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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20646218 No.20646218 [Reply] [Original]

It's the craziest crypto pump autistic group I've seen in 3 years or more

Just throw in like 1-5 eth and wait and see, NEVER bet against a crazy herd of 10000s of zoomers and boomers thinking of "free money"

>> No.20646347

>10000s zoomers
there are only 11,780 wallets (holders) atm

>> No.20646644

>what is a rhetorical device

>> No.20646668

5000 in 4ish days up from 6. You're stupid if you don't buy in.

>> No.20646782

+ people hold at kucoin

>> No.20646795

Tether is 10 billion $, Ampl is 300 mm .. do the math anon

>> No.20646819

It's something unique, it's an experiment, it's something that has never been done in history, ever

It's certainly worth putting a couple hundred into it

>> No.20646830

yeah, I can understand people not believing in the project or whatever but I have been around crypto for over 5 years now and this FOMO and public attention is a level I haven't seen since ETH

literally throw money you don't care about at all, this COULD do a EASY 20-100x from here.

>> No.20646843
File: 117 KB, 1280x1066, ampl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep pumping out quality memes on telegram

>> No.20646880

Objectively anyone that invests now will absolutely gain in weeks to come. It's inevitable.

>> No.20646901
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no doubt, the power of memes

>> No.20646911

Did you make a post about the telegram on Sunday or a lot earlier this week? If yes, you're the reason I bought in, so thanks.

>> No.20647019

This is truly astonishing. It's just festering with dumb money, but SO MANY of them. I sold at 3 and then 2.70 the next day, and I made a killing, but I thought 300 mill mcap would get rejected. Nope. Even with whales selling all fucking day long. I've got 28k value left in the geyser I'm just gonna let ride but it's almost tempting to buy back in. This is fucking crazy town.

>> No.20647168

Actually I might have, I wrote that I was out drinking and meeting with friends then had like 40k unread messages in 24h and you should at least join and consider all the low IQ zoomers there they can push it high

>> No.20647194

I meant a post on /biz/. Someone made a post in an AMPL thread about the telegram group and it immediately made me buy in.

>> No.20647202
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Don't bother trying to spread the wealth, be selfish. save yourself the bs of dealing with niggers.
poor niggers are poor niggers for a reason, they'll buy in known scams to get rich quick then ignore the real opportunities.

>> No.20647230

I don't know what to say, dumb money is throwing itself at this and anon's are too morally pure to capitalize on it for whatever fucking reason. When thousands of literal nigger retards are filthy rich from this and anons are still fudding with their dicks in their hands I'll laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.20647235

How do you calculate selling/swinging it vs holding for rebase. Also is it true that you have to hold for certain number of days to get rebase?

>> No.20647329

Liquidity is at an ATH.

Rebase happens every day for all holders. Swinging will work if you think a market cap is going to be rejected, you'll be able to sell the top and buy back in for a much higher market share. Theres a couple clues to this you'll pick up on and I absolutely plan on swinging it to fuck panic sellers during the next bubble break in a few days.

>> No.20647386

OP, you're not giving them enough credit. They identified the trend and are riding it just like we are. They probably don't understand why AMPL will be #3 on CMC by December, but they're going to get rich anyways. The people who think it's a ponzi will buy our $1 bags next year. Remember when you didnt buy BTC at $900 and got one at $13,500 instead? Same phenomena

>> No.20647455

checking out the telegram is when I really realized how big this would get.

>> No.20647522

more people hold on kucoin than use uniswap

>> No.20647593

>the next bubble break in a few days.
What's your market cap rejection target? I'm thinking 500 mil.

>> No.20647875

If it's anything like last time I'm expecting a lot of resistance at 490-550m. Just look on uni for the whales to take a huge dump there and be ready to sell if need be.

>> No.20647906

fucking hell its pumping hard again

>> No.20647944


>> No.20648045

Yeah I'm up like 5k in a few hours now.