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File: 88 KB, 600x427, 1567727725706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20660526 No.20660526 [Reply] [Original]

>pisses off the one and only Peter Thiel that owns Palantir and does blockchain analytics for the US Government.

This guy can unironically REPORT EVERY SINGLE US PARTICIPANT TO THE IRS including their full name and SSN and he is PISSED. Bitcoin is categorized as money now. Crypto is now under the jurisdiction US federal government and and trading counterfeit USD is ILLEGAL. You have been warned. Get out while you can and cover your tracks.

>> No.20660561

You really want to swing at below 1 cent huh

>> No.20660585
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>> No.20660593

Idk why all the fud is about Peter Thiel leaving. You can't take back an investment. That's not even how that works.

>> No.20660653

Imagine owning a project that has enemies of this scale

>> No.20660678
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>> No.20660707

LOL what a boring coin

>> No.20660737


google "rsr scam" and you will find interesting stuff

>> No.20660751
File: 149 KB, 1162x734, dasdsadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking this thread has any effect
It's happening on its own anon. People are finding out that this thing is disintegrating from the inside out.

>> No.20660753

Story on Thiel leaving?

>> No.20660789

It is a rumor that OP made up and has been spreading around as though there is any truth to it

>> No.20660801

Please keep fudding anons, so my 500k buy order at .0095 gets filled

>> No.20660835

A bull flag is forming you faggot

>> No.20660855


I found nothing

>> No.20660874

>imagine still trying to hide public info
dump before this pleb

>> No.20660887


>> No.20660936

ok which one of you faggots just bought?

>> No.20661008

Then why make a thread about it?

>> No.20661040

Just wanted to help some frens get out alive. It's going down hard and fast.

>> No.20661051

might be my favorite meme format

>> No.20661068

Thanks anon I just sold my 5 million stack, better to get out now while I'm still in profit than watch this lackluster project tank back to ground level.

>> No.20661079

Caring about other people in BIZ.... the absolute state of fud.

>> No.20661098

>yea well figure out how it works eventually maybe lol
>and maybe well issue more maybe not haha
>some of us think it might work others actually dont lmao
imagine buying this coin

>> No.20661107

Interesting. Cool spacing too. Google "blue waffle" and you will find interesting stuff

>> No.20661139

do you really call it "investing" when peter thiel agrees to have coffee with some fags for 100M of their meme coin? He probably got a blowjob out of it too. I wouldn't call that investing but I can agree that it's debatable

>> No.20661169

I've been looking around across google, youtube, discord, telegram, twitter...
There's nothing
OP is lying, unsurprisingly

>> No.20661190

the only reason this scam got this far was namedropping "Peter Thiel" all over. Imagine having him actively take you down. (no ghey Nevin/Peter pun intended)

>> No.20661207

is anyone willing to be my friend and answer my stupid crypto questions
post your steam name

>> No.20661228

There are no frens on biz :(

>> No.20661241
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>I might be able to accumulate again at under a penny

>> No.20661306
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>> No.20661359

I really need one though. Uniswap made me pay some transaction that I thought was a transaction. Then I had to pay another one which appears to be stalling. What the fuck was the first one? I don't feel like posting it publicly

>> No.20661400

like the fuck is this bullshit

Time Last Seen:
00 days 00 hr 08 min 24 secs ago (Jul-24-2020 09:45:xx PM)
Estimated Confirmation Duration:
~ 45 secs |

>> No.20661421

If it was the first time for you trading that coin the first transaction is just a 'unlock' for uniswap so that you can trade that coin over uniswap. The next one should be your swap and depending on the network congestion take quite a while

>> No.20661469
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Gee I wonder why

>> No.20661501
File: 219 KB, 750x628, 8C7C22F3-BC8B-40DB-AFE2-040D859729F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not gonna spoon feed but if any reservists want to know where to look:

Who pushed through these new banking/crypto regulations?
>Brian Brooks
Who is Brian ?
>One of the former heads/legal chiefs of Coinbase.
Did he have anything to do with Reserve?
>He was one of the people in charge while they made their initial equity investment into reserve. He was also the most qualified to make decisions about a “legally robust” project like reserve. Look into Nevin/coinbase and you can see their level of involvement.
But this is bad for Reserve? This is good for other crypto, but not Reserve? This is getting in the way of Reserve’s goal?
>Not at all. This is a big step towards US roll-out/ PayPal intergration. Pic and link related, this is an article written by Brian Brooks right before being appointed to comptroller of the currency. It outlines how if the US were to transition to a digital dollar, it’d be more beneficial for the gov to let the private sector (like reserve) innovate the tech while they still control the monetary policy of the US dollar.

So as long as it’s backed by US dollars and is legally robust (like Reserve) then the US is starting to take serious interest in it.

Wanna go even deeper?
>Brian Brooks/Trump/Thiel connection
>Venezuela roll-out and other CIA/FED toppled regimes roll-out


>> No.20661540

before I believe this shizo rambling xrp is going to $2000 and LINK to $81000

>> No.20661577

what the fuck?
is it the exact pair in the exact direction? I bought the RSR before now i want to sell it. why the fuck do i need to pay gas to unlock which is now failing even though my estimated duration was 45 seconds?

>> No.20661604
File: 7 KB, 234x215, 1564978933113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically based but I'm getting more worried Reserve is more of a (((plan))) for digitization of the dollar than a decentralized cryptocurrency.

>> No.20661628

yea duh why pay off a bunch of schizo xrp holders

>> No.20661653

>unironically based but I'm getting more worried Reserve is more of a (((plan))) for digitization of the dollar than a decentralized cryptocurrency.
oh i misread
yea this is the exact reason rsr is a good investment its got enough of the right people with huge holdings who will play ball with the glowies

>> No.20661658

Yeah but who cares if you get rich off of it

>> No.20661665

Holding this shit coin won't make you rich as it is about the control over the monetary system, not the monetary asset itself

>> No.20661692

same, just sold my 50M stack just in time for the crash

>> No.20661718

why does it make me unlock to sell but not to buy

>> No.20661728

No source whatsoever. Don't believe until I see him gone from the investors page.

>> No.20661733

Guyse I am really worried about
>spins the wheel
Peter Thiel backing out. I think we should short to give me time to accumulate errr, I mean, give more time for details to come out. Trust me, my dad works at Microsoft

>> No.20661754

Because when you bought, you did so by using an asset that you already used, probably eth?

>> No.20661767

I sold but I will buy back tomorrow morning after it crashes to .9785

>> No.20661798

is there logic behind this?
isnt the buying the scary part because you could accidentally buy the wrong thing?
what needs unlocking about selling?

>> No.20661822

Dispelling fud through a fact based, sourced write-up is not “shizo rambling”.
>xrp is going to 2000$
No, back to twitter and reddit.

> worried Reserve is more of a (((plan)))
It absolutely is. Once you look into the actual depth of Peter Thiel’s involvement in Reserve and contrast it with his own interests and experience, you get a clearer picture of where this is headed.

>> No.20661829
File: 31 KB, 500x459, act right Rajneesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swingies deserve the lashing

>> No.20661840

sold this crabbing piece of shit last week for ampl. never made a better decision in my life

>> No.20661860

can i cancel uniswap transactions taht will obviously never happen because of how fucking shit ethereum is
how the fuck do you people expect normies to ever get on board with this fucking bullshit

>> No.20661888

You’re right, you should buy ampl.

Obviously stablecoins are gonna crab, that’s what they’re meant for. Why would anyone invest in a stablecoin like reserve when the price is supposed to be stable??

>> No.20661900

It has to be unlocked to use the smart contract. I don't really remember the logic behind it but it made sense when I first learned about it. Maybe someone else will be able to explain. It happens with every coin you buy or sell on uniswap.

>> No.20661905

just send your ETH to me and i'll buy you the RSR normie.
it isnt that hard.
maybe do be such a cheap bitch when it comes to gas prices next time, nigger

>> No.20661915

Actually bitcoin is the only legal way to trade crypto. Everything else is an unlicensed security. Can't cash out.

>> No.20661929

If you are using metamask, then click on the transaction and you will see a spot to speed up or cancel the transaction

>> No.20661935
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>> No.20661984

All memes aside, have you noticed that Coinbase developed USDC as well to avoid using Tether, but have no plans to develop it past the current form as an ERC-20 token? Reserve, which they are also backing, does have plans to eventually move beyond being a simple ERC-20 token. Reserve is very obviously Coinbase, Thiel and Y Combinator's attempt to take down Tether once and for all and replace it with a stablecoin that doesn't have fraud allegations leveled against the creators because the banks they use all facilitate drug trafficking and money laundering.

>> No.20662001

The “normies” we’re looking to get onboard aren’t street shitters gambling their last 50$ on whichever uniswap biz shill has the most memes.

The normies we want “getting in” will be using the app for purchases when the time comes. RSV coming to a shit filled village in your area, raj.

>> No.20662031

>being this new

>> No.20662069

whats your steam name

>> No.20662094

i think i clicked fast it and it said up to $3 i didnt even see a way to make it faster

>> No.20662150

One thing I know the powerful all agree on is that Tether needs to end. It is not abuse resistant or decentralized enough to defend itsself.

>> No.20662152

They’re going to support both in the coming years and beyond. USDC will be the centralized go-to for crypto buyers, Reserve will be the decentralized world wide go-to. I don’t see much reason for USDC to be anything more than an ERC20 token as long as eth network can support it.

If you haven’t already, speaking of the Sam Altman/Y combinator/Coinbase connection, Altman has this weird blog with few articles, one of which is about a digital dollar (he refers to as USDC) and how the US would need to roll it out if they mean to keep their financial supremacy. Months after that post was when Coinbase rolled out USDC (and Altmanwas still chair of Y combinator).

RSV/RSR is their decentralized roll out. Nice to see other anons in the thread who’s gone down some Reserve rabbit holes(there are so many). We will all make it fren.

>> No.20662202

>just send your ETH to me and i'll buy you the RSR normie.
ok whats your steam name

>> No.20662379

You have to grant each contract permission to send your tokens that you care about. When you bought RSR, you were sending ETH into the contract, which just acts like a native transaction so it's automatically approved by virtue of you having submitted the transaction. Now that you want to sell RSR, you're sending the token, so you have to approve it first before you can actually submit the "send" transaction. So it's not for each and every pair, but for each token - if, for example, you approved use of RSR for the RSR/ETH pair, it would also be approved for RSR/USDC, RSR/DAI, etc.

>> No.20662389

sold this shitcoin at .013 RSR community full of kids and pajeets thinking they'll get rich with a 50k bag. kek

>> No.20662404

Their entire team is shady. I'm surprised it hasn't totally fallen apart by now.

I actually found out about this from some people I know in Y Combinator, just ignored threads about it here before because I thought it was a shitcoin. I think there's no way that Libra getting killed off didn't have something to do with Thiel having a talk with the Trump admin, if you look at the timeline of when that happened it directly correlates with Reserve starting to take off.

>> No.20662412

He's trying to rob you lol

It is good to see how much control we have over you

>> No.20662419
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sure you did, Probdeep

>> No.20662458

>Now that you want to sell RSR, you're sending the token, so you have to approve it first before you can actually submit the "send" transaction.

>> No.20662475

ooooohhhh a conspiracy theorist, i bet you have a bag of XRP.
>RsR wIlL bE tHe WoRlD CuRrEnCy BeCaUSe PeTeR tHeIl kNoWs DoNaLd tRuMp
RSR bagholders are the worst

>> No.20662489
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>> No.20662509

i dumped 4.2m on your ass. KEK. We're moving on to the next shitcoin you dreamer

>> No.20662519

Yes especially with Thiel leaving the Facebook board, and there being rumoured drama about his position there/support for trump/departure of the board. All happened pretty close to Reserve launch.

Could you elaborate on how you heard about it through Y combinator? Just some people you knew in the program who were talking about it?

>> No.20662524

fucking broken dreams

>> No.20662526

>holding cripple at any point in time
I bought LINK solely because of the connections of the people involved with the project and who was giving them favorable coverage so I'd say I'm doing ok.

>> No.20662531

>feels good man

>> No.20662609

I know some people in the bay area who are part of Y Combinator, Gates Foundation etc. They were telling me about some of the projects they'd heard about when we were shooting the shit once and at one point crypto came up.

The floor is at .009.

>> No.20662612
File: 27 KB, 343x375, get a load of this monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine larping like this smooth brained faggot. definitely ngmi

>> No.20662642

you guys never help anyone with your fucking memes

yeah just make your jokes and have a blast

I am gonna sit here miserable waiting for the angel of death , all my energy channeled to covid so you all die as many as possible

fuck you all

>> No.20662679

>reddit spacing
get out, nigger

>> No.20662692

the floor is what the market says. The momentum is down, /biz has moved on from this old shitcoin, lots of new opportunities out there with DEFI

>> No.20662777

my sweet death angel coming for me

coming for you coming

coming for all of us

>> No.20662804
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>> No.20662852

Literally the memes are made to be understood only by people who already have the preexisting capacity to understand them that’s the fucking point. If you can’t sift through the meme bullshit to understand the message then you’ve been priced out by people with superior cognitive capital and you literally can’t speak our language. Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.20662872

fud, op is major faggot.

>> No.20662939

this is a shitcoin and you fucking bastards have made me lose 5 fuckiNG GRAND
bought fucking at 1.1c and this is going to dump to 0.2

i dont even have ebough money to pay my taxes at the EOY now, FUCKIN OFF

i hate biz pnd scams so fuckiung much

>> No.20662977

>this is going to dump to 0.2
I can't wait for 20c!

>> No.20663023

i would unironically sell soon. It's breaking down right now,

>> No.20663024

kek you only lose when you sell, dumbfuck

>> No.20663030

stop investing with more than you can afford to lose

>> No.20663103
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>> No.20663156

biggest biz disasters
>spending $5k on rsr
fuck you cunts

>> No.20663185

I don't care I found my way my formula my true person , you think I give a shit about money?
I don't belong to this world or with the human species

You are mortal , how does it feel knowing you gonna die in the next 20 years

I sold my soul for better profit , could care less for your words or meanings

>> No.20663314

Under 1 cent. It's over.

>> No.20663331

sorry man, i was shilling it, but at the bottom. If it breaks .0095 i would consider selling

>> No.20663356

psychologically it unironically is for a few months at least

>> No.20663426


>> No.20663430


>> No.20663468


>> No.20663478

It's going to skyrocket back up

>> No.20663480

>for a few months at least
Bingo. Allow me to make something clear for the FUDers... NOT FUCKING SELLING SUCK MY BAAAAAALLLLLLLLLS
Sure as fuck not selling below 1c. Hell, not selling below 25c. Not selling below $25. Hope you boys buy the dip. There would not be this faggot FUD thread if it was a useless shitcoin

>> No.20663511
File: 36 KB, 857x701, the average bizlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur dur i dont care about money
>i sold my soul for profit
schizo brainlet

>> No.20663512


>> No.20663542

Kek enjoy burning for eternity I suppose. If you don’t care about profit why are calling out people on a business and finance board just because you’re too much of a brainlet to understand us?

>> No.20663572

i sold at .013 and now i have profit. you should try sometime, it's fun

>> No.20663692

>There would not be this faggot FUD thread if it was a useless shitcoin
are you sure this is a reasonable thought? i make bitconnect threads all the time
just something to think about

>> No.20663752

Not the profit you are thinking probably , but yes money is not that important to me all the good things I had in this life were in the absence of money chase.
Believe it or not, is not important I have nothing to prove and just keep it to myself .

You even know what selling your human soul means for me for example? Means I disconnected from the human realm from humanity itself in chase of other goals and emotions.
Maybe you thinking I sold my soul to Satan or some lol

It has other meanings.. But you are too tight up to ever feel it. I can sense in your words .

>> No.20663796
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>> No.20663817

>understand us
> we all in this together
> me and my imaginary internet frens
>the hive mind of the computer boy collective
>look at me I am so special 4chan caricature

>> No.20663820

y'all ready to get Matic'd?

>> No.20663841

I'm gonna fuck you in the ass

>> No.20663897

> enjoy burning for eternity and the laughs

Yea cause you going to heaven after that post LOL

>> No.20663911
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>on biz forum for making money
>you guys never help me make money w/ your maymays
>i dont care about money
>still here
is this what schizophrenia actually looks like in the wild? kek. you're a walking contradiction. just go back to plebbit, you wont make it here.

>> No.20664065

So is the consensus is to sell RSR? I don't want too :( I really thought that this would moon like the other coins up to at least a $1.

>> No.20664081

yeah sell sell sell

>> No.20664084
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>> No.20664102
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M FINANCIALLY RUINED. I bought in at 0.13 biz because you idiots shilled this PoS. What am I gonna tell my wife and her son?

It's all over.

>> No.20664109


>> No.20664130

You are the typical argumentation cinderella

I was pointing most of you computer boys don't even have the decency to help each other , the original spirit of bitcoin was a alternative reality to the economic prison nothing more nothing less

I did not ask you anything , as a matter of fact the sats I've been collecting and investing will be all channeled to ADA coin cause I spend most of my time outside

Money as much I don't care about it, controls part of my life cause everything is about money

You read my words the way you want , cause you need them to fulfill you ego and mind to have a sense that you are the normal person and others like me are the weirdos

Yet you are here in the outcast paradise
thinking you are better then others

I don't need that for me , I will never visit this board ever again , I don't need it at all

keep it just for you as your precious little treasure

>> No.20664135


>> No.20664266
File: 9 KB, 205x246, Perseverance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling myself, "IRON FUCKING HANDS! I WON'T LET THE FUD GET ME!!!!!", but deep down I'm so fucking scared .

>> No.20664269
File: 60 KB, 1229x1160, 1587412568161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell checked

>> No.20664407

Don't be retarded, the fudders want you to sell because they are swing trading and the more people that sell, the lower the price they can rebuy at

>> No.20664441

I was trying to arb on Hotbit/uniswap and got fucked because they require a 24 hour wait period before withdrawing for new users lol

>> No.20664451
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>> No.20664459
File: 83 KB, 795x1230, IMG_20200721_115421_534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh... bought at 100 sats. Im going to hold on for one year. As long as it stays in the top 100 of ccc I see this doing well just because Peter Thiel's name attached to it. I know that sounds retarded but OMG mooned for similar reasons. I checked the RSR telegram. It has 10k users and filled with delusional retards that think the Fed will use coins with teenage devs. I picked this altcoin because it has good marketing that the new mainstream crypto audience will fall for.

>> No.20664487
File: 4 KB, 178x213, crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take it anon

>> No.20664529

>New crypto audience
There is no new money in crypto. Just the same fags going round in circles

>> No.20664538


>> No.20664554
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>> No.20664573


>> No.20664585

I wasn't in crypto until last week kek

>> No.20664604
File: 17 KB, 329x221, gYDI6iY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEN $1?

>> No.20664609

Someone should do me a solid and sell on hotbit so I can buy back at a decent price. You will make some money because the price is higher on hotbit than uniswap

>> No.20664639

thanks for the tip, will head there now

>> No.20664675

Bouncing off of support at .0095 as expected. Hope you bought the dip.

>> No.20664713


>> No.20664717


>> No.20664790
File: 3.03 MB, 1502x902, rsr111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh No! I am utterly BTFO. I have no choice but to market sell all of my Reserve Rights Token ($RSR) and buy AMPL instead

>> No.20664832


>> No.20664845

God bless. I almost got rekt, but I made out with like 500 more RSR

>> No.20664867

No.. it's way below that now and I still don't want to buy.

>> No.20664880

It's fucking over. Matic 2.0.

>> No.20664883

>people only criticize a coin they want to buy

>> No.20664912

Lame fud. Same shit you use for every coin

>> No.20664925

If it goes bellow .0050
I am gonna buy a few more lol

>> No.20664984

I see you.

>> No.20665029


>> No.20665052

hope it doesn't pull a Matic

>> No.20665072

Over 1c on uniswap

>> No.20665128

well most coins are fucking scams so it makes sense for that to be the initial reaction
hopefully you can convince people why this one isnt which you dont seem capable of

>> No.20665177

You aren't doing a good job of convincing people it is a scam. Claiming bitconnect on every coin you hold get transparent really quick

>> No.20665186
File: 400 KB, 250x273, VigorousOblongHeifer-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw waiting until after rebase to buy back in
Pls don't pump

>> No.20665423

don't worry you got 1-2 months

>> No.20665506

It is at .99c

>> No.20665578

bitconnect is the default assumption and it should be
fuck off if you dont have a good reason that your shitcoin isnt that

>> No.20665608

Burden of proof is on you swingie

>> No.20665638

the burden of proof is on me to prove that your shitcoin isnt a shitcoin?
youre not gonna make it

>> No.20665724

>Decreasing volume and price.
>13 fud post per ID
Whew u guys got me. Market selling my stack.

>> No.20665744
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>> No.20665779

fill your fucking bags of shit.
theres plenty

>> No.20665964
File: 391 KB, 720x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat went wrong?

>> No.20665997

Whew lads count the fuds by these ids. Make up half the thread

>> No.20667036

we got too cocky RSR bros

>> No.20667986
File: 54 KB, 563x414, 1563591333373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ranked up to Sergeant tonight.

>> No.20668088

What really pisses me off is I had 3 ETH sitting in my coinbase for a while as I waited for an RSR dip. It never came so I bought 50k at $.013. It immediately dropped and has been dripping since all while ETH mooned. I don't regret my purchase. Just my timing

>> No.20668868

Relevant is the new RSR. Coinbase project / recently closed a bug where pajeets were getting free coins , coming out of beta soon. 600k MC.

>> No.20669942


Fucking kek you wish

>> No.20670536

yes please sell

>> No.20670562

guys, Coinbase and Thiel will make something of this project. it may never reach its full vision, but it has a lot more room to pump. stop fudding and hodl. 5 cents guaranteed.