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2064909 No.2064909 [Reply] [Original]

Got a job offer, one of the conditions is that I have a degree.

I applied to graduate through school academic advisor, they said I was good to go, left it alone.

Get job offer, background check goes fine, then they try to verify my degree, they say they can't find my transcript from school.

I contact school, they say the program changed after I applied to graduate and I now need to take two new FIRST YEAR economics classes in order to graduate.

I start new job on monday, do I tell employer that my school screwed me over and I need to take 2 classes and ask if I can work while I take the two classes at night to complete degree. Chances are they will terminate my contract one way or another.

How do I save this job /biz/?


>> No.2064952

This seems like a real boner of a situation. The only advice I have (keep in mind I DO NOT have a law degree) is that you could maybe try to sue the university.

If you have earned the degree then I can't image there wouldn't be some legal violation by them rescending that. Otherwise, I would say just explain the situation to your employer and hope they let you take the classes

>> No.2064966
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Take the classes online for some other university and tell your college you should have credit for the classes. or just sue them because you went to a meme economics school (aka Trump University)

>> No.2064970

That's bullshit. They added courses//requirements to my degree and I didn't have to do them. When you started the program they promised you a degree in 4 years. No way they can do this unless it's a reall shady school. Also your boss isn't gonna believe you

>> No.2064982

This is true, your boss probably won't believe you. Try to get some documentation from the school, like an email where they explicitly state the situation ( assuming you don't sue them to oblivion)

>> No.2065003

My question would be what proof do they have that you didn't just fail two classes?

>> No.2065010

Don't tell your job. Tell them because you literally just graduated it hasn't been processed yet. It generally takes a couple months to process anyway. I just graduated in December, official date is January and I actually got my degree in March. I had a job lined up that started in January and they tried to verify my degree but couldn't

>> No.2065017

Also take those classes ASAP. see if you can take them during the summer at night. A friend of a friend had kinda the same situation as you and is currently getting away with it

>> No.2065025

good luck with that. Universities are really good at screwing people. Im sure a bunch of stuck up rich kids' parents have tried that in the past and I doubt anything came of it