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20651924 No.20651924 [Reply] [Original]

Trifecta to make it for the 2020 newfags:
- XSN, dex of the future, more likely to x100 than chainlink (even though I believe in the 1000$ EOY) - Long term hold (years to forever because of neet nodes).
- SXP, binance debit card, will be shilled a lot and normies will get in, unironically next TRON gain wise. - good long term but for me it's medium term hold (months).
- MCDEX, a great 1 month hold, with the defi hysteria that's going on and about to go on, this one has a low market cap, and the linear supply dilution keeps it from mooning violently but the price increases every single day, now is a good entry since it's been crabbing for a while, riskier hold than SXP or XSN (xsn is almost guaranteed to moon), but the low market cap makes it the best one of this list for an easy x5 so you can buy into something with a higher mc later.
And of course:
- LINK: been a linky since 2017, nothing to say about it obviously, but will be a long time before it does a x100, and some of you faggots need to get decent stacks, 100 link isn't a stack, so you need to buy shitcoins first to afford a 10k link stack to make it, and who knows maybe you'll make it in shitcoins.
- AMPL seems like the future of crypto but too salty to buy in it since I saw it shilled at 1 million $ marketcap and didn't get in, if I bought in I would've done a x300.

>> No.20652106

What does XSN do?

What was the original purpose of btc? To allow us to become our own bank.

Did BTC achieve that? No. It wouldn't scale. Too slow and expensive. Same with eth.

So what happened? People don't actually use crypto to transact. It's really just speculative betting game right now.

So what does crypto need to really allow us to be our own bank? It needs to be fast and cheap to use.

That's why eth and btc built second layer solutions (raiden and lightning) to allow for commercially feasible transactions that are fast and cheap.

The problem? Notwithstanding lightning and raiden, Crypto are still islands.

XSN created the bridge between those island using lightning and raiden. And that is just the beginning.

Imagine when their hardware wallet is released and you can pay a pizza guy in btc with your xsn, and the swap happens automatically.

>> No.20652225

Yep bullish as fuck on xsn, I got 20 MN but still going to get more after mcdex does a x4, also waiting on sxp to moon to 5$ but the sxp gains will all go to link, desu I just plan to hold link and xsn and live off the neet node rewards and leave the tokens/coins to my children who will be the new elite.

>> No.20652310

Just hoping xsn and link don't fuck me and moon first, but I still got respectable stack on both already.

>> No.20652401
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>Yep bullish as fuck on xsn, I got 20 MN
I feel poor with my 4 MN now

>> No.20652662

Well I've been in crypto since 2017, and I feel poor when I see some faggot who bought eth in 2016 brag about his 1 million eth stack (don't see them often but I saw one in 2018 here and asked him for 100$ in eth as a joke and he sent it).

>> No.20652698

1 million link stack*
haven't seen someone with 1 million eth stack obviously, just drunk tryping

>> No.20653102

>drunk typing
they dont call em whales for nothing

>> No.20653104

Good story otherwise.
Was about to top it with a story of a guy with 1 million BTC.
But you probably also know him :p
He never sent me anything though.

>> No.20653937

I never got my BTC from that wealthy grandpa in April 2017
Still waiting 2020

>> No.20654621

he may not have been wealthy, let alone a grandpa

>> No.20655280

Maybe the tx just got stuck? I try to be optimistic

>> No.20655423

Can you shill me on why xsn is the next big thing OP? What’s the key difference between xsn and other dexes

>> No.20655437

whats the mcdex token adress for uniswap

>> No.20655481

Thinly veiled XSN shill thread.

Fuck off.

1BTC/32ETH/10kLINK before the next bullrun anons, that's all you need to make it, for life.

>> No.20655586

i want to get a lot of MNs in order to cash out during the peak of this golden bullrun because no doubt the passive income will drop once we pass the peak. might as well cash out on top while having a couple nodes to the side for the passive income.

DASH nodes reached $1.2M each during the last bullrun.

>> No.20655652

Honestly you can comfortable add 33k XSN to that total as well (2 MNs). You're talking about $6k total right now of what can eventually be $2M total...

>> No.20655667

Most advanced tech. Aggregators. Instant trades. Low fees.

>> No.20655720

Thanks for this anon. I've been here for a number of months now but still struggle to sift through the shill posts.

>> No.20655788

EOY price target?

>> No.20655807

I just realized the Gringotts bankers are based on kikes

>> No.20655859

You should get the standard folio first, then invest in speculative (possible scams) assests desu

>> No.20655883
