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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20621170 No.20621170 [Reply] [Original]

Onchain transactions smashed ATHs, 40 million AMPLEs exchanged hands yesterday. last time this happened on the 13th AMPL went form $1.5 to $2.7 in 24 hours. get on this train before it takes off fags.

>> No.20621207
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If coin drops below a dollar the coin starts doing negative rebases.

So current holders of AMPL need people to keep buying in order for rebases to go in their favor.

Think of it as a person who gets money for recruiting other people into their MLM scam

>rinse and repeat until the new buyers get burned and the ones at the top reap the benefits
>Rebase goes brrrr

>> No.20621298

OP even delivered proof. I'm in

>> No.20621343

hey moron, u know why bitconnects a ponzi? it promised GUARANTEED returns everyday non-stop with no pullbacks, no visibility of token transactions and a random trading bot that didnt exist. AMPL has been in a marketcap discovery phase with expansion and contractions and real money exchanging hands. take your weak as fud elsewhere. NGMI stay poor while watching us all get rich

>> No.20621395

the dumps over, this cycle played out exactly this way the past two times.

Anyone can see this

>> No.20621493

Bingo. This thing is running full cycles in a matter of a week. Pretty interesting. last three days we were in a down trend. Now we are in the bottom. Probably only for 24 hours. Next 3-4 days we will climb to ATH MC. Probably surpass 500 Million then enter downtrend again.

This is likely to continue until we stabilize around 1.5 billion MC. Then it will skyrocket if we enter a bullrun into the 10 Billion region.

The fuding is organized to get cheap ampls. dont bother arguing with them. Adoption is coming.

>> No.20621622

ampleforth lost 40% of its market cap in one day a couple of weeks ago. you're completely delusional if you think anyone is going to park a significant amount of money in it as a stable hedge.

>> No.20621730

now is the time to profit. parking is in the future

>> No.20622050

thats the thing, its NOT a stable hedge atm, its in a market discovery phase. people are in for the potential. it will eventually stabilize, now isnt the time. Its dropped 40% in price not market cap. it went from 400mil down to 300mil and quickly shooting back up as we speak. hop on before its too late, use data to ur advantage.

>> No.20622344

Now I buy like there is no tomorrow

>> No.20622387











>> No.20622413

Not everyone can be helped. He made it clear he doesn't understand when he said that people need to buy for it to go up. He doesn't understand how AMPL works and he won't make it.

>> No.20623369

of course you need people, otherwise to whom are you fucking selling it to. god? jesus

>> No.20623453

What's a make-it stack at this point?

>> No.20623821

0.01% of the total supply. so around 39k AMPLEs before todays rebase

>> No.20623881
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Other metrics to look at

All other altcoins btfo right now

>> No.20623951

It's almost like no one has an absolute fucking clue what this coin is going to do. You are all retarded faggots overestimating what can be known

>> No.20624040

Well I'm way below that, fuck me. Sitting in a shitty 10k stack. Should I put 6k worth in the geyser? I have no idea if it's worth it or not.

>> No.20624078

That's generational wealth stack if AMPL makes it.

Add an additional 0 to that for a make it stack.


>> No.20624323


>> No.20624362

There’s no way that’s a make it stack anon, that’s fuck you money. I have 26k AMPL which is about $50k right now and am a top 300 wallet. 39k AMPL would be $75k and probably like a top 150 wallet or something out of over 10k holders

>> No.20624425

>claims 1.5Billion MC soon
>source: my feelings

>> No.20624427

i have 44k AMPLs and im barely top 200, i did get in early though.

>> No.20624432

>good luck with taxes (if you make it out before it crashes)

>> No.20624462
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whales are piling back in, get in boys before it hits $2.00. now is your chance

>> No.20624605

>not gonna be feeding your ponzi. kys

>> No.20624620
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>> No.20624631

bitcoin was called a ponzi before it hit $20k. stay poor fag. you can watch from the sidelines while believers get rich

>> No.20624674
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What does this look like? Almost like a man or something?

>> No.20624678

Tax software dev here, taxes are not a concern. Rebases aren't transactions and they aren't airdrops like people claim. Airdrops can't be taken away...
Pay taxes on your US$ gains like any other coin, the number of AMPLs you have is not relevant to taxes. AMPL fud is usually stupid, but the tax arguments are the dumbest of all FUD

>> No.20624714
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your looking at the wrong chart. i guess you dont like the smell of money. learn how AMPL works before you talk

>> No.20624730

>Solving the liquidity problem in crypto.
What does that even mean if AMPL succeeds and evolves from a leveraged ponzi into a reputable stablecoin / "crypto primitive"? No more volatility in a 100k btc? LINK crabs along at $1000?

And do the locked team tokens get the rebases?

>> No.20624743

>to whom are you selling it to
people who understand english grammar

>> No.20624745
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we logarithmic now famalam

>> No.20624778

we are really gonna make it

>> No.20624915

comparing to BTC = RETARDATION

>> No.20624950

Economics graduate here. I believe you are in for a very rude awakening

>> No.20624984

Every econ grad i've known have been complete retards just saying.

>> No.20625014

>econ grad
Is that supposed to be impressive

>> No.20625050

ha, the opposite, but i know what i'm talking about.

>> No.20625052
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>Economics graduate here

>> No.20625112

Yeah I'm gonna go with the tax dev on this one.

>> No.20625217

i dunno if you guys are larping about how much cash you're putting into this thing, but if you have any serious cash in this i would seriously check it before hand. Gonna be a minefield. GL

>> No.20625318

Negative rebases are what keep me out.
If the cost basis of the property is zero, it was worth nothing all along in the eyes of the IRS, and you will get no offsetting loss for negative rebases, and taxed on any 0 cost basis gains from positive rebases.

>> No.20625428

>He doesn't only report crypto->USD conversions

>> No.20625433

Cope more fag. Ngmi

>> No.20625472

Imagine missing the investment of a lifetime because you are too autistic. The definition of a midwit.

>> No.20625527

Wow! A benevolent poster who truly cares about our well being on a board about making money by selling stuff to other people at a higher price than we bought it for.

>> No.20625528

Owning 0.01% of the marketcap only costs 39k ampl. Imagine owning 2100 btc today.

>> No.20625566

i'm trying to help you dumb knuckle dragger. You are obviously some kid with a few thousand (that's not the problem) I'm talking about the grown ups with more than 80-100k. Anyway, KYS

>> No.20625607
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>kek you guys are retarded, you’re gonna 10x your money but have to pay 10% in taxes lolol rekt faggot
>be like me and avoid taxes altogether by not investing anything and therefore not making any gains

Letting taxes scare you away from making money lmfao. Imagine if someone came up to you and offered you a million dollars but you had to pay taxes on it so you declined, that’s how retarded you sound

>> No.20625648

>in before kys
>in before cope
>in before "GrEaTeSt InVeStMeNt Of A lIfEtImE"

>> No.20625666

negative rebase? why would anyone sell when they get free money put into their wallet every day? checkmate economists

>> No.20625677

your are not helping at all. You are coping with being priced out.

Help would look liked this.

Hey anon, if you invest 1K today..based on the rend and meme lines and volume if you hold for 4 days you will have close to double your money. At that point I recommend pulling out your initial and letting the rest ride.

Thats help.

>> No.20625680

Did you take up econ after you failed out of introductory computer science?
>I believe
Go ahead and believe what you want, it's ok to be wrong, especially in econ

Tax software CS grad, out

>> No.20625706

Have sex.

>> No.20625756

The best way to look at it is every AMPL you have is worth one dollar. You pay a premium to get in the action, ie price of ampl is above one dollar. But if you stay in long enough your stack of AMPL will surpass your buy in.

>> No.20625778

listen, i've pretty much made it at this stage and believe me, i wouldn't put one red cent into this thing. But best of luck, no hard feelings.

>> No.20625859

You have yet to state anything meaningful, but that's to be expected from an econ grad, I suppose.

>> No.20625903

Well then why are you in here sperging out? Something doesnt add p mister econ man. I know really wealthy people. They dont waste their time on trivial stuff to them. If you have pretty much made it you wouldnt be here.

Everything you say is painting a picture of someone who is upset about either being late, its still not late, or selling too soon and hoping for a crash to buy back in.

>> No.20625918

When you have enough in play, getting audited is a real concern.

What would you say when they ask down the line to explain how made the 2000 ETH cashed out from 500 of transfers into crypto, why/where wasn't the 1500 ETH declared in income or gifts?

Unless you want to keep your money in crypto forever, in which case you are a no-hoper.

>> No.20625921

This is what helps gets me through the dips, AMPL $1 EOY

>> No.20625952
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y'all are paranoid that everything is fud. Says a lot desu. Keep the head in the sand boys. Good luck

>> No.20625986

See ya econ major lmao

You actually leaving this time? or gonna seethe some more.

>> No.20625997

>cashing out
newfag spotted

>> No.20626001

i've been on /biz for years, i lurk. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.20626047

You may want to revisit the definition of lurking.

>> No.20626056

stop replying then you mouth breather

>> No.20626087

You've literally said good luck 5 times, yet you are still here. Cope

>> No.20626121
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>> No.20626253

all you newfags will only learn from experience

>> No.20626277

Make it stack is much, much lower. ~40k AMPLs is a top 200 wallet. That's generational wealth.

.0015 is probably a better number for making it. Top 1000 wallet ATM.

>> No.20626280

no buying=price go down below 1=supplydecrease

>> No.20626368

Owning 0.01% is like owning 2100 btc

>> No.20626408

Should I just buy in now or wait for another dip? Is it even going to dip again? Fuck.

>> No.20626448

>BTC is dead
>ETH is dead
>LINK is dead
>AMPL has rebased into a $1 trillion mc
>0.01% of AMPL is now worth $100 million
>tfw you missed out on make it money

>> No.20626483

>how are you going to explain a capital gain, smartie?

Oh man, I don't know! If only anybody had ever been in a similar situation!

>> No.20626526

Dude it dumped like 30%, this is the fucking dip people have been waiting for

>> No.20626534

My original post was not linked above, how do you take advantage of the capital loss from any negative rebase down the line.

It's not a share split, it's not an airdrop, it's property that disappears. But it's original cost basis was zero, so it's not a loss for the IRS. But it will be for you.


>> No.20626620

613 Amplet here.


>> No.20626622

This is the dip before the next mcap bull. It could dump a little more or it could crab until Saturday. Your guess is as good as anyones. But remember we're getting a positive rebase tonight

>> No.20626658

>Should I just buy in now or wait for another dip? Is it even going to dip again? Fuck.

>should I buy into the compounding gains coin now or wait a while lmao?

This is the dip. It's already up 15% from yesterday

>> No.20626685
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pic related was your buy in dip

>> No.20626687

I know, I have been waiting for the fucking bank kikes to clear my transaction and it just happened. Fuck it, I'm all in.

>> No.20626704


Crap, I better cancel my plans to lose money on the money printer coin

>> No.20626732

relax, there's gonna be more dips along the way. iron hands, tho

>> No.20626765

A positive rebase is meaningless if you are trading this on a defi exchange.

The liquidity pool for AMPL will increase by the rebase amount. The liquidity pool for ETH won't. Your AMPLs are instantly worth less on a ratio basis.

What you need to make money is more pajeets coming in and paying you OVER what you paid for your SHARE of the system, or be a swingy and try not to rope.

>> No.20626771

Econ grads are the dumbest fucks in the finance progression.

T. Wall Street elite boutique for 4 years now

>> No.20626775



prepare for white knuckle holds

t. bought in literally hours before the July 12 dip, watched my holdings go from $3.65 to $1.51, somehow found the balls to hold on and am now up 60%

on this chart
you'll be the equivalent of me having bought in on the 16th. I hope.

>> No.20626820

Bless you anon. I'll hold on to my gonads and strife.

>> No.20626821

>cost basis was $1000 for 0.01% market share
>said share is now worth $2000, tax on $1000 gains
>said 0.01% share dumped and is now worth $500, loss of $500
How is this not like buying/selling a season ticket in a sports arena, if the entire market cap was defined as all the seats?

>> No.20626832

No one thinks you are fudding. We are all mocking you for your shitty choice of education

>> No.20626850

I’ve made it, and I have a decent stack of AMPL. Less for the money than for the exploration of a very interesting new financial asset

>> No.20626867


this lel


It's not a bad analogy 2bh

>> No.20626893

meant to quote >>20626534

>> No.20626956

Econ grad here, buy in now and sell out in like 3 days before it dumps 25% again.

>> No.20627012

its time to go back

>> No.20627037

>3 days

9 days

>> No.20627047

PhD in Math here (300k salary), buy high sell low for max gains

>> No.20627071

I really don't think people are understanding AMPL. A negative rebase isn't necessarily bad.. decreasing the amount of tokens increases the value of your other tokens. The only thing that matters in the long run is the market cap and the % you own of it. All rebases do is try to increase or decrease the supply of tokens to try to keep AMPL at a stable price. The reason for this is that its never at let's say $9000 making the price unattainable to own a full token. No matter what the rebase is All that matters is what percentage you own of the market cap. I really think people need to give AMPL some careful consideration and research because I think it has potential to solve some serious issues by being the ultimate stable coin. Believe I'm no Shill and I hardly ever post but if this experiment works it can be revolutionary and that's a gamble I'm willing to take! But do your own research and do invest as you wish

>> No.20627099

Neurosurgeon/Attorney here, buy now hold forever for max gains.

>> No.20627158

homeless Sharpie sniffing addict here, buy more AMPL

>> No.20627175

Son of a guy who works at Nintendo here, buy in now or stay poor. This is the dip and volume is stronger than ever

>> No.20627214

So when the hype wears off and the actually utility will have to shine through to prove its usefulness what then? Are there actual projects implementing AMPL in the defi world? Just seems like idiots spamming it so they avoid it going into negative rebase territory. What’s stopping Ethereum and it’s Avalanche from developing a more succinct less ponzi type of stable coin?

>> No.20627228

Cool MLM scheme.
“Anyone can do it!”, right?

>> No.20627234

Lol all the ampleforth faggots are in here crying their coin is lower than 2$ about to head to 1$ again because its the biggest FUCKING PONZI SINCE BITCONNECT

>> No.20627240

I don't think you are understanding. Whales with millions in profits are faced with 2 options during negative rebase:

1) cash the fuck out and take what liquidity is left on uniswap
2) hold onto your AMPL until the rebase brings your value back to original investment

>> No.20627260

Guys honestly how much money did you make with AMPL? 1k to 100k ? can you even sell it or the liquidity is garbage?

I'm curious if AMPL is a far more ambitious project than Statera. It seems more ambitious than Meridian/Lock at least.

>> No.20627304

Professional Coomer here. Take my advice and buy AMPL now or you will stay poor forever.

>> No.20627324


It's almost as if that'll create sell pressure for single large wallets at the same time that a low token price will attract small buyers

>> No.20627341

Lol bro there were people cashing out these days that put in $1k and turned it into $10k in 14 days

>> No.20627344

>1) cash the fuck
>2) hold onto your AMPL until the rebase brings your value back to original investment
*2) hold in the liquidity pool and make a fucking killing from pool fees, and get geyser rewards on top of that

>> No.20627348

>can you even sell it or the liquidity is garbage?
Yes, the bastards are geniuses because they incentivize providing liquidity on Uniswap. I would be very skeptical of them if it wasn't for this.

>> No.20627361

Lol.... not sure if serious by comparing this to those coins. And I made gains with both STA/MRDN. People have been cashing out millions over the last couple days and yeah while it did dump the price quite a bit, it was a concentrated mass sell-off as people got weak hands due to whales selling profits and even still we’ve already bounced back quite nicely. Market cap is still higher than earlier in the week

>> No.20627371

Bingo. It’s a clever spin on the same old “greater fool” theory.

>> No.20627373


>> No.20627395

It has the most liquidity of any alt coin on uniswap by an enormous margin. Think about that.

>> No.20627405

You guys even sound like Bitconnect brainlets now.

>> No.20627470

The only one who's delusional is you, this is the current reality. Whales will make your yearly salary every week they hold in the pool for the time being. These rewards will decrease as more capital comes in to take advantage of the insanely high RoR for providing liquidity

>> No.20627514

Just have the decency to not convince your grandma to buy this shit when you feel the desperation kick in.

>> No.20627541

again, you're assuming the price will never dip below $0.96 triggering a negative rebase liquidation fountain

>> No.20627585

Nope, not saying anything about price or rebase, retard. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, go buy more XRP

>> No.20627630

Shift supervisor here, your dads a bitch

>> No.20627640

if the price dips below $1 I'm buying the shit out of ampl and you cant stop me

>> No.20627654

For the past week [EST]:
10 AM - 3 PM - one or two threads
3 PM - 6 PM - fudders come out, screaming ponzi or bitconnect
6 PM - 9:59 PM - shitposting on both sides
10 PM - reBASED
10:01 PM - Midnight - dump and price rise to fuck over swingies who got slothy

>> No.20627681

AMPL shilling is getting retarded here, some facts for the no hopers.

Suppose one day you bought 10,000 AMPL at $2 because 4chan told you ‘couldn't lose’ on a 'money printer'. (Zimbabwe is a money printer).

The oracle price that day was $1.8, roughly a +8% supply adjustment at the end of the day, because you are a typical biztard and overpaid.

Your wallet (and every other AMPL holding wallet), will have 8% more tokens suddenly.

UniSwap liquidity for AMPL will increase by the rebase amount, ETH liquidity won't.

So INSTANTLY your AMPLs are worth 8% less on UniSwap, there is no gain from the moment of the rebase itself. All that happens is you have more tokens that are worth exactly the same amount as the lesser quantity were IN TOTAL, until...

Pajeet decides to pay you $2 each for your 10,000 AMPL because someone has told him this is a money printer and 'can't lose'. So, you make $1,600 dollars of paper gains on your 800 extra free internet magic tokens.

Pajeet has overpaid assuming constant demand for the currency as he has overvalued the total number of AMPLs (which you could say is backed by a constant value of ETH in the liquidity pool) and should have paid 2 * (1 -8%) = 1.84$. The fact he overpaid is why you see an increase in market cap, as market cap is simply average exchange price * circulating supply.

Because this is getting shilled hard (and not just here, there’s a respectable marketing effort by the team everywhere), demand is increasing, and more Pajeets want it during the day so the price and market cap continues to go up.

Now, be careful because yes VC funds are tied up for a while, but there are 50-100 retail whale clever chap wallets that were there with serious cash (5-6 digits) at the start of this game. Their cost per token was < $1, and not only have they got all the rebases from over a month of pumping, they have you Pajeets valuing the internet tokens at double their long term price. They are liquid and can doomp as required.

>> No.20627697

It’s so comfy isn’t it

>> No.20627716

I should note I think it's a super clever project and has a chance long term, so long as whale liquidation is careful and doesn't kill the vibe.

>> No.20627746

didnt read, at all, but i bought my 10000 amples for few hundred bucks.

you really missed sub 10M MC didn't ya?

>> No.20627748

Larger mcap so we will hover around the 1.5-2 range for longer than the last bull. Middle of next week will be next mini bullrun

>> No.20627772

There will be so much crying soon.

Please don’t do it here.

>> No.20627783

The price is $1.93 right now as long as AMPL gives positive rebases for 6 days at 13% a day. Even if it did drop to a $1.00 you would still be slightly on the green. I don't see this dipping that low in the next week at the rate of growth it's currently at a week long gamble is worth taking lol

>> No.20627822

In 6 months this will be a gentle riser and faller. Very gentle. It will become a dynamic stable coin that you can plan around. A revolutionary component of the new derivatives market.

>> No.20627916

Tell me more about AMPL. Could I have bought it originally for 10 cents or it started off at 1$?

I'm looking to put in like 100k to get at least a 3x ideally a 10x. Every other high liq coin like chainlink moves like molasses and requires futures/margin trading on Binance to feel the gains.

Can I margin trade AMPL using a COMP pair?

>> No.20627932

I doubt it’ll be gentle or use lube.

>> No.20628008

I'm planning on entering under 1 dollar.
I forgot to ask; how much % of my initial investment do I get every day? Do I just buy it on Uniswap or do I have to do something extra?
Also how does pooling gains compare to holding the token?

>> No.20628010

if you bought at sub 5M MC when it was first shilled here, you would have almost 50x your moneys, (because of the marketcap rise and rebases) the price was hovering at 1$ 'ish but at this coin you won't look the price, you look the marketcap. it was sub 5M and it's been over 400M before the dump.

>> No.20628014

You can probably make a very good profit off of this, yes. It just got listed on FTX which does shorts and futures. Insane amounts of volatitliy.

>> No.20628069

You think 6 months? Could be much sooner maybe

>> No.20628105

I didn't get in at sub 10mm but I am in and sitting comfy at a gain that means a drop to $1 is still profitable for me. So I would like up, but 300-400mm is cozy and may go geyser.

Just trying to educate biz a little so that people don't buy at $2 for MONEY PRINTER, without realising how the music could stop.

>> No.20628200

i've making 2000$ per night with only rebases, if this shit would dump to 0.1$ i'd be still in huge profit.

i really cannot imagine a scenario where i could lose anymore. and i got in super early.

>> No.20628229

>I'm planning on entering under 1 dollar.
Well you will have a lot of time to get your questions answered while you wait, haha. Not sure that's the play, but good luck.

>> No.20628254

this is the dip anon, get in

>> No.20628309

Which is awesome for you and every other early adopter, but shilling that same story to people now we've got to 400mm mcap and are trading at $2 is wishful without a FIRM use-case for the product.

If you play with an excel for a while, there are actually scenarios where you lose everything if the price goes below 1 and doesn't have good buying interest to pull it above.

And don't say IT HAPPENED BEFORE, because that was at a tiny market cap and a small splash of VC funds could have stopped that.

>> No.20628446

you will be saying that at next week and week after and... i still believe we are early, day by day you'll see MC rise and after you FOMO in we will dump.

this shit is going straight to 1-10B and top10 imo.

>> No.20628474

The mcap is still tiny af on AMPL... $350m is laughable... it moves huge amounts faster then any other project pretty much. Half the liquidity on most the top 20 is fake too... sigh, there’s really no use explaining what’s happening you’ll just have to watch

>> No.20628512

Fuck you faggot, nothing but another pump and dump scam. Off loading 30 million dollars in less than 10 minutes should alarm everyone.

>> No.20628534

Again, I am in and sitting comfy on any fall to $1 so there's no FOMO, but I got in relatively early wouldn't go into it right now thinking I CAN'T LOSE IT'S A MONEY PRINTER because that's just not true.

1) I sure hope that they can put this on other chains, or eth 2.0 is as good as people hope.

2) They need to do their own defi project using AMPL as collateral if they believe in it so much, as a length of time waiting with no real useful projects will hurt the token.

>> No.20628560

>no buying interest
you cannot even imagine how big buying interest is at sub 1$. if we go there, even i just dump more money to cover possible negative rebases for months and months ahead. it just cant even do more than -10% negative. do you understand how greatly this project rewards it's early adopters? you are just salty bcz your stupid russian stainstink didn't do the same and you're been watching on the sidelines, this once-in-a-lifetime pump.

this is revolutional project, not just an new P&D with shady devs, this is LEGIT american project, not some eastern-european shitscam.

nothing like this has happened before. this isn't a normal project.

this is bitcoin 3.0

>> No.20628678


Once again, I own AMPL at good levels (and more than you) but your shilling just makes it look retarded.

You don't "make" $2,000 a night from rebases. you make z tokens, which someone has to overpay you for to have a paper gain. That's fine, so long as the project is growing long term which needs a clear and progressing USE CASE.

Good luck.

>> No.20628683

I got banned for calling someone a kike yet this cuck does this on every thread fuck jannies.

>> No.20628715

it's called a dump, you dumbwit

>> No.20628741

Yes who wouldn't want to buy a coin that disappears in your wallet when it goes under a dollar, under a dollar.

>> No.20628764

>He still doesn't understand the genius of AMPL

>> No.20628836

Our use case is being a jewless federal reserve.

>> No.20629026
File: 117 KB, 802x636, come-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also ampl $10B mrket cap EOY

>> No.20629052
File: 34 KB, 625x217, 312313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early bird gets the worm. you will get good gains until mc stabilizes and the project starts to work as it's intend to; as a stablecoin. mc just keeps expanding, i dont even need to shill it. im just telling the facts, scared money wont make any money.

you sound like those boomers in 2011
>who would want to buy a coin called bitcoin, name is so stupid, what is it? some stupid internet money what could disappear from your wallet?

>> No.20629183

STAY POOR I GOT 3000 Amples compounding daily and these dips dont scare me at all. I make money when I buy high or low. The geiser and beehive is making me more ethereum than ETH STAKING EVER WILL!

>> No.20629281

geiser and beehive?

>> No.20629561

If everybody gets just three of their friends, and they all get just three of THEIR FRIENDS......

>> No.20629562

>implying whales havent multiplied their initial investment 10 fold or more through rebases and the geyser

>> No.20629600

Anal-prolapsed HIV-positive homosexual here.

Sell your AMPL now. Marketcap is about to crash.

>> No.20629721

thanks just sold 100k.

really, go back to your link threads, shitlinkers