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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 1000x925, IMG_20200718_130228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20624994 No.20624994 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>4000 LINK
>will have an 8 figure nw by the time in my mid 20s
Feels surreal bros

>> No.20625042

20yo with a 5k stack here anon. We’re extremely lucky

>> No.20625077

don't be a bag holder, take at least some of your gains so that if the most likely situation happens (goes to zero), you aren't wiped out.

>> No.20625384

I know. I'm so excited fren.

Fuck off.

>> No.20625810


“ah yes, I disregard solid speculative advice due to my laughable hubris, how did you know?”

>> No.20625840

t. Zeus (soon to be liquidated)

>> No.20625846

Good luck, chances are high you blew it all by the time you are 25.

>> No.20625883

Never selling kike

Keep dreaming :)

>> No.20625899

>10k stack
>normie friends only care about retarded drumpf news
feels surreal but also lonely

>> No.20625953

26 11K stack, shilled to normie friends most did not buy. Oh well at least I can read books in my mansion study all day.

>> No.20625965
File: 853 KB, 654x619, 35B1B8D3-010F-4BD5-BB73-4ADB6606BD89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 here, could only grab 204 linkies so i’m gonna have to catch the next train to financial freedom

>> No.20625982

Take your meds

>> No.20626128

That only applies to normies who somehow manage to get rich quick, not /biz/ autists

>> No.20626143

>Implying LINK will reach $2,500 ever
you are in for a rude awakening delusional faggot

>> No.20626259

If you would understand LINK, then you would know, that there is no next train. This was your last chance you fucking retard.
Better figure out how to get some money soon

>> No.20626274

a coworker of mine bought about $400 worth of link int he $2.00 range.

it went up a littl ebit..

he sold it within a month.

"wow link is $3.00? im gonna buy it again"

they don't get it.

>> No.20626336

Lol it will and you can suck my cock faggot

>> No.20626342

Is it weird that I still think Im 20 when im actually 25?

-t 20k LINK stack

>> No.20626358

Will 5K make it in 2025?

>> No.20626382

Wtf is retarded drumpf news?

>> No.20626491

How does $50,000,000 sound?

>> No.20626527

sure when it comes to defi coins chainlink is on top but there will be other moonshot coins with staying power especially as crypto slowly moves into the public eye on a larger scale- and quit being a faggot

>> No.20626627

Hahaha no way that happens.

>> No.20626644
File: 138 KB, 190x380, opensbeerbottleswithteeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8k link 22 years old and I'm a 6 foot Chad. Accumulate karma guys, it'll pay off eventually.

>> No.20626678

No you'll basically feel that way until 29

>> No.20626702

>crypto slowly moves into the public eye
it is mainstream since 2017
everybody already bought in

>> No.20626863

I still feel about 23 and I'm 28. Hoping to still be a chad boomer though. Sitting on only 7k link now sold off 7k for my flat last year.Never ever selling my 7k unless its over 1000

>> No.20626968

Remember to keep your mind and body healthy. That way you'll be able to handle the wealth better and not circle down to self destruction.

>> No.20627065

>that moment when you realize all the delusional $1000 EOY memers are just some cringeworthy teenagers

>> No.20627130

I have 90k link and I'm 22