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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 719x602, cap.finance members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20554954 No.20554954 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody know why are so many well-known crypto people in CAP telegram (image related) and liking CAP related tweets? It's only $3.4 million market cap right now, I've never seen anything like this before.


what do they know that we don't?

on the image:

people who have also liked CAP related tweets:

>> No.20554993


>> No.20555014
File: 104 KB, 340x341, neetking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20555064

"DeVloPers ArE AnOnyMoUS ItS A ScAm"
Yeah, really well could be. But you could also make huge profits. That's what they know

>> No.20555101
File: 115 KB, 512x512, anon cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20555167

Devs are only anon because they don't want to be targeted by regulators for launching a defi app

>> No.20555366
File: 23 KB, 512x512, crying frog sticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a little message to the crapto twitter:

CAP goes to $200?
CAP goes to $1000?


>> No.20555441
File: 99 KB, 512x512, IMG_20200720_161523_711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoothbrains don't even know

>> No.20555801

team is ex-GAFA employees

>> No.20555846
File: 105 KB, 512x512, comfy sticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 years of engineering experience
7 years of market making in crypto and tradtional markets

>tfw you are early once again

>> No.20556299

Read the whitepaper anon and you'll be set free.


>> No.20556863


did you two coordinate frog memes? that's so cute.

>> No.20557031
File: 111 KB, 512x512, cap chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and there's nothing you can do about

>> No.20557271
File: 59 KB, 728x456, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from 10.00 to 30.00
>Buy my bags

>> No.20557310

do you realize how low the market cap is right now compared to what it could be?

there's a 100x potential for you right now in front of you

all you have to do is
1) learn how much marketing power is behind this
2) read the whitepapers
3) buy as much as you can before the beta is launched

>> No.20557342


>> No.20557402 [DELETED] 


>pretty popular

Pick one.

>> No.20557418
File: 88 KB, 512x512, no fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pretty popular"

literally nobody knows about CAP yet, so that's something else

>> No.20557519

This board is tragically bad and the crypto market is going to dive with the US economy when the actual recession happens.
Crypto = Tsla exposure and we all know it. Fuck you, Vampy.

>> No.20557583
File: 4 KB, 225x225, shll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why degenerates aren't hired to do marketing jobs. you have to work on subtlety.. it stinks of desperation in here. go away smelly shills.

>> No.20557753
File: 107 KB, 512x512, lets go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not participating in the easiest 100x in crypto right now because 'moooooom they are shilling on biz agaaiiin'

just pay attention to what's happening and what I am saying to you, it's not hard to come to the right conclusion about this
swollow your pride and take the profits

>> No.20557832

All in.

>> No.20558130

agree anon.
im checking every big account that is buying it throught etherscan
and they know smthg...big accounts with a lot of ETHS are accumulating it with huge buys ( 50-50-50-100-50-50-100-10-100-100 CAPS and so on)

>> No.20558224

Get in or get left behind it's that simple smoothbrains.


>> No.20558231

I traced back the first person who bought CAP as cheap prices and the guy literally owns ~$20 million worth of crypto


one of his wallets
he also owns top 7 and 12 wallets of LEND

>> No.20558951
File: 18 KB, 512x512, IMG_20200721_200925_216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20559184
File: 86 KB, 483x428, CAP 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing ATH agian today boys

>> No.20559222

Oh wow another random tiny shitcoin project getting bombarded on this board, surely this isn’t coordinated telegram shilling

>> No.20559253

I checked the top 50 wallets, almost 75% of them hold nothing else.
The other 25% bought it literally weeks ago for 1/20th the current price, and some even hold confirmed ex scams.

It's hilarious

>> No.20559269

No the pajeets that bought this really are this fucking stupid LMFAO

it's a straight up scam

>> No.20559428

the top 14 wallets are just one person who also holds $20 million worth of crypto

just navigate etherscan and track back to the original wallets

the guy owns like $7 million worth of LEND and has close to 70k ETH

>> No.20559495

except this is actually legit and will probably become huge after they do the beta launch
did you even read the whitepapers before coming to a conclusion?


>> No.20559535

if it's a tiny shitcoin project then why is every knowledgeable crypto person keeping an eye on it?

read the first post

>> No.20559546

When's the beta launch Anon?

>> No.20559634

>13 posts by this ID
Post a pic of you buying $1,000 worth right now on July 21st, 2020.

You won't because you know buying this today is absolutely retarded.

>> No.20559648
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1449189494956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every knowledgeable crypto person
you mean some pump and dump OGs? because they want to make a quick buck flipping this shit on their followers.

>> No.20559670

it's expected to be in August
that's how long you have to accumulate

>> No.20559736

the market cap is $4 million while there's practically no liquidity due to 1) 54% was bought up buy someone who has $20 million worth of other crypto 2) noone is dumb enough to sell it before main product launch in October

this will probably reach minimum $100 million market cap inbetween beta launch and full launch

>> No.20559749

You replied twice, Sandeep. Fuck you Pakistan is based

>> No.20559887
File: 197 KB, 512x512, braindia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am redpilling you pajeets on how to make the easiest 100x in your life and you're still complaining?

>> No.20560171

This is a scam

>> No.20560247

1) founders are anonymous because there could be regulatory issues with something as big as what they're attempting to create, so they're staying anon until it's completely decentralized and can't be shut down
2) some guy who has $20 million in other crypto bought 54% of the currently circulating supply on the first day after doing his due diligence
3) if you read both of the whitepapers on the website it will become very clear very fast how legit this is

>> No.20560300

I am in here pretty deep for me but I dont see how a super whale is a good thing.

>> No.20560356
File: 402 KB, 1468x1468, 1592059330650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been keeping an eye on this shitcoin for a few days thanks to your posts. One thing I'm a bit suspicious about here is that you keep saying it's not a scam. Why do you care if it's a scam unless you're on the team? you're just trying to make money, right? Why not just say yes it's probably a scam but I think I've found something that will make you money

interested but not convinced

>> No.20560369

Fuck India

>> No.20560514

the guy already has like $10 mil worth of LEND + other crypto so there's close to no worry that he will cash out something as low market cap as CAP any time soon
the founder himself said that's the person is known to them + also a strategic partner so it will probably be years from now until he decides to start de-risking

I personally don't know 100% whether it's a scam or not, but based on my research there's a way higher likelihood that it's not (even though there are some red flags)
I bought in at $15 2 days ago so I am just trying to let biz buy in before I believe it takes off

>> No.20560577

current valuation of $40 per CAP token makes the 10 million total supply worth 400M. A bit overvalued don't you think

>> No.20560641

kek. this is some of the most desperate shilling I've ever seen. you can give yourself any name and avi you want in tg retard....the fact that you're pushing this so hard tells me it's just you and your jeet buddy accounts

>> No.20560736

except the fully diluted supply is misleading

100k circulating supply remains until October when the platform launches fully
after that the start releasing 9k tokens a week gradually and they will be rewards for liquidity providers so people who buy CAP now will have an increased token count, instead of the inflation creating selling pressure. That 9k tokens a week release remins for the next 2 years so you have plenti of time to react if necessary.

>> No.20560794

This. Also OP was posting this same image along with a pasta on random threads in the catalog a day ago

>> No.20560796

go to the TG and verify it yourself if you have doubts

I also linked you their twitter profiles so you can dig around their profiles to see if they've interacted with CAP related tweets

>> No.20560897
File: 15 KB, 570x312, andrew kang cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will start btfoing you pajeets one account at a time

source: twitter.com/Rewkang/following

>> No.20560953
File: 95 KB, 713x458, daryl cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: twitter.com/Daryllautk/status/1279621891422949376

>> No.20560984
File: 74 KB, 729x510, messiah cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: https://twitter.com/CryptoMessiah/status/1285281400946667521

>> No.20561004

sounds too complicated and smarty, they are most likely scamming.
>a bunch of gooks interested in a crypto project
okay nvm i'm going all in

>> No.20561010
File: 52 KB, 736x515, sic cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20561103
File: 13 KB, 557x311, reuben cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: https://twitter.com/ZreubenZ/following

>> No.20561283
File: 36 KB, 373x357, cryptogainz1 cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source (likes) twitter.com/CryptoMessiah/status/1284275055732629523

>> No.20561368
File: 81 KB, 614x735, invesrsebrah bagsy cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source (likes):

>> No.20561581

if you're not gambling on network effects you're doing it wrong
with low market caps it's probably the most important thing for short/medium term profits

>> No.20561736

ANONS why the fuck are you fudding? Read the whitepaper and get CAPpilled.

>> No.20561974


All chink losers who missed out on AMPL.

Literally. I messaged each one a month ago and they didn’t “get it”.

>> No.20562137

what makes you know that good?

>> No.20562138

1 coin is 40$, fuck off nigger

>> No.20562200

it's been discussed in TG by founders

look at the market cap + the low liquidity of this instead

it's designed to exponentially increase

>> No.20562231

who cares, I'm not gonna invest in some expensive coin when I can just earn on bitcoin
I can earn 5 to 10 caps every day only from trading bitcoin's waves, every day, why would I invest in this nigger coin?

>> No.20562314

are you pretending to be dumb?
you know that 90% traders have historically generated negative yield

CAP is your real chance at 100x if you're patient enough
An actual potential 100x if you comprehend the importance of their product

the fact that not a lot of people know about it yet + the beta hasn't launched yet + people doubt it's legit gives you an extemely good entry right now

>> No.20562377 [DELETED] 

None of you faggots got it either. None of you stated how it's good as collateral or for liquidity pools. Instead you faggots had your heads up your ass about "haha price go up muh geyser rebase big brain hurr."

Unironically, I didn't buy into CAP at the beginning for the same reason I didn't buy into AMPL. Because of this brainlet faggotry. I'm definitely going to average into CAP now.

Fucking faggots.

>> No.20562410

None of you faggots got it either. None of you stated how it's good as collateral or for liquidity pools. Instead you faggots had your heads up your ass about "haha price go up muh geyser rebase big brain hurr." And unironically, I didn't buy into CAP at the beginning for the same reason I didn't buy into AMPL. Because of this brainlet faggotry. I'm definitely going to average into CAP now.

Fucking faggots.

>> No.20562447

>>20562410 is for >>20561974

>> No.20562530


It’s a giant scam. 2 developers not working with any lawyers. They gonna get fucked by the SEC

>> No.20562542

got ya bro

>> No.20562645
File: 102 KB, 512x512, bottomless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's hilarious having to literally force these pajeets into understanding what they're being shilled on and why it's their most probable chance

image related (them)