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20628556 No.20628556 [Reply] [Original]

Is living with a gf the ultimate redpill?
>cheaper rent
>woman who cooks and cleans for you
>less eating out, save more money
>sex whenever you want

>> No.20628740

Yes, but you have to find one that isn't [_____]. The tricky part.

>> No.20628756

This is not reddit. You're safe to post whatever you want without censorship

>> No.20628800

>sex whenever you want

How often do you rape her?

>> No.20628829

sorry bro she is busy fucking with tyrone

>> No.20628867

It's not rape if she's your girlfriend, if it was she'd just stop being your girlfriend and leave.

>> No.20628897

No, it's an awful idea

>> No.20628940

It truly isn't worth it. I'm way happier being alone. So much stress and drama for fucking nothing with women, it's a nightmare dealing with it everyday even though you got a "chill" girlfriend

>> No.20628949
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>less eating out
You wish. Better get to work down there.

>> No.20628995
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I want to eat out a BBW SJW.
Based or cringe?

>> No.20629036

>having anything to do with women

NGMI, unironically. Women ALWAYS take more than they give. Everyone should tattoo this on their foreheads lest they forget. There are no exceptions to this rule. Cheaper rent/"free" maid service/less eating out? You are still paying with lost time socializing with her and probably stress. Sex? You're paying in pregnancy risk and everything that comes with that and the possibility that she will otherwise trick you into a deeper relationship you don't really want.

>> No.20629041

based. do it, it's fun

>> No.20629145

>cheaper rent
Rentcvcks lmfao!
>woman who cooks and clean for you
Women dont even cook and clean for themselves and you expect them to take care of a manchild lmfao
>less eatimg out, save more money
OP confirmed for never having a hf in his life
>sex whenever you want
OP confirmed to be a virgin

>> No.20629178

Lived with mine for 6 months now. Her dad's a heroin addict and her mom is a lazy fuck. They live here too and I've been paying their bills past two months. Waiting for the perfect time to pickup and leave. Do yourself a favor OP. Fuck these women and go build your empire. They'll be here when your finished. Plus your gainz will outweigh that micro penis of yours

>> No.20629237
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>literally me with my live in gf

>> No.20629259

it's not a redpill so much as a convenience but it takes a ton of effort to maintain and the benefits are there if she doesn't also have to work a job. two people working in a house hold can make things worse, especially if you both have stressful jobs.

>> No.20629340

Absolute cringe,

>living with an woman in 2020

That’s probably a man too

>> No.20629354

I live this life. I chose a divorcee who gets 840 a week from her ex husband. We are best friends, I contribute to the house with 25% of my pay so we are VERY fucking comfy. She is already domestically trained so does laundry/cooks/cleans and also works.

>> No.20629393
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Wow good one Ranjesh those English lessons are really paying off

>> No.20629453

Kek no. red pill is having a two room bachelor apartment somewhere air bnbing it and leeching of random chicks places, saving on food, rent and whores

>> No.20629550
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Diamonds. Your tag matches her sweat soaked pants.

>> No.20629593
File: 931 KB, 1136x640, D055D603-C7A7-4372-833E-DFF0D37BADBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely husk of a person confirmed. You seem really happy! You’re the new Norman. Congrats...seriously.

>> No.20629625

>Picks scumbag, cries about scummy life.

>> No.20629677
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>cheaper rent
She want so live in a decent place if she's decent
>woman who cooks and cleans for you
Unless she doesn't work or study, it's 60/40
>less eating out, save more money
She wants better food quality and still will appreciate a nice dinner out
>sex whenever you want
gl with that one buddy

>> No.20629719

Be more choosey

>> No.20629771

As long as you get a prenup and live in a country where penups actually work then yes.

The only things I don't miss about having a gf is having to constantly entertain them, having a lot less alone time for work, browsing the web etc. while I'm at home and constantly having to do "couple activities"/ dates together. Especially the last one sucks if it's every single weekend (all my exes were like that).

>> No.20629815

Well most people have different preferences in women, so that means the blank space is a variable

>> No.20629922

Living with a GF is the ultimate bluepill cuckery. You have all of the downsides and risks of a marriage. Redpill is not living with her, and having 2-3 girlfriends in rotation.

>> No.20630062

No you fucking don’t retard. You have all the upside of marriage without the risk. Go hug your fucking anime pillow. I skirted around like you are suggesting and it’s very hollow (fun but hollow). Don’t listen to this robot

>> No.20630089

You never lived with one did you

>> No.20630111

Interesting word, thank you.
It's against my ruski nature but i'll try

>> No.20630470

Marriage is great if you get a prenup. If you don't then it's unironically the ultimate cuckpill.
> gl with that one buddy
All my exes had the same or higher sex drives than me. My last gf wanted to fuck almost every single day. Sometimes several times per day. I could almost always get her in the mood for sex if I wanted to. She was addicted to my cock (her words, not mine). Sometimes she would literally beg me to let her suck my cock kek. And we were together for 2 years so it wasn't just the honeymoon phase.

If you want to have sex a lot then just find a girl who's really into you and have a high sex drive.

>> No.20630847

>and having 2-3 girlfriends in rotation.
Cringe. I've done that, it's not for me

>> No.20630894

We've lived together the last four months due to the quarantine

She wants to fuck more than I do actually

>> No.20630981

I got a high sex drive girl, only problem is her last bf got her into satanism and she became possessed. Never asked how she unpossessed herself...anyways I ended up skipping town shortly after.

My advice don't move in

>> No.20631022

found the nigger!

>> No.20631030

>is living with a dependant childish subhuman whore the ultimate redpill?

>> No.20631042

this is how an incel who never lived with a woman imagines living with a woman to be like, lol

>> No.20631091

This. Women are fucking disgusting.

>> No.20631124

You obviously don't live with a girlfriend, b/c in the real world, only rent is true if you don't have an absolute garbage of a woman

>> No.20631139

>2-3 girls on rotation
Few who have actually done this would recommend. I once fucked three "girlfriends" in 2 days. Then realised I'm a disgusting whore who will never find love.

T. Since found love

>> No.20631180


>> No.20631268

Yes but don't marry her, divorce will fuck you in the ass. Even a prenuptial will only take you so far, a judge can throw it out for the most part.

>> No.20631300

Cope You just couldnt keep it up

T. had a 2 girl rotation shit was lit senpai

>> No.20631312


>> No.20631364

You don’t believe in her and she doesn’t believe in you. Otherwise you would be married. By moving in you’re testing each other with a flimsy bond, each ready to abandon ship

>> No.20631411

I’ve dated 2-3 girls at once before... you feel like a gigachad at first but if you’re not a complete sociopath you start feeling bad for what you’re doing, not to mention it gets extremely tiring having to entertain 2-3 girls not only in person but through text and shit as well. Might as well say goodbye to your hobbies, passions and side hustles at that point

>> No.20631429

Every relationship will vary. There are many variances among humans as individuals, and even more so when you bring them together.

>> No.20631464

How much of a reptilian-brained, desperate fuck do you have to be to play 3+ girls at the same time? Not judging (I've done the same), just wondering.

>> No.20631588

Don't listen to this nigger, a piece of paper means nothing

>> No.20631732

>marriage is just a piece of paper
Maybe to you, post modernist retard

>> No.20631784
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>> No.20632380

>sex whenever you want

Really? Anytime? Like free use

>> No.20632415

>They'll be here when your finished.

But then they’ll be old and busted

>> No.20632530

>he’s arguing against the sanctity of marriage by painting his opponent as the polygamist cartoon cuck

>> No.20632556

Marriage has zero benefits in 2020. And legally stacked against men

>> No.20632562

as often as I want obviously

>> No.20632578

You'd have better results by living with your parents and fucking whores

>> No.20632653

This is all true but I don't pay rent lol. She does get annoying and demand attention though.

>> No.20633355
