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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20576953 No.20576953 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20576966

i like the logo its a good pog to have
and only 1.3m supply so very rare

>> No.20576986

Aergo for the short term gains.
Akro for the long term gains.
CAP for the stealthy gains.
TrustSwap for the CEO's dragon energy.

>> No.20577015
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>> No.20577088

STATERA pooled with LINK

>> No.20577167


>> No.20577170
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Agreed, their DEX has insane potential

>> No.20577189


>> No.20577193

Bancor for sure

>> No.20577225

link because it enables almost all defi projects.

>> No.20577238


>> No.20577263


>> No.20577284


>> No.20577360

AKRO and AAVE long term comfy holds desu
TRB too fuck it

>> No.20577716
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AKRO. Already up and running. Only 14 million mc and Delphi will be out in few weeks.

>> No.20577750
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>Bancor for sure

>> No.20577780


>> No.20577840
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>same FUD in every Bancor thread

come on daniel. it sucks that u missed out on BNT when it was below $1 but u can still get in now before it gets to $10.

BNT is poised to become the gold standard among DEXs. Bancor’s new liquidity mining program + reflexivity scheme will allow it to grow AUM very quickly - they’re taking a page out of the SNX playbook with this. The team is also extremely hard working and the main reason for their valuation discount is their large ICO ($153M war chest). Look past this and you have free alpha as ETH maxis continue to play them down. https://defiweekly.substack.com/p/aave-credit-lines-usdc-blacklist-79f

Saying BNT will be a top 20 token is no joke. We could see this surpass BNB & possibly even pave the transition from CEXs to DEXs for the ecosystem as a whole. $50 BNT is very reasonable in the next couple years. $10 EOY. $5 in short term.

BNT is relatively under the radar, but was the top performing DeFi token in Q2 & is still the most undervalued DeFi by price to earnings (PE) ratio. The key metric VCs use to evaluate investments. https://twitter.com/RyanSAdams/status/1283499638209814529?s=20

Tim Draper & Mike Novogratz know & are invested.

Sergey Nazarov gets it & blogged about Bancor V2. Wrote it's likely to attract investment funds wanting to provide low risk liquidity on an AMM. Basically this means the founder of Chainlink sees institutional finance making a big DeFi play with Bancor V2 (uses LINK oracles in every pool) https://blog.chain.link/challenges-in-defi-how-to-bring-more-capital-and-less-risk-to-automated-market-maker-dexs/

Coinbase exploring BNT listing https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-continues-to-explore-support-for-new-digital-assets-2c5b84813fcf

>> No.20577890

who the fuck is daniel bro?

>> No.20577894
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LEND, BZRX and AMPL all you need

Also bonus tip: ARPA because most "ETH killer" wannabe blockchians use it in their payments process, so however good or bad they do among them, ARPA wins

>> No.20577895

Meridian is one of them with their own DAO balancer index fund coming

>> No.20577926

ConsenSys and 1inch audits failed and team are waiting until the last day of July to announce V2 will be delayed.

Bancor lied about solving impermanent loss

Bancor is the most hacked crypto in history

Bancor isn't DeFi. It is centralized. The team can steal your funds at any time. They demonstrated this when they got hacked last month and stole the funds back from the hacker.

Coinbase will never list Bancor because it is a security token. The team admits this and have banned Americans from using their exchange.

Uniswap is launching their own token and will remain the AMM market leader.

Bancor was the worst ICO in history. It is down 99.9% and has many bag holders waiting to dump on you to break even.

Bancor banned me from telegram trading group and official group for saying price would go down (and it did).

Anyone expecting a V2 pump is going to be disappointed, because staking rewards won't happen until Q1 2021 (it was scheduled for nearer the end of the year, but will be pushed back because of V2 delay).

>> No.20578194
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Ignore the fake fud. this is Daniel and he's angry because he missed his chance to buy BNT at 90 cents and now wants to FUD weak hands so he can buy cheap BNT.

There has been serious attention on Bancor V2 with two 3rd party groups (Conensys Dilligence and 1inch.exchange) doing the security audits plus a very lucrative bug bounty program. Bancor is not taking risks with the release. Even if this is delayed the way they keep announcing new tokens to the initial pool (link yesterday plus enj and ren recently) makes it clear that things are moving towards a full launch soon.

BNT is poised to become the gold standard among DEXs -- even if their protocol gets duplicated, the first mover advantage thanks to the "liquidity black hole" means that if successful anyone who want to earn rewards via pooling/ liquidity mining will be drawn towards BNT. Saying that this will be a top 20 token is no joke -- we could see this surpass BNB and possible even pave the transition from CEXs to DEXs for the ecosystem as a whole.

The more I think about it the more $50 dollars starts to seem more and more reasonable in the next couple years.

>> No.20578225
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>> No.20578247


>> No.20578286

>0 results


>3 XSN shills


>> No.20578320


>> No.20578330
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>Team can dump on you anytime like they did yesterday

>> No.20578363


Stop it daniel..

>> No.20578570

> delusional XSN shills
showing off a working product >>20577170

When mainnet? lol

>> No.20578711

STATERA. U'll get a good short term pump when balancer pays back, plus good long term investment as well if ur into that kinda shit.

>> No.20578733

Statera has proved to be worth the hype it had a month or two ago. Any other coin mentioned in this thread would have died after the balancer exploit but STA is thriving.

>> No.20579337


>> No.20579391

Dether. Just released fiat on boarding. Like 5 hours ago.

>> No.20579417

RSR is your safest bet

>> No.20579433

DDEX/HOT is ranked #23 on defipulse, got decentralized margin trading, still only 3m market cap.