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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20604095 No.20604095 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/, long time RLC accumulator here. I decided I wanted to help you understand the situation with the ever decreasing available supply, and the ramifications of not accumulating some.
First off, disclaimer, I have over 80k RLC and 20k LINK. No other altcoins matter to me.
Besides that, let's move onto the supply.

Lets get the basics out of the way.
Max: 87M
Circ: 81M
The team only owns about 10-15% of all coins. I assume some of these coins will be used to onboard tech giants.
The team is extremely wealthy from the ICO as well, raising about 10,000BTC and 173,886 ETH. In 2017 it was the 6th largest ICO in history.
That's why 66666 is RLC gets.

In total 86,999,784 RLC have been issued and distributed to 1100 contributors.
I am sure that a lot of these coins have been distrubuted since, as RLC has been down for quite some time and people capitulated.


>> No.20604100
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Now let's talk about Binance wallets.
Many users keep their RLC on binance, around 22% of all RLC is on binance.
That means that most 78% of all RLC is held within user wallets, leaving only 22% of 81M up for grabs.
Roughly 17.82M are up for grabs.
Let that sink in. Around the same number of BTC are eventually up for grabs too.
It's an interesting thought.
Additionally, Bittrex non-US has about 3M or 1.3% and supposedly Kyberswap is running low.

Other interesting thoughts are that most of the top 50 whales, specifically the biggest(around 3M), haven't moved their RLC for a very long time.
If we check this picture, we can see that a whale or some entities took around 8,000,888 of RLC off of binance.

So what does all of this mean?
>Is RLC really a valuable scarce asset considered as digital oil?
>Are whales holding, accumulating and supressing while RLC is unknown to most?
>Are exchanges running somewhat low on supply?
>Is iExec eventually going to be the world computer?
>Is RLC undervalued?
>Is it going to experience a supply shock pump eventually?
>Will an American exchange listing like Coinbase make it pump hard?
The answer to all of these questions is yes.
I'm not really bothered by the price movements, yea it sucks to see such a great project with a technically genius team not in the top 10, but that's just how crypto is right now.
I think things will change very soon as more projects are exposed as being weak in comparison to others.
Microsoft and Google being even slightly somewhat interested in iExec is very telling to me that things are going to happen this year.

I wouldn't even take the slight chance on missing out on this one /biz/. I'll probably post this earlier tomorrow for more to see.

>> No.20604156
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I wanted to wait until the price was down to post these as well. Didn't want you guys to get in during a huge pump.

I feel as if it's going to pump hard after the 30th with Microsoft and continue to consolidate towards September

>> No.20604158
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[e ture, we can see that a whale or some entities took around 8,000,888 of RLC off of binance.
>So what does all of this mean?
>>Is RLC really a valuable scarce asset considered as digital oil?
>>Are whales holding, accumulating and supressing while RLC is unknown to most?
>>Are exchanges running somewhat low on supply?
>>Is iExec eventually going to be the world computer?
>>Is RLC undervalued?
>>Is it going to experience a supply shock pump eventually?
>>Will an American exchange listing like Coinbase make it pump hard?
>The answer to all of these questions is yes.
>I'm not really bothered by the price movements, yea it sucks to see such a great project with a technically genius team not in the top 10, but that's just how crypto is right now.
>I think things will change very soon as more projects are exposed as being weak in comparison to others.
>Microsoft and Google being even slightly somewhat interested in iExec is very telling to me that things are going to happen this year.
>I wouldn't even take the slight chance on missing out on this one /biz/. I'll probably post this earlier tomorrow for more to see.
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>Reply to Thread No.20604095

>> No.20604202
File: 15 KB, 281x165, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf lol

Anyways, if you want some proof that RLC is being suppressed here you go, just popped up.

The whale wants the price to go lower and force newfags to fomo sell.

>> No.20604228
File: 42 KB, 1261x581, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I forgot the chart for this
I have another interesting picture next

Also, volume is rising

>> No.20604229


>> No.20604245
File: 23 KB, 709x325, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anon! Whatever you say
Anyways here's an interesting picture of accumulation. From my judgement I can see this pumping again soon

>> No.20604250

How is it a scam?

>> No.20604263

Thanks for the info anon

>> No.20604277
File: 21 KB, 327x323, 444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now the whale took it off, it's manipulating bots and newfag fomoers

>> No.20604308

I think the digital oil meme is funny but cringe when taken too seriously. It's a meme. The reason I have 15k into this is because the legitimacy of the project, size/caliber of the team, and the connections they've quietly formed over the last few years.

>> No.20604336
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I'm completely fine with it stabilizing around here or even a dollar.
For the past few years it could only hit around 80 cents before plummeting back down.
We have already built up a fair bit of support. I knew the rise to 1.90 was euphoric unfortunately I didn't make any moves to capitalise but regardless it's clear the visibility on this project is increasing.

>> No.20604347
File: 59 KB, 819x827, 363636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a meme.
RLC is digital oil because much like how oil powers machines and production, so does RLC. Without oil there is no machines/production and without digital oil there is no digital production/computations.
Quite simple really.

>> No.20604350

It’s called a pump and dump

>> No.20604376

Does RLC have anything that can beat Chainlink?
Chainlink just recently got a Tmobile partnership.

>> No.20604379

the memes only hold back this project honestly. At least we'll get some recognition and appeal to authority this year.

>> No.20604384

It's actually because of a mass influx of initial interest.
It is only going to get more interest now.

>> No.20604419

If all you care about is partnerships I don't know what to tell you but they are partnered with some huge multi-billion dollar companies like IBM, Intel, Ubisoft, EDF, Alibaba Cloud and some others.

Tech wise? I think iExec has a more complete tech stack but LINK will probably be the standard for oracles, which is why I hold both.

>> No.20604486

I personally think the memes will evolve over time. The digital oil meme is the best meme they have come up with and I've seen a lot of shitty ones. At least iExec has some sort of identity now, plus the meme is 100% real shit.

If you don't understand the digital oil meme just refer to my explanation >>20604347

>> No.20605023

but its a pump and dump

>> No.20605061

>regardless it's clear the visibility on this project is increasing.
how do we get coinbase's attention?

>> No.20605077
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Hmmm, meme magic?

>> No.20605094

This. This month was huge for iExec, a lot of conferences, customers and partnerships.
People are talking shit about Dropbox but it's big, beside LINK nobody here can tell a single coin which is working with someone like Dropbox.

>> No.20605135

The dropbox/ipfs thing is unironically a big deal. It shows that iExec has extreme capabilities.

>> No.20605163

Meme coin shut up

>> No.20605180
File: 16 KB, 528x581, images (79).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but its a pump and dump

>> No.20605244
File: 122 KB, 1077x1600, ie plus link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't need to beat Chainlink. They're going to work together beautifully fulfilling offchain demands among other things
iExec does have SGX/TEE doracles though

>> No.20605265

but it IS a pump and dump

>> No.20605307

Why do they need to beat Chainlink? Despite RLC having oracles, RLC and Chainlink are aiming to solve different problems

>> No.20605417

iExec technically doesn't need LINK but iExec can also utilize LINK in a workerpool of oracles.

>> No.20605527

You mean pumped out with pump jacks and dumped into barrels?

>> No.20605614

Post your stack either in your wallet or on Binance, OP. It's your vouchers of credibility.

>> No.20605643

Not outting my wallet, thanks though. My stack is irrelevant to the facts of supply.

>> No.20605773

Imagine being one of the retards that bought the pump and are now here frantically trying to rationalize it
>muh team
>muh partnerships

They had a fucking ppt at a conference. Absolute cope.
Keeping bag holding retards.
50cent EOM.

>> No.20605790

Your wallet is hardly important to anyone. Besides unless you lied do you think it's hard to find 80k RLC and 20k LINK on the same wallet?

>> No.20605809
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>> No.20605844

Why do you care so much about my wallet then? Pretty hypocritical...

Sorry this is a thread for intellectuals not fudders thanks, no one is selling to you.

Nice picture anon, saved it

>> No.20605882

Your entire credibility is entirely hinged on owning 80k and 20k otherwise your just another LARPer. If you don't have skin in the game then why pretend.

>> No.20605900
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1514592312732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They had a fucking ppt at a conference. Absolute cope.
>Keeping bag holding retards.
>50cent EOM.

>> No.20605908

I personally know a nigga with 50K LINK 35K RLC and another nigga with 10K LINK and 40K RLC. NO LARPING HERE NIGGA

>> No.20605942
File: 60 KB, 1058x537, rlcw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice that the last weekly close was 46 sats above the previous high? These things are not accidental.

>> No.20605945

Found you. Only wallet in that range with those two tokens. https://etherscan.io/address/0x72152ca96cf750f094fc4fb24adbdd9c22e88358

>> No.20605948

>Your entire credibility is entirely hinged on owning 80k and 20k
Okay poorfag I'm sorry you don't have a job and can't trade properly.

My post is like 98% facts regurgitated for normies here

>> No.20605960

What is a make it staxk of this?

>> No.20605969

>t. bag holding a shitcoin corrected to baseline after yet another pump and dump

>> No.20605972

I have 5k stack, I recognize the potential but talking out of your ass without proof just makes people doubtful. Damn why are you so sensitive nigga.

>> No.20605973

Okay, so am I credible now?
In my opinion we are going to break out if the news is bullish whenever it comes

>> No.20605996

>talking out of your ass
All of the stats are taken from etherscan, wait, you can find my wallet but not read analytics and do simple math?????

>> No.20606014

Yes, you have skin in the game. Thank you for sharing that info. It's nice to see people who own the actual tokens actually opine on it. Now scatter your tokens around before the tax man finds you.

>> No.20606029

I believe otherwise I wouldn't hold 5k of these digital baugettes.

>> No.20606076
File: 969 KB, 1728x1809, 542352354h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here take this meme
5k seems like an okay stack but might be a few years for a lot of money unless it takes off
Yeah I'm surprised you found it, sadly I need to do everything the normie way and pay taxes

>> No.20606103

I bought two bags, a year ago at $0.33 and in march at $0.23
.5 is my 2x

>> No.20606112

Lol. I have another potential shitcoin that makes me about 250 bucks a day from holding it. I do wish I had more RLC but can't get 'em all.

I'm not counting on it mooning anytime soon.

>> No.20606133

Nice that's a good profit

RLC was always a long hold. In 2017 it was definitely more of a long hold though. It's going to experience a boost soon tho

>> No.20606144

I hope so. I like the tech. It feels useful. There are few other useful coins but most of crypto is dogshit.

>> No.20606193

good thread thank you op

>> No.20606211

>I feel as if it's going to pump hard after the 30th with Microsoft and continue to consolidate towards September
So are you saying dump it after the 30th?

>> No.20606226

Always a chance. If the news is trash itll dump but maybe it will get bought since more ppl know now?

Np fren