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20580917 No.20580917 [Reply] [Original]

Mom keeps telling me I won’t find a good woman in the city. Should I move away? Every urban woman I’ve dated was a radical feminist with serious fucking baggage. I’ve probably been on over 30 dates since living in DC, and not a single one of these so-called educated women are wife nor mother material. You would literally have to be retarded to settle down with these broads. By the way, I’m a right wing Catholic who longs for a wife, kids, dog, and my own property.

>> No.20581001
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Women are trash these days. Fucking kikes ruin everything.

>> No.20581023

craziest women on earth live there

>> No.20581091

Out of all of those options I’d probably unironically go with emotionally unstable desu. At least crazy bitches can be exciting from time to time

>> No.20581102

Wont help. I live in a small town, met a woman 4 years older than me (32 now), thinking it would be sweet to have a woman which was more mature, chill, had things going etc. Plus she was hot af.
Nope. Shes suicidal, emotionally abusive etc, but kept it hidden the first YEAR. gonna dump her tho.

When i met her, she was 60kg, shy etc. Now shes 85kg, angry and threatens with suicide if i leave. Gonna leave either way tho

>> No.20581129

Live and date near DC, can confirm. Arlington is somehow worse

>> No.20581172

you guys are meant for each other lmao

>> No.20581391

Yeah, DC and the surrounding area is a filter that lures the most radically liberal women in the entire country. I wish someone told me this before I moved here. Due to my financials, I'm also stuck here for the foreseeable future. I should start going to different parishes to see if I can find a good woman. Feels bad, bros.

>> No.20581863

When people say “everyone I date is crazy”, they’re neglecting the fact that the common factor in all these relationships is themselves. Are you meeting all of them on tinder? At a bar? This will affect the outcome. Why do you even date them besides looks? Do you share the same values? You gotta be more introspective. Also sounds like your mom is a controlling bitch

>> No.20582091

just swoop in on a local girl that doesn't dress like a thot and consume social media or television 24/7. that's all it takes. little elbow grease and you can upgrade her looks. bonus points if she comes from a mostly male family but doesn't have a guy circle of friends. this has always been a strong indicator in my books. same with having an actual hobby even if its some mundane shit she sucks at, as long as she's not expecting you to fund it.

>> No.20582097

>radical feminism
Anon, I...

>> No.20582198

Horoscopes should be taken seriously. The ultra rich take all that astrology and occult stuff seriously for reason.

>> No.20582271

Let me clarify "daily horoscopes" women read in news sites or blogs are worthless but everyone should make an actual natal chart at least.

>> No.20582342

Can't you go to Texas and find some girl with a wealthy ranch boomer parents?

>> No.20582391

yeah partake in witchcraft
idiot cuck

>> No.20582436

Yeah, the thing about women in DC is, most of the radical feminist are just transients, with no roots in the city. I'm thinking about finding myself an 18 year old latina native and just calling it a day. I'm 26 years old, though, so I guess it's socially acceptable.

>> No.20582536

No man. Women are just fucked in this age. They've all been brainwashed to do shit which naturally leads to them being unhappy, and they can't link A and B together on that even if you point it out.

>> No.20582590

Your mommas right.

I dated city girls I chose one over a country girl biggest regret of my life.

The country girl said something i didn't like so I slapped her and she apologized to me and told me she liked it. We got along so well never argued just enjoyed each others company. Shed cook for me too.

The city bitch gave me an STD and destroyed my life

>> No.20582633

Which city, fren?

>> No.20582987

the only people who will care about this are roasties and boomers who love crying about shit. everyone else will just be silently jealous. older males with prime pussy will always be vogue because it makes so much sense. late 20's is honestly the perfect time to do it too if you've got yourself established. if you aren't just wait until 30 and then get yourself a 20-25 year old.

as someone who grew up rural country women can be hysteric too. it just happens a lot less because they're not as exposed to the idea that they should have a 10/10 guy, have some bullshit journalist job and basically be a dumb consumer cosmopolitan slut who burns all her value by 27.
most people think of country girls as boring but if you become their primary male figure you can ride that line between freaky and stable.

>> No.20583257

Imagine committing to a non-virgin, you fucked up anon...the only recourse is spending hours researching something like DMG or TRB so you can save yourself later

Go ahead, I gave you the key

>> No.20583360
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>”city girl”

>> No.20583387
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>> No.20583440

t. roastie

>> No.20583455

that's cuz they're all entitled cunts. dc has no soul, it's all money sucking whores. you need a good poor chill hippie chick from balitmore/ it's still a place where artists can still live because its cheap enough, but still has lots of art colleges so they aren't pure trash like pittsburg or something.

the more money i make, the further outside dc i go. seriously thinking about WV now.

>> No.20583545

Found the roastie

Show tits

>> No.20583585

>the only recourse is spending hours researching something like DMG or TRB so you can save yourself later


>> No.20583603

The people I met in DC, both men and women, were all so fucking cold and off putting. Almost all had advanced degrees or enormously prestigious jobs and treated everyone like dirt. Lefties and righties both.

>> No.20583618

this. Good luck OP. 30 year old boomer here and I am completely blackpilled at this point. You will inevitably learn that they are not worth it.

>> No.20583680

With precious few exceptions, (white) women of the current generation have been ruined by a combination of smartphones, social media, cultural leftism and nigger worship.

>> No.20583787

I lived in DC for a few years and the only decent single girls I met there were Chinese college students. (literally)

>> No.20583822

Yea virtually every white woman is pozzed in some way. Its insufferable. Right now Im saving like crazy. Live in east coast city. Once I get enough in savings I am selling my home, and moving to a ranch somewhere out west and never looking back. Should be by 35 years old or so. I plan on spending my days fishing, hunting, riding ATV's, getting my motorcycle license and working on some other hobbies. I always wanted a trad family. Wife and a kid. But nothing is normal anymore, and you can lose everything financially. Happened to my 30 year old friend, split with his wife after 3 years and now hes fucked for a long time paying her

>> No.20583925

>the common factor in all these relationships is themselves
Yes. The common factor in women living in DC is some random anon exists. It's certainly not that the women of DC are shitty, as multiple different anons have discovered.

>> No.20583937

>Girls that take Zodiac sign seriously
that's EVERY girl. they ALWAYS ask and all of them believes in it.
enough said about their intelligence tbqh

>> No.20583953

Yeah, you also forgot to mention radical feminism, birth control, and Cuckflix. I honestly don't even pursue white women anymore because they're so fucked up in the head. She can be hot as fuck, but I still won't pursue her, simply because I know what she's like--they're all the same. It's fucked, mayne. Where in America are there good women, if at all?

>> No.20583975

Unironically not worth. Sex has been 10/10, but everytging else is 100% utterly concentrated dogshit from the fifth dimension. Imagine constantly arguing about irrelevant shit with a double digit iq bitch that gets fatter by the day

>> No.20583986

there aren't any. You might get lucky with a mixed hispanic girl or mixed asian. Half white half whatever

>> No.20583998

Given DC is the most leftist city in the entire country (it's like 90% liberals), and women trend leftier than men, I'd imagine every single woman there is rad left to varying degrees, which means she's immediately going to think there's something wrong with you for being a man, or thinking for yourself.

>> No.20584058

I've gotten good at hiding my power level. But after I've fucked a chick enough times, or lose interest, I simply tell her I voted for Trump so that she can fuck off. It works every time. All these women deserve to end up spinster dog moms. Fuck 'em.

>> No.20584100
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Another DC Anon here. Can confirm

>> No.20584134

Go back to school and meet a college girl from a conservative immigrant background. Either that or find yourself a mail order bride.

>> No.20584175

Drop a girl if she’s hard lefty or messy. I had no luck in California, some luck in Colorado, and good luck in Texas. If they have a good relationship with their dad and he’s conservative then marry her.

>> No.20584209

Same problem here except I'm in south Florida. It's a multicultural hellhole and the white women are all either 100% pozzed or literally jewish (huge jew population down here). I'm 34 and pretty blackpilled, hoping I can make it within the next 5 years and then just move somewhere remote and probably just fuck whores when I get horny.

>> No.20584235


What does pozzed mean?
Also, what's your concept of making it?

>> No.20584479

Which neighborhood, fren? I live by Meridian Hill Park, where I try to pick up women. But it's a hopeless endeavor, since I will never find a worthy women there, or anywhere here in DC.

>> No.20584541

Pozzed = completely influenced by (((current culture))), i.e. BLM on all their social media, the fact they use social media excessively, believe they're a "strong independent woman" while still expecting every guy to look like Chad and pay for everything, etc.

Making it = enough to live off investments. I actually make 100-150k a year through incredibly lucky circumstances without having to really work or leave the house, but what I do requires me to be located here. 10 million and I'd feel comfortable to move anywhere and live off investments, I could do it with less but it might get tough, also the less I start with the less impressive the house/car I get will be.

>> No.20584559

Business and Finance

>> No.20584575

lol why are you posting mature thoughtful material on 4chan? you know you're talking to mentally ill clinically narcissistic retards, right?

>> No.20584613
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Playing devil’s advocate, there are an equal number of trash tier men compared to trash women. Women are brainwashed to walk lock-step with perceived cultural norms while simultaneously having their primal fear of social rejection teased every time they so much as look in a different direction from the social zeitgeist. Men are brainwashed into believing their selfworth is hinged on consooming material possessions and pussy. Men are also inundated with free porn. Both today’s men and women suffer from these things being amplified by social media. Many men and women have developed unrealistic expectations of what a relationship is due to only having media as an example since most were raised in broken homes. It’s all fucked, but you should still try OP. She’s out there, just be patient and keep improving yourself.

>> No.20584668

Hey OP.

I can help you find what you're looking for. Will help set up a profile and help you with the qualities you're looking for.

If you're interested just reply to me and i'll post a throwaway email that we can discuss further.

There is a price involved.

>> No.20584714

This is true except women get to fuck Chad and be "miserable", men get porn. Naturally this makes men a bit more irritable over the state of things. But yes, both genders are being led to their own demise.

>> No.20584769


There is a current, obvious, and longstanding assault on "masculinism" and equal and opposite promotion of "feminism" that has terribly warped individual perceptions of gender, their roles, and expectations. While I agree there is no fundamental biological basis for the concept of "women bad", there is in fact a current, predominant social context in the West that has made more women unsuitable to be good partners, than men. That isn't to suggest it doesn't go both ways, just that right now the numbers are skewed because of this. Western women are terribly self-obsessed and entitled.

>> No.20585202
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That’s a naive perception of reality, sprinkled with some mgtow nonsense that’s occasionally promoted here.

I love sluts, but i’d never marry one. Women love sluts too, and they rarely marry too. People are living longer, and “until death do us part” has very recently become a 60+ year contract whereas it used to be no longer than 50 years. We’re living longer, and thus i think we (millennials) are collectively extending our adolescence and delaying our transition into adulthood. Again, it’s just my opinion. The strongest influencer that drives women to settle down is their biological clock to have children. Men don’t have this clock, though new research is showing sperm quality and offspring that result from old man sperm is producing more genetic defects and still births. So there’s evidence men have a clock too.

Just my musings typed out on a tiny iphone with gorilla thumbs.

>> No.20585232

Get in here..


>> No.20585279

Wrong thread, retard. KTOV is a meme stock.

>> No.20585322

How about you incels stop categorising people and being warped and distorted by the internet, actually go out and socialise with people.

People arent your cookie cutter stereotypes you make out the world to be, fags

>> No.20585340

oddly meet my gf and she is from just outside NY city. The difference is she moved out to a small town where I live. She was tired of all that shit. If you move and find a girl from a big city then she might be the best becuase she left the hell hole for what it is.

>> No.20585375

yeah only after they have been riding the cock carousel since the time that they were 16. You picked up 10 other guys used goods. But hey Im proud of you, as long as you get a white son out of it.

>> No.20585381
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Quite the gentlemanly post man.
You are a patrician and a scholar.

>> No.20585397

>not becoming serial rapist

>> No.20585417
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Another anon living just outside DC area
can confirm life is suffering and I have never met a woman here who wasn't a ho around here

It's pretty crazy every one of us has the same negative experience. I don't think you could replicate that anywhere in the world, surely other anons have positive things to say about there they live in some capacity. DC makes me want to kms

>> No.20585421

Wow what a low iq woman/faggot post

>> No.20585449

Probably has something to do with the fact that DC is literally Sodom.

>> No.20585490

Yeah. I'm turning 23 soon, hope to have enough money saved to move out of this hellhole forever

>> No.20585558
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> Be me in Washington D.C.
> B4 gov. contractor wagecuck making 80K/yr
> 27 years old kissless virgin, almost wizard stage
> ~150K in savings, no car, no home, average life

Is this the true /biz/ demographic? How are you guys?

>> No.20585590
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It's selfish of a woman to put her career before her offspring. Prove me wrong; Protip: You can't.

>> No.20585644

How does anyone even get dates?

I finally made 100k last year, I'm 6'4'' white guy.

Shouldn't I be desirable?

>> No.20585675

No but people should be called out for their behavior, especially predictable behavior that no one wants to be around.
As someone that is peak desired and fought over these past 4 years, these anons are all correct.

>> No.20585720

If you believe in Jesus, find a good, church-going girl, who believes in abstinence till marrriage.
If you don't believe in Jesus, then enjoy the finest cumstained, aids ridden, roast beef your satanic dystopia has to offer.

>> No.20585722


As a 6'4' white guy you should be doing fine, unless you are really ugly or something. Congratz on the 100k though, that's like the poverty line here but it means a lot for the working class such as us

>> No.20585735

It’s easy to have sex

>> No.20585772


What if I don't believe in the Christian bullshit?
Is therea salvation from this hellish thot-dom mess?

>> No.20585830

20-25 year old? over the hill. get yourself a 19 year old. the younger ones are actually more impressionable and conservative. all of them are liars these days though.

>> No.20585831

Haha! U don't like sticking ur penis in a hole full of other men's cum?

>> No.20585967

don't be a retard. crazy women that start arguments are the worst for being able to increase your wealth. even worse than women who spend a lot.

t. dated both

>> No.20586037
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This. If you’re a guy, you just gotta lower your standards to zero. Or pay-per-fuck. Pussy isn’t hard to get, but good pussy is. A perk about being a woman is that dicks are easy to catch for free, so they can be as picky as they want. desu there’s are strong biological arguments to be made for women to be picky. But at the end of the day, a woman worth marrying is as hard to find as a man worth marrying.

>> No.20586073


I missed your post bro. I live in NoVA
(Near Alexandria). I work in DC though!

>> No.20586184

Have you ever been to a church before? Good luck finding an attractive woman there lmao. Of yeah and if you do it’s you vs 20 other Howdy Doody types who are probably richer than you. The problem is you guys want something that doesn’t exist anymore.

>> No.20586257

It exists just not in America imo. Gotta have to go to a more conservative country for it.

>> No.20586279

I'm 26, white, very /fit/ and 6'4 but a total loner with no social circles. Banged a lot of hot upper class girls dorming at college last year (kek)

Tried taking a girl's virginity this summer. 18 year old half jap half white chick, has a single mother. She was clingy and we ended up dating, now been together about a year. She is totally monogamous, wants to be a mother, and has no social media or interest in degenerate culture.

Unfortunately her IQ is a bit low, she's quite insecure, and our interests diverge a lot--although she's adopted my political beliefs wholeheartedly. Sometimes I wish I had a higher IQ autistic girl, but there are tradeoffs everywhere I guess

>> No.20586295

id literally blow my brains out if i had to commute to that shithole. i actively avoided looking for jobs in dc due to traffic. everyon drives like entitled faggots in the metro area. if you rent you've gotta be spending near 3-4k a month down there. i'm technically in nova, but far western loudoun far off of paved roads. good girls out here, as long as they don't like horses..

>> No.20586314

white women have taken the bait and have been fully pozzed. There is no hope for the ones who are alive. Maybe some hope for unborn generations, but not if they have ex-roastie whore moms and simp fathers

>> No.20586339

Love how the roastie response to women acting like shit, which is something they can change is posting a chinlet, which js something he can't change.

>> No.20586345

>Loudoun County
>one of wealthiest zip codes in nation
>tons of good trad girls here

Yeah no. Just no

>> No.20586384

Yea I would take a chance on her if you really are hell bent on kids. The last thing you want is an unhinged spiteful white bitch who will ruin you financially the second she gets bored

>> No.20586451

loudoun is two different places. east side is all normie suburbs and shopping malls. over the mountain is country. yes, rich assholes are moving in and building big homes, but the 2nd, 3rd, 4th gen families that do honest work for a living aren't stuck up cunts and we all know each other.

>> No.20586480

31, govt contractor doing software dev making 130k

I used to live in Alexandria, right next to the target and giant. In Arlington now

>> No.20586560

Any luck dating in your 30's anon?

>> No.20586608

I hate how jews and pozzed libs are fleeing the shithole cities that they made and pricing out the rural folks. Its fucking infuriating. Seeing a lot of this in Idaho and Montana from california transplants showing up in small towns driving prices of log cabins up to 2-3 million. Fuck this shit

>> No.20586701

it's happening here on steroids because the local politicians are owned by developers. so rural areas are being bought up and subdivided when locals can't afford astronomical property taxes anymore. there was supposed to be a line which said "no high density homes past this road" but... politicians will swallow an aids ridden nigger load for money.

>> No.20586709
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Everyone here is into politics which makes sense for the area, but it's not really my scene and I think the women here figure that out. Apparently not into politics = undercover right wing. I get dates pretty regularly but I'm also 6'5

>> No.20586772


Well, at least you have a good income and other basics in life though.
My life hard but I'll make it man. We all will

>> No.20586782

Good point. Everything is going to shit. Everyone can see it. When I was in maryland/NOVA i realized that it was rapidly turning into a Brazilian Favela. Look at property prices in Big Sky montana. Shit is crazy. It keeps going higher and higher because the ultra rich kikes are trying to flee. My only hope is that Jesus comes back or Yellowstone explodes and puts me out of my misery.

>> No.20586944

Believing in Jesus is the salvation.
If you reject that salvation, because it seems too simple, or it doesn't align with the world view you inherited from your godless, reprobate, leaders, then I have nothing else to tell you.

>> No.20586997

>By the way, I’m a right wing Catholi
yeah, sure you are, incel

>> No.20587252
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>> No.20588182

Dogs can't replace children.

>> No.20589182

Women from the country are no better. They are these quasi feminist bumpkins with no brains who are afraid to admit they are whores because they want to be feminist

>> No.20590387

>Not realizing Zodiac sign is the perfect system made for putting up with you
Sperg out and act irrationally angry and she will blame it on "typical Gemini!" and be understanding of you as a person. Instead of leaving your ass and thinking you're a manchild who cannot control their emotions. If she loves you, then the sign will confirm that you two are meant to be together. Only an autist would have an issue with that.

>> No.20590404


>> No.20590480
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>business and finance
ask your fucking therapist

>> No.20590596


>> No.20590633


IQ is largely genetic, which is a problem for you. On the other hand, even though IQ is correlated with income, smart people are often miserable. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have some average kids.

>> No.20591056

something about fucking the rapist, idk

>> No.20591427

Find someone who isnt american or 1st generation. In dc that is your only hope.

>> No.20591692

>right wing
what do you do, bro?

>> No.20591872

Why do you need a wife? Focus on yourself, build income streams and let your success at 40 attract young 20 somethings

>> No.20591936

About right.

Govt contractor living with parents. Dating is a suckers game. I lucked into a QT latina through a friend who is only "latin" crazy and not liberal femenist crazy" which I can deal with.

>> No.20592049

You're going to have to put up with some shit regardless this is just a fact you're going to need to live with. My girlfriend is trustworthy and we share a lot of political beliefs but she does have mental illness (Depression social anxiety).

>> No.20592125

church is your best shot. I mean that unironically; religion is the only thing that keeps the masses organized in a sane world view.

>> No.20592229

You wanna know how I know you've never actually been to church?

>> No.20592257

I unironically moved here to date a woman. I was living in NOVA, and had to quit my job, end my lease, and sell my car, only for me to eventually break up with her. Now I work at a legal support startup in DuPont. I spend my time reading classical literature and playing soccer. I've learned a lot about life since making the move here three years ago, though. My faith has been tested many times, but I ultimately prevailed and am ever more pious. However, I often succumb to lust, which seems to happen so easily in this city.

>> No.20592933

The average iq on this thread is 103

>> No.20593051

My buddy lived in DC, every time I visited him the women there were straight AIDs. Very average looking and all stuck up feminists.

>> No.20593081

>Very average looking and all stuck up feminists.

This is a good summation of the women here. The women aren’t even hot, except for the ones in Georgetown and around GWU.

>> No.20593183

Can anyone tell me if Hoboken/NYC is better? I'm moving up there in a couple months from a suburb where I've got no action really since college.

>> No.20593321

Why do /biz/ and /fit/ have so many DC/NoVA bros?

>> No.20593360
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>> No.20593447

Surely the dmv is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the entire country

>> No.20593538

>People arent your cookie cutter stereotypes you make out the world to be, fags
They absolutely have been though

>> No.20593758

This pic
I want reddit to leave