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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 506x348, wutwhatthefu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20518173 No.20518173 [Reply] [Original]

guys what the fuck. I just got through a thread explaining how this coin was on exploit ground zero.


am i safe or what, holy fucking shit I think I'm freaking out a bit cause i put some actual money into this fucking thing. fuck me guys i think i might be fucked, FUCK.

>> No.20518274

Your not fucked.
It was just solid FUD.

If your hands are weak then feel free to distribute your xsn neck into the market where i can scoop em up for cheap

>> No.20518370

fuck man this was some solid shit though....... can you be certain to calm me??

>> No.20518458

It wasn’t solid fud it started off as I can steal all MN rewards because of this simple exploit and ended in actual only being able to create a fork which would mean a handful of MN’s might go offchain and require a restart mildly inconveniencing a couple of MNs. No funds could be stolen or anything like that.

>> No.20518498

so it is a bit true to an extent? you gotta fix me man cause i have a shitload of XSN I bought and I'm feeling a bit like that retard back in 2018 who bought shit for the ROI right now fuck me

>> No.20518533
File: 569 KB, 800x670, feels good 1594834193990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that thread literally convinced me to BUY MORE XSN lmfao this coin is flawless and what other devs would actually come into a /biz/ thread to clear up confusion? based StakeNet.

>> No.20518623
File: 97 KB, 732x534, Screenshot_20200710_033118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here because I heard the name XSN mention along with FUD??

>> No.20518643

idk.... i was sitting here like what the fuck honestly..... then see something like this that appears to be a quick cause-react...? idk man I think I'm fucked... there's no way i can sell this much XSN in a short period of time. At worst i was planning on selling it off as i go, but nothing short-term at ALL.... i think I'm fucked, fuck me.

>> No.20518650

No it was a pointless exploit that was very old from Dash days, nobody really bothers with it because it is pointless but this anon made a huge deal about it so to shut him up devs did a quick patch to end the fud once and for all.

>> No.20518702

yes most definitely...i understood that part... but fuck me man, why didn't they just do this beforehand?? this guy made it sound like it's been there forever and it's fucking me up

>> No.20518727
File: 27 KB, 532x262, raiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also who do you trust random anon who claimed the sky was falling, massive huge exploit that turned out to be nothing or the Raiden devs which have been testing out stakenets dex and are giving them public props for it:


>> No.20518738
File: 228 KB, 828x1792, IMG_1935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't argue with these gains I made

>> No.20518772

literally still right now.
You're not gonna make it.
Should probably just buy shiny rocks.

>> No.20518801


"they're coming"

>> No.20518804

Now that’s actually cool to see Raiden devs are working with Stakenet to get this out. Maybe that’s why progress was so quick on it’s integration. Good when dev teams work together instead of turning into tribalistic retards

>> No.20518827
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>> No.20518842

fucks sake why did you summon them, now this will devolve into another shitfest thread

>> No.20518936

all it takes it one word

>> No.20518947

Did blocknet commit this exploit on XSN? I'm a bit lost here

>> No.20518962

fuck sake lads i was hoping this fud would actually effect the price so i could get a cheap MN.

>> No.20519001
File: 22 KB, 594x264, blockekbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bot rumbles into life

>> No.20519010

Buy more, kek. You deserve whatever happens to you. This is the exact same shills who shilled AMB before. DYOR.

>> No.20519020

Why is there no max supply of tokens?

>> No.20519025


No. Some anon who is C++ literate highlighted a vulnerability. XSN skills were going nuts calling it fud etc. XSN devs turn up asking anon to go to their discord to chat about the discovery. Anon declines. XSN devs post a 'fix' but then quickly disappear and don't answer the other issues that were raised in the thread.

All very fishy.

Not sure if the anon was from blocknet, the alertbot screenshot seems to suggest he was, but either way, he pointed out a problem they were not aware of.

>> No.20519053

Since the total block reward will stabilize at 20 XSN per block, supply is theoretically unlimited. This is the case with other coins like Ethereum, Dash, Monero, et cetera... Being an inflatioary currency is a requirement for our economy to work in the long-term.

However, XSN burns the transaction fees and will introduce other mechanisms which will serve to offset some or all of the inflationary effect of the block reward. Therefore, it is expected that XSN supply will only increase very slightly with time.

Current XSN inflation is under 10% annually, and it goes down on each minted block

>> No.20519075

Does inflation mean XSN can't increase in price?

No. Most coins, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are inflationary. The coin price depends on the total circulating supply and the market cap. So the more the market cap XSN has, the more will be the value of every circulating coin, and vice-versa.

It is also important to note that XSN inflation is low compared to most other cryptocurrencies, currently sitting at under 10% annually - and since the block rewards are fixed at 20 XSN, it's lower on each minted block. XSN inflation will be at 5% annually by block 5 000 000. Its monetary policy is based on hard-coded rules and consensus via XSN Masternodes - any decisions of how inflation is used are left to vote in a decentralized democracy. No group of people, whether elected or otherwise, can unleash a tragedy of the commons.

>> No.20519117

No they were aware but because the exploit essentially added up to fuck all it wasn't exactly a high priority and was to be bundled into a much larger update that is coming. However since this anon made such a huge stink about it they just patched it there and then to shut him up.

>> No.20519159
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The street-shitters of XSN in damage control

>> No.20519171

pretty quick patch for low priority.....

>> No.20519220

not an argument

>> No.20519247

as opposed to what? leave it and let the anon keep spouting lies about how he can steal everyone's MN rewards to scare people. I don't see how them being able to patch it so quickly is a bad thing they were obviously aware of it prior to this and had something ready for it

>> No.20519269
File: 139 KB, 1233x978, 1595247831520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling

>> No.20519325

I am in that discord group. That vulnerability is true, but I genuinely suggest to not bring it up anymore. I wanna see people killing themselves for buying AMB 2.0

>> No.20519327

> iT wAs a KneE-jErK ReAcTiOn
> dEvS cOnTrOlLEd bY bIz

Props to the devs for sorting a long known minor issue so quickly but that was then the fudders response. No winning with those retards

>> No.20519335

devs made a spork cause of a /biz thread, that's the big deal

the funny thing is they activated it. brb grabbing my popcorn to see the real exploit happen now.

>> No.20519350

This is far more credible to me than anything else being thrown around biz. Anon started fud, dev team shut it down almost instantly.

Raiden devs are publicly endorsing Stakenet and I think they might be smarter than random anon as they don’t have to lurk on biz to post there big discoveries

>> No.20519387

it's over boys, blocknet has taken over

>> No.20519416

I too, have fallen prey to these delusions as of late. I just... I can't stop having these visions of winning, being a cha... may I say "making it"?. Then I saw the DEX. "Completely centralized decentralized", they said! I-it should've been so cheap, so shit... and... "just a hoax" as the fine chaps on /biz/ always warned me, but... When I finally laid my eyes on its slick, and Kek forbid my utterance, professional looking black stylish hue. I realized... i-it really was too good to be true..? How can such a godly product even be allowed to exist..? Thus, in my heart... it will always be a scam, for such good things can never be allowed to exist... As foretold by the crypto seer named pajeet, whom I to this day trust with all my heart and provider of financial guidance. And then I... I realized that this so called "Steaknet" will always remain just that... A dream. I-it truly is the greatest of scams, for such a nice thing just can't befall a godforsaken neet such as myself... No, not for me... A poor neet of moons too many to count. This "Steaknet" truly will remain the greatest of scams, devised with the sole purpose of extinguishing the flame of hope as soon as it had been lit in the first place...

Truly, that my friends... That is Steaknet. The crusher of all neets' dreams. The scam of the ages.

>> No.20519432

insider news: thanks to an anon from /biz/ xsn and blocknet devs are talking to each other right now. Collaboration soon?

>> No.20519477
File: 126 KB, 900x707, 162550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im never selling either
once you realize how competent the devs are as well as what it is they are creating you realize why this is a top 10 coin easily.

>> No.20519517

activating a spork on a fucking whim is not competent.

grab your forks, they're coming to a wallet near you!

>> No.20519526

> publicly endorsing

Care to post an evidence?

>> No.20519535
File: 27 KB, 542x376, blockekdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just checked

Actually think there has been more volume on XSN's beta DEX today than that which is pretty funny.

>> No.20519587


On their twitter and reddit anon


>> No.20519600

How many times have you copypasted this shit?

>> No.20519736

2 minutes after Block's discord picked up word of their coin, the "C++ dev" showed up and starts hurling out common FUD (they scam people). This parlayed into a shoddy analysis of LN and how MNs work.
No one could answer his question, so he and some others started flipping out and doing everything they could to trigger a panic sell.
He insisted that this exploit was so big that he could take control of the MN rewards with it.
I asked one of the X9 devs if it were at all true. Lo and behold, it was a tremendous lie mostly based off of 2016 DASH fud.
Then the C++ dev backtracked. He went from
>why aren't my clueless accusations being answered? DUMP EVERYTHING SCAM
>oh, a dev huh? prove everything to me manually faggot
until he got proven wrong there and then
>the spork isn't REAL
and then he got btfo there and then
and then
>t-the spork WAS my exploit - i win :)
>w-wow, a dev actually showed up to answer the questions i demanded be answered? SHADY
You cannot stop XSN.

>> No.20519772

That pasta originated a few days ago, so he can't have done it that much

>> No.20519782

let him do it, it's his choice, no need to get salty sirs

>> No.20519787
File: 568 KB, 2048x1304, 1590330834351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. it's truly unfuddable.

>> No.20519826

oh and checked as well, good day

>> No.20519858

why do you keep mentioning them, we can't discuss shit because whether they appear to here or not the same fags keep just sperging calling every question or critique ''hurr blockshit'', fucking hell... can we have one thread where you dont cause the thread to be shit up with this bl*cknet pasty stuff, 3MN holder here

>> No.20519859

>take control of the MN rewards with it.

instead of having your community camp 4chan, i suggest they camp https://xsnexplorer.io/

>> No.20519906
File: 79 KB, 846x482, blockshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocknet has taken over

oh nononononono HAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.20519985
File: 65 KB, 495x574, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the rest you shit

>> No.20520058
File: 77 KB, 474x719, hahaimcoping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fud was same as always, repeating shit over and over and ignoring any answers.,

>> No.20520074

WTF anon i know right???? when the fuck has that ever happened.

you're giving me the shakes anon

wtf man is this big or just no? FUCK

>> No.20520085

I have invested and this thing of the exploit is new to me
hope it's nothing serious

>> No.20520093

me too bro what the fuck, im so fucked i think

>> No.20520119

I guess this confirms Block people are here to fud again, too quick to respond to that

>> No.20520136

Uhhh... Just got bought some XSn and now I regret it... I think

>> No.20520154

i will buy XSN off of you if you want to sell

>> No.20520165
File: 1.69 MB, 746x984, lightning7979697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has nothing to do with this "expert dev" who said he could exploit XSN.
They really thought they were going to do XSN in with that and take control of its perception.
Then when it blew up in their faces, they tried to change their working narrative and FUD another 10 times before the centerpiece FUD was so retarded and irrelevant that they all looked like fools in denial. They even pulled a CSW and "refused to trigger the exploit because they didn't have to prove anything".
They lingered in the thread well past bump limit to try and get some more baseless lies in. If only they spent more time coding and less time monitoring discord bots.

Meanwhile, ETH Raiden announced its partnership with XSN today.

Who do you trust more?

>> No.20520199

nah it just confirms that we're both in Blocknet's discord.

it also confirms you only post what you want people to see. you literally posted that to fud them instead of taking the higher road

>> No.20520221

what are you doing in this thread? it's so blatant you're up to something shady.

>> No.20520239

welcome to 4chan you shit

>> No.20520257

been on 4chan since 2011 and /biz/ since 2016 thanks

>> No.20520306

I didn’t post the first screenshot I just noticed you were very quick to defend them and also the first person to mention them in this thread to trigger the bot. Seems like you have been waiting for this thread to jump on to try and cause more fud to me. Most likely you are probably the OP who is larping as some concerned investor who keeps flip flopping and then your other IP rush to Bnet defence and try and amplify stoke baseless XSN fud

>> No.20520336

>If only they spent more time coding and less time monitoring discord bots

the monitoring bot was a community member who created it to engage the community. not only does it monitor 4chan, it does twitter and other platforms.

>> No.20520344
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 12743878378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no new meme pics
>devs forced to recode their shit from a random anon on /biz/
>even asking him to join them in discord so they could ask him how much else he knows
>still, launching the dex with only 3 currency pairs
>raiden needs two wallets to work lmfao
>over complicated as fuck

>> No.20520371

found the jew


>> No.20520409


i never noticed this... what is blocknet? do they not like XSN? the fuck though...

this is the sorta shit I'm worried about though

>> No.20520469


>> No.20520482

Based anime FUDposter

>> No.20520521

tfw already cashed out

>> No.20520524
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>> No.20520535

K but seriously this is bad!

How was this missed

>> No.20520560

>It was just solid FUD
give money back scammers

>> No.20520565

well fucking hell dude if i sell ima just buy back some LINK and what not... who are these fud guy though WTF... they seem like they know what's up.... are they coming from a specific project or what???

I think I'm just gonna fucking sell... you guys haven't calmed me by any means and whatever, i already made some quick gains with this shit and will camp in BTC or ETH if i have to... this is FUCKED

>> No.20520588


>> No.20520645
File: 302 KB, 599x601, engage_baghodler_trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20520647

For the ones who don't know 86b is part of blocknet core team.
Blocknet x Stakenet collaboration soon?

>> No.20520696

>BLOCKc.u.c.k.s on suicide watch

>> No.20520736

bullish af

>> No.20520830

Lol if you panic and shit yourself at such low level fud, you really shouldn't be in crypto. Get into some index funds

>> No.20520837

What does this mean there is a partnership with XSN and Blocknet? What can they provide in a partnership

>> No.20520866

Fuck off retard. Looking at your responses in here you either have the weakest hands in crypto or you are a concern troll fudder. Either way we don't need you

>> No.20520932

it just means people are talking

>> No.20520935

I guess this means teams have acknowledged each others and could start collaborating. All this talk about Blocknet trying to fud Stakenet is just a schizo larp

>> No.20520987

> reddit

Knew it. So the XSN shills here are from reddit. We are being raided. You have to go back, libtard.

>> No.20521185
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 6BF79426-F530-41FE-B46A-A2B79E635AAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hallo niggers reporting fer duty. I heard there are some XSN fagets needing removal kthx

>> No.20521188

Nah. Reddit usually just downvotes what they don't know. I remember there was one instance where a mod on the bitcoin subreddit removed a demo of BTC/LTC swaps being executed on the DEX because, in his words, 'it seems shitcoiny. yeah, its real shitcoiny'
After being told that it was just BTC and LTC being swapped, they decided to put it back up but only if they "run it by them first next time" or some shit

>> No.20521580

Literally twice now, no need to get salty this fast, anon.

>> No.20521589


Are these words painted on your walls or something, OP?

>> No.20522237

>>devs forced to recode their shit from a random anon on /biz/

>> No.20522771

Retard only need both Stakenet Wallet/DEX and Raiden client in this very first V1 demo they put out. You only need the Raiden client because devs haven’t integrated ETH priv key management into the wallet yet. As soon as that is done you don’t need the Raiden client.

As it is of this minute you send your ETH to Raiden client and then do everything else from Stakenet wallet/DEX, you can see your balances, trade and everything else as normal from the wallet just the price key for your ETH is on Raiden client and that’s it. Once priv key management is done then that’s it, ETH/ERC20 all directly in wallet without needing anything else.

>> No.20522824

What website is that?

>> No.20522849

>mentions blocknet
heh, nothin personnel

>> No.20522858

Relax anon. Just saw a biz post with Twitter links showing the raiden devs are testing the dex and love it.