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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20579731 No.20579731 [Reply] [Original]

i wish i was fucking dead

>> No.20579757
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I can't wait for the real estate cucks to feel like you

>> No.20579797

how did corona impact you guys? it's my first time on /biz/ after a while and to be honest, I didn't really think about you during the pandemic

>> No.20579809

what pandemic
you do realize it was all just a ploy to lover m2 right ?

>> No.20579813

It was fine until you showed up here.

>> No.20579817

Don't give up anon. Jesus Christ is there for you always, no matter what lies the Prince of Lies whispers in your ear. Read through the gospel of John, then Matthew, James, Genesis, Ecclesiastes, the rest of the New Testament and the rest of the bible.
>Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

>> No.20579887

thank you anon, I will keep your words in my heart

>> No.20579918

u have another chance with a presale 31st july - Equus (co-founder is Ryan who is ex-Statera)

discord - XDayvwb

>> No.20579935


>thread theme

>> No.20579944

Let me tell you a story.

>> Be Me
>> Brought up in poverty in London
>> Dad kills himself via alchol abuse when I am 9
>> Mum tries to be hopeful and raises me. Truly a strong women.
>> Get my first job when Im 18, failed at school.
>> Cleaning carpets for £7 a hour
>> Mum has dept.
>> help her with her dept.
>> Be 2020
>> Got put on goverment meme scheme
>> Work fires me 2 months after the lockdown
>> On my shitty laptop looking at all the pumps with no money to invest into anything.
>> Dont want to kill myself because I love my mum so much. I could not do that to her.

What do I do from here. My bank account has been going down lower and lower. Currently sitting at £213

>> No.20579948


>> No.20580087

stop caring

>> No.20580143

One day when she passes away.

Also Australian != British

>> No.20580226

Corona didn't do shit, but government lockdowns fucked me up

>> No.20580255
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just have patience, you're not immortal

>> No.20580268
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You and me both

>> No.20580272
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>> No.20580296

you are immortal
that body you are experiencing is not you

>> No.20580396
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>> No.20580527

Don’t fall for this anon, it’s an invite mlm scheme. The statera dev confirmed on telegram that it isn’t him and someone is impersonating him.
Fuck the pajeets are getting good.

>> No.20580540
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Cringe and atman-pilled. Take the anatta pill anons

>> No.20580690

Why is swimming with his clothes on?

>> No.20580788

Cringe bro, everyone has problems but we deal with it. I had an almost similar story but I didn’t spend time complaining about it on some anon forum. I am participating now because I can.

>> No.20580849
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We worship Satan round these parts Christkek

>> No.20581318

Hang in there Anon. Take care of your mum. Things always get better.

>> No.20581345
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Same anon

>> No.20581458


>> No.20581526

Didnt do shit. I exited everything in januari after the chinese started putting entire cities in isolation. Entered in march when it started recovering again.

>> No.20581596

If you want a good alternative to antidepressants try moda. Not shilling it just really improves the way I feel, not sure why more people aren't taking it.

>> No.20581697
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based and blackpilled

there's still a chance anon
read up on CAP

they haven't even released the beta product yet, but CT DEFI players are secretly accumulating it

it could be a potential 100x for us

>> No.20581928

No anon, don't wish such things

>> No.20582022

thought that was a cunny at first glance

>> No.20582211
File: 326 KB, 313x489, 7014AFAB-EB0C-447E-9775-E798EF51C772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 23 and apparantly I am in debt to my mom for my college degree. She kinda mentioned it a few times before but never thought it was serious. Im getting an engineering degree that I hate and am bad at and my mom took out loans to pay for tuition so I can pay her back when I get a comfy job. I think total its around $30,000. She isn’t serious r-right guys? I feel like even after I graduate I will be unemployed for a long ass time since Im pretty retarded. Shoulda just learned trade or hustled right outta high school wtf am I doing with my life haha

>> No.20582251

try my dick and you will be ok

>> No.20583333

so LEND too early? me too. I want to buy back in bros please it's so difficult...

>> No.20583339

Go seek help from a mental health professional. Get your life on track. Hit the gym nearly every day even though your instincts want you to be lazy and browse on 4chan.

I am going back to the gym in an hour. Investing in your life is the best invest you can possibly do.

>> No.20583373

You’re a good person anon

>> No.20583500

No gym because of corona but my full time office job has not been impacted at all and I am spiraling into severe depression

>> No.20583639

Hey man, keep doing your best and whenever you are able to get either into a technical careerpath with a low time to start earning (i.e. IT, Welding, etc.).

Hang in there bud, there is a light at the end of all of this.

>> No.20583663

This pic is so sad and full of despair :(

>> No.20583804

Learn2code doad

>> No.20583844

Kill her and wear her head as a hat.

>> No.20583915

Kleros can save you.

>> No.20584050

Rinse the government for as much gibs as you can get. Put all your money into a defi rocket like ampl or McDex. When you double withdraw initial and do it all again

>> No.20584333
File: 153 KB, 1200x960, 39417321-25A6-4BF3-9DDD-4F1FD5E289E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn’t for link I would have probably eaten a bullet by now

Sergey saved my life

>> No.20585307
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you're not allowed to kill yourself before your mom dies, you fucking pussy.