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20581558 No.20581558 [Reply] [Original]

How did Jeff Bezos managed to make so much money from an online sales website? I mean, at that time it was something very new, but not so innovative (for example, companies like Tesla, Apple, etc. - which you can see the real innovation and value for humanity today).

I’m trying to understand if there are only technical issues involved (professional sales skills, business and personal finance administration, accounting, etc.) or if there are other factors that influence the enrichment of a company and who is ahead of it that are beyond our control, such as fate, luck, supernatural factors such as religion and god, etc.

Do you know any real history with practical examples of decision making, creative business ideas, etc. from someone who got rich with your company? Feel free to share!

>> No.20581606

He's actually a REPTILE conspiring with the ((JEWS)) for WORLD DOMINATION. Look up "CLUB OF ROME BEZOS MOLOCH" on youtube.

>> No.20581608

>How did Jeff Bezos managed to make so much money from an online sales website?

The Amazon store is a front for the tertiary businesses under the wider Amazon brand that get handsomely rewarded for services rendered to alphabet agencies, for example, Amazon Web Services.

>> No.20581677

He conspires with the world elite to KILL CHILDREN and harvest their PINEAL GLAND for ADRENOCHROME, which he uses to keep his """human""" skin on, along with the other world elite, who are all REPTILES.

"Amazon" comes from the ancient Sumeric Ama which means worship, and Zon, which means Sun, who was believed to be the DEVIL.

>> No.20581687

It's a classic case of "he did it best." He's notoriously hard on his workers and autistic about logistics, possibly the most important aspect of eCommerce, he gets his products to people quicker and more reliably, and he was one of the first eCommerce sites to start selling "everything" and become an online Wal Mart. He's simply not a complacent person, could have stopped there but took it a step further with his suite of B2B products like AWS.

>> No.20581689

Books dude! He made money selling books online! Even though people can read online for free! Nothing strange there! Meds tendies and nap time now

>> No.20581692

the power of being one of the first people to take advantage of online shopping when the internet was new. even shitty websites made it big

>> No.20581712

Because he abused the USPS system. If it weren't for that, Amazon would never have reached such great heights. Simple as.

>> No.20581730

This but unironically
Amazon is successful because they perfected the art of snatching up already established assets instead of devoting time and resources to developing their own. Also because AWS is inescapable at this point

>> No.20581773
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>How did Jeff Bezos managed to make so much money from an online sales website?
He didn't.
AWS was hugely profitable and allowed Amazon to work at loss and undercut others on prices and deliveries.

>> No.20581924

>How did Jeff Bezos managed to make so much money from an online sales website?
Because he was chosen to do that job by (((them)))

>> No.20582008

Quite simply, Amazon was positioned well to take advantage of the immense shift in lifestyle from 2000-2020. Same reason why all those other tech companeis have rocket up in value - people WANT to consume. Think about what Amazon has done for businesses and individuals.
tl;dr economics of scale, fulfiling consumer demand, solid growth/financials and a bit of luck

>> No.20582067

He didn't. You know Amazon web services (AWS)?

That's where his real money comes from. He invested in them and it paid off more than any stinky linky could dream of.

>> No.20582099

tesla and apple didnt scale like amazon did. telecom companies have more revenue than thinktanks

> . - which you can see the real innovation and value for humanity today

>> No.20582105

Because we live in strange times. The Internet very recently failed as a peer-to-peer protocol, so a bunch of companies sprung to the top of the world out of nowhere to provide middleman services for the data market. We are now just only starting to come up with the proper practices for networking protocols that should have been used all along for the modern information economy to work without these parasites.

>> No.20582553

/end thread

The brainlets from /x in this thread who are ignoring these two high IQ posts are children who know nothing about business or making money at scale as Bezos and others have done. Nor do they understand an autistic computer scientist's mind and determination to be the best in their chosen field. Again they are brainlets who cry supernatural whenever someone, not an NPC, completely dominates their competition.

>> No.20582676
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One of Amazon's chief accomplishments is super advanced logistics. Amazong ships very little through usps these days because their own system is faster and cheaper. A residential street sees the mailman once a day. That same street could see 6 amazon vehicles a day. Amazon has pioneered 2-hour delivery of online goods, and fast shipping in general, which has revolutionized online shopping.

This is factor two in amazons rise. Amazon is essentially better positioned than any other company on earth to benefit from the direction the economy is headed.

Just wait till amazon deploys self driving trucks on their back end warehouse to warehouse logistics, then not only will their shipping have world beating speed, but world beating profitability.

>> No.20582753

If you haven’t figured out the dominant deciding factor for all things in the universe is sheer luck, then idk what to tell you.

>> No.20582903
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Amen brother. Amazon Prime is a service that over 80 million Americans subscribe to from all income brackets and happily pay for.

Wait until Amazon gets into international sea freight. You think they wreaked havoc on mom and pop stores? International sea freight is THE most corrupt, monopolistic and inefficient industry on planet earth. Holy fuck you have no idea how backwards and shitty he current system is.

Wait until Amazon branded barges get into that game and you are an international seller of goods:

>GUARANTEED delivery dates communicates in real time
> Zero demurrage fees
> Transparent fees and customs procedures
> Non leaking polluting shithole boats bought by shell corporations in Lithuania and El Salvador.

Swear to God guys, Amazon is going to save the world with this shit

T. International Shipping Broker Chad.

>> No.20582942

Do you own Amazon stock if you are this bullish?

>> No.20583021


>> No.20583610

This. It's also worth mentioning that he was working on wall street before starting Amazon at the age of 30, and his parents invested $300,000 (worth about $500,000 today) when Amazon started in 1995 (shares worth $30 Billion today). So he had a lot of experience, connections and a fare amount of money backing him up.

>> No.20583656

>let other people list items on your website
>take data on how well other people’s stuff are selling and for what prices
>list the items yourself at a lower price until the third parties you mined the data from are out of business
>raise prices
>horizontally integrate to control more and more of the supply chain
Pretty easy in hindsight

>> No.20583664

Gonna be real funny when Amazon goes up against the AMO/SIU/MMP/MEBA unions and no one crews their ships.
US owned vessels are required to be crewed by USCG certified merchant mariners and Amazon will not be able to circumvent this.
Get fucked you desk riding faggot, shit like this is exactly what the unions are for.

>> No.20583693

amazon is a tech company

retail is secondary

>> No.20583699

Vertically I meant, whoops

>> No.20583806

Yeah that’s correct but also the big guys like Walmart and Best Buy at the time dismisses in-line shopping all of them were very dismissive of it and that’s how their nemises Amazon was able to grow so large. It’s like the Netflix ceo who wanted to cut online video and go back to mail only

>> No.20583814

>implying Amazon wont do something crazy like supermax sized unmanned barges with subcontracted docking crews from the 3rd world that wait offshore in dilapidated ex-fishing trawlers for barges to come in.

>> No.20583890

Gonna be a real shame when that superbarge capsizes when it's moored outside of US territorial waters. Waves that far out to sea are too big.

>> No.20583996

Being the middleman is a great value proposition here. People want to do all their shopping in one place and vendors can easily get access to a huge potential customer base by listing on Amazon.

>> No.20584036

Based schizo poster

>> No.20584056

You wanna guess how we can all tell you're a fucking zoomer who was still shitting himself in the dialup days?

>> No.20584127

it's pretty common knowledge desu.
he undercut all other book retailers untill he had cornered the market then started introducing other products. amazon was running at a loss for quite a while.
remember the book depository? they used the same tactic, they were ex amazon employees. bezos ended up buying them out.

>> No.20584180
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Bro, you are acting as if amazon is some incompetent small business that cant figure out how to make its own website. They are one of the most technologically advance, brutally cut-throat, extremely competent multinational corporations on planet earth. They will build their own ports if they have to.

>> No.20584239

amazon predated streaming services, even youtube. even though they were predominately selling entertainment initally, if people wanted to buy movies and music online amazon was the place.

>> No.20584284
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Almost all areas capable of supporting deep-sea capable freighters/tankers are already built into ports. Slice it any way you want it, but the maritime industry is a protected industry by law in the USA and will remain so.