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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20513661 No.20513661 [Reply] [Original]

>jeets and euros don't know what METHANON posted last night and will ultimately lead us to being the richest people in the world
unless you find it...

>> No.20513797

I found it on telegram it was that easy

>> No.20513890
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>> No.20514159

It was from 2014 though do you think it's relevant?

>> No.20514183
File: 56 KB, 399x350, 1593102236484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from today

>> No.20514230

I dumped my RLC at a 7x for EPIC and now I'm almost 2x. I suggest you do the same immediately.

>> No.20514244
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never selling

>> No.20514527
File: 81 KB, 619x406, 0968 - 7A6HyTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling before the inevitable 1000 times for some onions sounding zoomer shit called EPIC

never gonna make it

>> No.20514592

Sitting on 2.5K rlc, how will I do in 1-2 years lads?

>> No.20514610
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trust in Mr Monopoly

>> No.20514657
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>falling for manufactured crypto LARP shillers

Beyond fucking pathetic

>> No.20514667

Kek true
Kek he will be poor

>> No.20514695
File: 42 KB, 362x362, 1458686071387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, I couldn't sleep last night and was shitposting on /biz/ till I had to leave my comfy bed for my comfy desk chair 2 meters to the left
>mfw shitpostan on /biz/ AGAIN in my wfh comfy wagecage with literally 0 hours of sleep
>mfw still 100% LINK

>> No.20514715

Yet the recent shill effort is a bit pathetic. But I've been holding RLC much before all these retards even knew about it, and I still believe in the project. I also think it doesn't need all this stupid fuss to be successful.

>> No.20514744


This is literally what biz is for you fucking asspie

>> No.20514777

He's right tho, this campaign of forced memes and dumb slogans make it look like IExec is a scam project.

>> No.20514874

He fell for the reverse fud

>> No.20515429

true. Although I admire methanon's devotion, it is not needed to shill this project.

>> No.20515487

Eurofag here. Someone link it please