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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200722_123934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20586789 No.20586789 [Reply] [Original]

Ok am I the only one that sees how HUGE this is?

>> No.20586933

you forgot your tripcode RLC bro

>> No.20587016

What is the advantage that this provides over AWS and Google cloud?

>> No.20587096

smallbrain pleb. think progressive. think 5 years.

>> No.20587141

Explain it like I'm a retard

>> No.20587458
File: 275 KB, 1376x930, ie msft azure website jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you're not the only one that sees it, and you know you didn't even find iExec on your own lmao
it always blows my mind that people need this explained to them. Among many other things iExec is making the entire planet a decentralized supercomputer
Big Data has gone beyond what centralized companies can handle, Even the giants like Amazon
This will remove the centralized chains and unleash the full potential of Big Data

It's also -confidential- which allows companies to collaborate and monetize data in ways that were never possible before.
I could go on and on but I've already wasted too much time on someone who probably still doesn't get it on even a basic level

>> No.20587539
File: 97 KB, 587x529, ie jp morgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to reply to
my bad mate

>> No.20587758

Never heard about this shit before, they're really creating a whole new tech

>> No.20588298

sounds mouth watering

>> No.20588570

Being able to create a whole new marketplace where data, computation, dapps can be tokenized and freely traded is ISANE

>> No.20588735

ERC721 is 2 years old already, it's the standard for non fungible tokens (Cryptokitties).
What iExec made is making data trading as simple as sending a token to another address.

Most collaterals today in DeFi are stablecoins (DAI, USDC, USDT).

Some stablecoins are collateralized themselves with other cryptocurrencies (DAI for example uses ETH and wrapped BTC among others).
Using datasets as collaterals is something totally new I've never seen even being talked about and I've still been trying to wrap my head around all the implications since they announced they were working on it back in March.

"Data is an asset" is not really new but up to this day there never was a way to really trade or rent it as a commodity, let alone tokenize it. This is huge and strange in so many ways.

>> No.20588779

an INFOGRAPHIC? made by the creators of a shitcoin to pump their own shitcoin?
fucking S and H, and stop trying to shill my old $2 bags back to me you dumb niggers

>> No.20588793

there isn't any. delusional retards don't even realize this would just be a reselling of those services anyhow.

>> No.20588839
File: 470 KB, 1125x2436, 50535273-FF12-49E4-9DD0-E34CD67D670E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine
Possibilities are endless
Can’t believe it

>> No.20588850

The privatization is also really huge because technology is becoming extremely personal. I want an amazon Alexa equipped smart house if amazon is watching and listening to everything I say. Making it private solves that problem.

>> No.20588881

>This will remove the centralized chains and unleash the full potential of Big Data

You're so wrong it fucking hurts. There is nothing this could do, that a like cluster using literally 10s of different frameworks can accomplish.

>It's also -confidential- which allows companies to collaborate and monetize data in ways that were never possible before.

No, it fucking isn't retard. SGX is insecure and is also dependent on Intel, so it isn't even centralized. at best you have dubious attestation of the machines, maybe.

Unless this piece of shit encodes data and executables running on this shitcoin bullshit as FHE (fully homomorphic encryption), it is NOT confidential.

also protip, FHE is fucking retardedly slow because it simulates basically every computational operation as hundreds of boolean flippings.

>> No.20588954

All the data they want to tokenize for this marketplace already exists and is available, so I really fail to see how that solution would benefit anyone except the creator of the marketplace

>> No.20589126

I could see a startup focusing exclusively on helping businesses tokenize their datas with iexec and rent them on the marketplace or use them as collaterals for loans instead of shares.
You could even go further, imagine you decide to liquidate a company that failed to gain enough traction to make a buck, for example one that developed a fitness app or a travel app.
You tokenize the datas and put them on auction, let the market decide its price, there would probably a broker interested out there.

So many possibilities.

>> No.20589261

Welcome to Confidential cloud computing:

>> No.20589404
File: 31 KB, 500x500, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you're winning when the Dunning Kruger fud is increasingly salty

Repeat after me: Tokenized Cloud Computing Ressources

>> No.20589548

>Repeat after me: Tokenized Cloud Computing Ressources
Tokenized Cloud Computing Resources
Does have a nice ring to it

>> No.20589665

Repeat after me: solution in search of a problem

>> No.20589797

What if I build a smartcontract that uses offchain resources like gcloud or aws using LINK?

In my opinion, in the next web era, IExec is like that crappy opensource ERP that only poors and interns use. That is why I never bought this in the past 2 years.
Also, gilles is a turnoff for me

>> No.20589857

not even sure what your sentiment is. Confidential cloud computing is only possible with Homomorphic Encryption, which is provably slow as fuck. SGX, or whatever other retarded garbage using special negative ring access models and specially reserved memory regions, is not.
It depends on a hardware manufacturer being able to make their keys difficult to extract from the mask rom and would make it centralized and not confidential since you're basically escrowing your software/data in the hardware manufacturer's hands.

ya ok retard. I actually wasted my time on my capstone on FHE. As another person said, the market for datasets is dubious at best as well.

>> No.20589858

>Doesn't want to bone Giles

>> No.20589987
File: 57 KB, 645x729, pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scaling dapps, lowering computation costs and enabling a global data market uncontrolled by any third party
>solution in search of a problem

>> No.20590002
File: 153 KB, 443x599, 1595441576833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20590050

no :(

>> No.20590101

Your technobabble is too complicated for us. Go ask this fucking question on the slack where someone can actually refute you, moron.

>> No.20590184

Why so angry, anon? Missed the chance to buy RLC under $1?

>> No.20590231

>enclave performances will never ever become better
>some chink will remotely bypass traditional IT security and then hack intel enclave

Everyone is scared, now go back discussing which distro is best with your fellow bootcamp trannies on /g/

>> No.20590434


>> No.20590520

you're either a newfag or a smart retard to think you'll have an intellectual tech discussion here

RLC are possibly announcing a partnership with amazon on the 30th, watch it pump

>> No.20590655

Intel needs to stay relevant, this is an in for them. They'll make it happen.

>> No.20590720

businesses make up the vast majority of cloud computing customers. they will never invest in decentralized solutions like this.

>> No.20591539

That was the same argument given against moving outsourcing servers to cloud in the late 00s and early 10s.
Cost cutting is king, if worker pools are cheaper they will adopt, startups will do it first, then the big boys will follow.

>> No.20592161
File: 71 KB, 690x389, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except iExec though of this already and that's what they'll be doing in the future. They'll have every incentive to make the marketplace as adopted as possible.