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File: 44 KB, 1200x560, linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20503391 No.20503391 [Reply] [Original]

LinkPool Thread. All time high distribution edition.
Get the fuck in here my horse rimmers, today's distribution was twice as much as last distribution and 3 times as much as the previous one.

A new all time high for LINK distributed per LP.
It's happening.

>> No.20503473


Feels good to get nearly one WHOLE free linky to neatly stack on top of my whale sized stack. Just one more I'll never be selling.

>> No.20503493

Nice, forgot today was distribution day. free link.

>> No.20503515

It's not free, nigger, I paid for it.

>> No.20503652

I really want to buy more but it's just so expensive these days.

>> No.20503765

Was anyone else in the thread yesterday where 2 anons organized an OTC trade for over $50,000 worth of LP?
It was a beautiful thing to see.

>> No.20503804
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Why did I only buy the minimum in the ico?

>> No.20503989
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finally more than 1 whole link, feeling on top of the world right now

>> No.20504003

What's the current ratio? How many link do you usually get, and how often, for having a single LP share?

>> No.20504055

Also, how does this work? Is LINK sent to whatever wallet you hold the LP in?

>> No.20504082

At least you got got the ico, I kept putting it off because was waiting for eth to drop more and thought I had plenty of time. But then they ended the sale early and gave you lucky fuckers the extra LP. I was one of the first buyers on the dex though

>> No.20504094

Sauce please.

>> No.20504112
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>> No.20504138

Every two weeks. 1LP got you about 0.37 link but this payout was about 0.83

>> No.20504148

I bought it as fast as I could, I thought for sure it would sell out very quick. I was happy to be wrong and get nearly 50% more. Still wish I had put in a whole eth back then l. But I just got into crypto and was not sure about anything yet.

>> No.20504170



>> No.20504566

I got quite excited for a moment, I received almost 13 LINK this distribution. If it were to keep this pace for the rest of the year, I could retire and be the king of Mumbay

>> No.20504595

Not only did they do it, but it was casual af. Can’t wait for decentralized exchange to become the norm.

>> No.20504873

That must mean there's a lot of new nodes getting listed.

>> No.20504911


>> No.20504942

Is there an alternative to this for amerifats? Why is it illegal for us again? Jews obviously, but why?

>> No.20504982

How does linkpool work? 1k linklet stack here

>> No.20505001

So poorfags cannot become rich. They do not want you be part of their club.

>> No.20505003

It's not illegal. You're not a lawyer. Don't worry about it. Just click what you need to click to get rich.

>> No.20505023

You get a portion of the all the profits they make across all their services. You also get early access to staking and guaranteed staking of link.

>> No.20505053

How do I start tho? I've heard about it for a while but never knew how to actually start staking

>> No.20505076

its too late, you can't afford enough LP

>> No.20505110

who runs it are they actually competent enough to be on top of all the staking
did sergey make this

>> No.20505230

What do you mean?

>> No.20505384

You go to staking.linkpool.io - you will need metamask installed. You can connect your ledger to metamask if you have it, otherwise use metamask wallet. Transfer eth to your wallet. Go to the dex and buy some linkpool. The smallest amount you can get is 0.04 lp. 1 lp goes for about 60 eth last I checked.

>> No.20505397
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So you're telling me if I spend ~$15k, I can make $6 every two weeks? WOW COUNT ME IN.

>> No.20505446
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Based high time preference retard

>> No.20505524

LP price can go up you mongoloid. And its market cap is less than a percent of chainlink's

>> No.20505532
File: 74 KB, 1065x802, 1593723107435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need LP to stake LINK on LinkPool. You're not buying LP for the rewards. Look at Market.link to see which nodes are getting the most jobs.

>> No.20505577

>You need LP to stake LINK on LinkPool
You sure about that? There is literally an interface on their page that allows you to directly stake chainlink on nodes.

>> No.20505609

How new are you?

>> No.20505730

I've held for much longer than you have. You'll be able to stake without LP guaranteed.

>> No.20505758

Thanks, guess im just gonna hold forever :P

>> No.20505883

>You're not buying LP for the rewards
But that's the point. The rewards after staking & NaaS are gonna be huge

>> No.20506015

Could you give me a small rundown on LINKPool? I'm currently on LinkPool and 1 LP is selling for around 40-60 ETH? Am I reading this correctly or am I completely wrong?

And say I am staking ChainLink on nodes without LinkPool, is the return still the same? Why would anyone hold LP then if you could just stake without the token?

Also, I'm assuming to stake you just transfer to the wallet and stake? How secure are your tokens here? What is the chance of your tokens being. burned in the collateral if a contract fails?

>> No.20506061

how much do you have?

>> No.20506093

read the wwhitepaper

>> No.20506142

Why do you mean by this? I'm in the US and feeling some major fomo

>> No.20506160

If you think that you must not have much LINK.

>> No.20506236

Burgers have been buying linkpool through a vpn

>> No.20506257
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>A new all time high for LINK distributed per LP.
>It's happening.

>> No.20506330


So if I'm reading this correctly....

Staking at the moment with LINK tokens on LINKPool isn't possible (says so on LinkPool market)

Secondly, it wouldn't be worth it for me to. buy LP at this current time if I were to trade my LINK for ETH to then buy LP. It's much safer and probably more profitable for me to wait for staking to go live and then actively stake my actual LINK tokens instead?

One thing I would like to know though, does anyone know the difference in returns one would receive for staking LINK compared to owning a LP?

So say at the moment someone said 1 LP returns 0.36 LINK every two weeks but this payout has been higher. Let's just say 0.5 LINK for 1 LP every two weeks. One LP costs around $15,000 today. If I were to stake the equivalent 1875 LINK instead does anyone know what the returns would be for that every two weeks?

And also, just to clarify. I can then remove these tokens at any point and sell when I wish to?

>> No.20506351

Also one other thing. Is there anything that gives value to LP which can then be traded for LINK? So could I sell LP for LINK at any point?

>> No.20506358
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>there are link holders currently browsing this board without any linkpool shares

>> No.20506427

1LP costs $15k. For a return of $4 per two weeks. Why would you not just hold onto LINK at the moment and then stake your tokens. You get much more liquidity that way?

>> No.20506451

If you do think that, you are the one who doesn't know much about Linkpool. Their revenue system will yield LP holders a percentage of everything that Linkpool earns from:

- NaaS
- Staking pool fees
- Third party pooled nodes
- Market.link listings & premium services
- Future monetized services & products

Linkpool is the Google of the Chainlink ecosystem and Chainlink is the internet of the blockchain.

>> No.20506470

how does link staking work in your mind?

>> No.20506474

>Staking at the moment with LINK tokens on LINKPool isn't possible (says so on LinkPool market)
This is correct. Staking isn't live.

>Secondly, it wouldn't be worth it for me to. buy LP at this current time if I were to trade my LINK for ETH to then buy LP. It's much safer and probably more profitable for me to wait for staking to go live and then actively stake my actual LINK tokens instead?
No one knows the answer to that, but I feel the exact same way. Who knows what LP price will be after staking is released, though.

>One thing I would like to know though, does anyone know the difference in returns one would receive for staking LINK compared to owning a LP?
This is a case-by-case basis for each individual node. Does your node get a bazillion high-value jobs? You'll probably get more returns, depending on how much link you staked. It's all relative to other variables.

>And also, just to clarify. I can then remove these tokens at any point and sell when I wish to?
You trade LP with ETH on the Link Pool decentralized exchange.

>> No.20506506 [DELETED] 

You need LP to stake! You can't stake on LinkPool without owning LP. 1LP will eventually entitle you to staking 10k LINK. Yes LP is expensive now, before staking is live and the returns are peanuts. When staking goes live and everyone realizes they can't stake on LinkPool without owning LP, do you think it'll cost less than it does now?

>> No.20506545

you think one node and just the chainlink price feeds is linkpools potential?

>> No.20506594

Not buying this shit I'll wait for a different pool to open up later

>> No.20506609

My question is, how many Link Pool are in circulation?

Yes, you can. LP is like an index fund. You get paid based on the overall useage of Link Pool. You can still stake link directly to nodes through Link Pool. That is LITERALLY how you, as a holder of LP, will get your profits. Do you think they just stake link tokens from thin air?

>> No.20506654

>You can still stake link directly to nodes through Link Pool.
if you have LP shares, yes.

>> No.20506684

Holy shit. This was debunked like last year. They announced that you would be able to directly stake your link instead of just holding LP. How fucking difficult is it to understand

>> No.20506702

1000 in circulation
4000 total "shares"

Mat and Jonny have said that they reserve the right to sell more shares in future, to fund future business initiatives, but it will be transparent if they do

t.1 of 186

>> No.20506716

>t.1 of 186
Thanks. Maybe I'll pick up a share or two. Is there any historical price data for LP floating around?

>> No.20506717

staking open to LP holders first, public later
after 6-12 months i think

>> No.20506732

Thanks anon.

Do you know of any other services at the moment that will be providing ways to stake? Has the ChainLInk team themselves given any hints on whether they will offer staking directly to nodes they control?

Well, I feel the returns from LP are heavily dictated by how much use LINK itself gets right? Which is basically how much LINK costs? Will LP ever out perform the market value increase of LINK AND the returns possible from me just staking LINK directly.

Also this?

>> No.20506753

>Do you know of any other services at the moment that will be providing ways to stake?
No, but there will be more. Link Pool is like the official chainlink one though, so they will more than likely get a fuck load of usage.

>> No.20506765

you can get some from the dex, but not sure it has the historical data from before the new contracts were deployed

you can probably find the contract and check in etherscan if you can be bothered. ask in the telegram or jonny direct if you are really interested

>> No.20506806

1LP NOW costs 15k, it used to cost 5k, so in addition to having something that will give you dividend returns, its own value can go up(and its value has essentially followed the same ROI that LINK has).

>> No.20506812

>Will LP ever out perform the market value increase of LINK AND the returns possible from me just staking LINK directly.
depends on your share
what are the returns on staking 10k LINK for example
vs what is your share of the staking rewards of 1mm/10mm/100mm LINK
i dunno. cbf doing the math.
they'll do eth staking too in future, keep that in mind

>> No.20506896

Thanks anon.

>> No.20506921

interesting interesting. That's pretty big then.

Some anon said 1LP yields around 1 LINK every month at the moment. Do you have any idea/estimation on how much 10K LINK will yield?

>> No.20506937

That other pool will have a staking limit, so either you are fast getting in (it will be filled in minutes) or you'll be left behind without being able to stake.

>> No.20506969

fuck it I am sold. Any anon willing to sell some LINK pool shares at 59 ETH?

>> No.20507118

Nope. They did not. In fact, they explicitly stated the opposite. Those with LP shares will be able to stake with priority for the first year. Which is when the rewards will be the biggest.
With 1 LP share you can stake 1k links for the first months, and after 12 you can stake 10k. You need to educate yourself, you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.20507181

If you're eth address begins with 0x60 you are the hero of the dex

>> No.20507373

OP here, just a reminder that the creator and founder of LinkPool is known to rim horses. That is all. Thank you.

>> No.20507469

Hmm, lets make it 60 and we have a deal.

>> No.20507547

I'm down for 60. I've just gotta sell something to ETH and transfer to the DEX and I can buy asap. Will be online whole night anyway.

If you list the LP on the DEX so I can see I'll start the sell straight away.

3 LP?

>> No.20507558

Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

>> No.20507572

3 for 60 a piece is fine by me. I'll set up the order.

>> No.20507603

There's no way we're getting two 3 LP OTC trades in 2 days. You absolute madmen.
I own LP but this honestly makes me think its someone samefagging or jonny himself

>> No.20507610

Cheers anon. Will post proof of ETH being transferred if you need it.

>> No.20507669

Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

>> No.20507691

Fuck off newfag. Nobody here wants to spoonfeed you.

>> No.20507712

>Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

>> No.20507795

Its up. You can fill it whenever you're ready, no need to post proof or anything.

>> No.20507820

Why are people setting up “OTC” trades like this? Is there not enough activity on the LP dex to just buy straight off there?

>> No.20507832

>Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

Can some PLEASE tell me how to Stake LINK? From what I've googled, it's not possible?

>> No.20507846

Yes, the DEX is very illiquid and most people who hold LP are /biz/ anons. So the LP whales are likely to be on /biz/. Makes sense if you want to pick up $50,000 worth that you need to coordinate it on /biz/. Still, trades this large are unprecedented and one this exact same size just occurred yesterday.
It's either someone trying to make it look like rich people want LP, or rich people want LP.

>> No.20507889

Yeah just seen it. Selling and sending now. Thanks a lot anon.

You can't stake at the moment. You can either set up your own node which seems very complicated or use someone else's nodes. e.g. LinkPool but they will take a cut.

Yes there are very few LP sell orders on the Dex.

>> No.20507896

staking is not live yet, nobody knows when it will launch

>> No.20507912

There are no partial fills on the DEX. So if you set up a 3 LP buy order no one with less than 3 LP can fill it.
So you would need to set up many small orders, which costs more gas fees and more time.

>> No.20507916
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>> No.20507928

>Yes, the DEX is very illiquid and most people who hold LP are /biz/ anons. So the LP whales are likely to be on /biz/. Makes sense if you want to pick up $50,000 worth that you need to coordinate it on /biz/. Still, trades this large are unprecedented and one this exact same size just occurred yesterday.
>It's either someone trying to make it look like rich people want LP, or rich people want LP.


>> No.20507973

I'm launching a new token, the LPBS (Linkpool Bullshit) which allows anons to stake their LP tokens. There's no need to hold LPBS to stake but it'll be worth it in the long run, honest. Cost is $15M/token but I can personally guarantee that LPBS holders will have access to the best BS contracts out there. Anyone who says otherwise is obvs wrong and shouldn't be asking questions like this. Contact me on my cell and I can meet you in a car park of your choice. Much happiness x

>> No.20508004

still haven't wrapped your head around smart contracts hey, anon

>> No.20508085

Sure have, but I can do the maths on whether it's better to spend my hard earned money on link or link poop, and guess what? Link wins easily, everyone. If LP was so fucking clever, you lot wouldn't be here every fucking day trying to sell it. So transparent...

>> No.20508122

But anon, there are literally dozens of threads daily encouraging people to buy LINK
By your logic, it is also a bad buy
Just because some /biz/ autists are excited about a project and post about it doesn't mean theyre trying to sell you bags.

>> No.20508148


Do you want to form a confederation of market makers on the LP dex?

>> No.20508158

So buy some LPBS ASAP and just trust me

>> No.20508168

there's only a few pajeets who got in at ico and are trying to sell, and they're only selling because they don't have link to stake. you don't really think big brains are selling LP, right?

>> No.20508211

Why would you need to shill LP if link is already doing the legwork for you? Makes no sense. Clearly you realise it's a con and are trying to offload it. I've not been sold since the start and I never will be. And I'm a big link bagholder

>> No.20508243

Anon is being transferred at the moment anon. Will fill order as soon as it arrives. Ty

>> No.20508267

I want to level with you anon, I am genuinely not trying to offload my LP shares, that being said I'm no whale and only own 0.5 LP. I will never sell them.
You do realize the value proposition of it though, right?

Guaranteed access to staking in nodes that /actually get jobs/ when staking goes live.
When staking launches, nobody is going to be requesting jobs from >iqg3NOTQ Anon from /biz/ node

They're going to be getting jobs filled by Fiews, by Chainlayer, by Certus One, by LinkPool
Owning LP is a ticket to staking LINK in a LinkPool node.
It truly is an interesting concept. Whether or not it will pay off in the long run is yet to be seen.

But what I can say with almost certainty is that it will be exceptionally difficult if not outright impossible to stake LINK early on without paying some kind of massive fee to the node operator, or buying a tokenized version of access to stake in their nodes.

>> No.20508307

Yeah, the dex really needs more people just putting orders in. The spread is usually 10-20%, so its worth it even with the high gas fees.
I think I was involved in about 1/3 of all transactions so far. Sold a bunch when it hit 50 ETH last year, then rebought in the 30-40 and some more in the 20-30s.
With yesterday's and today's sells I'm getting pretty low on LP, but I'm expecting ETH to perform well in the upcoming months while Link might stagnate after the insane pump it had.
Maybe I'm wrong and LP shares go to >100 ETH, only time will tell.

>> No.20508348

I am the second largest market maker in LP/ETH volume behind you. I have followed your account for a while now. I was thinking we might be able to work together.

>> No.20508363
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They are either fuding or retarded at this point. Either way who cares? I still get my distribution

>> No.20508368

LP is shady as fuck and I wouldn't go near it. Its shrouded in mystery and is sold on the empty promises of faceless anons on a screen who promise these enormous rewards. You must think we were born yesterday. Take your LP and stick them up your greedy lying arse. I'm out.

>> No.20508428

Has to be. Why would he be selling lp at all

>> No.20508462


>shrouded in mystery


>> No.20508476

Gone through. Thanks a lot anon. Hope it goes well for both of us.

>> No.20508498

Got filled, thank you.

How could we work together? I'm usually not agressively undercutting anyway.

>> No.20508519 [DELETED] 

current number of LP token holders hasn't changed. you're not fooling anyone, ranjeet.

>> No.20508544

Out of curiosity, could you give some background information about yourself? Are you a lucky /biz guy? Previous experience in finance? Just outright genius?

I'm just a lucky guy from /biz 2017 with very low inhibition that seems to have worked out well for the most part so far.

>> No.20508564


The tx was from a new address.

we could engage in ~market manipulation~

>> No.20508575

>Guaranteed access to staking in nodes that /actually get jobs/ when staking goes live.
Says who? Lemme see.. Linkpool sellers! I see zero independent analysis on this, only the say so of some hard shilling anons online.
I fully expect Chainlink to disassociate themselves from you lot soon, when the new marketing employees get their teeth in. You're ot good for business, IMO

>> No.20508613

Anon you do realize that the founder of LinkPool was hired by the chainlink team 1 year after LinkPools ICO, and he now works for both LinkPool and Chainlink, right?

>> No.20508716

I fully expect LP to be sidelined. Even if it is not, I'd sooner take my chances on a lower % return from an alternative stake node. Link is already a speculative investment. LP is a speculative investment which depends on the performance of another speculative investment. You couldn't make it up.

>> No.20508721

Chainlink also actively retweets LinkPool development updates on their official twitter account

Look, im seriously not trying to sell you anything. I just hate retards.

>> No.20508759

It won't be sidelined. It'll be a subsidiary. Likely becoming a DAO after several years in 2024 or 2025 when Link/SmartContracts are perfected.

>> No.20508796


Also, would either of you be willing to sell another 3 LP? 6 is a lucky number.

>> No.20508800

Sure. I do have a bit of financial background having worked in a bank for 5 years and having a master's degree in business administration.
Got quite late into crypto though, during 2017 when the market was just pumping continuously. Had some money to gamble with and bought some altcoins that people talked alot about like Iota and later Nano and within weeks I had 4x my initial.
Took out the initial, and made a couple more trades, yada yada, also made some heavy loses in the bear market that followed.
I've been on biz since early 2018. Never liked Reddit and looked for other platforms to discuss crypto.
Bought a ton of Link back when it was $0.40 and also bought into the Linkpool crowdsale. Not because I'm a genius, but because the problem of smart contracts not being able to get real world data seemed like an obvious problem to solve.
I have to thank /biz a lot for shilling it as extensively as all the anons did back then.

>> No.20508833

Nobody has ever answered this question: will burgers get fucked for owning LP?

>> No.20508840

So I'm a retard for not believing some weird notion about some token which may or may not allow me to stake some other token which itself doesn't yet allow staking?
Who exactly is the retard here?

>> No.20508844

Yeah, we can do that.
Since I'm getting quite low LP I'd have to ask for 185 ETH for 3 LP, making it 61.66 per share.

>> No.20508852

You fucking heeb.

>> No.20508879

Its called investing anon, look it up.
The most profitable investments are the riskiest. They're the one's that aren't yet completely proven, the ones that have a chance to fail.

Nobody ever got rich buying Amazon at $3000 a share. To make big money, you have to invest in things BEFORE they really hit it big.
Some people have a higher risk tolerance than you do. And some of those people will make a fuck ton more money than you. And some of them will lose it all.

>> No.20508913

What do you expect "sidelined" could mean.

>> No.20508961

Yeah, that should be fine. If you put the market order up I'll start transferring then.

>> No.20508977

Also thanks for sharing. Good to see a nice bit of diversity here I guess? Glad everything worked out well for you too.

>> No.20509000

Good luck with your big risk. 39 ETH or whatever it is buys a shit load of link tokens. If link makes it, even a 3pc return on that is a winner. I don't need to forfeit that opportunity on some tech I have no reason to believe in. I think a lot of others see this too, but hey, good luck flogging them. They clearly mean a lot to you when you're on here trying to get rid of them.

>> No.20509018

Its up.

>> No.20509024

Got my first LP from the 7.777777 anon. Still love that guy.

>> No.20509077
File: 355 KB, 1614x768, newfaghelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell youre a newfag because you're not even responding to specific message IDs, pro tip so you dont stick out like a sore thumb in the next thread you're in

To get the >>20509000 just click on the numbers on a users post while typing a message, pic related.
It makes it much less obvious this is your first month on 4chan

>> No.20509122

Nobody's gonna give a shit about Linkpool in a year. Screencap this.

Sell your Link for ARPA. It's over.

>> No.20509192

Do I get to call other users 'nigger' like you after my first month on /biz?
I can hardly wait.
How do I buy your shitty token? Your eloquence has changed my world view tonight.

>> No.20509218

Don’t help them. We need to spot out retards on threads

>> No.20509240

Lp isn’t a token you retard. Lurk more.

>> No.20509242


>> No.20509254

>Do I get to call other users 'nigger' like you after my first month on /biz?
It is customary, in fact I would be insulted if you didn't
Hope you enjoy your stay here, nigger. Never sell your LINK. You've got the right idea, kid.

>> No.20509273

already said it, racist. there is a custom dex at linkpool.io.

>> No.20509274

Exactly 100% this fuck them fuck LP I’ll hold my linkies and just chill. I’ll get other investments once link moons like a mother fucker

>> No.20509297

You're not exactly selling me on racism being customary.
I wouldn't buy a used car from someone who conducts themself in such a manner, let alone invest in a speculative crypto asset. You really ought to rethink your shilling strategy.

>> No.20509300

you have to go back you fat reddit summerfaggot

>> No.20509311

Done. Good luck boyo. 666

>> No.20509327

Nu fags calling out nufags. What a time

>> No.20509328

Look here faggot how many times have i told you i am not trying to sell you my LP. I am just making a thread about it because its an extremely interesting investment that may pan out to have extremely large gains.

Been on biz since 2017. Have wallets with LINK buys from September 2017. Suck my fat fucking cock. My portfolio mogs yours

>> No.20509384

Thanks. Best of luck to you aswell.
We're all going to make it.

Except that dude

>> No.20509401

You're phishing to try and flog LP while it still has legs. Admit it, mate. It's obvs

>> No.20509433

I have over 40 link, babes. And I think I'd rather buy more than buy LP. It stinks of a con

>> No.20509458

40k lol

>> No.20509459

My portfolio is worth over $250,000 and less than $10,000 of it is LinkPool
Why the fuck would I try so hard to sell such a small portion of my portfolio? im done responding to you.
im glad youll stay poor forever.

>> No.20509463

then why do you speak like such a self-righteous faggot?

>> No.20509484
File: 13 KB, 132x102, wefqw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your era newfriends

>> No.20509503

That's a really good question. Why ARE you trying to sell?
Pretty obvs to me..

>> No.20509521
File: 10 KB, 224x224, 23443274237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent way too much time on b when i was younger. almost made me a perma virgin incel. almost.
also got me extremely into rekt threads and gore in general, glad i grew up and quit being such an edgy faggot

>> No.20509608

If Linkpool is such a great investment, and is so closely tied with Link/Smartcontract, how come Sergey NEVER mentions it?