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20486293 No.20486293 [Reply] [Original]

Here me out here. Taxes are instead compensated with shares of profits in of a hedge fund, the more you pay in taxes the more you get back in profits so long as the markets do well. The government itself would own shares in this, which it would use for it's funding.

>> No.20486338

Nigga what tf are you talking about?

>> No.20486348

Not going to happen unless there's a literal revolution. Good luck.



>> No.20486360


Turning paying taxes into making an investment.

>> No.20486479

Taxes aren't being invested, they're a redistribution tool from the middle class to the joggervlower class and hebraic upper class.
Go find a leftist to tell him your idea, he will shame you and tell you that being fucked at gunpoint by the state is a "privilege".

>> No.20486547

>Taxes aren't being invested

No shit, that's why I made the thread you mongoloid.

>> No.20486578

If I understand what you're saying, pensions used to be like this decades ago, but politicians cried because the government is not allowed to make a profit. So as a result, we have the pension and debt crisis we have today.

>> No.20486618

What if we just got rid of most taxes and funded everything with tariffs

>> No.20486647


Because Tarriffs are used to keep local producers of certain goods competitive locally as a form of fancy government subsidization, not to actually make money.

Tariffs = welfare.

>> No.20486673

>as a form of fancy government subsidization
LOL gay

>> No.20486730
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Taxes haven't been for the population's benefit since the 50's at latest.
They're meant to keep you down and the parasite classes (races) in luxury and comfort.

>> No.20486745


It's true. The whole point is to keep local producers of say, bananas, in business by putting a tariff of of otherwise cheaper foreign bananas from flooding the market. It's whole purpose is keeping locals employed by making bananas more expensive domestically than they would be with free trade.

Tarrifs are meant to strategically make things in your own country more expensive just to keep the workers working, usually paired with the other country doing the same thing back in another industry. A sort of agreement to 'manipulate the prices for mutual benefit' between states.

>> No.20486855
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It already is. Elected bureaucrats invest your taxes into gibsmedat and get more votes as a reward

>> No.20486929

I get what you're saying but I was just referencing how the US was funded pre 20th century. Honestly though your idea for taxes is probably better than what we have now but I'd rather there be substantially less taxes and spending.
State and local governments would probably be better off doing your idea, though.

>> No.20486933
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Retard, do I need to invent a simpler form of english for your pea-brain to comprehend?

Grug pay taxes.
Grug own investment from this.
Grug make money.
Government get a piece.

At no point did I say
Grug pay government money directly.

God, this board is swarmed with people who are annoying.

>> No.20486972
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No, I agree with what you've said.
I'm saying taxes are already an investment, just not for us, since it buys votes it sure as hell won't change.