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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 784 KB, 1024x720, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20547400 No.20547400 [Reply] [Original]

Is today the day?

>> No.20547487


>> No.20547496
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, cripplebagcucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah based Jeb is going to dump more of his stack before it becomes even more worthless.

>> No.20547506

some retards claimed so

>> No.20547516

Maybe maybe not. Major event happening today though

>fed doc acknowledging exarpeepee
>Judy Shelton probably fucks brad garlington
>digital dollar meeting, ft. the very important chairman who stated XRP is a currency

It’s coming there’s no doubt but price action, who knows

>> No.20547578

Also more very very very coincidental occurrences:

>trumpbux is over
>fed no longer injecting liquidity
>ripple has announcement

Its crazy my dude

>> No.20547704


>> No.20547732

What happens at 1PM and what timezone

>> No.20547811
File: 2.48 MB, 322x178, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20547825

Let it happen. Bags heavy. Kek.

>> No.20547830

Well the joke won't be on me if it moons. I have 15k.

>> No.20547833

at 1pm ripple partners with DYOR and NGMI. People who hold ripple get NGMI just for holding ripple. Not sure how they're going to distribute it yet though

>> No.20547856
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>> No.20547871

You know smart money is going to put all their LINK profits into XRP right?

>> No.20547895

Everyday is the day Jed and Ripple dump XRP bags on retail idiots.

>> No.20547901

Oh yes of course! Not sure if you've heard yet, but the really really smart ones are going to invest in bitconnect as well. Dont miss out!

>> No.20547916


>> No.20547930

kek. smart money will stay the fuck out of XRP, like they have been for the past 2 years.

>> No.20547974

All of the top wallets have been accumulating. It's the most undervalued asset in the top 10 if not 50.

>> No.20547983

>he wasn’t informed by bitcoin maxi niggers that he sells to institutions

This is why you’re ngmi

>> No.20547989


>> No.20547995


>> No.20548024

>smart money
>buying link

Linkers will Watch XRP pass a $5 and still hold their shitcoin

>> No.20548119

What is the fuss about XRP? If it moons by 5% will you motherfuckers finally shut up?

>> No.20548144

>It's the most undervalued asset in the top 10 if not 50.
What? XRP has the 4th highest market cap and it doesn't even get used...not undervalued at all. It sounds like you guys are stirring up a meme announcement so you can dump on some poor bagholders.

>> No.20548195
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1k eoy

>> No.20548226
File: 30 KB, 600x400, riiight-q654wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will have a $224B mcap

>> No.20548247
File: 896 KB, 1125x2436, E2811E77-74E9-4DD8-8D63-EFC7404ABB69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea
Actually when moon /biz/ will be an XRP centered forum. Trust me. Screenshot this.

>> No.20548248

LINK is valued at over 25% of XRPs marketcap and is a fucking ERC20 token. Yeah XRP is undervalued.

>> No.20548253


>> No.20548276

>you have no idea
Please enlighten us

>> No.20548312

Trillion dollar market cap

>> No.20548326


>> No.20548339

Refer to pic you just replied to

>> No.20548368

lmao, XRP is overvalued af. its real price should be a quarter of what it is right now

>> No.20548384
File: 95 KB, 513x661, 0B19B9F9-454F-46C3-A563-C20AB4D6E494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad wrong pic

>> No.20548392

all are undervalued

>> No.20548396
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>> No.20548407
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>> No.20548592
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>> No.20548622
File: 196 KB, 800x680, 1594803350792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swift is set to end today
>Mfw I work on software at JPMorgan that interacts with swift every day.

Delusion is real to get this shitcoin to moon.

>> No.20548637

Judy Shelton fucks Brad Garlinghouse pass it on

>> No.20548645

imagine thinking it means that the whole system will simply abruptly stop. fucking kek, no wonder u work at jpm

>> No.20548669

lol. i work in fileact team. everything xrp is funny to me

>> No.20548671

Yeah that was pretty gay don’t believe it ends today either

Can you tell me how fucking retarded JPM coin is and why they did it? Garlinghouse mocked them nicely in public interview and no reply

>> No.20548677

judy shelton fucks david schwartz, got it, passing it on

>> No.20548696

I second this
The corridors are already there
JPM is retarded boomer bank though. Bank of America is where it’s at.

>> No.20548752

JPM Coin was literally a PR campaign as far as I can tell, haven't heard a thing about it since they announced it over a year ago. Its just a concept stable coin that they proved could work for internal transactions but idk of any adoptions.

There was a hackathon for new grads/employees and I think they stole the idea a grad came up with, which is perfectly legal as any IP you come up with as an employee is essentially there's when you sign the contract.

>> No.20548759

>The rocket will be lauched whit our whitout you, ur time is running out.

>> No.20548778

Smart money will sell lower market cap coin which is still on it's hype train, for a higher market cap coin that has zero hype. Yep sounds smart

>> No.20548779

Im holding 400xrp just for kek, if that 2000$ is true. RSR is the way to go.

>> No.20548896

This one is one that kinda makes you think? I went through his likes to verify this, and that comment several months back is about the only thing he ever liked that wasn't from some professional financial banker or higher up.
And an xrp hopium comment at that.

>> No.20548902

JPM Chase is a boomer bank they refuse to give in the towel from what XRP fea search shows, JPM coin is Walmart XRP that only works internally and with JPM products and they’re still attached to the Swift legacy why BoA and western unions are working tightly directly with ripple or with ripple partners

>> No.20548938

its all been planned, we' had idk 3 insiders by now all saying the same shit, its happening.

>> No.20548945


>> No.20549023

Wait, Wut.

Yes nerdz.

>> No.20549024

I fucking hope. I want to travel the world without a care.

>> No.20549224


u understand?

>> No.20549361


>> No.20549503
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>> No.20549570

A lot of people actually use and accept XRP payments, especially in developing nations

>> No.20549610

The day I finally kms for holding this? Yeah

>> No.20549665

Xrp will become the standard backed by Gold.

>> No.20549806

XRP is dead. Its been almost 4 years. WHY would you even fucking consider it at this point.


>> No.20550071

5 hours left to fill your bag

>> No.20550113

How much for suicide stack? Ya know, just in case?

>> No.20550144

xrp will not moon today, it will eoy

suicide stack is 2000 imo

>> No.20550181

I don’t entirely believe the Mellon larp but on biz many hold 10k-35k

There’s 2 big dig gigachads who have close to 100k and one has 3.3 million

>> No.20550191

>EU announces stimulus package

>> No.20550258


the world is converging on a new global standard — ISO 20022, the de standard for modern payments. Ripples ISO 20022 membership will allow customers to utilise RippleNet to access a network of global financial institutions and connections.

>> No.20550304

Gets me every time

>> No.20550322

Honestly I keep making the wrong moves on uniswap shitcoins I'm thinking of pulling and putting it all in xrp to top off my stack at roughly 50k.

I know it's brash to go all in on one coin but I've been bleeding money left and right buying the top of the biggest gainers this month.

>> No.20550387

how does 100 million sound eoy

>> No.20550417

There's still time. Approximately 5 hours left.

>> No.20550437

Just bought 1400. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20550521

y-yes anon. w-we are all g-gonna make it, right?

>> No.20550583

I did that yesterday. Now all I have is VET and XRP

>> No.20550923
File: 71 KB, 500x402, 1595246214231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain to me like a brainlet how XRP will stop the bubble pop? Does that brrrrrrrr'd money amounting into the trillions just get wiped out clean? New slate, no hard feelings?

>> No.20550982

hmmmmm it will not stop anything anon-kun

>> No.20550988

idk if that'll actually happen or if its just a meme. it could technically happen, i mean it is possible. it'd be a weird transition but if all the governments legitimized it then people would just sort of go along with it. there'd be jokes and shit, but it'd go the way web2.0 did.

>> No.20551678

10k stacklet checking in. There are a lot of connections in regards to the Ripple team and the new financial order. SBI has been a big promoter of xrp and we will see a rise in Japanese volume over the coming months. I don't believe the hop of 4 digit value per xrp but I do believe we might see a run towards ATH again. The buzz has been building and YouTubers and twitter shills will help this pump possibly to a new high. XRPL is changing and they are adding features to be more compliant with regulations. This year alone we have seen changes in security, anonymity, and the function to delete wallets from the ledger. Not every Ripple customer will be using xrp, yes we know this. But Ripple still has a vested interested to make xrp successful. Jeb has been dumping but this is all been worked out through contracts and he can only sell for a few more years. Once that is done and daily volume through the xrpl is growing, we will see a steady rise in price. The connections are too good and the team has been working with the right people to get this coin some attention. It's dumb to bet against it cuz it's
>Not crypto
>Muh Jeb dumps
>Pre mined shit coin

That being said a run to the ATH would still have decent profit if you baghold now. If you bought in above $1 you are screwed until major price action anyway.

Does anyone know what Miguel Vias is doing now? Rumored that he working for one of those back to basic dumb phone companies. Makes me wonder if he's working with them to help roll out universal digital hardware wallets for the US. Idk just a thought.

>> No.20551796

>everything mooning
>xrp can't pass 20cents

>> No.20551827


>> No.20551863
File: 27 KB, 924x642, xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI knows.
You can replace "xrp" with whatever you want it to speak of.

>> No.20551868

Don't you dare shame our guy

>> No.20551910

i hope he gets rich just so you guys shit your pants at this literal XRP whale

>> No.20551979

Today is the day it dumps more

>> No.20552000

September is the meme date for xrp boom

>> No.20552428

Babacuck told you right?

>> No.20552475

another memedate bites the big one

who could have seen it coming?

>> No.20552924

3.5 hours

>> No.20552939

yeah, right

more like 3.5 decades

>> No.20552978


>> No.20553241

It would make sense for the FED (who can print money out of thin air) to do and is basically what China is doing right now.

>FED allocates money to a new digital reserve currency fund
>money printer go brr
>snatches up all available xrp that isn't privately held or in escrow for pennies
>the new found scarcity raises the value of the asset just by the act of them acquiring it
>new digital fort knox

The price for anything left on exchanges would skyrocket

>> No.20553855
File: 95 KB, 1168x386, 1595343655296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

It's actually happening

>> No.20554603

What the fuck is this holy shit

>> No.20554624

Literally nothing probably too many people selling lmao

>> No.20554853
File: 9 KB, 302x167, C5B7B830-CBDB-4F4D-B7F7-F884DD2F7C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it will go:

- 0.15
- 0.70
- 0.50
- 1.20
- 1
- 3
- 2.50
- 10

Do not expect triple digits. At least for now

>> No.20555274
File: 41 KB, 589x918, fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you realize it was the fudders who are the schizo

>> No.20555331

Is Judy Shelton supposed to be approved today? Does she really have sex with Brad Garlichouse?

>> No.20555404

Yes and yes spread the word

Mfw they cancel everything because I said that

>> No.20555686

This is based on what anon?

>> No.20556843

so from my understanding, XRP is going to basically be the peg to international money trading that anyone can have access too, if all things point to truth?

>> No.20556891
File: 89 KB, 866x900, 33CA63A1-32F6-40B3-A58A-6E4DACAAF03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily price action matters in crypto

>> No.20557452

Probably her ass, but I want to believe

>> No.20557652

When is the ruling?

>> No.20557735
File: 19 KB, 182x185, 20200619_232504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one person be so retarded

>> No.20557992

he won't

>> No.20558242
File: 296 KB, 512x555, hell_yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? Is it the day?

>> No.20558723

Hahahahau xrp is stop .20 retards

>> No.20558838

Fucking hell. Killed me.
Anyone who holds xrp deserves everything that has happened and will happen to them

>> No.20559362

trips of truth

>> No.20560238

the pieces are falling into place, boys. i'm scared that this erection won't go away

>> No.20560607

Yes, it is.

>> No.20560866


>> No.20561208


>> No.20561240

Go away dan

>> No.20561275

>Trillion Peso market cap

>> No.20561653

Ay guuys the fed printed ripplecoins marketcap 100 times in the past weeks

The ecb just approved ripplecoins marketcap 18× in endless euro printing

Ripplecoin can't be more than 20$ ...

>> No.20561820

Holy fuck pajeet. Did you forget your grammar in the loo?

>> No.20561851

Fuck you xrp 2k$ eoy.

>> No.20562472

Hello guys i am a avid bitcoin and ethereum holder can i get a rundown or explanation of xrp's usecase and potential waht it could be its future etc i just bought 240 not much but its something

>> No.20562512

more bandwidth permanently lost to ripple. the gift that just keeps on taking.. thanks op

>> No.20562524

>works at JP Morgan
>buys retarded shit like RSR
>probably has $5000 in crypto at most
wow, what a retarded faggot