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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20661044 No.20661044 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to sell high morons

>> No.20661059

Didnt see not selling

>> No.20661799
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the latest

>> No.20661849

I dont want to

>> No.20661919

Yeah because Deutsche Telekom just tweets out fake stuff to help this nail salon back office pnd
Get real faggots. THREE YEARS, ALL FIELDS

>> No.20661922

can't some twitter link fag just reply saying "t systems of Germany just launched a node & it's now live" etc or some shit, with a picture of the price feed? I can't see how they'd reply, it's like asking antivaxers about small pox

>> No.20661931


>> No.20661938

god they want us to sell so fucking bad. suck my cock jews!

>> No.20661950

Meh who cares, long run none of this matters. Dunno who keeps selling.

>> No.20661979

lol ive seen this all over my twitter lately and people agreeing in the comments

>> No.20661990


>> No.20662058

I kinda feel like this, but just think that these last 3 years of fudding the shit out of our own investment is about to end and we'll enter the visibility state. Might as well enjoy it while we can.

>> No.20662192

calling their bullshit out directly will just get them to block you

>> No.20662361

you're right, who cares, I just looked on twitter & that tweet has like 129 comments, they just look like retards trolling at this point. it is a paradox how they're just going what biz has spent the last 3 years doing. their attempt at fud seems more malicious though but meh whatever

>> No.20662436

>literal who 'advisers' try to FUD the most FUDded crypto project yet best performing of the past 3 years

listen here you filthy kikes you are NOT GOING TO TAKE MY LINKIES FROM ME, you HEAR?

I may sell you 10 when they are 10k each, and you will have to BEG for them and fly three big titty israeli ashkenazi sluts to suck my cock


>> No.20662498

Too lazy. My ledger is buried in my yard.

>> No.20662634
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>> No.20662669

What are the chances that this is a fellow /biz/ anon that made it?
He probably became obsessed with fudding link and can't stop

>> No.20662683

It nexo.

>> No.20662706

Houston, the shittiest of the top shit coins has a problem

>> No.20662763

They're doing this to cover their ass for scamming their clients and they're actively antagonizing and shorting LINK instead of fudding to accumulate. Just like his last sloppy job you can bet Simeon will be taking the profits from this to get a better normie entry point too even though he had 3 years.

>> No.20662822


He's going to end up assraped in prison for fucking with LINK lol

>> No.20663015

Gotta admit they are really committed to this fun kek. But as always i have one thing to say:

>> No.20663026
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>> No.20663284
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