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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20564833 No.20564833 [Reply] [Original]

See, unlike what most people think, there is smart money on /biz/. We were in early on ETH, Antshares, Link, the biggest brained projects in the game. We were in on them when they were nothing.

The fact there isn't 5 buidl threads on /biz/ every day means the dumb money still hasn't been shaken out. This is the next smart money buy. This will be the 1000x that sets off the bull run.

>> No.20565047

Based and buidl pilled

>> No.20565304

The best play in the crypto for probably 24 months

>> No.20565328

>The fact there isn't 5 buidl threads on /biz/ every day means the dumb money still hasn't been shaken out.
The absolute shizo state of Italian scam artist cock suckers

>> No.20565368

I have some buidl. however that logo just makes it seem like a scam

>> No.20565913
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logo change coming soon

>> No.20566266

Did they pick a good one? I like the hammer ghost but not enough to fork over my eth

>> No.20566329

buidl is finished with no liquidity...

one whale cash out crashes price

italian vaporware

>> No.20566381

They are doing a vote soon

>> No.20566417
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Liquidity has almost quadrupled since staking started

>> No.20566437

okay that is actually pretty bullish

>> No.20566788


>> No.20566797

The next big thing is going to be DFO. Dyor anon. Asap

>> No.20566881

this will not move until at least logo change.

>> No.20566930

Unironically the next ETH

>> No.20567133
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making it

>> No.20567214
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fuck, tfw poor rural retard with not enough money to even stake for more BUIDL

>> No.20567365

right now, there are less than 3m token circulating, so 1/8th the supply of Bitcoin. Fully diluted, the supply is less than HALF of Ethereums. This means if it gets to Eths market cap when fully diluted it would be worth around 650 dollars. If it reached Eths market cap right now, with current supply, it would be worth something like 9,000 dollars. Each. Seriously anons, buy any amount and forget about them for a couple years. You have no idea how much these little fucks could be worth.

>> No.20567404

bullish af anon.

>> No.20567440

shit meme my nigger

>> No.20567797

from discord, BE READY:

"This week the Weekly Update will be on Saturday... With a ton of news "

>> No.20567930


How long is that liquidity staked for?

>> No.20568583

most of it is at 12 mo, some is at 6 mo. the shorter lengths haven't filled up

>> No.20568694
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>years of experience and expertise
>”hey goys so this whole thing is about flexible contracts but v2 incoming get ready to swap!”

>> No.20568696

WTF. I can stake my buidl how and were do I get started? Also is a 5k stack enough to make it?

>> No.20568723

you missed the 12 mo staking position unfortunately

>> No.20569001

they needed to do a swap to move governance functions to the token. basically, now that it's finished, they moved to a token that gives total ownership to the holders. last token swap ever needed for any project ever

>> No.20569096

ETH was the birth of smart contract. Antshares/NEO was the China equivalent. Link is a professionally shilled & MM'd meme

Wtf is BUIDL to crypto? Seriously explain to me the real value

>> No.20569268
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It fixes some big problems inherent to smart contracts. Okay, here's the rundown

>What is BUIDL?
BUIDL is the ownership token for DFOhub, a trustless, on-chain version of Github. It is quite literally programmable equity.

>What does that mean?
Crypto is making things decentralized, secure, and censorship-resistant. Github is distributed, but it isn't decentralized, and it isn't secure, and remains vulnerable to censorship. DFOhub uses the ETH blockchain to make the entire platform trustless. BUIDL gives you voting powers, and it gives you a share of the programs on the DFOhub platform.

>Why is that important?
If you have ever programmed, you know why Github is a useful resource. It provides central hubs of regularly updated code which you can access. If you have ever programmed solidity, you are probably already salivating. Smartcontracts can now be built piecemeal by means of microservices. Problem with the staking logic? No need to scrap the whole contract, make new tokens, airdrop, fork, anything like that. With DFOhub, you can just vote to change the staking logic. Problem solved, fairly, trustlessly, and easily! This is revolutionary tech for ETH development. DFOhub has been in development for years. It provides real improvements to so many things in smartcontracts.

This is a better ICO platform than ETH, this is a better DAO platform than Maker. This is game changing for smartcontracts.



Imagine Chainlink if it launched with a working product. From Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi's own autistic mouth:
>"Imagine how the world of entrepreneurship could become cheaper and open to everyone in the world with a new worldwide equality, achieving the “Holy Grail” of accountability."

>Website: https://www.dfohub.com/
>Exchange: https://v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xD6F0Bb2A45110f819e908a915237D652Ac7c5AA8
>Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xD6F0Bb2A45110f819e908a915237D652Ac7c5AA8

>> No.20569288

gonna be massive.

>> No.20569289
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>Built by Italian autists
>Too new and groundbreaking for normies to have caught on
>Product is already functional (try it with Brave + Metamask @ https://b-u-i-d-l.github.io/dfo-hub/ )
>2m circulating supply

I know, I know. Sounds too good to be true. Did /biz/ really find next Chainlink? Yes. /biz/ found the old Chainlink too. You're early, the tokenomics are super sound and everything has already been locked in and planned out. It's only available on uniswap and there's a slowly shrinking liquidity pool, roughly 1mil marketcap. Only a few weeks old (but years of dev). The redpill is so easy to swallow.

Like Link, and Eth before it, there will be skeptics, swing sellers, fudders and frauders. You need to open your eyes, the only catch is you could miss the boat again and it was all right in front of you the whole time.

Both owners are known writers and tech savvy developers for Ethereum, hackernoon and few more.
-Marco Vasapollo @vasapower_
-Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi @alessandromltoschi

>DFOhub Dapp: https://dfohub.eth (Beta V 0.1)
>Roadmap: https://www.notion.so/dfohub/DFOhub-Project-05787c6c7e2f49c5bd3a767c020583e8
>DFO Protocol Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-protocol
>DFOhub Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-hub
>DFO SDK Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-hub-sdk
>Community Guidelines and Bug Fixing Rewards: https://www.notion.so/dfohub/Community-Guidelines-a03ceeab28254eb3944ab85320be70de

>> No.20569311

unironically this :

This is a better ICO platform than ETH, this is a better DAO platform than Maker. This is game changing for smartcontracts.

>> No.20569313
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$BUIDL Token use case:

As every DFO and its Independent Flexible Design, BUIDL Token holders are to explore its flexibility by voting.

-BUIDL holders have full power by voting, they can:
>Add new functions Edit existing functions
>Edit the frontend
>Change governance rules
>Update the DFO core Manage the DFOhub wallet funds organize investments strategies and everything will be achievable by Smart Contracts.

BUIDL is backed by a small portion of every DFO token created. Every time a new DFO born, a Generation fee is automatically paid with the new DFO tokens and sent to the DFOhub wallet. BUIDL holders can propose and vote how to manage these funds, as well as the generation fee.

Basically, this is the design of every DFO, the full control of the protocol by token holders and DFOhub is the first DFO ever existed. So BUIDL is not designed by be hodled for some speculative and no sense way to try to create values by nothing, but by real values and real disruptive dapps on top of it. PS: These dynamics are not a promise, but are already buidled and working in the mainnet! Thanks to the DFO microservices design people can actually find ways to use the funds in every way possible by coding a smart contract based proposals... So community can decide to invest them, stake them in DEFI apps or even distribute them.

But you don't have to take my word for it, just look for yourself. Here’s some easy reading by Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi himself:

A proposal for a worldwide regulation of Cryptocurrencies, DAOs, and Taxation

How Censorship-Resistant Digital Goods, DAOs and DEFI apps are driving a new "Digitalization Era"

This is the business and finance you came for.

>> No.20569391

SELL THIS ASAP if u still have any!

>> No.20569467


>> No.20569475
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should have bought the dip this morning