely to buy furry art from all the top names (miles-df is good).
I am going to stake all 10k link and use 100% of returns for commissions until I die of old age

>> No.20667023
File: 548 KB, 1176x775, fekfekfek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste. /biz/lets don't know how profitable furfaggotry can be.

>> No.20667115

I’ll buy my way into being friends with the biggest names; I’ll end up getting a lot of shit for free or heavily discounted, making the other furfags seethe

Like, Artica Sparkle levels of commissions, fatigue-inducing