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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20506428 No.20506428 [Reply] [Original]

What DeFi projects are you researching?
What are you accumulating?
What is your Vision for 2020/2021 for the DeFi space and how do you plan on playing the Great DeFi Bubble?

>> No.20506448


>> No.20506616
File: 26 KB, 272x342, DSCF8001_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially need to elaborate on that Chainlink (for the newfriends lurking here), its basically the shovels and so much more for this Goldrush and by holding it you Profit from ALL of DeFi.
LINK is what is powering this DeFi Bullrun, as example BNT: the oracles solve the impermanent loss problem (look it up).
thats just one example of many.

can you explain what MTA is and where to buy it?

>> No.20506743

Tellor TRB has had some great gains over the past week up nearly 100%. Currently $16 with a marketcap of 23 million. Another decentralised oracle. If you believe in chainlink then this is something that will be lifted up with it. A lot more room for growth

>> No.20506781


>> No.20506824

redpill me on AKRO pls. I see hippoman and the painted frogs won't shutup about it but I haven't done any research.

>> No.20506977

ofcourse link is the staple

>> No.20507008

Its simple you get in now before it becomes the next lend

>> No.20507036

Very low mcap. Entire privacy ecosystem with private smart contracts and oracles. You can buy it on trade ogre.

>> No.20507072

someone shill me dmg im too lazy

>> No.20507086
File: 260 KB, 700x901, bas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only right choice. Pump just started.

>> No.20507096

I feel like we're about May 2017 in terms of the level of retards that are buying back in.
I'm all in LINK and BNT for now and will use those profits on more speculative shitcoins as the hysteria increases.
When "DeFi" is on the evening news take profits and wait until 90% of DeFi shitcoins die a la the ICO bust, but always keep a 20k LINK long term stack because never selling.

>> No.20507113

No one talking about YFI or CRV?

>> No.20507145

the bubble has just started bro. We're about 1 month in the biggest bubble of them all.

>> No.20507163

I for one would life a /DeFi General Daily/ thread, OP.
It sure seems like it is going to be the spark for this next bull run, and the coins absolutely killing it right now are overwhelmingly DeFi ones.

My DeFi bags in order of % of my folio:

Planning on getting out of DMG soon and going really fucking heavy in BNT in preparation for V2 launch. I think it will truly blow all other DeFi exchanges out of the water.

>> No.20507179

Ample and Link are the kings....next are DMG and Decentr DEC.

>> No.20507193
File: 658 KB, 850x645, ren2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren is my only play.

I'm going to retire to a simple life and live off darknode rewards.

>> No.20507264

Real physical assets from legacy finance system brought on-chain, uniquely enabled by Chainlink.

>> No.20507283

Currently setting up a private telegram chat to discuss and research Defi gems. hit me up with your username if interested. limited spots.

>> No.20507781

Bump for interest

>> No.20507822

where do I find the whitepaper

>> No.20507955

zonday tay

>> No.20507995

I have like 25k in that, should have had 20x that amount.
Is that thing ever getting off that backwater exchange? and also turning into an ERC20 ?
I heard they had good stats for it, near instant transactions with no fees.

>> No.20508302

>Currently setting up a private telegram chat to discuss and research Defi gems. hit me up with your username if interested. limited spots.

>> No.20508322

I'm all-in BZRX until $3. Every other defi project has pumped

>> No.20508452

will americans ever be able to use it

>> No.20508474

this isn't even a defi project. just because you may make money doesn't mean it's decentralized finance.

>> No.20508487

im an amerifat and i use bancor via xnation. its the recommended portal by the Bancor team for burgers who are restricted on the main platform.
its just an interface to the Bancor smart contracts. Bancor themselves dont let burgers on their website, or more accurately, to use their UI
But smart contracts are public and accessible by anyone on earth, because of the permissionless features of the ETH blockchain

>> No.20508866
