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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20556286 No.20556286 [Reply] [Original]

real news

to understand the normies

>> No.20556827

Actual news

>> No.20556929

I think that it is interesting that you did not include anything between these two extremes, such as:
>The Economist
>The Financial Times
>RAND Journal of Economics

Personally, I mostly look at political journals and then infer the economic implications myself. I also balance this with "normie" shit to try and gauge what most people are exposed to.

>> No.20557035

ZH is compromised AF.

>> No.20557749

The Economist, FT and ZH are all kino, I like reading BBC as well even though it is basically Anglo propaganda. Foreign Policy and National Interest are also good if you are into international relations.

>> No.20558816

inside my brain

>> No.20558836

Zerohedge is for retards

>> No.20558892

Biz and twitter

>> No.20558893
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>not /pol/

>> No.20558927

News from /pol and rt.com

>> No.20559154

wolfstreet.com. ZH has a shotgun approach where they spew a ton of end of the world shit and hope some of it sticks.

>> No.20559278
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>> No.20559335

Techcrunch is pozzed as fuck my dude, put that under normie media

>> No.20559486
File: 69 KB, 1110x607, the economist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the economist
>front page has lefty dindunuffin race baiting nigger obituary

I think I'll take /pol news instead.

>> No.20559618

It's run from a basement in Bulgaria and spreads russian state propaganda.

>> No.20559653

>I can't read normie financial news if it isn't /pol/ incarnate
Not my problem if you don't want to know what the current financial elite are saying.

>> No.20559819

you misunderstood.

I'm making the case that as with all other mainstream media today the economist, which ought to be focused on finances first is corrupted by the social justice cancer.

The same has happened in scientific publications, which have been shown to have sjw-level-reeeeeeing even though they ought to be scientific first and foremost.

>> No.20559841
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>jewdar pinging

>> No.20559965

That is to be expected from literally every publication in existence that isn't Breitbart or its equivalent. I just ignore it, the Economist has always had culture pieces mixed in with their financial and international coverage.

>> No.20561062

Unironically, the high IQ answer

>> No.20562023
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