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20604424 No.20604424 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the Ampleforth Protocol? Let me explain:

In simple terms, $AMPL is a protocol that can serve as crypto’s Federal Reserve. Here’s how the Fed works (basically). Currently, the US dollar is the world’s de-facto global currency. Debt, contracts, stocks, bonds … everything — is dominated in dollars. It’s the world’s most trusted currency (for the moment).

This reliance on the dollar led to a problem: There aren’t enough dollars to satisfy demand. And, without dollars the global financial system would seize up. Ordinarily the rush to the dollar (and reliance on it) would cause the value of the dollar to skyrocket against other currencies. That would cause a lot of problems, so the US Federal Reserve prints trillions of dollars to inject liquidity into the market to satisfy global demand.

The Ampleforth protocol can be viewed as an automated Federal Reserve. It is a scalable synthetic currency that is not backed by collateral, only itself, a primitive like Ethereum and BTC. Like the Federal Reserve, the protocol expands when demand is high, and contracts when demand is low.
But, there’s a crucial difference: When the Federal Reserve prints dollars the first beneficiaries are banks. What do bankers do when they get money? They invest it into stocks, bonds and other assets. The Federal Reserve’s money printing has led to an asset bubble where stocks do nothing but go up.
...As I mentioned before, the Ampleforth protocol has the ability to inject liquidity into the crypto ecosystem when demand is high, and remove liquidity when demand is low. This is all achieved in a rules-based, automated fashion with no human and political intervention. Unlike the Federal Reserve and bankers, the extra liquidity generated by the protocol (in response to demand) is given directly to $AMPL holders who are encouraged by the protocol’s rules to sell their tokens to the market. This helps transfer liquidity to the ecosystem (and achieve price stability).

>> No.20604453

Here’s another way to look at it: holding AMPL is no different from owning Bitcoin when it rose from $1000 to $10,000. But, instead of price gains, holders enjoy supply gains. The AMPL protocol is only re-directing capital’s energy from spiking the price (which only helps holders), to increasing the token supply (which can help redistribute capital to other sectors of the crypto economy).

This is just like capital provided by the Federal Reserve is expected to go from banks to other sectors of the US economy. The plan is for the $AMPL token to reach a large enough size to be integrated into exchanges, lending products, etc. And the team has launched liquidity initiatives, that are no different (in spirit) from other bootstrapping efforts, to do so.

So to sum up:
-What is $AMPL aiming to become?: A decentralized People's Federal Reserve that can solve crypto’s liquidity crisis with a non-censorable, sound (non-dillutable) currency.

...What is the end goal?: To replace Tether writing with $AMPL printing.

-Why do holders receive new supply?: When demand is high, instead of encouraging holders to hoard tokens, which leads to supply shocks, they are encouraged to sell surplus $AMPL for crypto assets that can be re-directed to other parts of the crypto economy, not stuck in wallets

As you can see, $AMPL is NOT a Bitconnect promising unsustainable ponzi-like gains.
The Ampleforth Protocol is aiming to be the People’s decentralized Federal Reserve.
The perfect asset for the Search for Yield Era.

>> No.20604508

ampl doesn't even need shilling anymore. if you're too blind to see then you'll be roping yourself in a year

>> No.20605713

>The Ampleforth protocol can be viewed as an automated Federal Reserve.
Im fucking shaking how did I get so lucky

>> No.20605851


>> No.20606629


>> No.20607074


>> No.20607337

where to buy?

>> No.20607777
File: 116 KB, 850x912, AMPL_DAMPLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever retard

>> No.20608408

> he still thinks about the price
NGMI waste of quads

>> No.20608455
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 26BC6520-BEC1-42B8-8CE3-D1DDD5782A9E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at price chart instead of market cap for a coin that is supposed to trend towards a dollar in the long term

Drooling retard detected