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20551996 No.20551996 [Reply] [Original]

why aren’t you on brain steroids yet? pop one and sift through coinmarket cap list looking for gems.

>> No.20552223

I wish, but my dealer moved

>> No.20552410

because i think it isnt worth it

>> No.20552492

i tried adderall a few times and it shrank my dick for a month

>> No.20552960

What's that?

>> No.20553074
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but I do already, got myself a script and it was stupid easy. I want to change to dexedrine, but scared my doc will put me on something else like Lisdexamfetamine or (god forbid) methylphenidate
>holy quaternity is amphetamines, alcohol, nicotine and /weed/
but anon, your dick has always been that smol
adderall, you went to college, right anon?

>> No.20553189

Give me a source and I’ll order some later today

>> No.20553197
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Adderall is the only drug I’m willing to take. The crashes can be a bitch but the pros outweigh the cons in my opinion

>> No.20553307

Where can I get some?

>> No.20553332

Dexamphetamine is superior to Adderall. It's rare as rocking horse shit here, though..

>> No.20553348

Anyone try Moda? The alert version.

>> No.20553526
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It's not that bad in moderation. And it produces changes in cellular mitochondria that make it harder for Coronaviruses to hijack.

>> No.20554332

I called my doctor to schedule and appt to try and get some, but a friend told me to just call a shady clinic and get a screening there. What do?

>> No.20554400


Call the shady clinic because they probably have a babby tier qualification test that makes it easier to get what you want.

>> No.20554540
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a doctor lmao, go get a test for ADHD from a psych office you can ask your GP and say your failing classes, getting in trouble at work, etc.
Just exaggerate your symptoms if needed when you do the interview, stray away from depression symptoms.
this anon knows, wish I could get a dex script, I know someone with one.
>The crashes can be a bitch...
stay hydrated, make sure you eat something during the day (ideally lean protein, veggies, and a banana), get at least 6 hours of sleep.
Most importantly don't redose after a certain time and stay up super late on it.
You got this anon.
go to the shady clinic, it could end up costing more.. make sure it's covered by your insurance anon. You do have a job with insurance r-right?
>smoking and not railing shard

>> No.20554618

Imagine taking Adderall and not Modvigil....

You disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.20554713
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>reddit spacing
pic related

>> No.20554974

i crash hard on the weekend - it sucks. i do one week on one week off.
i dont up the dosage, 10mg is fine - i dont want a tolerance
go to viet doc and tell him you cant focus lmao ez
wear a cock stretcher to combat stim turtle-ing

>> No.20555108
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>10mg is fine - i dont want a tolerance
good man, I am prescribed 20mg/day in two 10mg pills.
I take one as soon as I get up with a big 'ol glass of water ~1.5 hours before eating/coffee.
Most days I just take 5mg around 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the latest. If I have a lot of work i will take the full 10mg instead of 5mg.
For tolerance, I take a weekend 'off' once a month, and the odd day I don't take any about once every couple months.

>> No.20555113

dmt or marijuane

>> No.20555402

when i was a younger man i fucked with it a lot.. long term it's not worth the neurotoxicity. i just take some pseudeephedrine allergy pills every now and then for a boost. not quite as euphoric, but that's a good thing for people who don't have extreme self discipline

>> No.20555416


Meth lol

>> No.20555652

how to get this in europe

>> No.20555762


Take a plane to Tijuana, Mexico and go to a pharmacia.

>> No.20555794

Did you hop from coffee to tea yet?

>> No.20555837

need to take 15mg to just study 2hrs
am I on stubs?

>> No.20555919

no, as a daily kratom user i wake up cranky as fuck and need the dopamine push from black coffee. what tea would you recommend with no milk/sugar? straight black tea makes me nauseus

>> No.20555966

>need to take 15mg to just study 2hrs
exercise more, eat something with lots of magnesium like pumpkin seeds daily.
If you really want to get spun you can drink a glass of water with baking soda in it ~45 mins before taking your adderall.

>> No.20556442

relatable. muh stim dick

>> No.20556704

microdose LSD, dummy. all the focus of add, but no sweaty stimmy jitters and terrible comedown.

>> No.20556915

I have a scripts for hella dexamphetamine bros

>> No.20556947
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90 10mg XR pills
30 10 mg IR pills every month

>> No.20556958

>stay hydrated, make sure you eat something during the day (ideally lean protein, veggies, and a banana), get at least 6 hours of sleep.
>Most importantly don't redose after a certain time and stay up super late on it.
>You got this anon.
Thanks anon

>> No.20557221

what's the wisdom behind magnesium and adderal? i have magnesium milk here.

>> No.20557253

magnesium relaxes muscles.

>> No.20557262

microdosing lsd is better for vision/smell/sound endeavors, i think. like drawing, cooking, playing instrument

>> No.20557298

magnesium is an NMDA antagonist. NMDA receptors get calcified from using amphetamine. So an NMDA antagonist would decrease the tolerance of amphetamine. Also I think amphetamine depletes a lot of your magnesium.

>> No.20557404

>Meth is actually healthy bros, it destroys your cells so the corona virus can't get into them!

>> No.20557436

so best result would be to drink a spoon of magnesium milk half an hour before adderall?

>> No.20557633

the best to use is Magnesium Glycenate it is absorbed the best. I don't know what kind of magnesium is in your milk you speak of, but you should try to find out. Magnesium Oxide for example is absolute garbage don't waste your time. But yeah figure out your type of magnesium and how many milligrams is in a serving and what not ...and this guide has a lot of good tips


and here is the magnesium I use


>> No.20557786

>It fries your central nervous system to the point it doesn't elicit a defensive response to a virus
>Win-win, r-right guys?

>> No.20557997

doctor prescribed me addy after I had a breakdown, i couldn't write my phd dissertation any more. but i'm already developing a resistance.

>> No.20558092

what about magnesium hydroxide? same shit as oxide?

>> No.20558134

I've done adderall before and yeah it's good for work but most typically i would end up taking more, listening to music, playing games and jacking off. Then wouldn't be able to sleep all night.

In a controlled way it's unparalleled for work but i personally found it too abusable.

>> No.20558781

great link, thanks for sharing friend.
Also correct about the magnesium for this anon >>20557436
It seems like some people are sensitive to amphetamines in the same way some are sensitive to opiates. I'd try lowering the dose and keeping yourself on track so as to not go on a 6 hour coom bender.

>> No.20558828

google around about taking baking soda 60 minutes before dosing amphetamine. It basifies your stomach's pH and lets more amphetamine absorb so it's an potentiated effect. Be mindful that this may make the situation worse in regards to tolerance it's kind of a feel it out kind of thing. Also getting good sleep is essential for effective amphetamine rides. In addition it always to get a tolerance break in for at least 10 days.

>> No.20558849

Maybe I'll try it again some day but even if i were to manage to not go hog wild im too /fit/ to put up with the appetite suppression and sleep loss.

>> No.20558896

if you are wise about when you dose you don't lose any sleep.

>> No.20558971
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>im too /fit/ to put up with the appetite suppression and sleep loss.
fittest person I know uses amphetamines daily and has for years and years.
Also, I take them virtually everyday, eat twice to three times a day, and go to bed at 9:00pm to 10:00pm every night (unless out drinking with friends), it's about when you dose as >>20558896 pointed out.

>> No.20559075

to clarify i am not trying to get you back on stims i was just sayin from my experience. You chose what is best for you and if not taking stims is best for you then I support that too. weed making me really empathetic today.

>> No.20559118
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>weed making me really empathetic today.
also making you respond to the wrong anon?
weed does the same thing to me as well.

>> No.20559148
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lmfao yeah i meant that for >>20558849

oopsie thanks anon

>> No.20559164

I gotchu anon, we're all in this together.

>> No.20559167

based stonerbro

>> No.20559185

i took this shit for years and gained literally 80 pounds the years following me stopping it. would not recommend

>> No.20559260

I've tried Adderall and it literally doesn't do fucking shit for me, am I just chemically designed to be a failure?

>> No.20559329

what was your dose?

>> No.20559387

There's no such thing as a shady clinic in America. Psychiatrists make like 300k a year by following the rules. No way they'd risk that for even $500. You should go to a regular one and be honest, because Psychiatrists are a lot smarter than you can grasp. They studied 10hours a day for 12 years you fucking mong.

>> No.20559390

Took Adderall once and felt like my heart was going to explode and had a 10 hour panic attack and residual anxiety for weeks. I can't handle stims

>> No.20559499

Yeah but im not when i took it, chased the rush and would end up taking it at 2pm guaranteeing no sleep.

It's great for some but as said i just found it too tempting.

>> No.20559571

>end up taking it at 2pm guaranteeing no sleep
were you taking XRs or IRs? I don't have issues going to bed 7 to 8 hours after taking. genuinely curious.

>> No.20559744

Darkweb amphetamine, expensive well reviewed stuff but could have literally been birth control powder. In euro so adderall proper is not a thing here.

>> No.20559856

Always been a little jealous of the amp powder euros get, in US it's just adderall or shard really.

>> No.20559977

Why not just use moda. No crash no addiction

>> No.20560161

I know exactly what you are talking about. I literally have the kSafe timer lock box to keep mine in to prevent me from going for a bender.

>> No.20560163

Modafinil is trash, rots your guts makes your piss smell like acid and doesn't give any boost, just disrupts your circadian rhythm. Go back to ręddit and talk about your gingko balboa stack.

>> No.20560198

this, modafinil is for fags and redditors and are NOT welcome in this comfy /amp/ thread.

>> No.20560249

I was prescribed 7.5 mg twice a day, I've gone up to 15 mg and it didn't seem to help.

>> No.20560312
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I find amphetamines to be distracting, and the comedown isn't worth the temporary increase in productivity. Investing is a mental game, adderall doesn't make you sharper, it just turns you into a robot.

>> No.20560350
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Got a friend to give me a bunch of Ritalin. Took a pill before work. Never been more productive, I'm doing more for sure

>> No.20560423

depends really, certain doses turn me into a robot and other doses make me a based chad, depends on your sleep, depends on your diet, depends on your genes and tolerance. I have read in the past that certain individuals who are already conscientious become less productive with amps.

>> No.20560488

if the highs and lows are too much for you, id suggest vyvanse. pretty sure its the least demanding on your heart and theres practically no comedown (anxiety, panic attacks, doom/gloom, etc.) Only problem with it imo is that its effects feel mild compared to methylphenidate and amphetamines.

>> No.20560840
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Is kratom good for concentration?

>> No.20561116


Nah dude, Vyvanse can have MASSIVE comedown.

Honestly, worse than any prescribable amphetamine (even meth, and yes, meth is prescribable. Desoxyn)

I think Vyvanse have a comedown for the majority of users (so probably least likely of all amphetamines) but holy fuck, for those who do it's absolutely insane.

>> No.20561343


You do realize that most psychiatrists are people who failed out of harder medical programs (like surgery)?

If you go read any of the med school forums online, you'll see how many people talk about becoming psychiatrists because they couldn't make it in any other medical program, and how simple the job is for them.

Psychiatry is the least accountable medical doctor profession there is. They constantly fuck up and misdiagnose people and prescribe the wrong medications, and they are in no way accountable for it, because 100% of the time they can blame the situation on their patient's "mental illness".

>> No.20561388


It literally gave me lead poisoning. After 2years 15 gpd. From reputable dealer who sells in bulk and had their batches tested.

>> No.20562280

you spelled dexedrine wrong anon

>> No.20562462

Where do europoors get this?