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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20459395 No.20459395 [Reply] [Original]

Some sucker corporation decided to buy my startup and i'm about to walk away with 1-2mm.
I look forward to participating in these big brain threads over the next year.
What should I do with the cash btw?

>> No.20459405

Buy chainlink and give me 30k for giving you this solid advice

>> No.20459430

Buy chainlink and give me 15k of his 30k for seconding his solid advice

>> No.20459458

Buy chainlink and give me 7.5k of his 15k for thirding his solid advice

>> No.20459461


>> No.20459473

buy chainlink and give me 5k each of their 15k for thirding the solid advice

>> No.20459475

Buy a million rsr before it hits .02 and give me a block of bonds.

>> No.20459509

Buy chain link and instead don’t give a single link to anyone else, for the advice I gave you.

>> No.20459517

Sir I already gave my third advice, get in line please

>> No.20459523

Two girls at the same time

>> No.20459531

What was this startup?
Can you give us a bit of detail and background?
If possible

>> No.20459547

ah rats

>> No.20459590

video streaming technology in real-time

>> No.20459601

did you just respond without giving me my 30k you fucking homo?

>> No.20459614

be patient nigger, i'll send you GHOST in a few months

>> No.20459618


was 12c yesterday and 30c today

CEO says big integration news surprise is coming

bizlets saying it can hit $1 within a week and i believe them

>> No.20459687

So like it was just a registered company Llc or you provided services for few weeks?

>> No.20459714

Buy Fantom and Chainlink and just stake comfy

>> No.20459741

yeah whole delaware c-corp n shit. i was originally gonna make a sports betting streaming related service but ended up becoming completely disinterested in sports so I decided to sell it instead.
like 3 years ago when I started, all video streaming services had a delay of like 30-60 seconds. most websites have been able to cut it down to 5-10 seconds but real-time streaming (under 1 second) is ideal for sports betting related shit

>> No.20459756

How many hours didnyou spend on the startup

>> No.20459769

That’s good.
So your company became pretty known then.
Why you sold though? Other companies got to your tech level and made competition?

>> No.20459771

it sucked, I mean it was pretty much all I did for 3 years straight. 12-14 hours per day, 7 days a week

>> No.20459818

How much were you making?
Considering you stuck it out for so long with such working hours, you must've at least been making bank.

>> No.20459843

>So your company became pretty known then.
no, not at all. nobody knows us. developing the technology was way harder than expected and there's a difference between getting new technology to work and getting it to work at scale. making it work for 100,000 viewers is way harder than just a private 1 person viewer test.
selling a startup with no revenue is tough but luckily the technology was in demand.
literally zero dollars. I lived like a total peasant and had to beg my parents to cover my rent. Ended up giving them equity in return. There was nothing glamorous about it

>> No.20459875

Tha k you for making a thread significantly more interesting than the digital currency token threads. You start up story sounds like something alot of us can learn alot more from than the rest of what's happening here on /biz/ atm.

>> No.20459911

Damn dude. I'm planning on starting my own thing toward the end of the year. Glad to hear it paid off for you!

That being said, most of this board is all about crypto. Sounds like since you're in the position where you're wanting to protect your newfound fortune you might want to invest the "old fashioned" way

>> No.20459971

no problemo, I will make a thread on startup related advice sometime in the future. pitching in front of investors is a total thrill. living like a peasant isn't so bad as long as you're obsessed with what you're building.
thanks. nah, i'm not a boomer, the old fashioned way is for suckers.
here's what i'm thinking
>200k in land (full purchase, no mortgage. mainly for hunting)
>75k car (learning towards porsche)
>25% crypto
>25% gold, guns, and ammo
>25% discretionary
>remainder cash
what do you think?

>> No.20459977

I'm sitting on 500k from selling a biz, nothing is attractive right now, except maybe some commodities. Spend at least 10k getting some tax advice, probably your best bang for the buck. There's some tax reduction strategies that should be worth it for you. High yield savings account for short term, put 50% into vanguard retirement date funds, scale in during next dip which should be big whenever it comes. Maybe look to acquire a distressed b&m business. Put another 25% in crypto, heavy on btc (again buy the dip). Some physical gold, silver and Plat 10%. Then keep 15% cash to spend on distressed real estate. Unless you're ready to retire off this I wouldn't blow much, I have a feeling we're getting close to the buying opportunity of a century (for almost all assets) in the next few years, you want cash ready to spend on them.

>> No.20459987


>> No.20460032

ok so your strategy sorta aligns with what i'm thinking

>> No.20460099

>literally zero dollars
Wow sounds like you're ripping them off lol
>there's a difference between getting new technology to work and getting it to work at scale
And it doesn't even sound like your tech, which they are supposedly buying, scales properly too.

Well, 1-2MM is peanuts for such corporations anyway, so... based.

>> No.20460139

That would be a thread I would like to read. I'm gearing up towards starting a business myself so I could use all the tips you have! Thanks!
Good luck with everything on your plate at the moment.

>> No.20460140

the tech works great but I had only 100k total users and no revenue. it's tough to sell a startup with zero revenue

>> No.20460148

Anyway, I'm in a similar scenario (700k+ from a niche I was able to capitalize on, but it's now dying, barely breaking $2k a month now).

I just went all in bitcoin.

Now I'm just gambling that there will be another bullrun. Even a simple x10 is good enough for me.

>> No.20460169

honestly all the Y-combinator (particularly Sam Altman) and Paul Graham stuff is great for advice. Peter Thiel is required reading. Reading about Hitler unironically helped a lot too lol. The greatest startup founder of all time.
what type of biz? software?

>> No.20460187

>Now I'm just gambling that there will be another bullrun
it's entirely possible, it seems like fiat has run its course.

>> No.20460198

Yeah, and hedges a decent amount too. I honestly think buying a business you can make profitable is your best ROI, but also the riskiest. Percent allocation is personal preference and risk tolerance. I would keep a few hundred grand liquid for some "deals of a lifetime" buys.

>> No.20460212

>I honestly think buying a business you can make profitable
like what? what are you thinking?

>> No.20460234

I'll write those names down. Already reading Hitler. I'm going to welding school at the moment and plan on teaming up with my cousin who's a master wood worker to make custom furniture and what not. I Don't expect it to take me to financial "made it status" but I'll enjoy it more than my current job. Hence why I'm here investing pocket change in crypto.

>> No.20460245

Wow actually sounds realistic. All my business ideas are too expensive to even get there especially with little knowledge of even making the product (could make a prototype that'd be very rough but that would require sinking in probably $2k on something I may not stick with).

I'll stick with making my video game. Congrats on getting rich.

>> No.20460273
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redditors detected...

>> No.20460294

good luck bro, Joe Rogan is always talking about how there's great potential in building custom furniture lol. just be prepared to do every aspect of the business and you'll learn as you go
thanks bro, we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.20460299

>50% into vanguard retirement date funds
Ewww. With that money you don't need that stuff. Not knowledgeable on how those work but if ur money is semi perma trapped such as big penalties withdrawing sub 65ish then there's better options.

>> No.20460304

>What should I do with the cash btw?
spend it all in less than 5 years, become a degenerate gambling addict and then spend the rest of your life working a minimum wage job at a grocery store

>> No.20460312

Nah, it's just low fee mutual fund automatically allocated for risk based on a target retirement year.

>> No.20460313

what did you build? i'm very interested, anon. this is my wheelhouse.

>> No.20460319


>> No.20460326
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>> No.20460362

Thanks dude. I'll do my best and report my failure or success here in a couple years!
We're all going to make it, in our own way.

>> No.20460394

Okay nevermind your entire strat is way different from mine.

If I got rich and suddenly had $25 million.
>land (with/without a home)
>money distributed across multiple bank accounts across multiple countries
>weapons and ammo just in case
>never to exceed max limit of 500k thrown into stocks (if i lose all 500k never touch stocks again)

If just $1.5 million
>a few weapons
>max limit of 250k thrown in stocks to make more money

>> No.20460427

Oh so you can pull out with no penalties? I mainly deal with stocks and options, not much with etfs and all thpse retirement thingies (wanna retire sub 40, not at 65). Would be cool if I got rich off it.

>> No.20460691

I don't really care personally. Pest control, hvac, plumbing, something "essential" and poorly managed. If you can manage a balance sheet/p&l/cash flow then you know what to look for.

>> No.20461136
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Look into MRDN if you’re high IQ