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File: 25 KB, 719x194, AMPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20454865 No.20454865 [Reply] [Original]

$200mm market cap soon.

>> No.20454907


>> No.20454932

$200mm market cap NOW

>> No.20454998

more like 2b

>> No.20455032

holy shit we are literally all gonna make it

estimates on rebase % tonight?

>> No.20455201


>> No.20455223



>> No.20455236

Almost top 50. Raiblocks like run

>> No.20455303
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who's ready for some whale fuckery

>> No.20455375

couple more days, anon ;)

>> No.20455466

How many x's have you guys made?

>> No.20455561
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>> No.20455603
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>only 4.5% in 24 hours


>> No.20455628

it did a 4x in the last 3 days and people have been shilling this for months

>> No.20455784

Lost count. I’ve revolutionized my portfolio though. Because of AMPL I’ve been able to add trustswap. Nice fat stack. Lend, LINK, ALGO, BAND and I still have a bunch of AMPL.

>> No.20455809


I want to believe

>> No.20455905


>> No.20455924
File: 523 KB, 1920x1917, 20200716_233141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1EOY Motherfuckers
>New Defi Ruling Elite
We are so fucking early guys. Incoming Rebase bitches
>Always, and always

>> No.20455933



I bet that guy slays pussy

>> No.20455956


>> No.20455991 [DELETED] 

honestly there is about 1000x upside left.

>> No.20456069

This can go up another 1000x in the next year.

>> No.20456080

1b$ in one week.

>> No.20456113

Yes indeed 100b$ possible next year

>> No.20456122

Ok I figure this has been asked before, but what's the point investing in a stable coin?

>> No.20456189

i love how this coin's mechanism is so fucking simple and 90% of biz still doesn't get it. how do they breathe or open bananas?

>> No.20456227

we'll be passing Dai on coinmarketcap, possibly within a few hours.

>> No.20456306


Rupees maybe

>> No.20456335

top 50 CMC incoming... then it's only a matter of weeks before top 20

>> No.20456344


>> No.20456355


you're investing in a stablecoin that is overing large percentage gains while it finds it's market cap. It needs to a very large market cap to be truly stable, so until then you are making gains on the rebase every night.

>> No.20456367
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>> No.20456379
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>> No.20456385

Please dump I’m getting left behind

>> No.20456417


kek, ngmi

$1 EOY, so comfy

>> No.20456439

Any time is a good time to buy in as long as you hodl and wait for market cap to grow.

>> No.20456440

secured 108 eth profit after round one. Initial investment was 18k USD worth of various shitcoins. I'm balls deep in the geyser and am up another 100k USD value.

>> No.20456443

51 rn...

>> No.20456456


>> No.20456497

Buying at the top around 4 got you the same tokens or % of AMPL as buy around 2.50 today. Or something like that, I don't know, some ruffle brain said today.

>> No.20456725

Never thought I'd feel bad about a 4x.
If this goes to 1B MCAP I'll get around $30k and I only have $1300 into it now after some profit taking.
I wish I bought 10,000 at $1. Would have like half a million dollars at 1B Marketcap.

>> No.20456825

it literally doesn't matter when you buy in, in terms of price. unless you're waiting for market cap to dump

>> No.20456997

What's the rebase % tonight?

>> No.20457070

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ampleforth. The tokenomics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of basic mathematics most of the mechanisms will go over a typical investor's head. There's also AMPL's rebase, which is deftly woven into it's elasticity- it's price fluctuation draws heavily from fleecing idiots, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that it's not a ponzi- it says something deep about economics. As a consequence people who dislike AMPL truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the impermanent loss in AMPL's Geyser, which itself is a crypto reference to uniswap liquidity pools. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nithin Krishna's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer monitor. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, I DO have an Ampleforth tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that their portfolio is within 10% worth of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.20457105


Anticipating 11% but someone smarter than me has probably done the math on that

>> No.20457149


>> No.20457166

reBased. Sounds about right after the recent pump

>> No.20457232
File: 140 KB, 750x1334, E307D938-AC72-4935-8837-94A4D2758F61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After tonight’s rebase this is roughly where I’ll be sitting. Never been comfier bros

>> No.20457241

We made it to top 50

>> No.20457266

well the good news for you is $10b market cap shouldn't be that difficult

>> No.20457411

This coin is BASED

>> No.20457466

God you're dumb. Nobody was spouting about this project before when it ate dirt for a year. Sentiment always follows price. If the negative rebase hits we all die. All of us.

>> No.20457500

They didn’t have geyser.

>> No.20457518

10b$ end of august.

>> No.20457532

>not recognizing the rick and morty pasta
>calling others dumb
newfag pls

>> No.20457657


Nice, anon! I'm about half your size, wish I hadn't split between RSR and AMPL

>> No.20457679


how are u guys so rich

>> No.20457736

so whats the best strat for a newfag? do you put everything into the geyser and leave it?

>> No.20457750


Max out credit cards, get gains, cash some out to repay credit cards, repeat. Even at 16%, anything after a couple percent a month is all profit, so far I've been lucky and have more than quadrupled my stack.

It's not a strategy for long restful nights. There's nothing like watching your net worth get cut in half in a day, while knowing that if a couple things go to zero you have to declare bankruptcy.

>> No.20457763
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lmao at scampleforth

>> No.20457869

mama mia

>> No.20458025
File: 30 KB, 400x300, OOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20458039


>> No.20458089


>> No.20458125

At what market cap is it truly stable?

>> No.20458155


>> No.20458175


>> No.20458198


>> No.20458203
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Happy reBase anons! We are all going to make it

>> No.20458237

When it stays at $1

>> No.20458320


>> No.20458328

When full demand for stable coins have been met. So since Tether is fucking sketchy, around Tether Market Cap. Might take a while to reach there.

>> No.20458582
File: 113 KB, 991x695, linkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold LINK to get into this, Anons

I feel dirty

>> No.20458716

ALL link?

>> No.20458752


Of course not, what sort of digusting pervert do you think I am

>> No.20458834

Into the top 50 we go.

at 3.50$ with current supply we break top 40.
or at 3$ tomorrow assuming a 16% rebase again.

Godspeed AMPL chads

>> No.20458853

What a P H A T rebase bros

>> No.20459123

We flipping Tether


fuck yeah

>> No.20459233

To the moon.

>> No.20459346

>tfw 0.005%let

fucking RSR

>> No.20460519


>> No.20461434

AMPL = new BTC. screencap this.

>> No.20461461

is there any point using the geyser? doesn't it mean i miss out on rebases?

>> No.20461488

That's not even possible.

AMPL is stupid.

>> No.20461504


>> No.20461564

You get the rebases too, plus additional Ampl to hopefully offset the impermanent loss when Ampl moons as it has been. I took mine out of the geyser and feel good about it

>> No.20461584


thx. why did you take it out though and why do you feel good about it