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File: 67 KB, 794x563, 3094FBFD-0DD7-4C5F-8FF6-0B58E54433E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20642172 No.20642172[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whoever made this meme

>> No.20642241
File: 85 KB, 750x420, IMG_1668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in Pattaya...

>> No.20642249

the lack of self-awareness in this world is a cancer

>> No.20642282

the worst is living with your parents desu

>> No.20642297

I literally pay for 90% of everything

>> No.20642307

>hurr durr the male prime starts at the age of 30 trust me guise

>> No.20642409

These memes are made by /r9k/ incels who would rather indulge themselves in their blackpill talk and try to get everyone else at their level than zoom out on life and stop making their life revolve around pussy.

>> No.20642499

Their blackpill is not even really what happens irl

>> No.20642503

>hurr I will lift until all the HS girls that ignored me cause I'm ugly will LOVE me and drool all over me even if it's illegal to fuck them cause I'm a 30 year old manchild I will do this I am the true ALPHA durr

>> No.20642638

>My life won't be perfect so why try improve it when I can wallow in self pity

>> No.20642662

because you dont really grow up while living with your parents, at least I didnt until i moved out

>> No.20642762

Sounds like a projection nigger

>> No.20642796

asian hands drew this image

>> No.20642799

Dude all you gotta do is be rich and become a sugar daddy
hell, in a few years you could throw a girl a few linkies a week for an allowance and she'll be all over you

>> No.20642822

This, who gives a shit about women

>> No.20642852
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The blackpill is pussy is literally the only reason to be alive.

>> No.20642854

How did you improve yourself after moving you?

>> No.20642861
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don't you mean PNKys?

>> No.20642876

tf is this monster

>> No.20642880

This. And chics really REALLY don’t dig it.

>> No.20642908

Ok so even if I rent, chics will be ok with it right?

>> No.20643159


>> No.20643554

Reply u faggots

>> No.20643605


>> No.20643664

>even if it's illegal to fuck them
In the US perhaps. AoC is 15 here.
Either case premarital sex is degenerate.

>> No.20643669

This. Pathetic dipshits making shitty memes about people that work out. Two years later these will be the people they'll whine about taking their crush away from them or some stupid shit.

>> No.20643697

Are you retarded? All the popular kids in HS who fucked prime pussy on the regular were living with their parents, what you think they were managers, lived by themselves in McMansions and drove BMW's?
Oh, you're 30+ and the landwhales and single moms available to you actually care about this hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.20643702

Yes. Women are attracted to status. Having your own place to go back to is a sign of personal control over your life, women subconsciously look for that in men

>> No.20643727
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1385810364669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women (read: post wall used up gold diggers) care about status
>girls (read: prime pussy) only care about LOOKS

>> No.20643747

They do you fucking wallhitter zoomer

>> No.20643752

Even if it's legal all of your peers are gonna treat you like a pedophile if you're 25+ hanging around with a 16 year old. Also her family isn't gonna be happy about this at all.
You missed out, deal with it.

>> No.20643763

31 and 19 is fine tho

>> No.20643786

Yeah all the used up sluts available to you on Tinder care cause they want to settle down with a beta bucks, retard. Dating 101 it's like you fags grew up under a rock.

>> No.20643789

>Women are attracted to status.
Women are attracted to you giving half to a third of your monthly income to a landlord. Frugality as a virtue is truly dead

>> No.20643824
File: 101 KB, 380x349, F5653E75-120A-4CA7-BDEE-F98C586D03CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.wallhitting zoomer
sorry you weren’t born when Btc was 1 cent
*unironically sips*

>> No.20643828
File: 112 KB, 300x300, 1592949863581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you don't give your money to your landlord how will you improve yourself as a male, Anon?
Don't you wanna be ALPHA like us? Doesn't matter that she lost her virginity to a broke stoner in HS, you have to EARN your rights to her pussy. PAY UP Ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha

>> No.20643866

>Caring about what other people think

>> No.20643896

Come to Eastern Europe faggot, you'll get murdered in Pattaya.

>> No.20643906

A toast, to existentialism.

>> No.20643911

I'm usually fine with off topic shit, but this is way too off topic. Fuck off

>> No.20643930

What was that? Looks like you got a new match on Tinder, Boomer. Oh wow, another landwhale over the age of 25, we sure are living large Anon. Don't worry your prime will come, 10 more years and you'll fuck all the HS teens LMAO.
>not caring about the reputation you have in your community
That's how you end up as a failure and outcast. You guys are actually autistic and can't into human beings, my sides.

>> No.20643958

t b h i am literally this meme (even to the point of lifting dumbbells right now), and i lost my virginity at 28 to a 16 years old virgin
"illegal" is completely irrelevant unless she doesn't like it

>> No.20643974
File: 2.58 MB, 3840x2160, 08A238C1-5229-4E88-A38E-AF2387D7F12B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in bulgaria

>> No.20644023

Yeah I bet lifting dumbells did a lot for you. When she first saw you she thought you are ugly as fuck, but when she saw your muscles she dropped her panties right there.
Cause that's how real life works, amirite?

>> No.20644037

how come that men that have the least control of their live seem to be the most sucessfull with women? because they are two type of distinctions here, for once we have the mostly privileged average healthy white male middle class dude that sat in front of too many screens in his youth and stunted in his personal growth thereful falling for blackpill r9k online culture making him mostly schizo, reclusive, unbearable. he is self concious and self aware and scared by anything lives life on idle
and on the same time you have the asshole douchebag that always got expelled from school, got in trouble, didnt even got a HS degree, homeless, without a job, smoking weed enjoying life and girls, crashing at his friends house etc... he is socially adjusted, knows how to deal with people and how to get what he wants. he radiates being alive everywhere he goes
see they are both objectivly loosers right? but there are this minor distinctions that seal the deal. at the end of the day it is really about you and what do you make out of the situation. EVERYTHING is mindset. How do you go about life.
imageboard culture gives you just a false sense of worth without nothing to show for it. instead it just perpetually sucks you in even further and further. are you aware how hard you plugged in to this already? do you think you can unplug?

>> No.20644051

i'm not even sure what you are getting upset about here
go out and talk to girls anon. i guarantee you you're less ugly than you think

>> No.20644096

haha good god youre a pathetic faggot. i can't even imagine what you must look like to have ended up this way

>> No.20644108
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>> No.20644119

french bro fucks a trap

>> No.20644127

Women should have their faces caved in. I hate roasties. Their rights need to be taken away.

>> No.20644157

Nice deduction skills. I said lifting weights meme didn't do jack shit for you since you weren't ugly to begin with. You would've gotten laid anyway.

>> No.20644176

Only women who care about money are women who care about money. Yeah if you "make it" you can enter a relationship that you both subtly know is about exchanging money for sex or looks but everything about it will be fake, when you pump your penis into her at night you know those moans are going to be fake, its going to be an act. Way different than being a square jawed Chad or at least having an authentic relationship where a woman can really get to enjoy herself by being with you and there isnt a dreaded undertone of mutual understanding that its fake.

>> No.20644206

Are you ugly anon?

>> No.20644212

They hated Jesus cause he told them the truth, toasty roastie.
This man is based and redpilled and nobody can claim otherwise.

>> No.20644215

Fyi sex with a girl that likes you and sex with a girl who is doing it for some other reason is waaaay different even if she is great at acting. Its almost as big of a difference as masturbation and sex.

>> No.20644221

im actually pretty swole though, otherwise accurate

>> No.20644244

This has now become a Neets vs Wagies thread.

>> No.20644273

Yes, I almost became a gymcel, but on /fit/ I realized the only people who will ever admire your muscles are other gym bros. It's a running meme there and not far from the truth.

>> No.20644306

I see two men

>> No.20644307

Who is going to judge me? A failed 30 yr old roastie with triple digit n-count? Who has actually proven her social incompetence by virtue of being unable to have a healthy relationship? You have a very skewed perception of reality.

Also: Show tits or GTFO.

>> No.20644317

Buy FLAMA please, I need to take my 16 year old gf to Olive Garden

>> No.20644323

Ah I see. Seething itt won't make any difference fren. Life is much more peaceful when you just leave all this bullshit behind because I was like you too not too long ago.

>> No.20644356

Being born ugly, threads like this make me want to kill myself. Lift, have money, my own place. Doesn’t matter. What’s the fucking point.

>> No.20644361

Getting SWOLE will land you homosexuals admiring you on /fit/.
Getting RICH will land you a gold digging whore who will suck the life out of you.
Don't fall for self improvement meme, you will never get your HS sweetheart, you missed out.
Forget about women take the blackpill, find something else or don't. Whatever.

>> No.20644406

working out to improve attractiveness is the most beta thing ever.
real chads work out to improve their health, willpower and physical strength.

>> No.20644527

>13 posts by this ID
A genuinely autistic virgin incel. I have to ask, how does it feel that a description of your life is one of the harshest insults people here have thought up?

>> No.20645193

That made me kek. Like I said I was like him too but I realized it was making myself feel even more miserable for no reason. I'm also willing to bet I've spent more time lurking lookism/incel shitholes than that other anon and in the end its really mostly bullshit.

>> No.20645269

Self improvement isn’t about hitting specific metrics holy fuck you fucking niggers.

>> No.20645299

I only pay for half but idgaf my parents are chill and I don't mind living with them. Except for me, it is about taking care of them. Both my parents are disabled from a car accident.

This is what my brother says, but now he just lives with a group of drunks and whores to make rent easier. Meanwhile I just work out and play vidya for free.

>> No.20645357
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>imageboard culture gives you just a false sense of worth without nothing to show for it.

what about my linkies? how many links do the non-imageboard users hold?

>> No.20645412

imagine missing out on teenage sex. prime 15/16 year old pussy. YIKES

>> No.20645590

Not everywhere is America retard

>> No.20645630
File: 235 KB, 181x179, 1590137599136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't OHP 2 plate you are still dyel mode, 2/3/4/5 is more accurate for a year or two lifting

>> No.20645723

I didnt until I met my gf and moved in with her.

>> No.20645727

>1/2/3/4 is my life time goal
can someone explain what does it mean pls?

>> No.20645741

yeah i might kms. approaching 30

>> No.20645745

that is basically me anon.....shit

>> No.20645788

Nah you are still a child until you have children of your own. Childless manchildren get no respect from me.

>> No.20645802

it's one type of incel trying to bully the side of incels trying to improve themselves. Pathetic, really.