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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2057823 No.2057823 [Reply] [Original]

Can we make a thread about how to move out? Especially when you live in a high rent city?

Also thread about ways to make extra money, ways to network, starting businesses and informing each other on events in fellow areas.

>> No.2057869

>move out
jesus christ kid

FI means you don't have to take a wage

>> No.2057879
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>how to move out

rent a room in an apartment


wew lad thats the hard one

>> No.2057881

Im 18 thinking about business opportunities. after summer I will Be going into EE in Brooklyn and i have an hour commute.

My plan right now is to be able to split a $1500 - $ 2000 a month place with 1 or two roomates near the school.

To make this money I'm figuring out a plan where I grind my ass off now and after summer have a decent income that doesn't require more than a few hours a day so I can focus on studies. If it goes really well I may just drop out.

>> No.2057902

There isn't enough space for me to do my work. Also I share a room with brother and don't have a desk in my room. I also have 1+ commute

>> No.2057913

get ready to move to lower col area or get ready to eat shit or both

>> No.2057947

Stay at home and take the train. Save money + extra studying time on the commute.

>> No.2057977

1+ hour*

>> No.2057991

How do we make 20k in the next 6 months?

>> No.2058003

are you commuting from westchester or long island?

if you can live with your parents and just commute from home you'd save so much money

>> No.2058009

It is not that hard

>how to move out?

Spend less than you make.

>Especially when you live in a high rent city?

Move to any of the smaller Midwest or southern cities. They offer 90% of what the coastal cities have at half the CoL

If you need more than a home office look into more rural areas.

>everyone has shops bigger than their house
>lower property taxes
>no one cares what you do on your property
>make friends and get access to any tool you can think of

>> No.2058056

Op here posting from phone.
All my family is in nyc. Im enrolled to do EE in nyc. Moving out of metro area really isnt on my list.

I gues ill just be ultra jew.

2 New questios:

Whats the best way to accept payments online?

Im trying to do gd on the side of studying rite now and I have at least one customer. Abybody have experience with contracts n stuff like that?

Question 2:

Im selling clothes on ebay and im trying to figure out what best way to ship is.
Right now I'm doing flat rate padded envelope thru usps. It costs me around $6.50

>> No.2058746

Slef boomp