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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 512x512, CAP KING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20627115 No.20627115 [Reply] [Original]

What is it?

Synthetic stocks (5000+), forex (200+), crypto trading platform using stablecoins + yield farming
Native token CAP is used to take the opposite position of the trader, profiting from the historical negative yield of traders

Market cap $4.3 million
Circulating suply 100k tokens, which wont change until October when the platform launches fully
The founder is currently remodeling tokenomics to make it heavily rewarding to early holders
It's highly illiquid currently which makes for exponential pumps

PS! The most interesting part of all this is that I have discovered about 20 defi CT influencers secretly accumulating this. This makes me believe they're waiting for the beta launch in the middle of August to start shilling it.

read whitepaper here

buy here

It's your chance to finally make it and it will happen way sooner than you think. Good luck.

>> No.20627230

no thanks, i already have RSR

>> No.20627253


give it a rest pajeet

>> No.20627322

you realize RSR already has a $1 billion + fullyu diluted market cap, making it unreasonably overvalued?

CAP still has an easy 100x potential from here with all the tokenomics being designed

>> No.20627409

i'll not be pumping your bags back to all time high so you can dump on me, but thanks anyway.

>> No.20627511

Lmao thanks OP for shilling this while it already pumped from $18-$40+. You really are a helpful guy who wants me to make $ for sure!!!

>> No.20627549

I am unironically not starting to sell before $1500/CAP

this is essentially something with more potential than SNX, LEND, COMP combined

as soon as we see proof of product this will fly to $300-500 million market cap.

>> No.20627598

it has pumped from very little eth thrown into it, because it's highly illiquid like I said. You can test it yourself from playing with eth inputs in uniswap. 100 eth buy has 22% price impact.

considering the upside potential, the market cap is very little.

>> No.20627672
File: 249 KB, 750x1264, 3DED81D4-EA6A-483C-8DA5-43111E412756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fuck you scammers

>> No.20627703

Those bags must be real heavy. I see you pushing this in almost every thread..

>> No.20627755
File: 115 KB, 512x512, anoncap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image related
there's a reason they're semi-anonymous
synthetic asset trading could potentially have regulatory problems so they will remain anon until their platform is decentralized enough to not care about regulatory issues
I am not forcing anyone to buy, but I sincerely think this could be our chance to make very big multipliers being this early
they haven't even released the beta version yet

>> No.20627867

So your shitcoin has no product, yet we are supposed to throw money at it? No thanks, Hadeed

>> No.20627945

which makes it the perfect entry point to something potentially very big

try reading both of the whitepapers from fap.finance first to get a glimpse of whether this is legit or not

the only way to actually make 100x+ is to be earlier than others and now is your chance

>> No.20627992

>Pajeet quality memes
>Spending time posting this in every thread
Pajeet shill confirmed

>> No.20628034
File: 49 KB, 1024x621, street shitting pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20628131

I'm on a nofap diet

Even your ID is shit colored

>> No.20628219

why is your shit blue though?


>> No.20628283

I was eating skittles nigger, leave me alone

>> No.20628343

>Native token CAP is used to take the opposite position of the trader, profiting from the historical negative yield of traders
So in the bullrun when everyone is longing you lose money?

>> No.20628342

ok but BUY CAP NOW goy
I've never shilled a project t hat didn't minimum 5x
CAP has more potential than any of them

>> No.20628397

What defi people are accumulating it?

>> No.20628499

if the market demand for CAP exceeds the impact from trader cumulative wins then not

but historically that hasn't been the case and the feature goes live in October so if CAP 10x-s from here and LP generates some losses you will still be good

>> No.20628528
File: 119 KB, 719x602, cap.finance members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the image:

people who have also liked CAP related tweets:

>> No.20628578
File: 26 KB, 501x458, IMG_20200723_165406_965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]