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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20467263 No.20467263 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus, hadn't looked at link for a few days. What the hell happened? It's a real blood bath!

You guys told me we were going to $25 ffs, what happened to that?

>> No.20467301

Patience if a virtue. Sell if you want. But the big Mac in my belly is telling me to wait... maybe thats the indigestion.

>> No.20467599

Retards selling because they're fucking retards

>> No.20467611

>It's a real blood bath!
Not really

>> No.20467642

This. It’s still only the 11th most held asset on Coinbase. Part of this is the teams fault, they haven’t uttered a single word normies care about in a year

>> No.20467664

LINK oracles are just a weaker subset of iExec.

iExecs oracles have SGX/TEE/Staking
LINKs oracles have none.

iExec oracles have had them for a whole year now.
Not only that, but oracles are just 1% of what iExec is capable of.

Not only that but LINK is centralized in supply.
RLC is not. RLC has amazing coin distribution.

LINK is overbought, overhyped, XRP tier garbage.

>> No.20467669

>You guys told me we were going to $25 ffs

you're fucked buddy

>> No.20467703

>not even down 10% from ATF
>low volume
anon... I...

>> No.20467726

We all switched to RLC. It was discussed and decided a couple of days ago, I guess you must've missed it.

>> No.20467766

RLC is good anon. but you turn every single person on /biz/ off by rambling on like a retard about LINK.
High IQs hold both.

>> No.20467789
File: 96 KB, 1167x634, 1595032600867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in shock. 50% of my life savings gone overnight.

>> No.20467814

Shits garbage

>> No.20468382

What's a good price to re enter?

>> No.20468431

That’s a pretty salty way of saying that swingies are banking it right now and you’re just holding.

Hey, holding is a valid long-term strategy. But if you are doing that and checking the price every 8 minutes you’re gonna go cray-cray.

>> No.20468478
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New chain link it's going up should buy in before $1

>> No.20468553

Didn't CL hire a bunch of marketing people recently? I anticipate something big in this department before long.
Chainlink could easily make a huge announcement at any given moment that could sent the price through the roof, never to return. I couldn't live with myself, knowing I'd missed it all because I was greedy and wanted to make a few extra grand on the way up.

>> No.20468556

Zeus is angry

>> No.20468573

swingies, got rekt before every parabolic movement.

>> No.20468723

Sounds like you just don't have the strength of character to hold. Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone is like you.

>> No.20468829

How did your dumbass buy at 8.5?