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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20626327 No.20626327 [Reply] [Original]

What if I told you... That you can soon trade on these exchanges:


And many many more, ALL from ONE dApp.
Not only that, but these trades is INSTANT.

>NO GEO-Blocking
>NO Accounts
>NO withdrawal limits

XSN node owners will take all these fees associated with these trades.

XSN is EASILY a top 20 CryptoCurrency.

Don't miss this one biz

>> No.20626669

Da fuq?


>> No.20626686


>> No.20627196

Xsn dex basically aggregates all the lowest prices from any exchange and provides improved liquidity all the while trading in a decentralized environment, all your funds are within your control. Not only that but trades across other platforms are instant because of lightning capabilities and aggregation. Masternode users are able to net anywhere from 1k to 700k per year for each masternode collecting exchange fees and block rewards. Someone link this man a profit charge (roi)

>> No.20627218

is it free ?

>> No.20627611
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>> No.20627669

Half a masternode, sell your link.. Get a passive income from XSN

>> No.20627738
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is it that much passive income? I'm buying more XSN soon but I will still be a small bit short of a MN. It pays you in XSN daily?

>> No.20627829

think rewards hit a mn every few days on average. it's about 16% a year i believe

>> No.20627973
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>> No.20628075

>these trades is INSTANT
try again pajeet

>> No.20628270
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>> No.20628684

I did my research, this is the only project worthy of mooning most of the top 50 coins are jokester coins

>> No.20628951

Now is the time to accumulate

>> No.20628960

Free in the sense that anyone can download the wallet and start trading.
Fees starts out at 0.25% and will be lowered as it gets traction.
This may seems a bit high.
But remember you are getting A LOT of benefits you are NOT seeing anywhere else in the space.

>> No.20629699

Hope it actually works. I'm not sure how better liquidity would work for a shitcoin that has bad liquidity across all exchanges.

Anyway didn't 1inch exchange do something very similar to this where it finds the best possible offer from 20 different exchanges?

Yes the usecase is amazing, but like always faggots go for the usecase that makes them money like Ampleforth.

>> No.20629912


>> No.20630221

As XSN grows the money potetial hype around it will break out

>> No.20630839

How often do you find something this promising with a $24 million mcap?
This has a lot of room to grow, especially in sat. 10k absolutely in play

>> No.20630848


>> No.20631203
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XSN could x40 and still be under $1Billion Marketcap, $10 XSN is easy on the table

>> No.20631756

/biz/ will never buy my MNs t b h
they have to get their own

>> No.20631824

This dex has been in development for 2+ years now, what makes you think it's gonna be released soon

>> No.20631834

it's an exchange - charges fees.
But getting best price across multi exchanges is pretty good for the pocket book.

>> No.20632133

Because some of us are actually beta testing it. It's VERY soon going to be released, and once it does, the price will prolly 10x from here

>> No.20632160

Have you tried it? I’m in the DEX group and have been for a few months. In the DEX group channel you can go all the way back to August 2019 when they started the test channel and see people using it back then and what it looked like compared to now. Back then it was a bare bones DEX which they could have launched but it would have been dead on arrival. Since then they have spent that time adding new features to make it really easy to use and things like the aggregator. Reason they are adding testers like crazy now is because this is the final tests before launch, it’s a finished product right now and they just squashing the last bugs and fine tuning it before the big day.

>> No.20632242

Where to buy?

>> No.20632316


>> No.20632383

What’s the best way to accumulate a low volume coin like this? Lots of small transactions spread out?

>> No.20632481


This is the first im reading of this project. Sounds really exciting!
whats the short of how it works/ how does it access centralized exchanges to trade there/ get the best price?

>> No.20632609


any idea if raiden will be attached with it? once it launches it really only serves as a way to.... buy xsn

>> No.20632612

Honestly do not buy any XSN, UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED THE BETA DEX out, JOIN Discord and ask, never believe what you hear, unless you see it with your own eyes. The project has so much potential to 10x without releasing anything, of course keep this in your mind as you read through the discord and whitepaper

>> No.20632670

XSN is a 1000x by the end of 2021, and 100x during this alt coin season

>> No.20632850

Livecoin is the only place to buy it. It’s easy to sign up, and you can transfer your coins to the XSN core wallet insanely easily

>> No.20633109

you're saying this is gonna be 24b MC by 2021, surpassed only by btc and eth?

>> No.20633210

>staking/trade fees will be enough come 2021

>> No.20633235 [DELETED] 

I hope you are still in school kiddo.
Cause you need to pay more attention to math.
It would be 2.4billion if XSN did 100x

>> No.20633267

I believe this with all my heart, XSN is not out to takedown BTC or eth, hell none of the crypto in the space. One of its major goals is to be cross chain compatible with every coin without centralized control. It is trying to connect all coins, this is the more important step as other projects working on crypto fiat liquidity will find that it can't really happen unless you unified all the coins to be compatible otherwise real money liquidity from crypto to currency will always be restrictive and limited

>> No.20633545

If BTC exceeds a $1T mcap and ETH eventually does too, a $24 billion mcap for a definitive C2C exchange - especially if its an instantly accessible DEX - is realistic

>> No.20633637

That would be an INSANE ROI long term, holy shiiiiiet

>> No.20633784

Indeed. Anyone that gets in now can basically retire once this cracks a $1 billion mcap

>> No.20634051

Not sure if serious..

>> No.20634255

Cunts stop shilling, need to keep the price down so i can buy more.

>> No.20634310

Shouldve listened earlier cunt

>> No.20634567
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Good morning, Australia.

>> No.20634679

>trustless (hold your coins in your wallet until you click "trade", DeX never holds your funds, only facilitates the liquidity/market)
>anonymous (no kyc, transactions via lightning network/atomic swaps/raiden, and tor implementation diaconnects your identity from your activity)
>advanced features including charting, market-agnostic order books, unparalleled liquidity, arbitrage opportunities granted to the average Joe

it's seriously a fucking genius platform.

>> No.20634738

likely not with initial launch. they're halfway through implementation (proof of concept complete but needs some enhancements to make connecting eth wallets to the DeX more user friendly, and ensure no bugs in implementation)

>> No.20634866

How many xsn are required for a MN

>> No.20634890

15000 XSN

>> No.20634946

Nevermind. Google is my friend

>> No.20635054

Kek. XSN is trash and overvalued. ORN is much more sophisticated, still in beta and cheap.

39% APR in kucoin as well. XSN gives you less than a quarter of that.

>> No.20635138

Just looked at ORN. I have no idea what you find interesting when you know defi is the hot point in crypto and XSN is leading.

I guess we choose coins and get married to them. Crypto tribalism even where it's against what makes sense

>> No.20635145


fuck you rashoot

>> No.20635184
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X9 collaborates with the Raiden and Lightning devs. The devs of Blocknet - of the oldest and most established DEXs - expressed interest in forming a partnership. It also worked with the Litecoin Foundation in the past.
This will hit $500 million mcap easily and in no time.

>> No.20635198
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Thanks anon, but I'm gonna take a pass

>> No.20635235

No point in shilling XSN
Ppl KNOW defi is the it thing, and XSN is leading and they can test the beta dex now.i f they ain't in after knowing all that, then it's lizard brain crypto tribalism and they gon get laughed at

>> No.20635700

True shit, I'm balls deep in XSN.


>> No.20635736

Judging by their copy and the way they write, it looks like Orion basically ripped off a few of XSN's ideas, then pitched it to an unknowing audience as their own novel idea and used an ICO to launch an ERC token.
Ethereum isn't nearly powerful enough to run a DEX built to XSN's standards (which, btw, never had an ICO) and they're just getting started on building whatever they're trying to build right now.

>> No.20636277


>> No.20636528

Wouldn't surprise me if you're right, lol

>> No.20636638
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>> No.20637005

The timing of their debut and their choice of words are especially suspicious.
As it's an ERC, Stakenet will be interoperable with it via Raiden. If it truly brings anything to the table, the two can talk

>> No.20637899

xsn is mostly what I have, honestly the only true moonshot coin out there

>> No.20638114

Checked and based.

>> No.20639045


>> No.20639205

Sorry, tech just isn't good enough. it will never do shit. fuck off

>> No.20640220

Yeah, I just looked at their site, totally ripped off stakenet's ideas...

>> No.20640421

Hey does anyone know if your XSN core wallet is bound to your computers memory drive? or can I access my core wallet from a diff computer with some kind of key I have? any help would be appreciated. I deleted my old computer on accident because im a literal retard...

>> No.20640511

How to host the masternodes though...

>> No.20640605

The wallet file you want is 'wallet.dat'.
The only 2 files i have backed-up is my wallet.dat and masternode.config.

On windows you can find it in appdata > roaming > XSNCore

Just use the cloud MNaaS really easy to do.

>> No.20641146

This. First blockniggers now orioncucks.