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20568819 No.20568819 [Reply] [Original]

I see posts on here all the time from people saying "yeah just bought 10k x and 20k y". theres posts on here and twitter all day from people talking about stacks, assets like homes, other cool shit theyre buying.
Even if 99% are a larp, theres still going to be honest people out there. Even if somebody has a mill it doesnt change that objectively 5k is a huge amount of money, yet some just toss it about like its nothing.

Where the fuck do people get all this money from?

>> No.20568870

>Where the fuck do people get all this money from?

From a job anon
Even if you have an average salary like 40k a year, you can still save up one thousand or more every month.
Throw it at a shitcoin, it x5 and wallah!

>> No.20568880 [DELETED] 
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Helix Nebula is the first p2p blockchain based helping system. By helping others, you are rewarded with Helix Nebula UN tokens.

Not even listed on Coingecko yet. 20 WALLET HOLDERS TOTAL. Let's take UN past the moon and into the stars. This is a no-brainer biz!


>> No.20568905

When you consider /biz/'s userbase, it's likely coming from wagecuking or from their parents who are already well off. Maybe some from criminal activity.

>> No.20568936

Shut up nigger.

I guess but still, if youre earning 40k a year are you really in a position to be playing shitcoin roulette with a 1,000 bucks.

>> No.20568945

Take some old vidya, collectibles or books to a trader and buy a hundred linkies anon. You might as well go for it

>> No.20568950

As the other anon mentioned, you get money by working a job. If you've been in crypto for a few years, chances are you were able to multiply your money so now you have enough to play around and "throw" 5k when a good opportunity shows its face. Time in the market is a big deal, people who have heavy bags didn't get in a month ago (for the most part)

>> No.20568966

only people who actually have the stacks they say they have are OG channers who've compounded 100+ 10x gains. it's like .001% though. the rest are larps fantasizing about unironically owning that much

>> No.20568994

I had savings from my job. And also took out a loan on my car. Didn't have too. But my gains already paid off the loan.

>> No.20568998

Not necessarily true though, when coins like AMPL do 40x in a few weeks it's not impossible that a bunch of people actually have tens of thousands of dollars. Such opportunities are pretty rare though

>> No.20569005

I make ~100k/year wageslaving in Tokyo.
The dream is to get rich enough that I can quit and open my own little bar. Fuck being an officecuck

>> No.20569011

>I guess but still, if youre earning 40k a year are you really in a position to be playing shitcoin roulette with a 1,000 bucks

Unless you have a family to support and mortage to pay... yeah absolutely. What else are you gonna spend your money on, a brand new car that depreciates every day? Drugs and alcohol? Videogames?

>> No.20569012

Time in market is big, I used to think 5k is big money but my algo is doing 10k trades every few hours and I don’t even check it anymore.

>> No.20569023

Those cheeks would engulf a face.

>> No.20569029

In 2020 I'd be more inclined to say its larping than real oldfag anons but I guess between you guys youve answered my question.
>get job
>spend it wisely
>moon mission
>be carefree with the excess

I guess I need to go get a job.

>> No.20569081

some of us old fags got in btc or eth early
eth at 1 dollar myself, then traded shitcoins through 2017 turning those eth into a lot more eth.
so now 10k put into a project isnt 10k of actual USD put in. its 10k of eth (or btc) that has an actual cost of a couple bucks

then there are neets using neet bux

>> No.20569141

1. I see youre new here
2. These are investments not theowing money around, you mentioned real estate and other assets, the people with houses are often mortgaging the house whichbis cheaper than renting an apartment but you need a job or a cosigner with a good job to get the mortgage
3. I saved up from an ultra low wage job for over a year, you have to cut your soending, live at home, and work; or find a way to make money, and not chump change but real money.

4. Its called get a job and grow up

5. Most men have the change from retard to bread winner at age 23 or 24 26-27 is real late and 32 is like dude youre hopeless

6. But most of us are living with family and working and saving the money and not doing anything fun; and staying at home to cut costs because if you want to win life you have to play the slow game

7. Do not covet, you are coveting. Instead of thinking “man how did theybget all that money, if i had some of that money i could do so much” think “hey I’m a human too i can get a job and live cheap and make that money as well”

8. If youre under 23 dont worry aboutnit yet just fucking dont soend everything and put your money in chainlink or tezos or bitcoin cash or kyber or auger and wait

>> No.20569146

I'd put my whole arm up her ass and then lick it as I take it out.

>> No.20569205
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>I make ~100k/year wageslaving in Tokyo.
If you're making 100k a year you're not wageslaving you out of touch piece of shit. I don't usually get mad at people who earn more than me but you don't have a fucking clue. The NERVE of you! I earn 16k a year. Sixteen fucking K. I work 40hrs a week for that shit. I'M wageslaving, you live in fucking paradise. Cunt. Literally seething.

>> No.20569218

for the longest time I was stuck at 3-4k
now I am at 30k
so things are turning around for the better I hope

>> No.20569234

if your salary is shit, you definitely have to take higher risks if you want to make it. Playing it safe would take too long to get you anywhere if you only have a couple hundred to invest.
$500 used to be a lot of money for me to throw at crypto a year ago, but after a few risky plays that worked out well I'm way better off. nowadays I just throw that amount at random shitcoins I see shilled in here.
money is way easier to make than most people think, once you know what you're doing

>> No.20569251

I'm 19 and life with my brother, work part time filling vending machines, I give him a couple of hundred a month, if I got a full time job I could save money.
I'll start applying for stuff online tonight, not sure I can do anything useful for a company yet but I'll see whats out there.

>> No.20569258
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>$55k salary
>26, live with loving parents. no rent or bills to pay
>can save 80-90% monthly income in crypto
>also took out a $10k loan for PNK back in Feb
>portfolio now worth $55k

>> No.20569271

I suspect most of the people here tossing money around got it from being an early investor in LINK or ETH

>> No.20569275

This. Not having kids and debt helps.

>> No.20569281


By not being mentally ill.

>> No.20569285

You're too late for mining these coins so you're gonna have to:

Get a job
Dollar cost average, in other words spend a portion of your check every 1-2 weeks on investments that you're confident in
Keep doing this for a couple years
Don't panic sell over volatility

>> No.20569308

based idea. Don't give up, lil biatch

>> No.20569330
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Any tips for someone writing an algo trader atm? Using python and going to start with Binance coins with high volatility. For now just going to target good setups that are clearly oversold until I can narrow down a more effective strategy. I considered uniswap and I'm sure there's a lot of money to be made there but I'd want to set up charting first with tradingview and that's basically another project entirely.

>> No.20569332

>I make ~100k/year wageslaving in Tokyo.
If the nips around here are anything to go by it sounds awful but well done if its what you want.

>> No.20569334

live like a neet but still get a job
you'll be saving money but you need high returns to /make it/
all you need is some good trades

>> No.20569335

When i was 19, 5k was ALOT of money. I know the feels

24 now and 5k feels like what $250-$500 felt then

>> No.20569376

i got 250k€ from my parents and i saved about 100k€ working made 40k€ with crypto

>> No.20569382

Creating a new Covid...bat soup, ass juice, just askin fer trouble

>> No.20569417

quit that job and collect cans. WTF pays 16gs a year hahahaha

>> No.20569418

Wage slaving has nothing to do with the salary anon. It’s a mindset and a lifestyle. The fact that I have to wake up every day and waste my entire life cucking myself to make someone else rich is what makes me a wage slave. I can’t quit my job tomorrow, I am literally a slave to my wage. Plus I am willing to bet that my cost of living is significantly higher than what area you’re in so at the end of the day it’s not as large of a gap as you perceive.

Thanks senpai. We’re all going to make it.

They’re leaping. Average salary for a 30 year old male in Tokyo is 36k/year. Salaries are shit here. Most “experienced” line level jobs pay you ~40-60k/year. 100k+ for line management level.

>> No.20569459

26-27 is real late? The fuck do you smoke? You sound like your 22 and just landed your first job out of community college and make 35k salary

>> No.20569501

I'm a Europoor. I live in England. This country is fucked. There are NO jobs unless you want to earn a shit wage like I do.
Yeah whatever. I apologise for blowing up. It's all relative I guess. It's just I see someone unhappy with making 6.25x what I do and it makes me want to rope. I fucking hate life.

>> No.20569585

You’re an idiot

>> No.20569611
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>just bought 100k

>> No.20569648

90% live paycheck to paycheck. it's all larp

>> No.20569650

You could literally go to trade school at night and make 40-50k after 1 year of training. Some of those kids can barely read. Stop seething, you fucking cuck.

>> No.20569654
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>5k is a huge amount of money, yet some just toss it about like its nothing.

If you think $5k is a huge amount of money, it always will be.

Every day, check Coingecko's Recently Added page. Look for a coin with a real product that's at least in beta (NOT some wishlist roadmap), sub-$1m market cap, and at least a few thousand in volume. Go to Uniswap, toss some ETH in it, maybe if it's really exciting come back and tell /biz/, then sell once it does a 3x.

Right now there's a 3-5x pretty much every week, sometimes 2 or 3

>I guess but still, if youre earning 40k a year are you really in a position to be playing shitcoin roulette with a 1,000 bucks.

Stop thinking like a poor person. Gambling $1k with shitcoins is risky, but making $40k a year for the rest of your one and only life is much much riskier.

What separates rich people from poor people is that the rich take risks. The poor just find some job and go to it until they die, having seen, done, and achieved nothing.

>> No.20569668

what do you do for a living ?

>> No.20569701

Comparing yourself with others is a sure way to feel miserable. There's no harm in accepting that others have it better than you do, especially if it can push you forward to improve your situation, but everyone is walking on their own path under their own specific circumstances, and as such everyone's perspective is different. Sorry if I'm saying something obvious but it took me a while to accept this (and desu I still compare myself regularly with others but I try to not let it take over, ultimately I'm the one in control of my emotions and the way I react)

>> No.20569727


I'm going to say this as nicely as possible: You need to change your entire way of thinking. Someone has inflicted a belief structure on you that will keep you poor and unhappy forever until you change it.

>> No.20569773

Everybody has their thing, but disgusting fat bitches is where I draw the line...

>> No.20569780

I want to run a business but I'm too stupid to have any business ideas.

>> No.20569784

drop knowledge, Dog.
get specific

>> No.20569788

If you're intelligent and responsible you will see exponential growth over time

>> No.20569795

If you are only 19 definitely get a job and start saving. At that age you have plenty of time to sock away cash and dip your toes into investing. A big part of investing is having constant income that will give you the freedom to throw cash at opportunities that catch your eye.

>> No.20569848

Watch this OP, might answer some questions.

>> No.20569904

either larping or bought BTC really early

>> No.20569945
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Anon, I know how you feel so I will give you some life advice. Take it as you will, and others will probably laugh at me for it.
You need to realize that "poor people mindset" is real. And the world is rigged against poor people, because it's an easy way for people that understand the system to abuse people that don't. You need to read, and you need to understand that it's okay to be poor right now, but that it's not okay to be poor in 10 years, because with a simple life plan you can better yourself easily.

Now here comes the meme recommendation:
Read "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" to understand how to budget, save money, pay your debt, invest the rest. But instead of investing the money in meme boomer assets, come to /biz/, and learn the patterns that indicates a coin is going to at least x2 in an okay timeframe. Check thread and cultivate yourself on how to invest and when to sell.
Read "The 4-Hour Work Week", but forget all the parts about building a business etc, you don't really need that. What you need is all the part about "being rich doesn't matter, what matters is living a rich life". It's cheesy, it's stupid, and it's cliché, but with these two very easy to read books, you will have a better understanding on money than 95% of people.

I hope you can make it anon.

>> No.20569959

Savings tax returns a commission check you realize you will spend that money anyways so invest it and not into some shitty savings account that you will just withdraw from. If you are a broke boi with less than 5k cash then start small do some small bets with 300 you would be surprised how fast you can build it up to 1k and from 1k to 5k and etc.

>> No.20569961

>get a job
>live frugally
>don't waste money on an expensive car
>cook all of your own food
>of the food that you do cook, make sure you make use of scale and cook large, cheap, but still healthy amounts of food that will last you several days
>don't drink
>don't smoke
>don't do drugs
>use the money that isn't being eaten up by rent, utilities, and groceries to invest monthly
>continue to invest every month in long term prospects and mitigate the amount of risk you take
You can gamble money that you can afford to lose on shitcoins and stocks every now and again, but don't do it with your entire net worth unless you are prepared to get raped by the market.

>> No.20569963

work, years of DCA into crypto, and trading gains

>> No.20569971

slowly grew and diversified and took profits in eth/dai, started making larger bets reality is you dont start making any decent money in crypto until you start putting 5k-10k in
if youre smart youll have 100-200 eth to play around with

>> No.20569976

I work two jobs and save. I have 20k in savings in the bank and about 5k right now in crypto. I work 70+ hours a week depending on how project heavy my second job is and I work 50 hours for my regular job.

I work my butt off and save.

>> No.20569991

i work a corporate job and live with my mom because im too ugly to get laid so theres no point in wasting money living on my own

>> No.20570015

>office job in Tokyo
Fuck, what’s it like living in hell?

>> No.20570018

Start small throw anything you can into high growth shit its literally better than anything else

>> No.20570054
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The system is actually set up to help people get rich. Fortunes are made through risk and leverage. If you're an adult and not a literal nigger who buys every shiny object he wants, you have access to credit. Use the credit to take risks on things that will make you money. Live cheap, use every single buck to make more money.

When you get nicely into profit, pay off the credit and then get more credit. If you started with a credit card, go to a bank and get a personal loan. Etc. Increase your leverage, make profits, use the profits to pay off the debt, the difference between the two is free money.

If you make stupid decisions and lose 100% of your money, there is bankruptcy -- built right into the system, an easy legal process whereby your debts are wiped clean and you can start again. You can even write off losses on your taxes.

The problem is that the only way to make money involves risk. Most people do not want risk, so they take a nice secure job that they hate, spend their entire life on an unhappy treadmill, and die old and poor, having wasted their one shot on Earth.

Rich people know the possibility of THAT is what should keep you awake at night.

RISK AND LEVERAGE. Then you too can join the ranks of people who suffer massively to make it, and then have to roll their eyes at cowardly poor people complaining about how life's so hard.

>> No.20570067

>Where the fuck do people get all this money from?

I beat up niggers for money. Its a pretty based gig.

>> No.20570199

Usually it’s pretty shit. Sometimes I have to pull crazy retard long hours and Japanese are super autistic. Lately thanks to corona virus though I’ve been mostly working at home which has been super nice.

>> No.20570229

>But instead of investing the money in meme boomer assets, come to /biz/, and learn the patterns that indicates a coin is going to at least x2 in an okay timeframe.
This is unironically the most important advice I have ever seen on /biz/. OP, you need to understand that this is the market where money can be made at all levels. Anons who claim to throw $5k at a coin like it is nothing are either well off enough that it's fine to do so, or they built themselves to that point through coin swinging. If you only have $60 to your name, then put it all in and take it back when you've double or tripled your money (or more, there's really no limit here), then use that money on something else. The higher you get, the more options you get, and the higher your yields can be. The time to go from zero to made it is fucking now, OP. The only true mistake you can make is not getting in while you can.

>> No.20570304
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>> No.20570342

Risk and Leverage
One shot on earth
unhappy treadmill
Not bad, Anon. Feeling a little bit motivated over here.

>> No.20570373
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>just double or triple your money bro
it's that easy

>> No.20570394

Underrated post. Thanks for the advice

t. /biz/ newfag

>> No.20570419

How do you assess the coins with unknown market cap?

>> No.20570531

(I'm the anon you're replying to, just changed laptop)
I think the most important thing to understand is that the less money you have to invest, the more risk you need to be willing to take, or you're never going to make it.
Stocks and bonds are turbo boomer assets, even penny stocks, and you don't want to put your money there because even if you do make money it's going to take forever and by then you will have missed all the opportunities. As a poorfag your goal is to exponentially grow FAST, so that next time you see something that you know deep down in your guts is going to boom, you have the money to throw at it. If your gains are too slow to come, you will just be watching from the sidelines, or do a x10 on a 200$ and even if it's nice, it's not the best.
Even BTC and ETH are boomer assets in the crypto market. What you want, is to x2 a couple times with relatively risky trades (once again, don't just throw money at anything, lurk, read threads, read white papers, don't invest in chink scams or meme coins that are clearly Ponzi because you think you can exit on time), that way when the really good coin with the gut feeling comes around, you can x10 on 2k or 10k instead of 200, and that's when you start building capital.

But if you really need to remember one thing, it's that you need to learn to live frugally, learn to cook, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs. You can do all of that once you made it. Right now your only goal should be to make it. Erase your debt, don't buy dumb shit, learn to take what you can when you can (switch to no fee bank accounts, stuff life that).

You got this anon-kun :3

>> No.20570538


Especially considering that the absolute worst case scenario, bankruptcy, means you just can't get a credit card for a few years, compare literally any risky investment vs the risk of dying old and alone in some hospital bed, never having done anything with your life.

Because the "safe" route carries a 100% risk of that.


Hit Etherscan, have a look at how many tokens are actually circulating vs parked in smart contracts/dev wallets. Multiply by token price and you've got a rough idea of mcap.

$1m of investment means a 3x on a coin with $300,000 mcap. $1m of investment into BTC isn't even a rounding error.


It literally is right now, see

I have not lost money on any of the 15 or so shitcoins I've flipped since March. The only ones I've "lost" money on are one I held too long, and one where I cashed out at a 3x-5x and then watched the coin top out at 10x. But I'd rather take the guaranteed profit than hold past the peak and experience the agony of watching thousands of dollars turn into hundreds and cashing out with like $10 profit where I could've had $1000 with some discipline.

>> No.20570554


Asking this as well actually. Recently addeds is something that I want to branch into and was wondering about this

>> No.20570649


Also, I only buy if it's tradeable on Uniswap. This means I've missed out on some easy money, but I have seen absolute disasters befall people who join sketchy exchanges to buy a lowcap shitcoin and I can't recommend that.

My portfolio, btw, just crossed $125k today. I started with a $5000 credit card in March and have been working my ass off at a shit job to get every cent I can into this.

I was so lucky to have a kind Anon share the formula in April that I'm sharing with you guys. I wish I could buy that guy a thousand blowjobs from the finest Thai hookers, because even if this amazing run we're on comes to end soon, I could take 10 years off work if I wanted to now.

But yeah, RISK x LEVERAGE + luck = MONEY. And bankruptcy is nothing compared to a wasted life.

>> No.20570769

>$125k today
Congratulations anon, I hope to join you there one day.
I reached $2k today from an original investment of like $200 into PNK. But I am not going to sell my pinkies just yet so I won't reinvest that just now. I have a pretty good career path with an okays salary and no debt, so I think I won't take credit card debt but just live frugally and invest money monthly here and there to grow my portfolio slowly. Latest investment was SXP.
I would also advice to stay away from shitty small cap exchange and only use Uniswap with Metamask wallet and something like Binance, +whatever place you get your BTC/ETH from depending on your country, as some countries can't buy directly from Binance. Also get a cold wallet (Ledger) if you're serious about this.

>> No.20570834

If I could recommend one thing as well, try to have fun while doing this. If you take it as a hobby, it won't seem as painful to "save money" instead of buying physical goods with it.
No amount of physical things can equal the euphoria that's riding a nice investment, posting in /biz/ topics, seeing the memes, the Indian LARP FUD etc.

>> No.20570854
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Well for me all I have is 5k locked down in some shitty GIC, 1.1k in a TFSA, 3k in my checking account, 50 bucks in my savings account, and currently 1600 dollars worth of precious metals that I hold physically, but the sad part is that I'm a leaf. I'm just very good with money, that and I know how to make a few bucks here and there.

>> No.20570878

>I would also advice to stay away from shitty small cap exchange and only use Uniswap with Metamask wallet and something like Binance, +whatever place you get your BTC/ETH from depending on your country, as some countries can't buy directly from Binance. Also get a cold wallet (Ledger) if you're serious about this.

Really excellent advice here. Do NOT join some sketchy exchange in order to buy a shitcoin, that way lies extreme sadness.

>I have a pretty good career path with an okays salary and no debt, so I think I won't take credit card debt but just live frugally and invest money monthly here and there to grow my portfolio slowly.

This is the safe way to go. I'm going balls-out on risk because right now there is literally free money lying around everywhere on Uniswap. If you borrow $5k, even if it's on some Jew credit card at 20% interest, if you make anything about 1.8% gains per month you are getting free money. If you flip $5k to $50k and pay off the card, you've just made $45k that you wouldn't have otherwise.

But that's risk.

>> No.20570908

>half of net worth in a fucking GIC
>I'm just very good with money


If you're risk averse at least take that out of there and buy silver with it, right you're barely keeping ahead of inflation while money is being thrown out of helicopters everywhere

>> No.20570935

Do you worry about taxes?

>> No.20570993

I'm sorry for the low-key spoonfeed, but how do you find the free money uniswap coin? Do you lurk /biz/ and look at projects DD from there, or you do have other sources that you use?
Also the way you go at it is you buy ETH from big exchange like Coinbase, transfer it to Metamask, Uniswap, and then Uniswap back once it makes a decent amount of money? Do you keep everything in Uniswap or do you keep some coins somewhere else?

>> No.20570999

I've been tempted believe me, had I bought gold at the time I was looking at the GIC I'd have almost doubled my money. But the reason why I won't is because of a 450 dollar early withdrawal penalty and I have only a year left to wait come November so once the money is free I'll have a proper investment portfolio to dump it into, that is if this shit fuck of a country doesn't crumble by then.

>> No.20571129

>Do you lurk /biz/ and look at projects DD from there

lmao no. By the time something's being shilled here, at least one Anon has filled his bags. Well, I do have 2 slots for "bought because of funny memes" coins, currently occupied by LINK and PNK. There's a Telegram for new Uniswap listings that one Anon recommends (though you MUST DYOR because 9/10 will be scams). I go to Coingecko and check the "Recently Added" page every day.

>Also the way you go at it is you buy ETH from big exchange like Coinbase, transfer it to Metamask, Uniswap, and then Uniswap back once it makes a decent amount of money?

Yes, exactly.

>Do you keep everything in Uniswap or do you keep some coins somewhere else?

Uniswap doesn't hold your coins, they stay on your Metamask wallet. It just lets you exchange. So Buy ETH -> send to Metamask -> swap on Uniswap for shitcoin -> watch shitcoin on Coingecko -> at your exit point swap back to ETH -> repeat


Checked. I too am a leaf, which is why I'm scrambling to make as much money as possible so I can get the fuck out of here.

>Do you worry about taxes?

You only pay capital gains on profits, so in a situation where I'm liable for taxes, it's because I made money. That said, I'm looking into stuff like Nomad Capitalist and crypto-backed loans to try to minimize that

>> No.20571170

>(once again, don't just throw money at anything, lurk, read threads, read white papers, don't invest in chink scams or meme coins that are clearly Ponzi because you think you can exit on time),
I wanna comment on this because this is one of the reasons I think /biz/ is so damned important: in real time, you are getting dozens of input from people who are looking at the same thing with the exact mindset, and they will offer you opinions and approach it from perspectives you wouldn't normally. If it smells fishy, it will be called out, and most anons will also cite the specific issue they take with it and wait for a response. If it's a valid criticism, and the person shilling doesnt have a response beyond "come on guys it's literally free money", its worthless.

>> No.20571207

Sorry I meant keep everything in metamask exactly.

>I go to Coingecko and check the "Recently Added" page every day.
I will do this as well then, thank you.

>That said, I'm looking into stuff like Nomad Capitalist and crypto-backed loans to try to minimize that
As a fellow leaf myself, I will take note.

>> No.20571262

>so in a situation where I'm liable for taxes, it's because I made money.
I cant imagine this is going to be too terribly important for early poorfag anons who make like $500 in gains their first month, but this is something I do wonder on occasion.

>> No.20571287

Remember that you need to pay taxes ONLY WHEN YOU CASH OUT YOUR GAINS. So as long as it stays inside of the system, you shouldn't worry. And those first few gains you aren't going to cash them out, you will inject them directly into your next moon mission.

>> No.20571306

>By the time something's being shilled here, at least one Anon has filled his bags.
So basically you would DYOR on a coin found on CoinGecko then check, and if it seems really good and literally no one is talking about it here, you know you're really early.

>> No.20571334

Is your 1 million market cap limit a hard limit? Are there situations where you would go in on a coin that is higher?

>> No.20571373

I would even argue that a good system for a newbie is to mentally wall off their crypto money from the rest of their finances, and only cash out when they've hit a level they're comfortable dealing with taxes at.

>> No.20571405

I thought crypto to crypto was still taxable in the US

>> No.20571406
File: 16 KB, 341x430, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So basically you would DYOR on a coin found on CoinGecko then check, and if it seems really good and literally no one is talking about it here, you know you're really early.


>brand new on Coingecko
>actual product at least in beta <-- really cannot stress this enough
>tiny mcap, 50k-250k
>some volume
>not on /biz/

That's when pic related happens. There are no guarantees, but that is very likely a gem.

>Is your 1 million market cap limit a hard limit? Are there situations where you would go in on a coin that is higher?

Not really, but, like I said, at the scale of a small bizraeli investor, you want bigger gains. A $250k cap coin going to $5m means that $4.5m of investment produces 2000% returns for you. A $100m cap coin going to $110m means that $10m of investment produces 10% returns for you. Would you rather turn 2 ETH into 40 ETH or 2.2 ETH?

>> No.20571452

only 5k isnt much at all. that's less than 3 months of living expenses for me. get a job faggot

>> No.20571472

You clearly weren't around in 2016-2017... The shit exchanges are where you get the best deals. If you're not buying promising coins before they are listed on mainstream exchanges then you just won't make it, simple as that.

>> No.20571476

what matters is

current market: potential market cap

this is what you should be trying to figure out

The higher the ratio, the higher the opportunity

>> No.20571481

Also an anon posted this in another thread, this will be MUCH higher risk and you MUST MUST MUST DYOR (because Coingecko kind of acts as a quality filter that catches 90% of the really obvious scams)

1: You need to be subscribed to a uniswap alerts tele channel, there are two of them:
The first one is better because it shows alerts 10 minutes faster, has etherscan link in message itself and shows like 5-7 more coins per day.
But I am subscribed to both.
2: As soon as a coin shows up, pass it through these obvious red flags:
a. Open the Etherscan link, go to read contract tab. If it has a link to an ERC 20 generator like vittominacori.github.io or it doesn't display anything that's your first red flag.
b. Open the uniswap.info page, liquidity is a tricky thing to judge, I've seen 100ETH liquidity removed in a few hours while 10 eth stay. Let liquidity just be a check and not a red flag.
c. Transactions. In uniswap info page, you can open about 5-10 recent transactions, if there are any and see if it's the same wallet pumping the price up. This is a new meta for scammers, so this check is essential.
3. Now, if the coin has a unique name, try to find it on Google, Telegram and Twitter.
4. If it turns out to be a legit project with website and socials, double check the contract details.
If it matches, you've got a big win on your hands. Put your investment in and just wait for the eventual threads to turn up.

>> No.20571504


I figured that went without saying. I'm mostly talking about just doing 3x shitcoin flips for money.

Still waiting for BUIDL to exit stealth phase at hit $1b

>The shit exchanges are where you get the best deals. If you're not buying promising coins before they are listed on mainstream exchanges then you just won't make it, simple as that.

... Anon, have you not heard of Uniswap

>> No.20571506

This is just wrong, sorry. Crypto to crypto is taxable. Not that the IRS is going to notice you not reporting some uniswap flips at first if you're just funneling the profits into more shitcoins. But if you do it consistently and end up making $100k out of pocket change, they will absolutely gape your anus the moment you try to cash any of it out. Then you'll have to pay gains tax plus penalties and interest too.

>> No.20571531

Thank you, and thank you to the other bizraelis for teaching us the way

>> No.20571543

The basics of a healthy financial life it to create a clear separation in your finance. I personally have multiple accounts inside my bank (Tangerine, HIGHLY recommend it), and they are clearly named. Regular checking account, short term saving account (right now will use it to pay my Permanent Residency), Emergency 'Do not touch unless you're reduced to sucking dicks for money" account. Also have an RRSP (401k) with my company because they match my contribution so it's literally free money, and that way I feel like I at least invested a little bit into ultra safe savings so I can be risky with crypto.
Every month, AUTOMATICALLY take money from your checking account once you receive your pay, the day of your pay actually, and put it into emergency, short term if you need to buy something expensive in the near future etc...

And then crypto and other risky investment, you need to consider it like something you bought. You bought the experience of having crypto and now this money is gone forever. The same way you buy tickets to a concert, or a meal in a restaurant, or vacations. This money is GONE. Actually the ludique way is to see it as buying a subscription to an MMO. To play WoW you pay $15 dollars every month, and you never get this money back, ever, but you can play the game for a month.
Here, every month you PAY to have the rights to meme with your friends on /biz/, and learn investing hands on, and ride the roller-tycoon that is investing into crypto assets.

>> No.20571545

what's the next LINK/ETH/biz long term shill coin?

>> No.20571553

tech job, flipping a condo, stonks, link.

>> No.20571564

Can you explain what you look at to determine if their claimed product is actually a product and not just a pile of copypasted spaghetticode? Every shitcoin emerges out of thin air claiming to have a product and customers lined up, how do you winnow out the ones who are lying through their teeth?

>> No.20571587

we have a couple years into next market top and stealth phase to develop /biz/ consensus

>> No.20571640

Screencaped this, and will read it multiple times, thank you.

I don't know if it applies to Canada as well (where I live) to be honest, and I have no idea how Canadian Revenue Agency can tell if I made profits or not. For all they know I dumbed everything into a pajeet scam and lost the keys to my wallet.

>> No.20571660

We're still in the LINK years, anon. The next big coin is probably not going to rear its head until 2022 at the earliest.

>> No.20571672
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If you ask me, BUIDL. I hold a lot of it. I think it has $500m-$1b potential and right now it's about $2m. But I could be wrong, or just wanting you to buy my bags, caveat emptor

>Can you explain what you look at to determine if their claimed product is actually a product and not just a pile of copypasted spaghetticode? Every shitcoin emerges out of thin air claiming to have a product and customers lined up, how do you winnow out the ones who are lying through their teeth?

Usually there'll be something to look at on their website. If they've copypasted spaghetticode, they've put in more effort than 99% of scamcoin makers. Not that it benefits me at all because I can't code for shit. Also, since the strategy I'm describing is for short-term 2x-3x flips on a timescale of days, you should be pretty insulated from risk even if it turns out to be bullshit.


Oh oh oh oh I forgot, this is a personal rule of mine, if you see the word


Keep on walking. I have not yet seen a deflat token that isn't a scam.

>> No.20571675

Quality post, this is why I come to /biz/.

>> No.20571686

Once you crack 80k a year, if you are living frugally then you will end up with 10k, 20k, or 30k left at the end of the year. You get good at investing and the money increases.

Man I was making $11 an hour 6 years ago. Now I'm debt free, have $50k in savings and make $80k a year. It's crazy and brutal but if you keep struggling and keep trying new jobs and stuff eventually something clicks.

>> No.20571719

Also is there any reason to use just coingecko over coinmarketcap or others? Are the others more prone to listing scams?

>> No.20571740

Coingecko is reliable and lists way earlier than coinmarketcap

>> No.20571741

Actually I just check and indeed crypto to crypto is taxable as well in Canada, but there is no way in hell anyone that's actively trading is keeping track of all of that. If I actually start enough money that I actually start cashing out some, then I will get an accountant to take care of all of that.

>> No.20571746

Thanks, honestly I'm 90% in LINK vested into long term capital gains at this point so I've slowly been cauterizing out the part of my brain that wants to swing shit on micro time scales as it doesn't do anything for me on LINK other than fuck up my advantaged tax status at this point. But I have a small ETH stack lying around that might be fun playing with to keep the boredom at bay while I wait for LINK to ascend to triple digits.

>> No.20571759

I think (not sure) that coingecko is just overall better at listing new shit that only appears on coinmarket once they are already pretty maintstream.

>> No.20571781

>Where the hell do people get their money from?
Cant speak for anyone else but I've been actively trading crypto for two years and turned a six thousand dollar investment (from working part time for five years) in to forty grand. You have to do the work.

>> No.20571784


I'm not sure, but CG has worked really well for me, so that's all I've needed. I'm gonna try out the Uniswap telegram I copypasta'd from another Anon, if I lose money I'll stick with CG

>But I have a small ETH stack lying around that might be fun playing with to keep the boredom at bay while I wait for LINK to ascend to triple digits.

That's what I've done, and my shitcoin holdings flipped LINK weeks ago in my personal bag.

>> No.20571792

Similar, I made $15hr // $30k in 2014 and I'm on schedule to collect $85k in 2020. Investing seemed like a pipe dream til maybe two years ago when I started suddenly having $1000 left in my bank account every month and no idea what to do with it.

>> No.20571800

How do you pick out which wallets are dev wallets, just ones that have a huge share?

>> No.20571817

>on a timescale of days
With a short timescale and not a huge community, how do you decide when to bail?

>> No.20571875

What a blessed thread, thank you anons.

>> No.20571940

It's a slow game we play. It didn't click for me until March when I saw the market crash and knew there was money to be made. I bought up a bunch of RSR and Ocean with my weak ass tax refund and corona bux, but I've already doubled my moneys. I've also gotten the rug pulled and have since learned to do a little fucking research before pulling the trigger on an investment. Buy some shit you wanna hold long term and throw a couple hundred bucks into a seperate trading account to fuck around with.

>> No.20571952


Etherscan, you can see which wallets basically originated with the token. Honest projects tend to lock their dev funds in smart contracts, thus lessening the risk of a rug pull, which is always an encouraging sign to see.


Mostly gut feeling desu. If I'm impressed by the website, it stands to reason others will be too. Sometimes I'll look at the site and everything and say "Hey, this might be a $10m project and the cap's $150k, holy shit"

Usually unless I get that sort of tingle about a project, I try to cash out around 2-3x and be disciplined about it. The worst feeling in the world is holding past the peak, and spending days watching the huge profit you could've had turn to shit

>should I give up now?
>fuck if I'd just sold last night
>fuck maybe I'll hold on a little longer and see if it recovers
>FUCK it's down another 30%

etc. I lose a lot of potential gains with the 2-3x rule but I never ever want to experience that again.

>> No.20571958

>how do you decide when to bail?
gut feeling

>> No.20572008


I want to stress -- it's hard not to make money if you cash out at 3x. Maybe cash out 2/3 at 3x and let the rest ride a bit, you sort of get a feel for it. People who cash out at 3x make nice money.

It's the moonboys who want to 100x every single thing they do who end up losing everything. It's bizarre considering we're in the business of flipping internet coins for free money, but greed will fuck you up and discipline is everything.

>> No.20572026

What do you think about bags of ADA, I've been interested in it for a year now but didn't have $ back to get a stack back then.

>> No.20572041

What do you think about ADA cardano? been thinking about long term bagging that too

>> No.20572074

>$3.8b market cap

Not rich enough to invest in that.

>> No.20572107

Just wanted to thank you for this thread anon.

One of the best info dumps I’ve seen on this shitty board in a while.

>> No.20572144

i am a wagie and i have no life outside of work all i do is stay home so I basically hoard money. I saved $50k in 4 years working a $30k a year job

>> No.20572152

If you are a real poorfag there are airdrops and bounty programs on lot of shitcoins. Go to bitcointalk they have whole sections on them. This is why all these third world pajeets are in crypto cause they got all these bounties in 2017. If I had nothing I would get a credit card and play with volitile shitcoins. Slowly try to build up to 5-10 eth and then you can move onto bigger uniswap coins...don't complain of you are a first worlders. There are millions of thirdworlders with decent bags. If you are young then you got lots of time to build wealth in crypto and even a few btc will be making it in a few years imo

>> No.20572162


Some anon took the time to explain this to me months ago and it has made me so much money. I'm gonna pay it forward whenever I can.

>> No.20572175

Just curious, what is your opinion of ADA? If you were rich enough would you consider investing?

>> No.20572182

Thanks for all the helpful advice, anon. I've just been lurking but I'm going to try your advice.

One question: do you exclusively use uniswap to trade crypto?

>> No.20572201
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>> No.20572223

I work for my dad and save like 95% of my income. I'm up to almost 20K but wouldn't dream of throwing it around on crypto like people here do.

>> No.20572251

Yeah seriously.

>> No.20572283

>One question: do you exclusively use uniswap to trade crypto?

Unironically yes.

>Just curious, what is your opinion of ADA? If you were rich enough would you consider investing?

My opinion is $3.8b market cap so it doesn't exist in my universe. I exclusively deal in low-cap shitcoins, where you can turn 1 ETH into 3 ETH in a day.

Well, and LINK of course

>> No.20572313

Its like the old saying,"how do you eat a elephant? One bite at a time." You just make a investment fund and invest what you can afford to lose. You don't diversify more then 50/50 and you put money into what you believe to be your best bet at a quick gain and you pull out at price point you can feel good about. You repeat this pattern until you get a large enough funds to invest big.

>> No.20572350

How long can pass before you would consider the coin a missed opportunity? Like is it worth looking into shitcoins that are a week old?

>> No.20572355

>once you know what you're doing

>> No.20572407

>I'm up to almost 20K but wouldn't dream of making millions off crypto like people here do.

fixed it for you kind redditor

>> No.20572439

>How long can pass before you would consider the coin a missed opportunity? Like is it worth looking into shitcoins that are a week old?

That is such a tricky question, some things stay stealthy for a while. I like the new new ones because they have the best chance of attracting a million or two that will pump my bags to that 3x.

That said, I'd say if it fulfills all the requirements (product, cap, volume) you can take a risk on it. I missed out on XOR because I got bored of endless sideways trading and sold at 30c. Last time I checked it was up at $10. Shit hurts.

>> No.20572517

I hit a million this year, and crypto taught me how but didn’t make me a cent.

I got into crypto in March 2017, through 100k into bitcoin. If I stayed would of been up a mil, but I played around with shit altcoins, got up to 300k then back to even in the dump.

All my gains are from working a high paying sales job where I make 200k, and living in the ghetto shopping at value village. I’ve had sex twice in a decade. Save 100k a year in stocks, live off 40k.

Millions nice, but it’s all I got, especially as I’m losing friends due to babies. And I’m still stuck having to work because even though I hate my job, who leaves 200k with a paltry mil in the bank.

Bragging about dropping 20k on this Mongolian basket weaving board is all I got. Lot less larps then people think on this board, but the truths just as sad.

>> No.20572601

cant wait until im getting called out as a LARP for holding 6K link

>> No.20572716

I think it says more about the person saying it then the person called it.

Like you have such a loser mindset and life you can’t even fathom someone being successful. Especially on a board we all visit because we are all working on becoming successful.

>> No.20572796
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I earn 300e a month + goverment gibs but i have over 200ke in Link. How? I accumulated couple years putting in 20-50-100e every once in a while.+ i put my measly bitcoin gains from 2017 in to Link early 2018 which was like 6k or something.

>> No.20572807

True, whenever I see people posting about their 50K stacks I know it likely isn't a LARP because I was actually there when they were buying but was too busy with normie meme shit to research it myself. Didn't do proper research until mainnet and went all in at $1 with everything I had.

You can't really change the past and that's what people get hung up on I think, the idea that it's "too late". If any newfags are reading this know that there will ALWAYS be an opportunity. They might not be as good as buying LINK, but crypto if successful is just getting started. Just don't fall for the pajeets shilling pump and dumps, learn to detect scams before anything else. For that matter I was here for ETH at $15 and never bought any. Decided to not make the same mistake with LINK. And I will continue to browse and shitpost about finance and crypto until the day I die.

Because it's fun, and we're here to see things 99.999% of the population won't realize is happening until it's already here

>> No.20573061

This thread is giving me a throbbing erection. Thank you each and every single one of you. I’ve only been on /biz/ since April (on 4chan much longer) but this is exactly what I needed from you all without knowing what exactly I was looking for. I love you niggers and faggots. Thank you.

>> No.20573159

how do you get a salary job in Japan while not being from Japan
t. American

>> No.20573164

how do you get a salary job in Japan while not being from Japan
t. American

>> No.20573224
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I feel like this is a good question to pose to this thread; anyone else checked out Verasity?

I see it mentioned very sparingly on /biz/, but the whitepaper seemed fairly impressive with some good tokenomics (only critique would be a bit of a high cap on tokens but it makes sense for what the project is trying to achieve).

I'm basically asking for all of you to validate my purchase lmao

>> No.20573304

Biz will ignore this because biz gonna biz but legit, BONK is gonna moon. The dev is live streaming HIS FACE on the project, he only kept 11% supply, has some big ideas for Twitch and gaming usage, and is working on a sidechain for permissionless NFT projects for whoever wants to build on it.

Fuck you for ignoring it due to its name or whatever. You this shit is gonna 10x with a PUBLIC lead when it hits $3m marketcap (currently 10 cents). Fuck you for ignoring this you fucking fuck.

>> No.20573373

2500 addresses own more than $100k of link alone. Make with that information what you will.

>> No.20573413

You need to work for several years and get into a routine of saving
Start investing and after a while the ball starts rolling

>> No.20573531

>It's the moonboys who want to 100x every single thing they do who end up losing everything.
For real, this is an incredibly unproductive and dangerous mindset to have because it builds you up into thinking that "shit, if I can just allocate more of my money to this one coin I'll be set!", then stagnate for years until they pull out early or lose everything (depending on how scammy their choice was) and they mutate into another pink Wojack.

I know $100 to $10,000 is amazing but so is $100 to $200 to $600 to $1,800 to $3,600 to $7,200 to $14,400.

>> No.20573555
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i was poor, at least by the standard western definition. these were the basic stages (all income is post-tax take home pay)...

1. after high school, i worked fast food part time, made about $300-500/month, lived at home. this situation went on for a few years, because i had no direction, and my mom was poor, with limited ability to help me. after chipping in for household expenses, my disposable income went to hobbies. at one point, i remember my mom driving me so i could buy a new videocard, and the whole drive there i was expecting her to say something (that purchase was like 50% of what i had at the time), but she didn't say anything...afterwards, i felt like shit during the drive home...what was i doing with my life?

2. landed a better part time job, which bumped me up to $1100/month. not enough to change my living situation, but at least i was gaining skills, enjoyed my work, and could pay for things, like a used car. i was saving money for the first time, but wasn't disciplined about it, so after a couple years, i think my bank account was only around 5K. in early 2009, i dipped my toes into investing, with an initial brokerage funding of 1K, and this made me think about money very differently.

3. due to the 2009 crash, i lost my job. eventually i found a full time job that bumped me up to $2600/month. this was a life changing amount of money, but i didn't enjoy the job, and didn't feel like i had job security, so i was hesitant to take on new expenses. still living at home, i started tracking every dollar earned/spent, and was pretty good about saving.

4. found a better job after six months, earning $3000/month. after moving out and stocking an apartment from scratch, my savings rate dipped, but it gradually rose back up over the years, and now i'm earning $4500/month, can save over half of that, and have ~200K liquid, between brokerage/bank.

not having kids is a big savings, although a wife with a good income would turbo charge things.

>> No.20573601

Once I graduated I got a good paying job but I never really want to buy much of anything since most of my hobbies are on my computer and the one I have now has been running fine for almost four years without needing any major upgrades such as new GPU's or whatever. So the money just accumulates and I end up using most of it on crypto since I don't spend money on anything else apart from essentials like rent and food and whatnot. I still have some fiat in case shit hits the fan, but beyond that I'd say about 80% of my "savings" are in BTC and LINK.

On a side note, having my LINK stack double in value recently was very comfy. I am not selling, however.

>> No.20573736
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Thank you based shitcoin flipper for the info.

>> No.20573802
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do you just use python to api binance or what format are you running this algo on anon?

>> No.20573831

>I work for my dad and save like 95% of my income. I'm up to almost 20K but wouldn't dream of throwing it around on crypto like people here do.

Pick 10 coins with high market cap and good fundamentals and buy $2k of each of them. HODL for 5 years and retire.

>> No.20573832
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>lrn2 independent insurance agent

>> No.20573834

>I know $100 to $10,000 is amazing but so is $100 to $200 to $600 to $1,800 to $3,600 to $7,200 to $14,400.

And you have a hell of a lot better chance of turning $100 into $10,000 by turning $100 to $200, $200 to $600 etc, than by picking one thing that 100xs.

>> No.20573881
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this unironically inspired me anon. Thanks. Buy some RLC now and retire in 2023 comfy AF. You deserve it

>> No.20573899


>> No.20573908
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i live in a top 10 $$ us zip code so i just fuck around with the money i make from well-paying summer jobs

have ab 50k now most recently made a lot off WKHS/chainlink

>> No.20574139
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Been browsing this shit board on and off for two years, and this is the best thread I've seen by far. Was always confused as to how I'll invest with crypto when I eventually start making money after graduating. This thread has been a massive eye opener, with lots of great advice, even stuff not pertaining to crypto. Got a year before I graduate, I'll make it a goal to do more research and maybe mess around with some shitcoins if I have any spare money saved up.
Honestly love all of you, we're all going to make it

>> No.20574813

I started coming to this shit hole in 2017. I'm now 2 years graduated from uni, working full time and managed to accumulate a fat stack of 42k link. Feels surreal to think the next bull cycle can make me a millionaire and it was all thanks to a bunch of autistic frog posters. We're all gonna make it

>> No.20574940

Congrats anon, stories like this keep me hopeful during these times. If you don't mind me asking, what did you major in?

>> No.20574951

i own a small business

>> No.20574960


We are literally ALL going to make it.

>> No.20575058

>32 is like dude youre hopeless
42 on my next birthday. have zero qualifications and have never worked a single day. nothing ever. when my parents die i suppose i die too. at least i'm hyper-dedicated to being king neet, there might some value in that somehow.

>> No.20575105

>like dude
you type like a faggot and your advice is shit

>> No.20575430

BSc biopharm degree. Got a job as a medical device sales rep now which pays decently if I hit my quota. Severely regret going this route tho and wish I did comp Sci instead (fell for the med school meme)

>> No.20575455


So do Comp Sci, what possible greater risk can there be than wasting good years doing shit you hate with no exit in sight?

>> No.20575582

That means I have to go to skool for 3 to 4 yrs, pay tuition, and not make any salary during that time. Even once I graduate, may take a few more years of entry level jobs before I make what I'm making now which is around 85k. so opportunity cost not worth it imo . I'm turning 25 this year and am on a tight timeline to retire by 30

>> No.20575693

Oh please at least have some value to society. Go volunteering or something in something you are passionate in.

>> No.20575756

it's voilà burger

>> No.20575758

At the very least what you do pays well enough. Comp Sci major myself, but in Bongland so salaries here are pretty bad in comparison to other places

>> No.20575810

>I'm turning 25 this year and am on a tight timeline to retire by 30

oh hell, you've got an exit point then. I was worried that you didn't, I see a lot of people stuck in jobs they hate basically forever and I'm glad you're not one of them

>> No.20575842


Crap, I didn't realize that's what they were trying to say. I had this vision of some Arabic magician yelling W'ALLAH at the conclusion of a cool trick

>> No.20575963

Here in UK, crypto to crypto is a taxable event, so you pay Capital Gains tax on any profit realised when you change coins. This was only made clear recently, and it worries me somewhat. I've lost track of what and when i've swapped over the last few years and it's all over the place on multiple exchanges. I don;t fancy trying to piece it all back together, let alone imagine the tax I might owe.
I've never cashed out into Fiat, though. Think I'll be heading to Germany to reside for a while if I need to do that.

>> No.20576299


>> No.20576421

>objectively 5k is a huge amount of money
That's not true. That is subjective. It depends entirely on your own perspective and situation.
Assuming you live in the first world, what can you actually get for 5k? It can keep you alive for a few months if you are frugal. You can buy an old car. You can go on vacation for a couple weeks. Is that a huge amount of money? Does it really make a huge difference?
>Where the fuck do people get all this money from?
by saving their motherfucking income.
imagine all the useless shit normies spend money on. Hell, just by torrenting your media and stop buying overpriced coffee at starbucks you can probably save several thousand dollars per year. In those two items alone.
Frugality is the key to saving money. Everyone can take steps to drastically reduce their spending, but not everyone can drastically increase their income.

>> No.20576531

One does not simply go to /biz and ask where their money comes from

>> No.20576566

I started buying LINK in late 2017.

I had a lot of overheads, wasn't able to spend that much. Took a loan in Aug 2018 to buy more. Spent overall around $15k. Portfolio hit $350k last week.

>> No.20576570

I threw my student loan at chainlink when it was $0.20.
>all these faggots talking about waging

>> No.20576587

mine come from buying premium projects like PNK

>> No.20576620


>> No.20576641

From work of course, I put in an additional 2k a month in crypto.

>Even if somebody has a mill it doesnt change that objectively 5k is a huge amount of money, yet some just toss it about like its nothing.
Bro, Your brain gets used too it quite fast.

>> No.20576668

Shit advice and you're wrong, the majority of people here don't live with their parents.

>> No.20576818

This is a good thread. Made me realize I need to get my 2014 shitcoins exchanged into something more liquid to capture DeFi gains.

>> No.20577027

Salary: $175k/yr

Cash: $250k

Crypto: $600k

Still grinding every day.

>> No.20577041

probably RLC brother

>> No.20577043


>> No.20577053



>> No.20577058


>> No.20577196

>wagecucking in tokyo

must be living hell. i hope you make it anon

>> No.20577233

Has anyone here even made good money with crypto? Feels like it's a crapshoot.

>> No.20577242

lmao you sound like a little fuckjng bitch
I made 15k USD last month in my trading app, all into gold and silver now
for reference I make 15 CAD an hour in meatspace
maxing credit today to buy even heavier into gold and silver
I can't wait to wave as I slowly drive past you in the breadlines

>> No.20577266

The reason why you’re here is because people did. That’s the truth.

People work hard to learn crypto and stocks, of research to find what’s actually needed; some focus on centralized only.

It’s not a get rich quick scheme and you have to put work into it to move up like any other job. It’s just a lot of patience.

Also, I’m a newfag don’t listen to me

>> No.20577273

It's garbage now, you are three years late. It's scammers scamming scammers and no new money coming in. Everyone is lying, everyone is delusional, everyone wants you to suffer with them. But Crypto taught me how to run the big boy markets and how to navigate a clown market.

>> No.20577306

Don't listen to this asshole, I asked about bitcoin in /g/ when the price was 20 bucks and they said the exact same thing. No one knows the crypto market, just ride it and experience it yourself or you'll end up regretting it.

>> No.20577351

Thanks for answering. Have any of you made some decent money?

>> No.20577359
File: 8 KB, 128x128, wiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make me feel better about myself anon. I feel like I'm far behind everyone at the age of 28 because all I have is a 317K "luxury" apartment (And $260 a week mortgage payment for the next 25 years if I stay a wagie), a 20K 2017 Toyota, and a wage cage that is "just okay" because I have my own office and command a modicum of respect.

I have a girlfriend (3+ years LTR) that has its pluses and minuses. A big plus is blowjobs and the drive to stay successful to keep her around.

But holy shit, 42, zero quals, living with parents. When I was a 23 year old neet with a nearly 7 years+ power level I thought I would be a wizard like you some day.

I don't know how I escaped, but fuck am I glad I did. You are everything I feared I would become, and I'm so happy with myself for succeeding in the failure of becoming you.

>> No.20577369
File: 5 KB, 274x242, 1324950744286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Work -> Invest -> Get Interest -> Re-invest
OR-->Cash the Interest out


>> No.20578024

Put in a couple of grand, it's now worth ~25k. Not exactly decent money but it's a way better return than I could have got elsewhere.
Spent (wasted) many hours of my life learning about crypto that may have paid off more if I was waging but I just think of it as a hobby.

>> No.20578182

I've been lurking /biz/ on and off now since last year but always got cold feet trying to get into this whole crypto since I still dont understand some things and idk how to begin.
I got into a low point in my life at the start of 2020 but a a month or 2 ago I started to come out of that depression and have started working out my body physically, which in turn has helped me mentally so I feel like trying to seriously turn my life around.
These posts are pretty helpful though, i admit i still dont understand most of the advice but Im going to save this whole thread read it until i figure it out.
>tl;dr: newfag needing help like always

>> No.20578526

Everything here is artificial intelligence. You have to go back

>> No.20578609


is it? 5k is my monthly apt rent.

all you need is a job really. 100k+ abyear is very easy to find nowadays

>> No.20578624

>and wallah!

>> No.20578629

High risk activities. Doesn't have to be legal, made most capital trading drugs, stolen goods and with basic scams. Wagecaging is probably less than 5% of my lifelong income

>> No.20578682

saved up around $15k and put it all in link because i'm not a retard. Have $400k now

>> No.20578986

Grandma died. My share that trickled down was only 5 figures but it's more than many. I only managed to make barely 5% on it since I put it all in crypto so I'm not exactly doing well. I'm sure many anons made big gains by backing winners like chain link early

>> No.20579519

LOL, in San Francisco maybe. In the likes of Texas even elitist STEM/coding faggots with 10+ years of experience will struggle to crack that.

>> No.20579609

People taking out loans for crypto again? Time to sell.

>> No.20579647

Lurk Moar, stay healthy, keep it simple, count your money, cook food don't buy it. Establish good habits and take advantage of low cost opportunities.

At least that's what I'm doing.

>> No.20580383

French is for faggots

>> No.20580450

I saved up shekels from wagecucking two jobs for a few years, I inherited $15k from a dead relative last year, I took out a personal loan, and I accumulated BTC throughout the entire bear market. I still have most of the money great auntie left me, might use some of it to pay off the principle of the loan soon.

>> No.20580482

For reference I currently have around $55k in various shitcoins and less than $5k principle on my loan left. I'm doing okay.

>> No.20581002

imagine trying to "subtle" diss anon and end up looking like a cuck instead
ragie wagies are truly something