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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20483159 No.20483159 [Reply] [Original]

how do i learn about crypto so i can decide for myself whether something is a good project or not?

>> No.20483309

Buy a coin that includes the following characteristics
>hasn't pumped yet
>not well known
>not listed on big exchanges yet
>decent brand and website
>liked by koreans

then shill it on biz and autists will take care of the rest

>> No.20483317

cryptography is using mathematical instructions to make something more secure, or "encrypted". bitcoin uses cryptography to make coins that are unable to be counterfeited. this means that you can exchange bitcoin with other people without having to trust a company like visa or bank of america to make the delivery of the coins, it just happens on the network provided you follow the rules.

now, as for other crypto projects, its quite hard to predict which ones will fail. you arent really learning anything about cryptography there, instead you would need to study market psychology, consumer sentiment, market trends, technical charting, things like this.

chainlink and amazon and tesla and bitcoin can seem like overvalued items, but they continue to trend higher for very strange reasons. if you can crack this code and predict which items will go up in price, then you'll never work a day again in your life

>> No.20483332

>>hasn't pumped yet
>>not well known
help a nibba out please

>> No.20483432

Find something good and buy every dip.

>> No.20484299

Try xlm
It's made good progress through the year and recently made a small pump from 9.5c to 11c and currently contracted back to 10c, I think its gonna pump again in the near future based on previous patterns

>> No.20484561

how do you even go about finding new stuff that hasn't pumped yet? what sources do you use?

>> No.20484774


>> No.20484804

Books are usually the best for technicals.
For learning on how crypto exists in the world today, listen to Richard Heart.

>> No.20485059
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Don’t listen to this poor nigger

Buy XRP. It’s being adopted by all major banks and institutions.

>> No.20485087

Actually fucking retarded advice
Find something that fills a niche and has backing by larger players in the space
The more it connects to other aspects of tech and finance, the better
Anything else is gambling on uniswap scams
And make sure the team is mostly white.

>> No.20485110

>browse /biz/
>observe shills
>observe fud
>detect astroturfed fudding/ shilling
>buy coins with best memes

>> No.20485225

haaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa shitcoiner

>> No.20485260

western devs = buy
eastern devs = avoid

>> No.20485265


>> No.20485290

Mfw cryptocurrency regulations are coming and BTC is going to 0
Mfw XRP was present in the 9th meeting of the IMF to discus the future of international transaction and Bretton Woods 2.0
>mfw you’re going to be poor and I’m going to hire your mom to clean my cock
>mfw I have no face

>> No.20485392

By supporting XRP you are supporting ZOG, I simply wouldn’t buy it based on ethics and morality alone

>> No.20485440

I don’t give a fuck about for mentioned human qualities. XRP is the weapon of the Jews to take over the world financial economy. Trillionare will be made. The economic liquidity will be achieved to have flying cars and colonies on Mars. There is no stopping the dormant giant. We are lucky to even be able to buy it

>> No.20485445

Just look up the price chart on coingecko


>> No.20485478

A senior figure at the Bank of Thailand has confirmed the bank is already using a central bank digital currency for transactions with some businesses TO MOVE BIG AMOUNTS OF MONEY AROUND.Chinese capital Beijing unveils its grandest blockchain plan to date. Beijing is launching a blockchain platform for enterprise financing, e-governance, and banking ahead of its bid to become a blockchain hub by 2022. Beijing is forging ahead with its blockchain ambitions. The Chinese capital unveiled plans for a blockchain-based governance system for its administration Thursday. Beijing will build a system for digital governance, create avenues for data-sharing between agencies and businesses, and enable cross-regional collaboration. All of these will be carried on a national blockchain platform. It’s the first step towards making Beijing a global blockchain hub by 2022, as announced in an agenda last month.How Beijing is using blockchain
Twelve use cases have been identified in the plan. They range from implementing blockchain applications at airport, to customs, to finance platforms for small businesses, and to general municipal and governmental services for the citizens. Ports and customs will see data shared via the central ledger—eliminating the long wait times associated with current digital and paper-based alternatives. Solutions for enterprise banking and billing will provide identity authentication and reimbursement tracking respectively. Under the plans, small and medium businesses will enjoy improved capital access for their entities while lenders manage risk via the ledger. As for e-governance, the plan said over “100 government agencies will implement blockchain for managing anything from high-tech enterprises to unemployment benefits..... ETH PUMP 321

>> No.20485494
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pic related

>> No.20485534


>Spend lots of time on 4chan
>Look at every project that is shilled, especially where it’s the first time it’s been mentioned
>realise that anons have already packed their bags but a small few of the projects Aren’t scams and will make you money

Thank you 4chan for my recent gains;
>Aleph 50%
>BZRX well over 100% now

Two more I’m going into as well but I’m not at home and haven’t packed my bags so not mentioning them in here

>> No.20485567
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You RLC fags have me almost convinced to sell off a little of my Link stack to get some of that shit. Help a Link Marine out, why should I? Assume I know nothing about what the fuck it is. Why is a token needed? Why won't other startups overtake it? Is it a short/medium/ or long term hold?

Thanks fren.

t. 2017 Link Marine 72k Link

>> No.20485690


How come nobody ever explains anything in this shithole?

I get not explaining Link, it's been too long, but if you want rich Link OGs to invest in your shitcoin at least spend a couple minutes explaining what the fuck it is and why I should invest.

>> No.20485728

lurk more, play with 100 dollars worth of eth and see what happens, never go all in and keep atleast 10 dollars worth of eth to cover transaction fees.

>> No.20485750

if people throwing around phrases like "the bitcoin of computing" and "digital oil" and TYPING IN ALL CAPS doesn't get you to invest you're ngmi. /s

>> No.20485869
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Go to 0xMonero on Telegram, they can help you

>> No.20485890

idk i just trust in methanon

>> No.20486016


Give me a quick rundown. I've been ignoring literally everything not Link related the past 3 years.

How high is RLC realistically going? Back to ATH? Above that?

>> No.20486602

The Dummies book about crypto.