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File: 23 KB, 500x274, original_230056292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20595161 No.20595161 [Reply] [Original]

MM's lowballed earnings so you can pump their bags and they can sell edition. TQQQ gap down tomorrow after people sell the news edition

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Previous: >>>>20592572

>> No.20595184

Why no anime OP?

>> No.20595191

First for TSLA

>> No.20595193

UAVS and Amazon partnership announcement in August

Be ready

>> No.20595199


>> No.20595206

Is gay

>> No.20595207
File: 137 KB, 1080x726, F21A7D2B-8F95-4536-95C3-8BF87C54F9C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your tech profits before the next leg down tomorrow. People WILL sell the news, look at MSFT for example

>> No.20595217
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>> No.20595224

We’re serious right now

>> No.20595231

What happened, Anon?

>> No.20595234
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>> No.20595239

>he bought a mineless mining company

>> No.20595240

>What is Coronavirus
I guess OP is not only a faggot but a retard too.

>> No.20595243
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You can't fight Fed or Elon
Get over it bears

>> No.20595245

Boiling mad OP.
Gas all TeslaQ retards

>> No.20595260

The day SP500 brings in TSLA is the day I unironically go ham on SPXU while buying more TQQQ

>> No.20595263

I have good positions.
This won’t be too bad

>> No.20595277

went from 2.30 to 1.80 the second i checked on it after not looking for hours..climbing back up

>> No.20595301

You otm money Tesla call buyers probably have both a suicide prevention hotline and a Lamborghini dealership number in speed dial right now

>> No.20595302

Imagine still being an anti-Tesla fag, Imagine being so stubborn you continue to fight the inevitable. Sad.

>> No.20595305

My God Retard Bears.

There won't be a crash until the FED raises Interest Rates. Which won't happen until 2023 or if inflation is out of hand.

Then your time will come.

>> No.20595304
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>> No.20595322

why is amazon dropping

>> No.20595325
File: 95 KB, 724x720, smug 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. When I buy a stock I will hold that thing for years.
All of my positions have potential, solid finances and will dominate the next century.
The last time I actually sold a stock was back in June and I intend to keep it that way.

>> No.20595336

Confession: I hold 30% VOO
Don't feel like indirectly buying TSLA at 2k though

>> No.20595343

IV crush now resets gamma. There is going to be enormous deep OTM call buying again either tomorrow or Friday.

>> No.20595348

How can tesla only pump so minorly with these earnings

>> No.20595356
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I don't want to wake up tomorrow

>> No.20595359


>> No.20595366

My stop loss is ready! Doesn’t seem like it will get triggered tho... 10000 EoY

>> No.20595367

Robinzoomers cant trade AH. 9am tomorrow it pumps hard.

>> No.20595369

>why is x going up/down

it's a fugazi

>> No.20595373

Tesla will only go up in the future.

If battery day is as good as fanboys say it is, it'll go to 2250-2500.

>> No.20595377

Oh look the jews are shilling their messiah’s stock

>> No.20595378

It was pricing this in for the past month

>> No.20595380
File: 225 KB, 510x800, __suzumiya_haruhi_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_drawn_by_a_ka__a6a8e2bf3cbc961598301846a1557bde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which are you holding?

>> No.20595389


>> No.20595398
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Shill me some gold and silver stocks

I wanted to buy some but most of the ones I've seen before are pink sheet. Not sure if those do anything after hours desu

>> No.20595411

Get in, or get left behind. Winning side. Take your pick.

>> No.20595416
File: 119 KB, 750x465, C89A2826-29D7-46BA-9CD4-915EBE26321E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is controlled opposition.

Elon Musk is much more than just an average politically opinionated tech CEO. He is an intel asset. He is just like Jeff Bezos, Mark ZuckerBerg, Tom Hanks, Jack Dorsey or Bill Gates. They all have specific high-profile public image in their respective fields, however they are also active behind the scenes, all connected through the same entity of common intel agency. Intelligence agencies are especially heavily interested and invested in all tech sectors, especially space and remote-controlled cars, so just like they have journalists as assets that work for big newspapers to publish or spin specific story that CIA wants, they have tech CEOs, developers etc. that do CIA's bidding. When one of them shows a higher potential, then that person gets into smaller, close-circle of powerful people. Elon Musk is one of them. He is glowing brighter that supernova. Just research his involvement with companies and where they get their money from. Government subsidies are not to "help" company grow, but to make them govt's slave. Everything that comes from Musk is guaranteed to have backdoors and other hidden surprises.

Just search for "Tesla subsidies", or "Space X subsidies" and you will see. Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

Also, check Musk's ties with Michael Griffin, (head of NASA 2005-2009). Griffin was also working for In-Q-Tel, a CIA subdivision.

>> No.20595429
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It would be the first time that an earnings hype dies by morning. Sleep tight tech bulls, remember, we all said the crash was gonna happen on Thursday. We are right on schedule

>> No.20595437
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>tfw monthly divvy day

>> No.20595439
File: 209 KB, 400x399, 12C3F0F3-EDA7-441D-A85E-8770F3DCEF85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how quickly it changed from >“MSFT will miss earnings and tech will dooooomp”
>”It was priced in for weeks, it will dump tomorrow when everyone sells the news”
The cope is real. Ears open for that margin call.

>> No.20595440
File: 2.30 MB, 600x428, Doki Doki Hug Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like MA, MSFT, TSM, AMZN and others.
I switch them around a bit sometimes, but usually its the same few tickers.

>> No.20595442

It wouldn’t*

>> No.20595446

Still voting trump

>> No.20595448

PAAS (silver) and GOLD are basically the biggest boys in the space. Everything else silver is OTC because they were in a 12 year bear market and eating shit the whole time.

>> No.20595450
File: 92 KB, 594x571, kennyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped half my SPY bags today at the 327 candle. Genius tier pre-Tesla unload, or am I just a midwit?
Never owned TLSA before tomorrow, and don't really want to own it in an index either at these valuations.

>> No.20595453

Won't airlines get removed from the S&P in a quarter or two?

>> No.20595454

lmao imagine this level of cope

>> No.20595462

This is bullish, yes?

>> No.20595464 [DELETED] 
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~~Elon’s connections to Epstein/ elite pedophiles~~
Hey Elon maybe you shouldn’t have given Rupert Murdoch more respect you little cunt.

>> No.20595487

Why microsoft dropped like hell? the new quarter report has good numbers or am I dumb?

>> No.20595497

buying lots of tech and metal calls tomorrow, it's time

>> No.20595499
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A teenage Elon Musk once walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket. His father, Errol Musk, had a casual attitude towards the family's considerable wealth, including the stones that came from the Zambian emerald mine in which Errol owned a half share.

Elon Musk enjoyed the fruits of apartheid slave labour, and he wouldn't be successful as a businessman without slave money. What does that make you feel?




>> No.20595500

>>>/pol/ we only care about profit here

>> No.20595504
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>> No.20595513

hiding behind cartoon bitcoiner memes doesnt hide the seeth flowing from your eyes

>> No.20595517

This does not make the price change, so we don't give a shit

>> No.20595523
File: 184 KB, 619x594, 1595447984374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that, TWTR and INTC both up tomorrow.
Hope they've got the earnings bars low enough.

>> No.20595524

buy nak dip, big news friday

>> No.20595534

what the hell is up with MXC

>> No.20595537

Because a whale dumped shares right before the market closed.

>> No.20595539
File: 391 KB, 640x763, 77D53B61-DCE1-4491-96F4-273955BA0453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~~Elon’s connections to Epstein/ elite pedophiles~~
Hey Elon maybe you should have given Rupert Murdoch more respect, you little cunt.

>> No.20595545

>Spamming Elon Musk FUD

Lmao, bears are so mad

>> No.20595550

Fuck off kikelover

>> No.20595565
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, Kon young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like MA and V but the thing that keeps me out of them is that the blockchain technology seems a threat to its business model.

>> No.20595570

Trump is w/ Q anon. So ok, good job anon

>> No.20595571

This... 3.3M shares all sold instantly.

>> No.20595578
File: 69 KB, 870x651, confused eromanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you even be a bear?
Im simply amazed at how bears can short at a market during a dollar dump. And not only do they bet against the house, laws, regulations, the system itself and forex rates, they also bet against the only sure thing in the stock market: Long term things go up.

Is there any statistic on how much money bears lose over the years?
I mean I was a smug bear in February, but that was the only time ever that I shorted the market.
Just let it go, Bobo.

>> No.20595580
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Anyone else thinking about going deep on silver calls?

>> No.20595587

Elon Musk for president of the United States.

>> No.20595588

>Elon Musk enjoyed the fruits of apartheid slave labour, and he wouldn't be successful as a businessman without slave money. What does that make you feel?

>> No.20595591


>> No.20595602

Elon musk the most based man to ever live

>> No.20595603

I only started because the first comments were all tsla/ Elon bull shit. faggots get wrecked

>> No.20595614

is amazon going to go up tomorrow if tsla mooned

>> No.20595619

Waiting for conference call

>> No.20595623

>Elon Musk enjoyed the fruits of apartheid slave labour, and he wouldn't be successful as a businessman without slave money. What does that make you feel?
Based, buying more TSLA tomorrow.

>> No.20595625

>was a bear in february
friend i know exactly what you're saying, i was a bear through april and it cost me a lot, but after a while anyone with sense should be able to tell that the bulls just have the system on their side in the long run

>> No.20595627

/biz/ are the Jews now goyim. Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.20595631
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Over my dead body.

>> No.20595633

I own a shit ton so I hope so

>> No.20595635
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The only conspiracy like theory I can think of where Musk is involved I could possibly believe is that space X, Virgin Space and the new Space Force are all linked against some upcoming alien attack.

There's been an pretty steady number of "lights in the sky" and weird cloud formations the last few months.

Also explaining the violent protests with fires, both explaining collateral damage as well as giving the impression that mankind is able to be violent.

>> No.20595639

Not until TSLA announces they are purchasing AMZN

>> No.20595644


>> No.20595645

Its not even remotely a threat. Everyone has used mastercard/visa debit and credit for decades and it is the most efficient method of purchase

>> No.20595653

Got $20k, thinking of going all in on C. Diversity is for niggers, queers, and trannies.

>> No.20595657

everything tech that had been wobbling for the past week or so is now 100% safe confirmed.

>> No.20595676
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Niggers and Jews are bad news goy

>> No.20595696

Think he did it to buy back cheaper or do you think that he actually thought they wouldn't beat earnings?

>> No.20595704

Well, you see, I bought the first call two mondays ago and that dumped so the idea was to get my cost average down as low as possible so I could sell above that price and make my money back but that never happened and I'll probably have to eat the cost. At least they're covered.

>> No.20595705

> faggots get wrecked
Sweet pea, all the TSLA holders are up almost $100 per share from where it closed. The only people have been rekt are you and the other idiot bears.


>> No.20595716
File: 695 KB, 1500x1446, 055521d8c989b64e2f87d01dbbf789b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw AMD
Got about 1000 extra burgers, what should I be looking for tomorrow

>> No.20595718
File: 254 KB, 781x562, fit question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the world credit card companies. if you want to buy something online or go to a shop you pay with your credit card.
The general population does not care about "safety" or "privacy", but about not having to count coins anymore. And crypto is a meme and paypal a service for scared Germans (a nice company btw. worth buying in imo).

I just dont see a way around V or MA. Even if there were they would just buy it. Like MSFT would buy any OS company.
Or Google bought Mozilla.

V and MA are great stocks and great companies that dominate their field. Both are worth buying.
"Stocks go up", as simplistic as it sounds.

>> No.20595723

Who cares

>> No.20595744

Algorithm cascade probably. One Algo sold and then it triggered the stop loss for another Algo and another.

>> No.20595753
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>> No.20595754
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MSFT bull put spread
Free money.

>> No.20595757

Don't let the Musky Jew of South Africa distract you from the fact that tomorrow is a big earnings day too!

TWTR, LUV, AAL, T, INTC, HSY, UNP, APD, DHR, and many more!

>> No.20595767

Whale dump

>> No.20595768

T and INTC interest me. rest can fuck off

>> No.20595782

Literally who?

>> No.20595787

I'm pretty sure he can't become president unless you change the constitution or stack the supreme court.

>> No.20595789

It’s all gravy until the gravy stops flowing.

>> No.20595801

half of my portfolio is INTC puts, am I going to make it?

>> No.20595803

T will always be a 30 usd stable stock
Boring as fuck

>> No.20595809
File: 132 KB, 554x439, shrug 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you think it dont but then it really be

Happens. Some random algo dumped the shares and the rest followed. Maybe some numbers didnt match with the programmed targets.
Who knows?

>> No.20595812


>> No.20595827
File: 295 KB, 1200x1333, 1594635552533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I masturbate in the airport bathroom will they know?

>> No.20595840

What caused that AMD bump today?

>> No.20595844
File: 146 KB, 640x675, 303848C7-ECC7-4B6D-B4EE-C2E3DE50AD16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well remember, this didn’t stop the King of the Kenyan jungle- Hussein becoming president of the United States

>> No.20595848

Didnt follow them at all so if you want a random confirmation to make you sleep tight tonight... Sure. Will print like a Fed machine.

>> No.20595856 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 750x1076, 8260810E-6DDD-4F10-9F66-6F63802D30C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20595864

Mind blowing how Tesla's sales are decreasing, but the bull hype is so strong. This time last year, if you revealed Tesla's current financials, and shrinking sales instead of growth, the stock would probably crater below $100. Now it will probably go to 2000+ unless something happens in the broader market. A ton of people must be sitting on some ridiculous stacks from this run up. Thanks fed.

>> No.20595868

I masturbated in the airplane once.
It tooks so long, a stewardess opened the door and saw my wiener.

>> No.20595875

Depends on the airport. If you're at one with a gender neutral restroom you can jack off without getting caught. The restroom is literally just 1 toilet so you can masturbate in peace

>> No.20595878

Not only do you not get any more gravy, your gravy has been stolen from you and given to me.

>> No.20595886

Why is blockchain less efficient?
It removes the need for any intermediaries and it can be fast too.
You also can't just buy the technology.

>> No.20595890

Look now the kikes are sliding with talk about their dicks

>> No.20595891

God damn machines.

>> No.20595898
File: 23 KB, 128x128, BAA64DEA-C78C-4A8C-BFF5-FDA5DE742D2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tech bulls when TQQQ opens down 5%

It’s coming

>> No.20595899

Stocks don't need a good reason to go parabolic in this market.

>> No.20595900

Holding negative 400k USD margin with a $500 maintenance margin overnight wish me luck lads

>> No.20595926

Lol what was that flash 50 cent dump On TQQQ

>> No.20595928


What kind of portfolio do you have?

>> No.20595933


>> No.20595935
File: 105 KB, 220x218, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just means cheapies

>> No.20595938


I'm going to be flying all day in different airports, never saw a gender neutral one

Hey what do you think about dividend stocks vs growth stocks?

>> No.20595943

If you are a tech bull I wish for your future poverty

>> No.20595949

What happened with MSFT after hours? Didnt they beat earnings? They say something scary in call?

>> No.20595950
File: 1.18 MB, 1358x1358, 20200601_150427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, NAK is still bleeding. What's going on friday?

What happen to make it lose its gain today and keep dropping afterwards?

>> No.20595956
File: 586 KB, 755x612, 1594605399716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it. My TSLA 7/24 1600cs are going to print so much fucking money.

>> No.20595963

TSLA is cooking their books, no question.

>> No.20595964

Proof or larp

>> No.20595965

if msft opens with a downgap then i'm buying $220 calls

>> No.20595966
File: 202 KB, 1240x776, 2020-07-22_14-12-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closes today on the Comex.

>> No.20595972


Can't talk about it now anon the Bogdanoffs are listening

>> No.20595990
File: 444 KB, 523x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well did you cum or what?

>> No.20595992

millions of shares sold right before close

>> No.20595994

>It's mind blowing that sales of vehicles could possibly decreased during Coronavirus

>> No.20595997

My God, have you not seen what happened to Amazon, Netflix and many others after earnings?

Traders gobble up shares and then dump on earnings.

>> No.20596005

Whale sold 3.3 million shares at market close

>> No.20596016

>qult boomers
how do you dumb niggers still exist

>> No.20596026


>> No.20596028

Nonsense bear cope.

>> No.20596037

>Why is blockchain less efficient?
Its not about about efficiency or anything. Its that V and MA provide all kinds of easy payment services that will not get replaced. Sarah goes to the store and pays with her Mastercard, not blockchain. Paul pays Amazon with his visa, not blockchain. Its easy, its tried and every other payment service is obscure and rarely accepted at best.
The "biggest" contenders in my eyes are Google Pay and that stuf.

And if "blockchain" would ever be a legitimate threat they would just buy the companies involved or develop their own systems. Though right now "blockchain" is a buzzword you can hear in banks and car dealerships alike. With neither using nor understanding them.

>> No.20596053

95% arent going to convert their fiat to crypto just because of " intermediaries". and assuming they do: Visa and mastercard would take all marketshare

>> No.20596054

Stop posting twice in every thread. We get it.
t. Holds gold

>> No.20596056

It makes sense in this clown market, as it would be the non-logical thing to happen.

>> No.20596063

you successfully shilled me on gold and silver congrats

>> No.20596066

I've made so much fucking monies on tesla and silver in the past few days.
Literally 5 years of jobbing made in a few days. Fucking incredible
Thank you mystical silver shill that predicted this days in advance and thank you fucking elon

>> No.20596074

Thanks anons. Was traveling so couldt focus much this week. I imagine it will trade back up over next few weeks.

>> No.20596075

Diamond hands anon. Friday is the make or break day for NAK

>> No.20596082

NIO $13 AH?

>> No.20596090

Theyve been on my radar since .90. I can't wait for their mine to finally open

>> No.20596096
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>Literally 5 years of jobbing made in a few days

>> No.20596099

God please no my puts

>> No.20596101

they did it elon just said positive on the conference call

>> No.20596105
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, rubybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking of opening an account on interactive brokers deposit a few thousand so I can buy 100 of a good stock, then use margin to buy 100 more, and then sell monthly/quarterly covered calls.
What do you retards think?

>> No.20596108

You can have mine they expire 7/31 you can buy for 5.3 :^)

>> No.20596109

TSLA call starting

>> No.20596113

I used to work at LAX. I guess it's only the "progressive" cities that have one

>> No.20596115
File: 19 KB, 600x401, 1594613224409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen kid I don't have much time, Tesla is going to bottom on

>> No.20596118

Lets stfu about TSLA. We know its gonna pump in the morning from the robinzoomers. The real news is MSFT and TQQQ. A random whale dumped 3.3mil MSFT shares on a positive earnings report. That shit is going right back up at open. Then you also have rebounded tech confidence after a week of crabbing.

TQQQ and MSFT holders are gonna be very happy.

>> No.20596120

Is it too late to fomo into silver miners?

>> No.20596124
File: 25 KB, 628x353, 030613-shows-106-park-kanye-west-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Netflix already @ 500.


>> No.20596128

If only you knew how leveraged silver futures moved you would understand

>> No.20596129

Skechers still exists, it's publicly traded and reports earnings tomorrow.

>> No.20596130


>> No.20596132

if you didn't sell, you didn't make anything

>> No.20596135
File: 133 KB, 602x1136, five-minutes-to-buy-slv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else thinking about going deep on silver calls?
You think it's a good idea to buy $SLV?

>> No.20596137

Lol no it won’t because of the IV crush

>> No.20596141

how much did you make

>> No.20596144
File: 175 KB, 1324x866, 1499035054047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay salty TSLAQ

>> No.20596146

What's the difference between VOOG and VOO? What kinda ETFs do I want to take the most advantage of the vaccine recovery?

>> No.20596151

You can make 40-400k in a week.
If wverything you invest in goes 40-1000+ percent with a good amount of shares and a good position.

>> No.20596156

why do peoplee mess with options? Like you did realize when you bought puts on NIO you were effectively betting against Tesla too?

>> No.20596157
File: 10 KB, 1225x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so holding all this tqqq and amazon has been pissing me off while I watched everything else go up

>> No.20596175

Shut up chinky poo

>> No.20596186

ok anon have fun with your puts ;)

>> No.20596193

You’d be better off buying the so called TQQQ dip.

>> No.20596199
File: 32 KB, 574x544, TQQQ calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um... Am I going to be happy?

>> No.20596206
File: 74 KB, 750x1334, 887DE863-8752-45EC-9270-AE0DED822B7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these results mean?

>> No.20596209
File: 116 KB, 1345x842, 4B5EB852-71AA-4C6C-AFF8-BBF367F1FCAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20596226

means that most people bailed on the thread after tesla erport

>> No.20596232

Ah,all this FUDing is about irrelevant short term shit. MSFT is a long hold. Who cares what it does tomorrow. It'll be up 50%+ over the course of a year, and just keep going.

>> No.20596234


>> No.20596243

Im just trying to decide on strike and expiration. What so you think about $22 12-31-2020?

>> No.20596247

The fattest finger in history

>> No.20596252

is that even possible

>> No.20596255

the fuck jewish magic happened, and reduced it down to less then $400?

>> No.20596256

aaaand back up 6%, lmfao. It has to be a glitch right? I've seen TSLA do this in the AH like 3 times.

>> No.20596257

I wish I could get Tesla cheapies.

>> No.20596258

Lol thats a little ambitious.

>> No.20596261

Tesla already started production on their Austin Gigafactory

>> No.20596269
File: 658 KB, 988x765, 1594675851994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought amazon and microsoft, so expect a crash tomorrow

>> No.20596270
File: 1.15 MB, 985x1378, 95bfed590defcc73cf5c52fa152bd1e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shilled me into it.
What the hell is the ticker symbol for silver?

I tried Si1, Si and SL1. Nothing would come up

>> No.20596283
File: 43 KB, 831x441, Huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine now.

>> No.20596287
File: 49 KB, 634x521, Screenshot from 2020-07-22 16-41-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a whale just dump a shitload of shares?

>> No.20596288
File: 40 KB, 603x566, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....You wish.

>> No.20596293


>> No.20596310

SLV/PSLV for silver trusts

>> No.20596313

Ahh, the good ol' razzle dazzle lmao

>> No.20596314
File: 1.28 MB, 1510x884, 1593698669666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're ITM, you fucking retard. IV crush kills far OTM reaches but not ITM options as much, not to mention I got them when TSLA hit 1480. Suck my fucking dick.

GOD FUCKING DAMN it feels good to be correct. There was NO CHANCE IN HELL Elon would let Tesla miss S&P 500 inclusion.

Pic related: You missing the WKHS and TSLA bull runs.

>> No.20596320
File: 8 KB, 259x195, zoomer-crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20596321

lmao how did you find a TSLA put for $300
is it like a $500 put that expires on Friday or something

>> No.20596326
File: 2.12 MB, 600x315, happy-new-year.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im just trying to decide on strike and expiration. What so you think about $22 12-31-2020?

>> No.20596329

It's a glitch, this happens all the time with Google.

>> No.20596333

18 minutes till normies can’t trade. Make your predictions

>> No.20596340

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.20596347

no one said that

I specifically said the earnings would be shit and it would pump regardless because the market thinks it's buying the AI singularity

>> No.20596351

Sorry man

>> No.20596359
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, 1594825567086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me feel pretty fucking based.

>> No.20596363

I personally said it a dozen times that kikes were shaking you off and they would be making earnings.

>> No.20596374
File: 819 KB, 1418x1559, 1589917215521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if Elon was able to scam his way into a positive ER

the market still needs to fucking crash

>> No.20596384

TSLA trading at what AMZN was a year ago lmao

>> No.20596386

So you made +$49,000 on Tesla. Now what? All those gains could disappear so quickly. Do I swap into SPY now?

>> No.20596390
File: 170 KB, 1252x1252, 1587361082734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft to 210
Amazon crabs

Nasdick Crabs

Tesla to 1800

>> No.20596396

You get what you fuckin deserve!

>> No.20596401

I don't know how stocks work, I'm just here for the cute boys

>> No.20596406
File: 152 KB, 1000x1610, ETMeqg4UcAAwTQG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla went up AFTER HOURS by $80 with that shitty volume.


"Get ready for TSLA's S&P 500 inclusion. Make it 10% of our ETF's portfolio."

>> No.20596418


>> No.20596420

no, TQQQ

>> No.20596426

Maybe faggot bears did, but they're always wrong. Why did you listen to them?

>> No.20596430

>not using your puts as hedging at this point
Really though, I bought 2 $10 puts for 8/14 on NIO back when it hit $16 (7/13)... after NIO scratched the surface on 10.50 and bounced right back up, I decided I was using them as hedging

>> No.20596440


>> No.20596451
File: 52 KB, 1224x757, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I went as far in on Tesla as I did on WKHS

>> No.20596455
File: 6 KB, 235x214, 37ax2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla too much go up

Tesla Must go DOwn.

>> No.20596459

You madman!

>> No.20596460

>buys lottery ticket
No one to blame but yourself buddy

>> No.20596463


>> No.20596502
File: 32 KB, 287x595, Im So Happy Dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're the one buying the put side of the put spreads at retarded OTM prices? Thanks for the free money!

Pic related: Get fucked bears.

>> No.20596510

Post the gains

>> No.20596518

the fuck was that
did someone clean the order book

>> No.20596527


>> No.20596533
File: 268 KB, 720x835, Screenshot from 2020-07-22 16-49-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is TSLA about to rugpull with pic related news

>> No.20596536


enjoy buying this stock at $2500 S&P etf holders

>> No.20596563

>Why microsoft dropped like hell? the new quarter report has good numbers or am I dumb?
Growth slowed in the critical cloud business.

>> No.20596570

How much did you actually make?

>> No.20596571
File: 257 KB, 604x613, 16BF7BD6-5608-4177-B38A-80CF92AF2FD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Elon sound so nervous during the earnings call? Did he commit accounting fraud to make earnings?

>> No.20596574


elon, the mad man....HE DID IT!

>> No.20596576
File: 6 KB, 289x257, 1588789594379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i should have bought some PFE

>> No.20596587

don't you mean
a BILLION self-driving taxis

>> No.20596589

That's just how he talks. He's a turboautist.

>> No.20596610

If you only had $300 why would you buy a put that would never make money instead of buying a put spread?

>> No.20596614

Have you ever listened to Elon speak before

>> No.20596615

Have you literally never heard him speak before today? He has autism, he always talks like that.

>> No.20596617

He always sounds like that.

>> No.20596619

5 Dimensional AI upgrade on the app will bring in $10000000 per car

buy it now S&P etf holders KEK

>> No.20596621

PFE news was already priced in.

>> No.20596627

I did and it’s done nothing but crab

>> No.20596630
File: 106 KB, 1024x1002, elon-musk-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like a Turboautist to me...

>> No.20596639

Someone has to buy the option if he is to sell it for premium retard.

>> No.20596656

they might as well rename it to the S&P 1
all other companies are retroactively refuted by the existence of TSLA

>> No.20596657
File: 193 KB, 688x333, Retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll find out tomorrow at 9:40AM EST when CBOE opens and the greeks update properly with the insane volume.

Knock knock. Who's there?
It's Tesla. We're now 1.5% of SPY's holdings basket.

>> No.20596662

Have you ever heard elon not sound awkward?

>> No.20596665
File: 58 KB, 397x380, 1350789167918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So should I throw a couple hundred more into fractional TSLA shares tomorrow morning and see them moon? When would they be entered into the S&P 500?

>> No.20596678

Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're doing, and should probably stop trading until you do.
See >>20595161
Also, quit shitting up our general with your whining, bitch made faggot

>> No.20596679

5 minutes left and it’s dropping whats fucking coming

>> No.20596685

>bike for 1.5hrs
>check tsla

>> No.20596691
File: 180 KB, 1499x809, earnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow we feast on their picnic baskets bear bros

>> No.20596692


>> No.20596703
File: 25 KB, 360x240, Talulah+Riley+Elon+Musk+1yT5saJMRKpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awkward? Elon?

>> No.20596705

Everyone's talking about TSLA but didn't CLSK confirm that they were also working with them, why wouldn't you buy CLSK if they have a much higher chance of going up from the news.

>> No.20596706


>> No.20596724

buying the FUCK out of TQQQ on opening

>> No.20596730


>> No.20596736

I've been a bear for 2 months now by being in gold, silver, and commodities. I hope you haven't been betting against indexes.

>> No.20596737
File: 22 KB, 480x360, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20596739

First Hawaiian Bank earnings are going to be nuts
hope everyone loaded up

he should have stayed with his original wife IMO

>> No.20596760
File: 21 KB, 319x441, 7539934386b5b980429b9f24ee61eeb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's doing alright bro, it'll never move like a biomeme though due to its cap... even on super bullish news

>> No.20596772

Anyone else holding Dow through earnings? It went up 3% today and 1% AH.

Also, KTOS, why aren't we talking about that?

>> No.20596776
File: 1.14 MB, 1190x595, 59640e08d9fccd03708b4e7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy is going to make billions.

Spoiler alert.

>> No.20596775

I'm naturally inclined to be more bearish than bullish but damn son, this is just blind, emotional rationale

>> No.20596791

AMD should have popped 3 days ago statistically.
That's why I'm not even long in AMD. No pump power at all.
Guess there aren't enough shorts to really squeeze AMD.

>> No.20596793

So you're down? Wow big flex

>> No.20596794

wait trump is sending troops to all the cities or something and no more stimulus checks. just got on the whitehouse live feed

>> No.20596795

Alright. That’s a wrap folks.
See you in futures.

>> No.20596796

>buying at opening

>> No.20596804

Is Msft a guy aftermarket or no

>> No.20596831
File: 29 KB, 525x350, 58C87313-84A9-43C1-BA2A-524B3A649D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TSLA dumping AH

>> No.20596835
File: 1.85 MB, 1242x2688, B28A6C7C-0F15-4380-A7AE-B6F5C1702D1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of jew trick was this

>> No.20596838
File: 49 KB, 300x345, 1592838340088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding LUV through earnings here

>> No.20596841

Next time get some Call Spreads instead.

>> No.20596867
File: 1.47 MB, 1242x2688, 1877D42E-EFE3-412A-9AA4-53BBBA8D0D24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20596869

Wait, you didn’t buy already?

>> No.20596891
File: 27 KB, 667x165, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gap down tomorrow

>> No.20596898


>> No.20596900
File: 894 KB, 840x700, 1592310910972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


very bullish


>> No.20596905

That's just the Tesla logo being put up by Google in celebration.

Southwest is unironically the strongest airline during COVID due to its insane foothold in the domestic market & untouched by international travel bans. That and their balance books are top level solid, and their PR is INSANELY amazing. $LUV to $100 by 2021 EOY after AAL/DAL merge or go bankrupt.

Agreed. People with $500 or $300 should just sell call spreads or put spreads, really hard to lose that and you can get quick 5-10% gains on those to build up to $1k, $5k, and so on.

>> No.20596909


>> No.20596919

>CLSK confirm that they were also working with them
No, they're not working with them, they just bought products from Tesla Energy. They're actually rivals in terms of energy management software.

>> No.20596923
File: 20 KB, 474x334, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a pic Ford, GM and Chrysler released. Photoshopped.

This is the real Elon.

>> No.20596956
File: 250 KB, 917x1551, 1592479283370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profiting from working niggers to death?
Yeah, I'm gonna go with based on this one

>> No.20596963
File: 198 KB, 382x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in my corona basket (stock not options), plus I like the excitement of earnings lotteries

yep, long on this bag should be pretty comfy

>> No.20596977

Do I just hold TSLA till they're included into SP500?

>> No.20596981

lol did it trigger you stop loss?

>> No.20596991

Hold until you retire

>> No.20597019

Apartheid doesn't mean that the Bantus were slaves: that's just the name South Africans gave to their version of segregation.

>> No.20597024

they will not be added to the S&P at this price

>> No.20597025
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x708, Musk-Joint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always hold Tesla anon.

You never let go.

>> No.20597032

You know it’s not a for sure thing right? A committee has the ultimate decision.
>Stock to volatile, no chance

>> No.20597069
File: 55 KB, 900x514, sadelon-feat2-e1443557318465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20597075

Is GME the one

>> No.20597078

Is MSFT going to pump from here or dip again tomorrow?

>> No.20597087


>> No.20597098
File: 97 KB, 617x785, 2020-07-22_15-12-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20597132

Dip hopefully. I want in. Shits going to 250

>> No.20597147

Well, we just have to shill to the comitee.
If they don’t accept it, which is unlikely, everyone will meme on them.

>> No.20597157
File: 525 KB, 856x899, Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought metal anons might get a kick out of this. We're all going to make it bros.
Except oil and pharma bros.

>> No.20597192

I don’t know man my PFE calls are looking pretty ripe right now

>> No.20597200
File: 226 KB, 2332x1328, 1572386965278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold just sitting there
u wot m8

>> No.20597202


>> No.20597204

The real question is how much gatey dick you wanna suck

>> No.20597209

It's sure thing. Volatility isn't a core factor they consider, neither is the price.

>> No.20597232

PFE/BioNTech are gonna make it.
Fuck AZN/MRNA though. MRNA insider trading going on so if you can follow that you'll make it also I guess.
I never liked PFE much since it's such a sideways stock but this time they really came through with the COVID deal.

Read the date.

>> No.20597236

Anyone else buy this Ackerman-shilled PSTH.U thing?

>> No.20597239

Keep sucking that fucking cock you fucking faggot.

>> No.20597243

yeah it's going to be extremely hard for them to deny tesla

It's extremely easy to accept them given they meet all criteria and are massive market value and American.


>> No.20597252

>That double top
Yes, goy, this is a great time to buy gold

>> No.20597273
File: 38 KB, 640x405, im-never-going-to-financially-recover-from-this-joe-exotic-tiger-king-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $NIO 7p 7/31
and $NIO 5p 8/28

>> No.20597275

he's right though

stock = shares of companies = underlying generation of wealth

gold just sits there

>> No.20597283

What's this myth about silver possibly going to $120 before this month ends?
How can that even happen

>> No.20597286

>TA on a 50 year chart
Are you insane?

>> No.20597287

Yeah, bought 9 at 21.40. Going to neck if Ackman cucks my little bet.

>> No.20597294

how is a stock that only goes up volatile?

>> No.20597309
File: 53 KB, 641x520, Screenshot from 2020-07-22 17-19-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSLA is slowly falling AH. Reminder that TSLA will sell off tomorrow, do not buy.

>> No.20597308

What is he going to buy with the 4 billion?

>> No.20597319

I own 5 whole ounces of silver and 0.1 ounces of gold, will I make it

>> No.20597323

it's bullshit, stop reading zerohedge and conspiracy blogs.

>> No.20597326


>> No.20597349

it fucking better sell off I'm going to kill myself if my NIO puts are worthless next week

>> No.20597353

Somewhere in the US, hundreds of white men just made enough money on TSLA to NEVER have to work for Mr. Nosenberg again in their entire lives. And that just PISSES you off doesn't it?

>> No.20597389

My Nio puts are for this Friday

>> No.20597401

No, he’s mental

>> No.20597412


MSFT is the most diversified major tech company out there, and the only AAA. It'll be leading that market for the foreseeable

>> No.20597415

2nd 2400 on the way, just gotta bide my time and wait till august for my surprise. They can cut the limit down to 40,000 if they want cause I don't give two flying fucks because I make shit that's what. Cover my stock buying spree and more with ease. Park that money in the bank and laugh and wait. For the real payday once DAL rebounds with haste.

>> No.20597417

I haven't even seen any speculation, just a generic description like the one below. Could be something juicy for that much money though

A regulatory filing for the fund said it will target four areas for its acquisition: mature unicorns, which are privately held companies with a valuation in excess of $1 billion, family-owned businesses, large private equity portfolio companies, as well as companies that would otherwise go public through a traditional IPO, but that might have experienced disruptions thanks to the pandemic.

>> No.20597421

anyone else people who say PRICED IN towards everything

>> No.20597445

I'm in for 25 shares at 21.45. Gotta let it sit and wait for them to hopefully find a sweet buy. I believe

>> No.20597464

you are definitely going to be fucked. I will probably be fucked. how are we both so retarded?

>> No.20597469

what will happen with tsla price tomorrow?

>> No.20597470

It's already recovering. Not sure there will even be a dip come morning.

>> No.20597471

TA works better on a longer time frame, retards. Forex constantly trades on it and gold is no different. From 82-2002 gold traded off of a major trend line.

>> No.20597484

The best thing about being a bull is that you can take any bad news, say “priced in” and magically they don’t matter anymore.

>> No.20597533

Guys why is GME going up? Massive squeeze soon

>> No.20597539

new thread

>> No.20597540

it will crab - everyone who bought options will be fucked. eternal $1450 - 1650 until next crash.

>> No.20597542

>slight dip happens and then forms a cup and handle

>> No.20597816

I bought in @ 206. I think it’s gonna moon at open, maybe even gap up.