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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.63 MB, 2521x879, D19B1F42-AB53-470C-8197-E2D2E67CB219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20602591 No.20602591 [Reply] [Original]

RLC is dumping because it has no good memes. All of its memes are just Pajeet scribbling over LINK memes instead of crafting new ones.
Similarly, this thread will eventually have the picture of a Pajeet holding up this image I posted because iExec can’t come up with anything good. In this day and age, memes mean everything. It is why LINK is going up again despite a massive millionaire-funded coordinated FUD attack against it, the memes let it stay strong. iExec is dumping like a grandmother’s ass. Hell, even Methanon is just a hastily copied-and-cosmetically-changed version of 42.
It’s over. You should have stuck with LINK.

>> No.20602743

They tried to make RLC their "link killer" because they missed out on cheap links.
Stealing our memes and copying 42.

>> No.20603182
File: 534 KB, 631x934, E0AE8B86-F444-4D68-B608-D6559C692A21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling my digital oil

>> No.20603298


>> No.20603347
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>> No.20604219
File: 849 KB, 1200x640, oasis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20604286

I'm Indian and I unironically hold RLC and PNK

>> No.20604311

Just use jap mommies and Arab chads. Only memes needed .

>> No.20604325

oh fuck meeee...

>> No.20604331
File: 209 KB, 1085x1217, 1592286337978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iExec can’t come up with anything good. In this day and age, memes mean everything. It is why LINK is going up again despite a massive millionaire-funded coordinated FUD attack against it, the memes let it stay strong.
>Hell, even Methanon is just a hastily copied-and-cosmetically-changed version of 42.
I mean, you're not wrong

>> No.20604414

Actual buy and hold movements are caused by actual usage and adoption

Links pump from $4.80 was the Chinese nodes.
Rlc was v5
Pnk was that court case

Memes only build awareness for lunch money retail and cause the smaller pumps and dips that swingys think they can time.

T. Hold all 3

>> No.20604546

Digital Oil meme is actually the best meme on this board.. also the Bitcoin of Cloud computing is catching on... Memes are okay

>> No.20604664
File: 218 KB, 332x275, 542363466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, I think digital oil is actually the truth and every other coin's meme are fucking garbage.
Bitcoin of cloud is true too when you think about it and I've seen some posts that explain it good

>> No.20604735

>Similarly, this thread will eventually have the picture of a Pajeet holding up this image I posted because iExec can’t come up with anything good
Unironically one of the more clever meme memes to come out recently, objectively speaking

>> No.20604747

Get out of here boomer you’re making the rest of us RLChads look bad

>> No.20604967

>It is why LINK is going up
Link memes are just wojack and pepe memes
serGAY memes dont really seem to bring in normies

>> No.20605293

"Digital oil" is an extremely generic concept, any infrastructure type crypto could call themseIves that including LINK.
Not to mention that even your RLC oil barrel is tramp stamped and made in the image of the LINK cube. RLC shills continually bring up, invoke, contrast or grovel to Linkies on /biz/.
It's so forced, just like PNK's /biz/ targeted shill brigade and every other lower tier uniswap """gem""" spamming.

>> No.20605494

>Not to mention that even your RLC oil barrel is tramp stamped and made in the image of the LINK
You don’t know how any of this works. Muh intellectual property.
We RLC now bitch

>> No.20605552
File: 738 KB, 750x1000, 789y453g6435678h9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine doubting the best team in all of crypto, how does it feel to have a single digit IQ anon?

>> No.20606044

PNK was never meant to be a killer it was meant to make us make it all over again you in yet?

>> No.20606087

not true at all
LINK can't power machines