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2066257 No.2066257 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2066357

me too

>> No.2066477
File: 812 KB, 1013x528, DUKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wasn't born extremely rich


>> No.2066479

What do you need that you can't afford?

>> No.2066633


>> No.2066860
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A harem

>> No.2066868
File: 13 KB, 634x286, article-2338877-1A3D2486000005DC-106_634x286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.2066878


he could invest it all in bitcoin and literally become the bitcoin king

>> No.2066906

please pump it into btc with market orders everywhere

>> No.2066907
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And one of these of course

>> No.2066950
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Also I want a fusion reactor

>> No.2066969

not being born is a fucking scam

if i dont get rich off bitcoins in 10 years im killing myself

>> No.2066999

Buy BURST then. Problem solved

>> No.2067061

too late

>> No.2067066

Anon, buying a bunch of deflationary currency isn't going to make you rich unless it suffers an extremely ridiculous deflation, which is something that would be very well under the 2% rule. Unless you have several BTC and they rise in value so much that one Satoshi is worth like one dollar you ain't gonna get rich from that.

>> No.2067198

You don't need any of these things, and once you get them you will realize you don't really want them.

>> No.2067213

A compound in Montana and a decent tract of land.

>> No.2067223

>once you have money to buy the things that you've always wanted you'll realize you never wanted them to begin with
This is a stupid meme that poorfags use to make themselves feel better.

>> No.2067261
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>he wasn't born rich
You've lost the genetic lottery buddy, the best you can do is work, save and invest so your children won't suffer the same wagie fate as you.

>> No.2067272

is this from a porno?

>> No.2067333


Apparently they're bringing in a new lead Dev to replace the missing one and unveiling a roadmap in the next couple days. the 24hr Volume on Yobit seems right enough to not drop a few pennies in at least.

>> No.2067552

whats the point if you dont get to experience richness yourself

all that matters is personal experience everything else is a cope

>> No.2067558

I have 21 BTC. I only need it to go to 47k per coin to have 1 million. It will be 100k by 2030ish.

I also do some gambling with alts where you can go x10-x100 sometimes

>> No.2067567

lmaooo he looks 12

>> No.2067654


>> No.2067763

cope like the pope

>> No.2067930
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I don't want to be rich, but I really wan't to get some money that I at least can live like a normal human.

my problem is only, that I can't work for someone, I only can work for and by myself

>> No.2067963

Nothing, I just want to setup a faceless corporation which sole purpose will be to exist
I will kys myself after I accomplish this

>> No.2067982

No, it won't be. If BTC hits 100k then there will be hundreds of thousands of new billionaires in the world, which does not make sense mathematically.

Here's what is going to happen:

Cryptomarkets will continue to gain traction for 5-6 years. Then the government will take over cryptocurrency.

>> No.2069251
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>[...] corporation which sole purpose will be to exist
>I will kill yourself myself
you might want to learn how to write first, but keep that enthusiasm when you go to class anon

>> No.2069278

What's it like having that much money? How do you even spend enough to need that much? Someone tell me; I wanna imagine it's happening meee

>> No.2069281

I hope no one reads this post nor takes it seriously.

I hope no one buys into the otc stock almh at .005
I doubt it will go to .50 anytime soon.

Being a start up company, Having no debt, in a billion dollar market, with multiple famous investors and connections..
With the CEO reporting hes going to remove the stop sign with in a few weeks..
I doubt it will go anywhere in the next 6 months.

>> No.2069317

Amlh** sorry

>> No.2069324 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 646x248, 3821664_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trade cryptocurrency with leverage like a pro!
- Register here: https://www.bitmex.com/register/YUZalq
- Go YOLO 100x leverage (you really shouldn't but you want to be rich NOW)
- Profit!
Easy af, made more money in the last two days than in the last two months at work.

>> No.2069370

He owns more land than the queen of england, he is already a king

>> No.2069457

You want to be rich right now, at this moment. If you had have put in the work over the past few years, right now, you could be rich right now. You made decisions incompatible with with riches, so you are not rich now. But those were your past decisions, they're done now.

When you were a few years younger, you probably imagined a future of abundance and happiness, and you probably felt you would find your way eventually. You probably thought of your far-future self as some kind of untouchable idea, almost like you were never going to be that 23 year old man, that 25 year old man, that 30 year old man. And yet, here you are, you got there regardless. What does "the future" look like? You let nature take it's course. Are there riches?

The fact of the matter is, time will continue to flow. That 30 year old you that you picture? You're going to be him some day. That man may be rich or poor, happy or apathetic, fit or fat. What determines who he is? Your decisions. But when you normally think about decisions, how does it normally go?

"I want to get fitter. NEXT week, I'll start running, I'll start lifting". Planning is all well and good, in fact it's essential to have a plan to get anywhere worthwhile. But if you're always putting off the difficult stuff and difficult decisions to the future, you will fail. You know what matters? The decisions you make now, this moment. Every single moment, every single decision you make, that decision, while small, will build up to form who you will be. Shall I watch another episode or sleep right now? That affects your future. Can I be bothered to read another chapter of the coursebook at this moment? The decision impacts your future.

>> No.2069461


Every time you come to a decision, remember... this decision I make right now, it's not insignificant. It matters. It's who I become in 5 years, 10 years.

Approach every decision, I mean every decision, as though it has meaning and will impact your future. Make the connection between what you decide now and your future.

"I wish I had money right now, I wish I had more friends right now". You can't have it now, but if you treat the majority of your decisions from now on as having a real impact on your future, one day you may have these things, rather than still wishing in 5 years time.

Every time you make a decision, remember that your future is an extension of that decision.

Build the habit. Each and every decision you make, try to remember:

"What I do now, matters. This decision is part of what I become. This decision isn't trivial, it matters".

If you habitually treat the decisions you make as having a serious future consequence, you will make better decisions, and what you now crave you can one day have. But you'll have to be patient, and you'll have to persistently make the better decision, each and every time you make a decision.

"The choice I make right now, right now, matters."

>> No.2069587

I think when I'm nutting in a new pussy every night I'll agree that I actually did want it.

>> No.2069692

>If BTC hits 100k then there will be hundreds of thousands of new billionaires. which does not make sense mathematically.

No you don't make sense mathematically. If Bitcoin hits $100,000 then you'd need 10,000 BTC to be a billionaire. As there's a MAXIMUM of 21 million coins that means there could be AT MOST 2,100 new billionaires. But that maximum of 2,100 is possible only if:

1. No coins have been lost
2. 2,100 people own every single bitcoin collectively and each one owns exactly 10,000 coins.

Those are two completely unrealistic assumptions. In reality probably 1-3million+ coins have been lost from when Bitcoin was just started and was basically worthless. There are far more than 2,100 people who own Bitcoin. There are also a handful of individuals who own much more than 10,000 BTC- that also knocks the maximum number down.

Realistically I'd expect there to be at most a hundred or so Bitcoin billionaires if Bitcoin hits $100k. As there are around 2,000 or so billionaires globally, you'd be talking about 5-10% of the billionaire population coming from Bitcoin. That's a lot, but probably not more than a lot of other emerging fields that produced new billionaires in the last 30 years (i.e. dot-com industries, science, tech).

>> No.2069733

>That's a lot, but probably not more than a lot of other emerging fields that produced new billionaires in the last 30 years (i.e. dot-com industries, science, tech).
This also ignores that those new millionares might lose everything daytrading themselves into oblivion, or from taxing and losing their coins to hacks
There's that brazillian guy who was on the Forbes top 10 and a few years later had a negative net worth, and now it's in jail

>> No.2070883
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Why are you making me cry. This hurts to my fucking core.

>> No.2070959

I don't know your situation or how many years you've wasted, but what you have done is done, accepting that fact is the best strategy. From now on, keep reminding yourself of the importance of making the right choices each time you are actually making one. When making a decision, avoid thinking "I can make up for this bad decision (not going for a run, drinking a bottle of coke, not reading the chapter) later". Instead think, "this choice matters, it's the only choice I have any influence over. I can't alter my past choices and I can't yet make future choices. Only this choice I can make, and I'm going to treat this choice with seriousness and I'm going to make the right choice for my future self, so that my future self can have what my current self wishes he had". It may be painful to look back at all the wasted opportunity, but you have opportunity; in this moment, and in that future moment, and so on. Opportunity exists only in the moment you live in. Make use of the moment, strive to make a decision that is right by your future self, and each of these tiny choices in these moments will build up to the you that will look back with pride and gratitude. Give your future self what you wish your past self had given you.

>> No.2071078

boats and hoes?

>> No.2071708

Humaniq is your best bet, anon. It is the best one to bring short term gains, and massive ones. Cheer up.