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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 300x300, stakenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20550196 No.20550196 [Reply] [Original]

Look guys, the XSN dex technology is nice and all but to be honest, it's currently way too complicated for mass adoption. Having to download an application (what is this - the early 2000's?), having to set up lightning channels and rent them for all the coins you want to trade, having to set up a separate ethereum wallet and run a Raiden node by yourself to trade any ERC20 tokens, etc. etc.
There are just too many hoops to jump through and any normie is going to turn away immediately when they see this. The dex will probably see moderate success in a small niche group of tech-savvy crypto enthusiasts.

Take a look at their competition, Uniswap for example. Super easy-to-use web interface; no setting up and renting channels for all the coins you might want to exchange, no need to run your own Raiden node to exchange ERC20 tokens, easily accessible on all platforms, no need to download bloatware onto your PC.

Even though Uniswap is very user friendly, it's still a niche service and is far from mass adoption - the fact is centralized exchanges currently offer a much better overall user experience for the vast majority of crypto users. The vast majority of people in crypto don't know and don't even want to know what it means to "own your private keys".

This is coming from someone owning a masternode but who is also a realist. Don't expect this to be a moonshot, it most likely will not - it's just an interesting tech experiment for us enthusiasts.

>> No.20550290

Shit fud. Kill yourself.

>> No.20550335

>Having to download an application

like downloading a wallet right

>> No.20550348

„1 post by this ID“

>> No.20550386

Fuck off liar, you're not going to need channels for all your coins to trade them or a separate ethereum wallet lmao
That would be absolute dogshit ux

>> No.20550462

Why would anyone use stakenet when uniswap exists? No kyc and just as safe, and you don't have to rent a fucking lightning channel. Also you can trade coins through tokenized btc/ltc or whatever.. Maybe if they launched their DEX last year it would see some activity, but now it's too late

>> No.20550479
File: 803 KB, 1600x860, STAKENET DEX.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stakenet is a scam!

>stakenet is years away from being finished!

>skakenet does have good tech but it will never be adopted!

oh no look at how difficult this is to use...

keep coping blocknet bagholders! we are RIGHT NOW living in the decentralised finance revolution and Stakenet is going to be a resented for our leading role.

>> No.20550501

Well said. This shit will never take off

>> No.20550526

gamblers anonymous - i mean, blocknet bagholders, have been unsuccessful in their full time efforts to reduce the price of XSN. I was actually rooting for them, so i could get my hands on another cheap masternode. but they cant even do this properly. sad.

>> No.20550537

I agree with most of your post, but Uniswap is highly used and is the future.

It's a 2-click buy/sell it's amazing. If XSN is marginally more complicated it will fail. Where will it even get the liquidity for these coins? That weird ass system where someone has a centralized exchange account and processes trades on his ends? How does the money get into the DEX?

You'll need fucking huge whales to jump through massive hoops and take huge legal risk to accomplish liquidity.

Sorry anons, this is a scam. Thanks for the pump but I am out

>> No.20550557

Even 100 big margin traders will sent the volume to the moon. Weak hands sold at 1700, only strong believers remained. Buy the full price or fuck off.

>> No.20550609
File: 72 KB, 1080x570, IMG_20200721_205643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all the same anon on a different IP. He works full time trying to convince stakeholders to relinquish their claim on their future millions, but the median stakeholder IQ is above 110 so his efforts are falling on deaf ears.

You couldn't even get the price below $0.2? Pathetic.

>> No.20550611
File: 198 KB, 964x1256, 1594291015165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vast majority of people in crypto don't know and don't even want to know what it means to "own your private keys".


>> No.20550624

Schizo, who would go through such an effort to fud this low-quality shitcoin.

This 'team' has been around since 2016 as proof-of-stake-wallet. It failed then, rebranded, failed again, rebranded, failed, now it's trying to ride the de-fi wave.

>> No.20550629

You don't even understand the project you're shilling - this seems to be pretty common when it comes to XSN.
Yes, you do need channels for everything you want to trade. And you need to host your own Raiden node to trade ERC20 tokens. It's cool stuff but not ready for mass adoption unfortunately.

>> No.20550641
File: 239 KB, 708x411, screenshot (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raiden will never work!
>r-r-raiden is at least a year away from being implemented!

kek. blocknet bagholders on SUICIDE watch!

>> No.20550668
File: 119 KB, 1412x758, 1594292375247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is known

>> No.20550670
File: 139 KB, 1233x978, 1595247831520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who would go through such an effort to fud this low-quality shitcoin.

Well, you, for a start

I wonder what the guys over at Raiden have to say about Stakenet

>> No.20550681

just mentioning blocknet so we get better fud

>> No.20550731
File: 169 KB, 1387x685, blockshits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao i love these threads. come out come out blockies!!

>> No.20550770

Subtle and based.

>> No.20550786

The usability aspect is a serious hindrance for the adoption of the XSN dex. Do you have any idea how many companies and projects have failed because of their tech first, user second approach? It's funny that when ever this is brought up you and your team of shills come and try to derail the conversation.

>> No.20550819

3 posts != putting a bunch of stupid ass IP's together to get basement dwellers to sell their turkish shitcoin

>> No.20550854

Blocknet bag holder here

Don’t worry guys people will reluctantly use XSN after atomic swaps on Blocknet become so popular average people can no longer afford on chain fees

>> No.20550937

I too, have fallen prey to these delusions as of late. I just... I can't stop having these visions of winning, being a cha... may I say "making it"?. Then I saw the DEX. "Completely centralized decentralized", they said! I-it should've been so cheap, so shit... and... "just a hoax" as the fine chaps on /biz/ always warned me, but... When I finally laid my eyes on its slick, and Kek forbid my utterance, professional looking black stylish hue. I realized... i-it really was too good to be true..? How can such a godly product even be allowed to exist..? Thus, in my heart... it will always be a scam, for such good things can never be allowed to exist... As foretold by the crypto seer named pajeet, whom I to this day trust with all my heart and provider of financial guidance. And then I... I realized that this so called "Steaknet" will always remain just that... A dream. I-it truly is the greatest of scams, for such a nice thing just can't befall a godforsaken neet such as myself... No, not for me... A poor neet of moons too many to count. This "Steaknet" truly will remain the greatest of scams, devised with the sole purpose of extinguishing the flame of hope as soon as it had been lit in the first place...

Truly, that my friends... That is Steaknet. The crusher of all neets' dreams. The scam of the ages.

>> No.20550947

Gentlemen! You seem to be misplaced.This a thread for XSN. I believe you are you looking for the blocknet bagholding general. This is an innocent mistake and no doubt a slight oversight on your behalf. We must, however, insist that you do not post in our threads again, as only gentlemen who are destined to make it may do so.

>> No.20551045

when you pick on a 10mkt cap shitcoin, you are destined to fail. set your sights higher faggot

>> No.20551142
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>> No.20551192
File: 65 KB, 495x574, 1595253881108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

security checks are a good thing my brother

>> No.20551255
File: 198 KB, 1481x865, 1595255155099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did something ever come out of this?

>> No.20551419
File: 45 KB, 591x512, 1595057985089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to reality?

I'll give you reality. The X9 development team are building Stakenet - a decentralised exchange with lightning swaps across separate blockchains and TOR implementation. What the fuck does this mean? It means you will be able to swap any coin for any other coin, near instantly, for low fees, privately, and with no KYC or registration. Perhaps you can figure out the ramifications this will have throughout the crypto world yourself. Raiden integration is being tested by the public this week and it will not be long thereafter that the Full Public DEX is released. But by then, it will be too late. Sure, you can buy then and see phenomenonal returns. But only those that are in now, and even earlier, at ground 0, will see the returns that change destinies. There is much more. But I will leave it In your hands.

>> No.20551458
File: 16 KB, 350x318, 08-06-56-1595206764982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're going for ETH faggot, messing with Blockheads is just for the lolz.