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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 227x202, sta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20648852 No.20648852 [Reply] [Original]

another leg to $0.10 by tomorrow, get in anons

>> No.20649322

it's happening, don't say i didn't warn you

>> No.20649584
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1518107464416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bags are packed, ready for lift off
STA bros are all going to make it

>> No.20650315


>> No.20650375

couldn't buy the dip because ETH is a congested piece of shit.

>> No.20650643

2194 pajeets and neets playing hot potato funding some scamartists lambo lmao

>> No.20650815

nice FUD. check holders on etherscan, the distribution is the most bullish thing ive ever seen.

>> No.20650878

got me a bag it is a meager one but it's mine

>> No.20650919

Unironically statera holders are going to be galactic rich as the total supply burns towards zero

>> No.20651403

Is 40k enough to make it? I was hoping it would dip back down to .03 so I could pick up more, but I think I'm just gonna ride this to the top

>> No.20651772

Is $1 realistic? Is there anything to compare STA to?

>> No.20651895

That's a suicide stack, but it could become a make it stack if you hold for long enough

>> No.20652245

This will be 1000x coin

>> No.20652405

>tfw sold




>> No.20652495

Still tons of upside, a 10x is way better than a 0x

>> No.20652545

didn't this dmped and was a scam?

>> No.20652621

yes. no.

>> No.20652645

Guys I don't know if to get in STA or AMPL. I WISH I HAD MORE MONEY.

>> No.20652660

It dumped, but it was because balance labs was exploited and a hacker made off with 1/2 million dollars that belonged to Statera holders. Balance Labs is reimbursing the money and we are no longer vulnerable to the exploit, so we are growing rapidly again

>> No.20652664


>> No.20652730

Literally just open their whitepaper and read the quote on the first page and you will see how much of a shitcoin this is. Anonymous team is another huge red flag and their generic website is full of shit. Get out of this shit coin ASAP.

>> No.20652763

Tough call, they could both make you a lot of money and they are both pretty volatile at the moment. I am in both, but with AMPL, I view it as a short term hold that I have to watch constantly so I don't get dumped on.

>> No.20652797


>> No.20652834

The 'anonymous devs' fud is retarded when the product is 2 months old and trustless and has survived everything that has been thrown at it. Please try harder next time.

>> No.20652859

half in each simple

>> No.20652910

100% this

>> No.20652966



>> No.20652976

What exactly can the dev team do anymore? They’re not even the top holders. The first marketing push literally tripled the price and it was all thanks to the dev team.

>> No.20653031
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>> No.20653288

You won't get our bags fucker, nice try...

>> No.20653588

How much USD do you need to Make IT ? I only need like 150k to live a comfy life and 300k to live the high life. But that's only for myself, singular. No other family members.

>> No.20653931

if you go for $1 target price its like 10 grand for a 150k stack right now but if eth actually goes off you'll need a lot less. probably only a quarter of that

>> No.20654010

It will be ok fren, at least you don't fud...whatever bag you hold its ok

>> No.20654077

Hahahahahahahahah, yeah.
Statera whitepaper is full 30 pages of explenation of tokenomics, economy and project in general. You got only to first page because it is too complex for your brain after welcome page...

>> No.20654213

Dude, I'm invested in the project, but even then, the whtiepaper itself throws around a bunch of buzzwords and faffery.

Marketing is bringing in people, sure, but everything does appear very sketchy inside it

>> No.20654491

But I wanted to buy more anons.

>> No.20654767

Daily reminder that STA creates more volume in pools and that is = more fees. We are going past 1$. Already a finished and audited smart contract that is proven to work.

>> No.20654907

Dont forget that when sta reaches 1$ you will get a shitton of money from pooling

>> No.20654923

A bag is a must have for biz at this point.

>> No.20655080

nice try, faggot

>> No.20655500

This coin will never rise in value and I suspect whatever *hack* was going on was an inside job.

Let’s have a look at their website:

> Statera (STA) is a smart contract powered Indexed Deflationary Token (IDT), which synergizes with a trustless and community driven portfolio of class-leading cryptocurrencies.

Okay great!

> Every trade for Statera creates an arbitrage opportunity. Trading attracts liquidity, which in-turn attracts trading. Liquidity ripples and the supply of Statera decreases.

Okay, nice!

> Deflationary


> Exchange


> Portfolio


Wait, what does that mean?

> Constant arbitrage trading opportunities keep Statera's portfolio weights and tokens in a constant ratio.

Okay, now I’m confident this is gonna moon so hard!

Let’s go to the hamburger menu top right and check out their „Portfolios“

> Delta Token

Okay some token?

> Phoenix

Not even sure what this is supposed to be.

Lets check out the whitepaper for more info:

> With a possible annual yield of over 38%, on the low end, our funds are incredible products. As it stands, our funds are one of, if not the most, profitable places to hold your cryptocurrencies.

All-in! This is literally more profitable than bitconnect! How is bitcoin even a thing? The whitepaper is literally saying this is the most profitable coin ever! Annual yield 38%! almost garuanteed!

> Statera is an autonomous immutable smart contract deflationary token that, when included in a financial instrument (index funds to start), increases positive price pressure and reduces volatility.

Awesome! It’s pegged to BTC, LINK and ETH. Why not just buy BTC, LINK and ETH?

This coin is a huge red flag.

>> No.20655562

That is a lot of effort for such low quality fud

>> No.20655581

you typed all this just reveal yourself as a redditor with that horrid spacing.

>> No.20655605


>> No.20655893

Thanks, I’m buying more

>> No.20656318
File: 105 KB, 640x505, RwtnSi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White paper claims 38% potential returns, not guaranteed. Of course they're trying to show potential upside to their project, that's the whole reason people buy anything. Value and risk mitigation is what this project is about.

You could absolutely buy BTC, ETC, LINK, etc, but the whole point of this is to reduce volatility, did you not read what you just typed? Good God these fudders I swear..

>> No.20656605


>> No.20656977

>i dont understand so its bad
This token can create more volume that = higher fees. The roi is insane

>> No.20657145

I don’t use reddit sorry. STA is just another bagholder token. What other benefit does this token have than promising up to 38% per year? Maybe I just don’t get it, but I sold my STA after double checking their website. Why do you accuse me of FUDDING? I just wrote what they state on their website, a huge bullshit bingo.

>> No.20657150

Look up what an index fund is
Look up what decentralized means
Look up what first-mover means

...you are welcome

>> No.20657236

First mover dencentralized working index fund after audit...

Yeah, if you look at the token burn rate, the current marketcap, and the liquidity you can only come to one conclusion...

$10 EOY is FUD

>> No.20657442

Anon is it true? I will make it? BY THAT MUCH?! STAstronaut checking in

>> No.20657695
File: 10 KB, 280x280, 1591423618333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't believe I'm going to be that rich, It will be so fun to watch this pump with all my frens here

>> No.20657819

Don't be a poor fag.

Get it before it gets big.

$1 EOY

>> No.20657857
File: 354 KB, 750x1334, 1F597F10-860A-4F23-9A93-5BC24B0469FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$12-100 per STA

>> No.20658011

How much is a make it stack?
50k? 100k?

>> No.20658035
File: 142 KB, 132x109, Slightly_Shocking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20658066

It's up for debate, but generally agreed that it is somewhere between 100k and 500k

>> No.20658075

I'm trying to buy un uniswap but i cant. i'm the only one?

>> No.20658098

adjust slippage to 3%

>> No.20658123

set slippage to 1.03%, use fast gas fee

>> No.20658173

It get to waiting for confirmation and drops back to swp screen.

>> No.20658195

people were saying to use a full number on the swap amount (no decimals) maybe someone can elaborate on that, just keep trying the other suggestions and click fast

>> No.20658219

Use anything over 1% slippage and also use round numbers for the output, uniswap has some weird quarks

>> No.20658255

This worked thanks mate.

>> No.20658401

remember me when you make it

>> No.20658811

I will frend.

>> No.20659187

Absolutely this.
I sold all my portfolio for 45% STATERA, 45% AMPL, & 10% TRUSTSWAP

Feeling unironically optimistic-as-fuck

>> No.20659210

Gtfo with this sketchy, scamish vibes. If you actually knew even tiny little bit about tokenomics of STA, you would knew there is no way that it can be scamish in any way but ok, you fud you...

>> No.20659352

Check the trips, kek is never wrong. I’m still waiting for the huge pump to 0.10, all I can see is -10% am I looking at the wrong coin?

>> No.20659453

will it ever go back down to 0.02? I want to get to 100k but only have half that right now FUCK

>> No.20659460

>I’m still waiting for the huge pump to 0.10
Why? You sold so what do you care what the price is?

>> No.20660208


Honestly, I would drop the trustswap and replace with LINK. STA and AMPL use LINK as well.

>> No.20660235

anon are you retarded?