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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20658874 No.20658874 [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from this?

>> No.20658909
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>> No.20658926
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>> No.20658928


>> No.20658951

Sign up for social programs paid by white beta male tax dollar. Loot and murder anyone that opposes you and scream das rayscist we wuz kangz when anyone questions your behavior.

>> No.20658954
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>> No.20658996

Make a token called Niggerbucks

Only guilty white people buy them but blacks control supply. If it reaches 10x, those white boys can exchange their niggerbucks for a N-Word pass. It will be kept in their wallet and they are allowed to say nigger 10 unique times in public without getting beat up. If someone attempts to hit them, they show their phone saying they have purchased the n word pass. It'll make blacks rich, but I doubt your people are capable of running such a money making scheme.

>> No.20659014
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I'm black as well but if you have a business or if you're selling shit just make it a really big deal that people would be buying from a black owned business

>> No.20659066

beg for reparations?

>> No.20659127

Reparashiuns and shieeet should unironically be a thing. Just make a 51st state somewhere in flyover, and give it to them.

>> No.20659151

as a yuropoor Im pro reparations
mostly because it would be hilarious if burgers had to pay even more gibs to blacks

>> No.20659192

beg for whites forgiveness

>> No.20659221

I want BB to bully me

>> No.20659251

damn nigger I was gonna post some nogs with their loot but it appears my riot folder is missing

>> No.20659258

not funny, dude. you have any idea how much infant formula and knock off Gucci bags I've had to pay for this year?

>> No.20659281
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>> No.20659287

Find some soiboi cucks to pay you to fuck their disgusting whore wives that don't shave.

>> No.20659290

Ask white liberals on twitter to donate to you as way to atone for their white privilege and provide reparations

>> No.20659293

yeah for real I honestly don't think I've ever been triggered this hard in my life holy shit

>> No.20659308





>> No.20659319

good thing every one of those bitches aren't even white

>> No.20659320
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one, two, three, FOUR single mothers, but how many mooooore??

>> No.20659389
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>> No.20659436

California has them on their ballot this election I'm pretty sure. I doubt it will pass though, if it doesn't then I doubt it will pass anywhere.

>> No.20659463

white women have been the greatest disappointment of the 21st century. prove me wrong

>> No.20659484

>Start business
>Suggest to others that you are a black-owned business
>Others spread word for you that you're a black-owned alternative to (generic corporate chain)
>Free advertisement and guilt sales across the board

>> No.20659486

What do they even see in them

>> No.20659517

100 bucks says you're a soiboi cuck who fell victim to jewish propaganda with a large collection of nigger porn

>> No.20659520

>California has them on their ballot this election I'm pretty sure. I doubt it will pass though, if it doesn't then I doubt it will pass anywhere.
just give it a couple of years and I think theres a good chance it could happen
after all, the whole kneeling thing was frowned up like 2 years ago, now you got policemen and politicians kneeling.
give it a couple of years and I think reparations will be totally mainstream too
Im sitting here in my yuro shithole and chuckling at the thought of it

>> No.20659639

Be competent and level-headed. There's never been a better time in history than right now to be a Black man (educated) living in America. Large companies are begging to fill their minority quotas with Black people that know what they're doing. And now the entire country is pandering to BBC because of reckless police brutality. Take advantage now while it's still good.

>> No.20659665

well you see yurofag, if this were to happen the silent majority would quit playing the game all together and the feds wouldn't be able to collect anymore. hmm maybe I should vote for reparations

>> No.20659851

I wouldn't get too cocky, depending on your county you might pay reparations for whatever they did hundreds of years ago.

>> No.20659856


#1 is definitely fukkin
#2 ain't even getting a kiss, this photo is for social points, bitch barely wants to touch him
#3 might be fuckin later
#4 could fuk, but is too stupid to know what fukkin is

>> No.20659934


>> No.20660066

its a fetish very similar to bestiality

>> No.20660151

KFCoin was better

>> No.20660198

Buy the dip, faggot

>> No.20660201

>Black men suffer in america

>> No.20660250

What does your skin color have to do with your personal qualities? Just get a good job with rewarding wage, and learn basics of investing, do not spend money on unnecessary things, do not waste your opportunities down the toilet.

>> No.20660371

More like these?

>> No.20660521

>Race is just skin color
Normalfags gtfo

>> No.20660604

How many brothers will fall into a white wymyn trap before wisening up?

>> No.20660821

>that merchant above the 4th coalburner