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20478694 No.20478694 [Reply] [Original]

>only 6K link

linklet cope thread, post your stacks and how we can get more.

how the fuck do I get more link? currently NEETing and thinking of getting a job and putting everything in LINK but realistically I might get priced out before 10K linkies. When link dips what can I do to get a loan and just work off the loan? Anyone else do something similar?

>> No.20479646

Most of my portfolio is in eth but I bought 400 link around 2.75-3.25 just so i could celebrate with biz if it popped off. If it ever hit $50 i wouldn't say "oh fuck im an idiot i could've bought more" it'll be more like "fuck yeah, crushed the markets again for $25k". Mindset, anon! We're all gonna make it except indian scammers

>> No.20479771

7.2k and 0.36 lp reporting in
Luckily, I dont have to pay taxes for crypto where I live if I hold long enough, so I think this could be enough to make it.

>> No.20479788
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I have zero link.

>> No.20479798


If you fuckers took profit and reinvested in ORN you would have 12xed your money in less than 3 days

>> No.20479863
File: 56 KB, 1071x274, Screenshot_20200718-190230_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want to kill myself. Sold all my link when it crashed in march and blew most of my money on drugs and alcohol afterwards

>> No.20479884

btc fag here, I bought 77.7 links @$7.77 just for the memes

>> No.20480047

Just stake it when it launches and you will eventually build it up to what you want.

>> No.20480113
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>> No.20480137
File: 3 KB, 115x125, 1516227339910s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k stinklet here, I feel sick, I need link to hit $300 before I can retire

>> No.20480148

Yeah and if i bought eth at a dollar id be a millionaire, whats your fucking point you stinking shit covered pajeet?

>> No.20480169

I only have 2400 and I'm almost certain I could retire at $300. Stop spending so much

>> No.20480203

Use your link as collateral to take a loan out on Aave in USDT. Use your USDT to buy more Link.

Be careful not to take out the max. Keep your liquidation price very low and buy more link as the price rises and your collateral increases.

>> No.20480223

I mean I could retire at $150 but I want to be a bit on the safe side if possible

>> No.20480233

Buy DeFi lowcaps

>> No.20480235

and I have to pay 30% in taxes

>> No.20480239

Literally in the same boat OP. I've been stuck at 6k for a while now. I keep buying link every now and then but it looks like I won't reach 10k anymore. I'm thinking of swinging portions at a time until I hit the goal but I don't want to kill myself if I fuck myself over.

>> No.20480272

You had three years

>> No.20480396
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I hope LINK crashes I hope none of you make it, it's not fair

>> No.20481060

Missed the boat