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20631084 No.20631084 [Reply] [Original]

My link stack is worth $260k now. I really want to cash out about $5k and build my dream gaming pc. Is this a wise choice anons?

>> No.20631100

it would be the most retarded decision in your life fren.

stay og

>> No.20631104

no, you will regret it after it goes to $1k-81k

Do you have gaming PC currently or some shit laptop?

If i had decent gaming PC i wouldnt sell my linkies for better one

>> No.20631121

Would you rather have a gaming PC now or ~625,000 later?

>> No.20631125

Just wait until staking you retard

>> No.20631178

Dude, you can build a bad ass gaming PC for less than $3000

>> No.20631187


You gotta live a little man. Just cash out a fraction of your gains and enjoy yourself.

>> No.20631199

> build a PC when zen 3 and the 3xxx series are inbound

>> No.20631206
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Build yourself a good PC fren. You can get a few monitors and watch your fortune grow while shitposting on /biz/ and playing vidya. Imagine how comfy that will be.

>> No.20631209

Go for it
Just dont get in the habit of selling big parts before eoy 2022

>> No.20631211

This, but I recommend waiting for the next line of GPU's to come out, sometime this year or early next year.

>> No.20631218

Just use 5k of your money instead of selling your links

>> No.20631222

I took out a bit from my stack for RLC and I regret it. Keep every bit of it.

>> No.20631246

Yes but also
Don't listen to these guys promising you 1k
You already have more than a make it stack, why do people not want OP to enjoy his life? His pc will probably cost more than you're pathetic 3 digit stacks

>> No.20631254

Checked, this.

Imagine how comfy it would be to have my cock nestled between your ass cheeks

>> No.20631265

How old are you? 12? Thats a fucking villa in 2025

>> No.20631267

Look at it from a opportunity cost perspective, assuming you did it right now. the ost of one LINK is 7.82 and for $5k that would be ~640. Now if link goes to $1000. Your opportunity cost will be over $600k. Now how much do you value your dream computer? If the value of one is greater than the other then go with whats more valuable to you.

>> No.20631271

>playing video games as an adult male

>> No.20631275

treat yourself now. let these idiots sit tight on their stash and dream about being multimillionaires until it goes back to a dollar.

>> No.20631278

I know that for myself - once I sold some, it may be easier to sell others - I've ridden this fucking thing, for so long, that it no longer seems like real money - and it is therefore easier to HODL.
I wouldn't want to bring the emotions back - as I traded poorly last Bull Run

>> No.20631282

IF YOU MUST, at least do it by collateralizing on aave and repaying the loan. Dont just fucking lose the link forever

>> No.20631298

Yeah buy some top of the line shit that gets outdated in a couple years.. also games are for fegs.

>> No.20631299
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you're not fren

>> No.20631301

But at the same time he would still have 32,000 LINK...

>> No.20631316

I built mine for $1500 after taxes. Can run 4k above 60 frames no problem on most games

>> No.20631333
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>should I use $5k of tokens that, at a minimum will be worth $25k in a few months to buy Thing
>or should I use a credit card that I can pay off entirely with what's currently worth $1k of tokens

>> No.20631347
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Who the fuck actually plays games in 4k? 1080p 240 fps Chads wya?

>> No.20631363

I sold .5% of my stack because I needed some cash flow and it immediately mooned right after, so yes, you should sell a tiny portion of your stack because as soon as you do link will pump again which will be awesome for the rest of us.
Seriously though, if selling 1-2% of your stack is going to massively improve your life just go for it, we're not going to live forever.
Just don't go over 2%, even I still feel guilty about that .5%, even after I bought them back a month later for 50% more $ just so I could feel whole again.

>> No.20631368

This is how stack sizes always go down.

>> No.20631370

That's a thing now? I am still at 144 fps

>> No.20631377

When link passed the 5 dollar threshold I got myself a bad ass mexican hooker in san diego. Cost me 1000 for 1 hr and it was worth every last penny. Think Salma Hayek in her prime, that's what I was smashing for over an hour

>> No.20631395
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>dream gaming pc
Wise choice? No, but do whatever you want.

>> No.20631434


I made over a million on ORN last friday, thinking of hedging my bets with LINK. ORN has 39% interest staking right now though, so tough call. Gaming should not even be on your mind if you really made that much. You can do anything now.

>> No.20631437
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ahem just upgraded from 240 to 280hz asus fren. also never selling.

>> No.20631440

>dream gaming pc
What the fuck would you need 5k for? A pc for 1k runs most games perfectly. The few pixles you gain extra arent worth paying 4k for.

>> No.20631455

Exactly, if link goes so high that selling a tiny % of your stack is going to be significant you'll be so fucking rich you won't care.
A problem that literally fixes itself.

>> No.20631469

>tfw don't enjoy video games anymore

honestly, crypto fucked my brain so bad. I really can't enjoy anything apart from looking at charts

>> No.20631502

5k only, yeah why not?

>> No.20631503

nah man.
salvage whatever you can..
like the case.. monitor.. keyboard.. mouse etc.

i been using same pc for over 12 years.
but i did gut it all out and put 1800 worth of upgrade in it..

link was around $3.00
i was debating..
shitbox vehicle..
cash for summer..
pc upgrade..

i live on computers though.
so.. fuck it.

if you do it right, you can build a better pc for under 2g's..

>> No.20631508
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No shit?

>> No.20631513

If dubs you are a kike.

>> No.20631533

just play HOI4 or some shit

>> No.20631552
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It's been a thing for years

>> No.20631562
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Only sell to cover NEEDS, read meditations when you are coveting WANTS.

>> No.20631582











>> No.20631583

is that for simeon?

>> No.20631595

I wonder how many loads of cum you shared that hooker with that night

>> No.20631712

Lol go back to shilling your bags pajeet

>> No.20631741

Somewhat this. I actually just sold my gaming PC recently. Parts are not easy to come by right now due to COVID. Sold it for what I basically put into it and I built it a year ago.

The new GPUs prolly will be worth it. I had a RTX 2080 and playing 4K games was great.

>> No.20631783

I think you'll be fine

>> No.20631793

Ampere is going to be beast though. Imagine 4k at 120 fps

>> No.20631836
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Just HOLD sir, Link will bring you many riches

>> No.20631864

selling more than 600 LINK for a computer? 600 LINK will be worth $60,000 EOY. Are you stupid?

>> No.20631872

Just sell 1/3, you will make it anyways, even with 2/3 of your stack, dont be stupid

>> No.20631880

That sounds amazing. I’m already planning on getting a new build next year again. Really looking forward to the new GPUs and CPUs. I prolly will make my first AMD build with an NVIDIA GPU rather than my usual Intel/NVIDA buildups.

>> No.20631956
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>> No.20632005

This. Put it on a fucking credit card or something and pay it off over time. Time value of money

>> No.20632549

you dont need 5k for a "dream gaming pc". 1080ti, good proccessor, nvme SSD, 32gigs of ram, and a motherboard that supports everything. That would be 2.5k and would be able to run anything.

>> No.20632784

Cashing out a small amount is a good idea, but building a time wasting machine with the money is not. How old are you? If you're less than 25 keep in mind that's it's very likely that you will find most video games boring a few years from now, is it really worth it to throw 5k dollarinos at this kind of hobbies, when you can get still very good gaming experience for less than 1k?

>> No.20632813

>Collateralize your link on aave
>borrow 5k USD
>build your gaming PC while collateral value outpaces loan value

>> No.20632892

this, besides a new tes and gta that requires a good pc, I think I am turning into a boomer dota player

>> No.20632938

You can have $5k now or about $600 next week. No brainer

>> No.20633036

$5k is about what...25 LINK. If you're desperate and you have many, you can but there is still a ways to go from here. We're still in low triple digit LINK prices.

>> No.20633038

Yeah that’s a big if

>> No.20633063
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You will regret not cashing out when this shitcoin goes to zero

>> No.20633086

oh goodness. please ignore. martha, you put me in the wrong year. If you see this pull me out. You sent me too far back. aardvark plaid merlot go to Oct 2020 martha!

>> No.20633114

You can build a machine that runs everything on high detail with 1.5K at 1440p.

Don't fall for the top of the line meme, it yields you 10-15% more performance but costs 50-100% more.

>> No.20633126

Big if true

>> No.20633158

kek this
a PC can last you a decade, just buy a good PC and neet it up while Chainlink rises.

>> No.20633330

It takes a shockingly large set of balls to actually cash out when the time comes

>> No.20633328

I hear this often. If I did decide to do this, can my loan be repaid by link simply increasing in value to the point where my collateral locked for the loan outweighs what I owe? Can you start selling the collateral to pay the loan? Are there regular due dates like a monthly credit card bill?

>> No.20633380

Ck2 boomer here, might be upgrading of tes 6 is done and seems good

>> No.20633414

Hey time traveller anon, been a while

>> No.20633464

You can buy a nice rig that games top AAA games at a decent framerate for less than $1000. Just buy a used rig or something and wait. If anything sell random shit you have lying around your house instead on ebay.

>> No.20633527

Linkies are seriously delusional. I bought in to MCB 8 days ago for $2 and now its literally up to $12 in A WEEK. Linkies have been waiting years to get those types of profits. Are you people that retarded to stay in this shitcoin?

>> No.20633584

You’re delusional. I made 400k on link, what did you make this past week? Oh, I also bought 1000mcb for the shits with my delusional profits at 2.60 a few nights back

>> No.20633672

You suck man.

>> No.20633832

cash out 100k. If you don't take gains from this you are fucking dumb.

>> No.20634258

$5k gets a lot of PC if you build it yourself. i spent $2500 on mine about two years ago and it's a fucking beast.
honestly, you should not sell your link tho. you will regret.

>> No.20634797

(((games.))) You're wasting money on frivolity, literally giving 5k so you can stare at a screen and trick your brain into thinking you're achieving something. Real life is the most immersive game there is, and it's free - find some pastime that is a real source of dopamine and results in something good, rather than a sedentary, sad man-child lifestyle. Like investing, making a business, building some shit, whatever.
By any measure, that 5k is an absolute shit investment and will make you a worse human. Don't fall for the trick of thinking that is a socially acceptable thing to do. Games are for children, life is for real men

>> No.20634825

Should I just sell 30 and buy a ps4?

>> No.20634853

this is poverty tier advice

>> No.20634928

I bought a fancy gun just for fun when link was about $5. Go for it, just don't make big dents in your portfolio and always have at least a make it stack, or double that since you seem to have that too.

>> No.20634931

It's okay. If money doesn't change your life, it means nothing. Link is a tool to make your life better, anon.

But will the PC make your life better?

>> No.20635193


I would like the answers to these questions as well but from my understanding.

Yes you can repay with LINK going up in value if you loan yourself a stablecoin/USD tether

Yes you can repay with the collateral as well, but it will change your liquidation threshold obviously

The last question I am unsure of exactly

The real trick is to get a loan that gives direct USD dollar and not crypto to crypto loan. Then there should be no taxes on the USD that you withdraw and spend as its interest bearing from what I am hearing and reading. I think Crypto.com offers those.

I'm not exactly sure how the liquidation points work but if you used 1400 LINK to loan yourself $5,000 you should be incredibly safe I'd imagine.

I hope someone else will add more specifics please.

>> No.20635378


>t. San Diego anon

>> No.20635850

Yes. It is never wrong to pull profits.

>> No.20635891

True This dude fucks

>> No.20635905
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Just bought this watch with my link gains, you jelly faggots?

>> No.20636855

>implying there is even 1 (one) fun game that is improved by being played on a state of the art gaming PC
you got memed OP, fuck grafix

>> No.20637351

Op pls god gift me some link, my pc is still running a gtx 650 and an i5 5790 and its all so shitty and I can’t afford to upgrade because of my pathetic country’s currency...

you could drop some link here...


>> No.20637918

No begging, dumbass.

>> No.20637934
