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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20459451 No.20459451 [Reply] [Original]

what problem does it solve? i have 14k fiat burning a hole in my pocket and daddy's looking for holes to fill

>> No.20459823


You're unironically going to make it, if you hold a masternode in this.

>Stakenet is the third coin (Right after BTC/LTC) to implement lightning swaps on mainnet.
>They also partnered up with the Litecoin Foundation to help with lightning tech.
>They are working on their OWN Hardware Wallet- VIPER (Competing with Ledger, Trezor, and Xeeda) Which is the first crypto project EVER to work on that.
>Stakenet is soon launching a multi currency wallet with inbuilt lightning and atomic swaps (HUGE)
>Stakenet will also soon launch the first masternode powered DEX. Which requires NO registration, NO KYC, no bullshit at all.

>> No.20459879
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It's designed a profitable ecosystem for Lightning Network that should allow Bitcoin to scale effectively. It's MN network provides collateral for liquidity and runs code agnostic dapps, the first of which is a no-KYC, non-custodial DEX offering Lightning swaps between any Lightning-compatible coin and any Raiden-compatible token.
It's DEX also runs an aggregator called Vortex. It's already pulled orders directly from Binance and Bitfinex's books.

5 major takeaways
>Immediate BTC/ETH atomic swaps
>Liquidity bridge between all LN and Raiden-compatibles (i.e. BTC LN and wBTC or BTC and Link or Litecoin and USDC)
>One-stop access to multiple exchange orderbooks via the aggregator
>Took Bitcoin's haphazard implementation of Lightning and made extraordinarily powerful and optimal use of it
>Market makers know about it but give it 0 exposure. Most outside 4chan and bitcointalk still have no clue what this is

I've been in since 2018. My plan since January 2019 has been to DCA til the end of 2020. 18 months later, I'm still doing it.

>> No.20459959
File: 2.29 MB, 2606x2905, XSNadvisor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck

>> No.20460006

You get to rub it in biz face how you caught the bottom of a top 10 coin.

>> No.20460528

The problem it solves is this: If you really believe that crypto will ever become a serious threat to global fiat, it's likely the governments of the world will do their absolute best to shut it down. To resist this, you will need a completely decentralized infrastructure, where there is no one party that a govt can sue/imprison hard enough to force that party to shut the infrastructure down. To make that happen, you need the infrastructure to be truly decentralized. That's what XSN is.

>> No.20460561

I suggest you check this video for information regarding the passive income aspects. It's one of their more cringe videos, but explains it nonetheless.


Essentially a masternode is a hub which will be able to run the dApps ontop of them in the future, profiting from whatever fee structure these apps have setup for them. The most anticipated case being the decentralized exchange the devs are creating right now. This is the way it works: Each minute a new block in the chain is minted, and each block generates 20 XSN, the masternode owners and the people who are staking their XSN will be chosen (at random I believe, depending on their amount owned) to validate the block. Once a block has been validated the rewards are split 45% to masternode owners, and 45% to the regular stakers. As of right now owning a masternode produces on average 9 XSN each 30 hours I believe, not sure about the regular staking, but there is a calculator somewhere I thin

>> No.20460578

You'll always have someone who tears a coin to shreds from inception to when it does a 1000x. It is an inevitability. Think of the poor souls who are so blinded by their own arrogance that they still attack Bitcoin 10 years after they initially heard of it.
The more redpilled anons realize their potential and propel themselves into wealth, the weaker the atrocious status quo we have now becomes.
If you're sick of the world's order, it is your obligation to go for the reigns.

>> No.20460651

holding a MN plus some change. ever since then i've dipped out of crypto except XSN. I'm all in on StakeNet that's how good it is.

>> No.20460734

Don't need to buy now.
nothing been released yet

>> No.20460811

Cool man.
I used to have dozens of positions. Some of my best random performers in 2017 were CLOAK, XBY, BAY, PIVX, and RDD. I had really good luck daytrading NEO and equally bad luck and timing with ETC for some reason. Save for some change, I've been out of all these things for a long time.
Now I don't care to accumulate much beyond BTC, XSN, and some off-the-books XMR paid for in cash.

>> No.20460823
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This image is all that you need to see, anon.
Even if we all assume the daily rewards estimated by the chart are off by a whopping 50%, it still only needs to go to about $600mil MC for us to all officially be neets if we only have 1 MN.

Unless you haven't read the whitepaper, that should just make you laugh.

>> No.20460943
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yeah just buy in a year at $10 when the dex has been released

>> No.20460980

Too bad the devs have already said the DEX will only take another couple of months at the most.
Hell, there's a good chance Raiden will be done before the damn DEX even releases, in which case, we have even less time than anyone thought (well, maybe it's just me that thought that).
Besides, we'll probably hit $1bil before a year's time.

Knowing these guys, they'll have the DEX fully up and running and Hydra fully deployed by year's end.

>> No.20461046

Gonna be honest here, haven't given a fuck about crypto in a year or two. Last time was when a friend told me about Link at $2.90 and I bought 100 as a joke. Still holding about $15k in BTC, but otherwise I don't pay attention.

I don't even browse /biz/ regularly, I trade futures instead and people here are too stupid for that. But I wanted to reallocate some BTC and XSN caught my eye with the MN concept - I like the idea of passive income. I'm not going to pretend to understand all the technology features that XSN offers, but they sound like the first serious mover if they can pull it off. Bought in on the dip around 17/18. I bought BTC at $1k and sold before it went ATH. I'm thinking this could be the start of crypto 2.0 if implemented correctly, and this time I'll be on board earlier. For under $3k, that seems like a good bet right now.

>> No.20461155

>I bought BTC at $1k and sold before it went ATH
Early 2017? I finally started buying BTC around that time too. I thought I had missed out by 2012 because it hit like $25 and it was only $5 when my hippie neighbors were buying LSD off the Silk Road.
Good luck with your gains anon.

>> No.20461197

I used that BTC to initially buy steroids off SR. Part of me still believe I have a wallet on an old laptop with a few BTC because I think I was trying to mine it too.

But anyways, for crypto to be real thing, something like stakenet needs to exist and they seem to be the furthest along into making that happen. I probably won't end up buying more, but if this does take off, it should be a good revenue stream.

>> No.20461198
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thank you for your replies anons

>> No.20461228
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where can one buy xsn?

>> No.20461251

If you can't figure that out you should kys

>> No.20461299

That's why I like link so much, from 200 something to number 8, and it was fudded to death yet I went all in. I guess biz is a reddit board so that's kind of gay on your part but it would be fun to be right and have made an ass out of them again.

>> No.20461333

Here's a secret, anon:
No one FUDs a legitimate project who doesn't want to accumulate.
People just ignore things that are shit.

>> No.20461343

If it, by chance, managed to bring in profits like that of Binance, MNs would be paying out 6-7 figure salaries. Multiple MNs upwards of 7-8.
For it, everyone in crypto benefits immensely.

>> No.20461425

It only needs to get to about $100mil for me to never have to work again.
That's about all I could ask for. Anything more just seems like adult christmas.

>> No.20461524

Is 50k enough to make it? I bought my stack back in?late 18 and early 19, the time before the last time it was getting shilled hard here. It makes me uneasy how there's a couple weeks of spam then silence for months before a switch is flipped and its all over the place again. But from my digging around it does seem legit. I might buy another 100k but that's money I could buy more link with so it's not easy.

>> No.20461528

how much you got brother

>> No.20461551

Coinbase added ALGO yesterday. The volume is $108.3 million for this 24hr and the market cap right now is @ $261.8 million. price is $0.3392 right now. 80% of people are buying and 20% is selling. Should I buy in fat and ride this wave

>> No.20461606

if you can't tell me it means you're gay and homosexual

>> No.20461718

>0% of people are buying and 20% is selling. Should I buy in fat and ride this wave
that means it's over bought, moron.
it will dump.
also, it started at 3 and is now at 0.3.
it's unironically a shitcoin.

>> No.20461773
File: 704 KB, 812x664, popular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to you anon.
You want I should explain the chart?

>> No.20462292

>it's unironically a shitcoin
lol no u