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20593054 No.20593054 [Reply] [Original]

Sooner or later, all student loans will be forgiven. I avoided college to avoid the loans and feel like I got played. Is it possible to take out a bunch of student loans and throw it at shitcoins? Its free money /biz/

>> No.20593088

I absolutely fucking hope and pray this does not happen
it's fucking highway robbery

>> No.20593100
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Same here went to tech college like Mike Rowe said and paid out of pocket

>> No.20593139

It is possible. I did it at the beginning of 2017. Then moved out of the country after graduating.

Fuck you.

>> No.20593155

I've been making min payments while investing the rest of my money for this exact reason. Why rapidly pay off a low interest debt like this that has a 50% chance of getting cancelled in the next 10 years?

>> No.20593163

It'll never happen because people like us vastly outnumber loan bagholders. There's a better fucking chance of reparations.

It's just lip service to Bernie loving LGBT cucks to stop them from voting for Trump.

>> No.20593209

This shit is infuriating. If I had known they were just going to give these college faggots free money to go party for 4-6 years and then not make them pay it off, I would have actually gone to college. Instead I was fiscally responsible and went into the trades. They better not forgive this debt or I'm going to go ballistic

>> No.20593215

Fuck I have $30,000 in student loans and hope this doesn't pass.

>> No.20593247

I will personally never vote for anyone that has that idea. You are going to work of your debt fucking zoomers.

>> No.20593257

>it's another case of 4chan thinking that the house of representatives passing something means it's actually gonna happen

>> No.20593263

You're such a cuckold dude

>> No.20593472

Some boomer fund will be getting fucked on the other half, unless they brrrr it which will fuck everyone

>> No.20593476

They won't do this because it takes away a massive incentive for Americans to join the military.

>> No.20593510

Why just private? They need to forgive all federal student loans

>> No.20593537

What's next, public healthcare? Not bombing muslims?

>> No.20593562

(they will)

>> No.20593667

I hope you're right, bro
it's such bullshit to spend so much on a degree that supposedly will help you make more money and then force the people that do not have that degree to help you pay for it
the degree is meant to help you compete in the market place

>> No.20593673

So when can we abolish the House? It’s full of traitorous kikes who hate this country and white Americans

>> No.20594337

Fuck off you jew loving boomer cuck

>> No.20594467

Imagine if retards like this didn't exist in society.
You didn't get an education because you're a dumbass, meanwhile Europeans laugh at uneducated half nigger amerimutts who can't even find their own country on a map because they went to Cletus High, never learned to read, and got a trade degree in plugging in wires and cleaning toilets.

>> No.20594771

Personally have met dozens of people working in trades, literally every one is miserable either a chain smoker, alcoholic, or hooked on heroin to numb the pain of having to deal with literal human shit 60 hours a week while destroying their body for average wages. Imagine taking life advice from a scam artist who started his career as a fucking opera singer of all things. I hope you aren't ever planning on retiring, because you'll be cleaning my toilet for the rest of your life anon.

>> No.20594872

It doesnt matter if you want it to happen or not, its going to. The moment liberals have full control its all wiped clean. It will decrease the gdp by 2% for the next several decades. It sucks but its inevitable, we need to think how can we profit from this?

>> No.20594881


>> No.20594925

No but you see, I WANT everyone trying to become better educated to enter eternal debt, same if they have a health condition requiring intensive care because that is part of FREEDOM

>> No.20594970

I dont drink, smoke or do drugs. I'm an electrician. I work 40 hours a week with no overtime, and I make $28 an hour in the midwest as a second year apprentice. Journeymen wage will be at $50 by the time i qualify for my license. Ok

>> No.20594976

I feel bad for non-college fags.

They are essential so haven't had unemployment or work from home benefits.
Now their peers that pursued higher education are getting free money.

Almost like they should have applied themselves in high school...

>> No.20594978

>average wages
You cant find a plumber in most areas that will work for less than 60$ an hour. Once youre in the union you make a killing. How they choose to manage their money is a different story.

>> No.20595061

Get paid almost $50 an hour to play with my dick and get high all day. Nice try tradie now go clean my toilet.

>> No.20595101

Some boomer at a community college telling you who to vote for is not an education. Your implication is that you have to pay money to educate yourself. Youre using a computer that has access to all of human knowledge to shitpost. Education has been free for the last 50 years. Youre not paying for education, youre paying for a piece of paper you think the HR lady will like.

>> No.20595267

Yes they will. The people voting this in dont give a fuck about veterans. Theyre all spoiled children.

>> No.20595458

Found the kike. Not falling for your tricks

>> No.20595749

I have a meme psych degree and it’s the only reason I could lie my way into pretending I’m qualified for a business analytics position my first year out of school

>> No.20595978

My implication is that college is a fucking racket and shouldn’t exist in its current form. You shouldn’t NEED a degree to break into an advanced career field but that’s how it is, and for many degrees you will need to take on hundreds of thousands in debt. Look at anyone studying medicine, I’m not talking about gender studies PhD. Education should be free simply because it raises the general ability of the entire society, filtering by aptitude is a good way to control who can enter which fields of study. Ffs everything through high school is free, and all of undergrad in college is basically just an extension of high school.

>> No.20596076

Honestly I don’t care. The point of society is to improve it. I’m not some bitter crab in a bucket. If conservatives had their way we’d still be working 16hrs a day in coal mines because that’s how the older generation had to do it, by God.

>> No.20596079


Fucking women can't hold their own and accept responsibility over taking on large amounts of debt. Now the tax payer has to pay.

Can someone put these bitches in check? It isn't anyone else's fault, but your own for getting student loan debt.

Fucking cunts.

>> No.20596088

Actually student loan bagholders are quickly becoming the majority and have a higher propensity to vote than non-student loan bagholders so it is very likely to happen eventually.

>> No.20596103

there's a wide range of options between irresponsibly going to into six figure debt and not going to college/not going into debt
I went to college for a practical major and have paid my dues, I do not believe it is my responsibility, or anyone's, to help Tywanda pay for her Grievance Studies degree for Herschel University
yes, college is expensive
what if students actually took a stand against the rising costs of universities and demanded that they cut back on expensive fitness facilities and skyrocketing administrative salaries?

>> No.20596117

Imagine supporting free markets and not supporting this.

These student loans are a GOVERNMENT CREATED SCAM.

They should be completely abolished along with any government funding to universities.

>> No.20596170

This, I'm 200k in debt and it's all gonna get forgiven, plus I get a MD. >imagine being a plumber

>> No.20596189

You think you feel bad? I busted my ass during/after college and lived like a pauper so that I could pay off my debt and get out from Mr. Shekelberg's thumb ASAP. If student loan forgiveness happens, I'll be on equal footing to the high time preference retards who YOLO'd their way through life.

Not to mention that removed the only real check/balance on higher education will result in EVEN MORE people flooding into college, thus even further ruining the job market. Far beyond how ruined it already is by this credential inflation

>> No.20596198


Have sex incel

>> No.20596218

Who gives a shit lol they are over inflated

>> No.20596250
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Pretty much this. Only niggers demand reparations.

>> No.20596254

>paid off my loans last month
>now this
Pretty rude desu

>> No.20596290

I make $40/hr as an entry level engineer working from home. Have fun crawling through attics and being surrounded by mexican home builders

>> No.20596319

I make only 24/hr as an engineer :( I need a new job

>> No.20596369

>Found the kike.
says the faggot who wants to force the goyim to pay back their student loans to the jews

>> No.20596376
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Not American, but the way I look at it the universities asking those ridiculously high tuitions are the real highway robbers. First you indoctrinate every child starting from age 4 that you absolutely need college/university to succeed in life, and then you charge them these retarded prices.

What do you think happens with a country when you make sure everyone with 100+ iq is shackled to an enormous debt for the rest of their lives? You guys are doomed.

>> No.20596421
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I was predicting this would happen eventually, but holy shit I was thinking 5k or less. This is perfect for me, I hope it happens. I’m going to stop paying more than minimum now. Kek

>> No.20596625

I’m debt free if this passes. Lord free me from this wage slavery

>> No.20596654

how does paying off the loans for the students solve the issue of the tuition being too high?
to me, it just shows the universities they can keep charging more and more

>> No.20596663

if biden wins and they take the senate it is going to pass
along with all the other green new deal nonsense

>> No.20596671

I pay the bare minimum on my loans every month. Fuck if I'm going to be left out when these morons finally pass this garbage.

>> No.20596686

lol the same people behind this are same same idiots that want to defend the police
do you think they care about maintaining American empire?

>> No.20596708

/pol/s mad

>> No.20596721

A non jew wouldn’t use goyim in that sentence like you did, you devilish psyopping seed of Cain

>> No.20596731

>irresponsible retards party and smoke pot for 4 years
>walk away with worthless degree
>bitch and moan for a decade
>actual taxpayers bail them out
I'll take my revenge in my own way.

>> No.20596758

/pol/ is always right. Also a lot of you faggots have no clue how legislation works in this country. The house can pass whatever bill they want. It’s up to the senate to pass the bill. The House isn’t a friend of America/ republic at the moment so the senate will not pass shit that they come up with

>> No.20596762

I’d rather be a plumber than a doctor desu.

>> No.20596815

It'll pass next year and then I'll be riding with Biden

>> No.20596915

>t. Boomer who doesn’t understand just how predatory in nature loans are nowadays compared to his day. In COVID world you honestly think that slowing down the money velocity of the generation who understands technology, programming, etc. is smart? You’re fucking retarded if you understand which way the world is shifting

>> No.20597362
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hello fellow big IQ chad

>> No.20597377


>> No.20597857

this boomer cucks btfo

>> No.20597925
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>> No.20597938

>private student loans
but gov loans are still due

>> No.20597966

Good thing I refinanced my gov loans to a private loan recently

>> No.20597986
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>tfw 360k in student loan debt

>> No.20598023

So why does no one blame the universities for their part in this? No matter what happens they're still getting paid

>> No.20598084

Doubt it, it'll get close to happening but something will always happen and it won't go through.
It's like a carrot on a stick to keep the mule walking forward or in this case the lefties voting democrat, no way are they going to give up that lure for retarded lefties to vote for them. Plus it keeps them dependent on government handouts.
It's possible they'll pass a small reduction to show it's possible and give the mule a little nibble of the carrot but no more.

>> No.20598145
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If liberals had their way, you'd be shot dead for grabbing a teapot.

>> No.20598226

Same... fuck my life. I want cozy remote job with big salary ://

>> No.20598452

We should eliminate all public school IMO because people like you clearly don’t benefit from it

>> No.20598477

I make 52/hr as a software engineer.

>> No.20598656

Fuck why is it private loans?? I have $20k of federal loans I’m still paying min payments on since I figured either cancellation or inflation will make the small interest rate worth it. When are federal loan free gibs coming?

>> No.20598851

Never gonna happen, libs are to dumb and the repubs won't allow it. Even if Biden wins somehow, he'll have a brain aneurysm and die before it can pass.

>> No.20599197

>Having the 2/3rds of america that didnt go to college pay for the 1/3rd of americans who dug themselves into a financial hole that also make more money statistically improves society.

>> No.20599585

The point isn't to free you from debt, it's to redirect money to financial institutions that lobby politicians.

>> No.20599640

But the point of society is to improve it by funneling all of the money to the Jews

>> No.20599834

Same here friend. I could pay my shit off today, but I would rather wait for that communist revolution

>> No.20599888

I just got done paying off 25k from Great Lakes, so you’re saying I paid that shit for nothing? What a joke

>> No.20599976

basado y rojopastillado

>> No.20600019

Yes retsrd

>> No.20600090

Knowing some art degree people are tens of thousands of dollars in debt makes me feel better about my 4k debt

>> No.20600101

>lose election
>throw a tantrum and cry about how we need to get rid of the branch of government that you lost
Do conservatives really?

>> No.20600145

If student loans were canceled, I'd be rich. It's literally never going to happen but it's pretty funny to think that there are fucking retards worried that it will happen.

>> No.20600186

You are fucking to avoid college to escape a loan. It is call investing in yourself. I came from nothing went into debt for undergraduate degree and paid it off.

If people dont have to pay it off then I am happy for them. Dont play the victim card to avoid the mistakes you made in your life.

>> No.20600212

Poo in loo

>> No.20600283

At age 18 you're being pressured into college when just 5 years earlier you were 13 years old and don't know shit. Usually the financial aid people lie and tell you you'll pay it off in no time.

The schools are exploiting an ever more competitive society and kind of forcing kids to forfeit their futures for a chance to make it. Then they got shiteating boomers who didn't have this explosion in tuition costs and who narcissistically hate young people want the next generation to fail out of spite and think it was fair for some 18 year old kid to be bamboozled into a scam.

The risk of loans should be on the lender. Student loans should NOT be exempt from bankruptcy. Its clear what the purpose of student loans is: to force serfdom. Just because its an issue the left has picked up should not make you not see it objectively and want it to be dismantled.

>> No.20600286

fuck your hambeast gf vaush

>> No.20600292

you're right
but so is he

>> No.20600316

Not sure if poo or chink but its some kind of esl milquetoast striver who's an enemy of society.

>> No.20600328

I worked my ass off but I invested in myself. How much do you think the OP invested in himself? Victim carding womt get you anywhere in life. Inaction will yield you nothing.

>> No.20600374

That's the real issue, and they shouldn't pay them back. They should be waived and the loangiver should shoulder the loss. Period.

Would you loan out money to an 18 year old kid and bet on his future while knowing nothing about him or her? You wouldn't? Because if you did, it would be YOURE fault for getting stiffed of he didn't pay you. These student loan agencies are being protected by unfair laws and shouldn't be.

>> No.20600569

I went to school and got a BS in engineering. Cost me $7,500 in loans. Paid them off the first year. Now I make $330k/year at 30. College is a meme is a meme.

>> No.20600708

It is easy to live in denial if it turns your ideology upside down.

I was 40k+ in debt after college and paid it off (biomedicalfag). Student loans are an investment in yourself. Something that people in this thread cant wrap their head around...instead they will always be the victim

>> No.20600766

Just write on your resume that you have a bachelors or masters, most really don't check anon.

>> No.20600841

Fuck you.
We're at the end of the hyper bubble.
This is the jubilee we've been waiting for.
Then we'll have people taking out loans to put a dildo up your ass.

>> No.20600844

You're both exceptions that prove the rule and are parading that around like you're intelligent for not noticing.

>> No.20600907


>> No.20600991

Fuck you faggot, you're going to beg for a socialist roastie to forgive your debts, fuck that.
You're pathetic and this bill won't pass.
Keep waging to pay off your debts fair and square.

>> No.20601047

Made 100k after 7 months with first job, MechE in LCOL area. Be aggressive about applying for jobs, LARP like youre chad

>> No.20601075

Kek. True enough, I only got to grade six

>> No.20601092

the kike universities are the ones that are robbing the american people, not the other way around. and if literal trillions can be sent to bailout wall street, i have no problem bailing out young minds

>> No.20601123

Nah, you lost friend.
Ain't no right in this world.
Get bent faggot.

>> No.20601129



>> No.20601235

based and schiffpilled

>> No.20601266

You're the one begging a socialist roastie to pay off your debts.
It's not going to happen though. Trump is winning the next term and your faggot ass with the gender study degree will keep paying off that debt.

>> No.20601289


yeah the guy that has the ability to discern a good deal from a bad deal is the retard. the ones that can't and get loaded up on debt for what's likely a shit tier, useless degree, for the sake of calling themselves "educated" are high iq.

ngl though, i got cheap & comfy electrical engineering degree from a state school and ended up making more than my friends with 100k in debt from a private school.... so i guess i can't complain.

>> No.20601424

>reddit, the post

>> No.20601511

Yes, with hyperinflated currency.
We're all going to lose.

>> No.20601624
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I lost my engineering job and my megacorp corporate is going under. I paid over 35k in taxes last year alone and haven't seen a dime of unemployment in 4 months.

I called all my state reps in congress and senate and told them if I dont see stimulus and student loan forgiveness passed I'm voting against them, D or R dont give a fuck and I'm in a swing state.

Fuck you faggots. I hope you lose your 401k to pay for this.

>> No.20601657

I smoke, drink and do drugs all day while working 2hrs a day but getting paid 60k a year. I enjoy my life thoroughly and have plenty of time to party and fuck bitches while you slave away, wagie.

>> No.20601788

I am literally soaking up all the student loans I can right now. Here's how I see it

1) society remains stable for the next several decades. I get a good paying job (STEM) and pay off my loans as slowly as possible, while spending all of my disposable income on assets/investments.
2) society remains stable but student debts are forgiven because of so-and-so law.
3) society collapses in which case who's going to collect? If our monetary system collapses or if the dollar hyper-inflates for some reason the debt will be meaningless.

Worst case scenario if the debt really is too large a burden I jump ship and move to another country. Problem solved.

Fuck jews.

>> No.20601855

This is based.

I vote conservative but I would absolutely vote for any politician who is gung-ho about canceling student loan debt. I don't give a shit if they're R or D. It's called self interest and I'd vote for them.

>> No.20601940

Your post just points out the major problems with capitalism in general.
Those problems being greed based capitalism will price gouge anywhere it can and because of that more regulation needs to be in place.
Federal regulations on price setting for universities and healthcare - not socializing them just fixing the prices where these jews who own the universities and hospitals can no longer make the insane profits they are now making.

Human misery and human education should be entirely off limits in any financial system from the horrors of price gouging greedy men.

>> No.20601959

Based, this is essentially what I'm doing.
They way I look at it, if dedicated STEM majors are getting fucked then there are much bigger problems in society

>> No.20602020

>your great grandparents mad your grandparents didn’t have to walk 5 miles to school
>your grandparents mad your parents didn’t have to get drafted
>your parents mad you don’t have to go to the library to study
>you mad your kids will have free college

Get over it

>> No.20602081

You’re all delusional if you think you won’t have to pay up those loans. I know people like you and they ended up bankrupt