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20522190 No.20522190 [Reply] [Original]

can ampltards explain to me why ampl is important or relevant? I don't see any specific value proposition in having a token with dynamic supply. sure, rebase expands and contracts supply dynamically, creating programmatic inflation and deflation cycles. however, I can't convince myself that this is actually useful. how is creating and destroying tokens based on demand solving anything?

I don't see a specific benefit to creating more tokens, especially when eighteen decimal places. my point is that, because erc20 tokens are fungible, any increase in demand can be absorbed by moving the decimal place to the left. specifically, fungability implies a kind of "supply adjustment" mechanism. as an example, consider how binance "rebased" their LINK/BTC market to 0.1 LINK minimum from 1.0 LINK minimum. as LINK approaches 1000eoy, markets can keep "rebasing" trading activity to 0.01 LINK, 0.001 LINK and so on to account for increased demand.

looking at things this way, ampl is just moving the decimal point to the right. I'll admit that I have a hard time seeing it any other way. perhaps my brain is too smooth, but I'm not convinced of a specific benefit conferred to markets by dynamically adjusting total supply, especially since ampl is a fungible token. if ampl were non-fungible, the dynamic supply idea would make much more sense to me.

additionally, ampl is not being used as active collateral in any financial context, so I have a hard time justifying current valuation.

>> No.20522229

Much easier for everyone to work with 1 AMPL instead of 0.001 AMPL

>ampl is not being used as active collateral in any financial context, so I have a hard time justifying current valuation.
Indeed, makes no sense to me but then again HEX exists...

>> No.20522580


>> No.20522604

what is the purpose of tether?

>ampl will fuck tether in the ass

>> No.20522640

Idiot. It's not going to be used as collateral immediately. It isn't even listed on Coinbase yet. Chill the fuck out and just buy and hold, retard.

>> No.20522881

but that's hardly an "innovation". you are just moving the decimal point. you might as well work with LINK, mLINK = 1e-3 LINK, uLINK = 1e-6 LINK etc. perhaps this is why no major project has picked ampl up as a collateral instrument. I can't see a convincing argument as to a specific benefit that is offered by the token.

>> No.20522947

Look up Triffin dilemma. It solves that and basically replaces Bitcoin other than not having its own network.

>> No.20523087

moving the decimal place constrains supply change to 10% increments. not good enough

>> No.20523104

>The Triffin dilemma or Triffin paradox is the conflict of economic interests that arises between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives for countries whose currencies serve as global reserve currencies.
how does ampl solve this?

>> No.20523174

it's to be used as a currency

bitcoin can't be used as a currency for two reasons: (1) scalability, and (2) fixed supply, leading to price appreciation/store of value

AMPL addresses #2. people hold bitcoin instead of spending it because they think it's going to go up in the future because it's scarce. w AMPL, you always have the same % of the market cap no matter what. as demand increases, your coins go up, as demand decreases, your coins go down. but you still retain the same value/% of the market cap. AMPL itself might become more popular and you might make money as the market cap goes up, but the price will always try and set itself to $1

>> No.20523215

you can rebase markets arbitrarily, hence the comment about fungability. binance can rebase their LINK/BTC market to any decimal amount of LINK if they so choose.

>> No.20523260

you're missing the point completely. take 15 minutes to read their website

>> No.20523501

why not just issue an elastic stable coin by locking LINK in a contract as collateral? again, I don't see a need for ampl specifically.

>> No.20523588

stable coins are all pegged to the US dollar. they are not their own currencies, in and of themselves. ampl is trying to be its own currency

>> No.20523713

The fight for DeFi is underway.
AMPL is going to win it all and then some.
Suggestion: Read the site and understand the token.

>> No.20523791

Even better suggestion, just don't give a fuck, throw money into AMPL and feel comfy.

>> No.20523795

>not pegged to the US dollar
it literally is
1 ampl = 1 usd + inflation

>> No.20523893

Theoretically it eliminates inflation and deflation once stable, allowing it to act as a reserve currency and the first elastic supply synthetic commodity money. For those who’ve studied economic theory, this is true if big.

>> No.20523953

Big if true.

>> No.20523973

AMPL literally isn't pegged to the US dollar. it uses it as a base to determine price, then the price goes up or down based on supply and demand, not inflation.

>> No.20524024


That’s a correlative value, 1ampl = 1 2019 usd, there is no peg though. At scale, it is theorized to move independent of other markets. Obviously until then it’s still susceptible to big actors moving price (though this is growing harder and harder every week) or a black swan event.

>> No.20524048

Most importantly:
It's fully decentralized and cannot be influenced by the whims of politicians (e.g. The FED). The blockchain is fully transparent and the code is... the code.

>> No.20524097

Hi, I have a brainlet question.

Is volume the only thing that matters when determining my returns from the Liquidity Pool?

For example - will $1000 in it at an AMPL price of $1.50 and 20 mill volume give me the same return as $1000 in at at $3 and 20 mill volume?

Thank you!

>> No.20524218


Also current valuation is speculative, relative to its ability to stabilize. Should this happen, it is primed to collateralize huge amounts of defi lending and pretty much be the federal reserve of the crypto. This is predicated on finding its market cap. Could be huge, and will do what tether does, only better (hence all the memes about ‘swallowing’ or ‘flipping’ tether).

If you’re uncertain, watch a bunch of the Q&A’s where they talk about Bretton Woods, the Gold Standard and the revolutionary potential of an elastic supply commodity money.

>> No.20524252

>Liquidity Pool
you put your AMPL in a liquidity pool on a DEX like uniswap? or did you just buy AMPL and you're asking how rebases work?

>> No.20524287

It has an elastic supply to meet demand since it isn't back by anything other than its algorithm. BTC was hailed for its algorithm. And that's what we're betting on. People respecting math more than corrupt politicians.

>> No.20524444
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BTFO. Nobody realizes yet, that this is an AMPL Board now. Buy in or forever regret not getting a piece of the pie of the new decentralized federal reserve.

>> No.20524630


>> No.20524675

If you understand half of AMPL, you'll buy as much as you can. If you understand the other half, you'll sell.

>> No.20524801

OK if it's always around 1$ why buy it at higher price?

>> No.20524849
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Oooo spooky do tell the other half anon

>> No.20524912
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jesus christ this board is retarded

>> No.20524981

It's suppose to be stable no? So it always will go back to 1$?

>> No.20525006

but your collateralized quantity/value can evaporate overnight....

>> No.20525012

no. in the multi-billion marketcap it will be way harder to move it, but if demand is bigger than supply price will still go up. it is not pegged to anything, just uses USD as a target price for the rebase. it doesn't mean it has to go back to 1.

>> No.20525060

the value because of the geyser is higher than 1 right now retard

>> No.20525094

doesnt the massive impernanent loss negate any possible geyser gains

>> No.20525107

I wonder what the multiplier effect is on AMPL
Maybe 5-10x?

For every $1 someone buys, market cap increases by $5-$10

>> No.20525167

Where can a burger buy this?

>> No.20525218

How is it's scalability?

>> No.20525272

You’re buying a percentage of the market cap of AMPL at the time you buy in. Just read the whitepaper and redbook.

>> No.20525285

that’s what the multiplier takes care of

>> No.20525401
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OK I buy ampl 100 ampl now, I put them into gayser and that's it? I restake my rewards or sell them depends on the market?

>> No.20525402
File: 620 KB, 1440x1168, 1592108950687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it to put any amount into the Geyser? I don't have the ETH for the liquidity pool and don't wanna sell an equivalent of ampl to suffice.

>> No.20525473

you put it into the pilot or behive and get rebase + accrued rewards and your multiplier rises as long as you don’t withdraw.

>> No.20525482

is this the retarded MC vs VOLUME FUD from yesterday??

bro you can use the same silver example. 100$, 1$ pieces. you cut in half - now you have 200 $.50 pieces.
some guy comes and buys 5 of those pieces for 1$ each (for lack of supply) now ... each one of those .50 pieces is worth $1 and the total value of the silver is 200$.
so that guy buying 5 pieces has increased the total value by a $100. because that guy determined how much value was in a half a piece of silver because there was a lack of supply.

Did that guy spend $100 to increase the total value by $100? NO. He spent $5
but for the seller - he now knows that he can sell .50 piece for a $1 - so the total potential value of the silver increases to $200.
the same thing is happening to AMPL or anything else

>> No.20525510

Sorry, no.
I have eth-AMPL in the geyser.
What I'm asking is, will my $1000 in total go up consistently if the volume stays the same, or does price & MC also have a factor.

>> No.20525542

right now its dependent on ETH but the team has plans to be blockchain agnostic. so transferring is eth. but supply updates are automatic.. so very fast

>> No.20525552

depends on your risk tolerance. holding in wallet is more profit eventually but riskier. pool is 50/50 ampl/eth so you will not make as much gains (or losses). look up impermanent loss and decide your strategy

>> No.20525841

Thank you senpai and to everyone who opened my eyes

>> No.20526305

The entire supposed utility is based on the meme deflation spiral which doesn't exist and has never been observed since a good is never going to be worth 0. The average pleb isn't going to starve itself to wait for food to be worth more tomorrow.

The only thing AMPL does is that its price is pulled automatically toward $1 by adjusting the total supply (rebasing) instead of having a stable supply and letting the price move by itself, it's not going to decorrelate anything or be any less volatile than Bitcoin or other cryptos.
I would rather see a stablecoin collateralized by a wide variety of assets (real estate, gold, bitcoin, shares, etc...) than an algo trick like this.

>> No.20526333

>pleb isn't going to starve itself to wait for food to be worth more tomorrow.
I meant to be worth less*

>> No.20526446

i dont think your getting it anon. read the white paper

>> No.20526555

>I would rather see a stablecoin collateralized by a wide variety of assets (real estate, gold, bitcoin, shares, etc...)
so rsr

>> No.20526576

nothing will accept this coin as collateral since its liable to disintegrate into thin air while staked
i think it is you that doesnt understand

>> No.20526705

it's all the same and the only thing that matters is the process of belief

>> No.20526783


All the potential problems you describe are just like current fiat dollar system. You ever consider policy makers and deciders also adapt and change. What do you think movement into the crypto space would look like if the 5 arrows were doing it?

>> No.20527594

"I would rather see a stablecoin collateralized by a wide variety of assets (real estate, gold, bitcoin, shares, etc...) than an algo trick like this"

Can you but physical good with $ (dollars)?
If you come to the ame conclusion that I did...
hint... yes.

When AMPL clicks for you... you will see a reserve crypto that allows you too "see a stablecoin collateralized by a wide variety of assets (real estate, gold, bitcoin, shares, etc...) "

>> No.20527685
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>> No.20527936
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Elasic... Liquid... Liquidity...

>> No.20528423


short term: its unique cycles make for a semi-predictable play for traders to make money gaming the rebases

Medium term: Projects like MakerDAO are struggling to get enough assets to be used as collateral to create more DAI. Also, because it has unique cycles and isn't correlated to the rest of the market (it has like 0.15 correlation with Bitcoin) it becomes a useful primitive for money legos

Long term: imagine a (relatively) stable coin you can use as decentralized money without the inefficiency from requiring like 150% backing of cryptocurrencies to create (DAI) or the sketchiness of relying on companies like Bitfinex (Tether) or the possibility of Coinbase blacklisting transactions (USDC- this is already happening), where the benefits of inflation to maintain stability go to all of the economy's participants instead of going to commercial banks at the expense of everyone else

>> No.20528846

You’re not getting it either

>> No.20529210
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>> No.20529565


>> No.20530212

The secret of ampl is lopsided mathematics. There is unlimited max positive rebase (anything >$1.05) but limited max negative rebase (anything below $0.96) of -10% at $0 price. As long as there is demand, negative rebase will still bring price up back to $1 and start FOMO cycles again. This uneven math effectively makes for trapping more base mcap after each FOMO cycle and raising the collective value of each holder's stack.
The only way value can leave is if there were prolonged 0 demand, which at this point is not realistic.

However, don't let anyone shill you with "muh compounded gains" or any such nonsense. Rebase simply changes supply evenly so everyone still holds the same % of the token supply each night. Money comes in whenever whales or FOMO fags pump the price and requires continuous new demand for mcap (and hence the value of your stack) to continue to accumulate at a meaning rate.

Advanced level: Learn to play the swings and you can multiply your %stack every FOMO cycle. Sell the top, but the bottom.

>> No.20530225

this post is the reason you shouldn't buy ampl. was thinking about it but you sure swayed me in a different direction.

>> No.20530309

yeah so? the LITERAL PROTOCOL doesn't so this will just make miniLink confusing.......

>> No.20530342

whats stops you or sergey from doing this?

>> No.20530361

I literally bought 3 ETH of this shit like seconds before it dumped. Mother fucking bullshit

>> No.20530395

This right here is the secret. There will be ups and downs but the lopsided mathematics skew this project towards mooning over long time frames

>> No.20530443


Bear in mind last time it dumped those who bought right at the top for 4$ were back in profit 3 days later.

>> No.20530462


I don’t understand. He literally just proved that the person who was trying to fud doesn’t understand how trading volume is calculated. You’re proving that you don’t understand how any of this works

>> No.20530467
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This night will be bloody

>> No.20531260

holy shit the fomo is real people eating every fucking dip in seconds just someone fucking dunk on them already

>> No.20531312

who do you think is selling dude? they are prepping the besr as we speak

>> No.20531335


>> No.20531392

>I sell my house for ampl ill go all in with 170k$
Such shits are in their TG.

>> No.20531414

Hey dude just forget about it, these fags will argue with you in ever-widening circles of confusion around this pointless token. There's an army of shills from the telegram swarming here. Just another pnd at this point.

>> No.20531436

Tether is a stablecoin tied to the dollar. It’s useful if you want to reduce your crypto exposure without conceding to fiat or for trading

Ample does not achieve this. Ample does not achieve value stability. It attempts to achieve price stability by minting or destroying tokens, and it doesn’t seem to be doing a great job at that. Ample is useless as a stablecoin because the value of your assets in ample will be subject to the same volatility as any crypto

Fail to mention why ample is useful.


There are lots of coins which have been contenders to replace bitcoin. Ample is probably one of the worst candidates.


You hold the same %of the market cap in bitcoin too, mining rewards aside so this argument doesn’t check out. It doesn’t matter that the price tends towards 1$ as the value of your assets will still fluctuate a lot.


Defi offers things like decentralized lending, margin trading and derivatives.

Ample doesn’t do any of those.

Op to answer your question. Ample is a pyramid scheme. It’s only value proposition is paying interest which needs new buyers to sustain itself

>> No.20531437

Marketcap correction inbound, hold on boys

>> No.20531555

>reddit spacing

>> No.20531791

already back

>> No.20531857

10 years into the future people will be thinking:
>"damn... if I just bought even 100 AMPL back then i'd be set for life two times over..."

>> No.20532033
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you absolute retards.

$AMPL is a clear pump and dump. They are printing assets out of thin air, just like $XRP did, and they will algorhytmically (synthetically) decrease or increase the price "according" to demand.

This incentive will last for a while, but its a musical chair or hot potato scenario.

What happens if you buy, waiting for a rebase at $3, and it dumps to $1.06, just like it dumped 50% last week.

Be very careful of these carefully crafted pump and dumps, they are naturally getting more and more complex, because the average crypto investor is not falling for it anymore.

In the near future, we will see memes that say 'but muh elastic supply", its going to be another meme.

Bitconnect and Ampleforth share similar tokenomics, gibs me and i will gibs u more.

>trust me

>> No.20532368

What happenned to the # of AMPLES you had when it corrected 50%...

If you saw this you will understand...
Have you read AMPL Red/White?

>> No.20533038

There are rewards to HoDL that make up for it.
They already created BeeHive to improve impploss.
It works on the down as well... ie less loss...

You really have to watch how the tokenomics work...
It is still there;

>> No.20533117

The most accurate coin sites say AMPL is currently ranked 38th... Thats from in the 200s less than a month ago.

>> No.20533297

based clueless retard, ampl is not printing anything, or giving free money at any point

>> No.20533335

Yes Retard,

All of it.

You are falling for the unsustainable incentives.

Be very careful. If you wanna lose ur money, get locked out, be my guest. I know a lot of whales that are leveraging $AMPL positions just to get the free rebase, adn then DDDDDDDUUUMMMMMPPP on ur asses.

Be careful.