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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2045057 No.2045057 [Reply] [Original]


Francs is the only coin that you can use TODAY to buy commodities!

Seven businesses are now taking FRN as a payment option!

With a mobile wallet already on the app store, FRN is the best coin to get into at the moment.

Francs Website:


Bitcoin Talk Page:


Buy on Yobit:


Buy on Cryptopia:


>> No.2045065

already scooped some up on the cheap when cucks dumped earlier, good long term hold.

>> No.2045067

I love how people say "oh it's only available on Yobit" like that's supposed to be a bad thing.

When it gets picked up by bigger exchanges it's going to moon hard. The killing is to be made now.

>> No.2045068


ppl are bashing this but its a legit coin just extremely small. I'm going to begin mining this as well

>> No.2045071

its on cryptopia also yo

>> No.2045074

Also in it for the long term, I think it can up to like 5-10 dollars per FRN in 1-2 years

>> No.2045077


agreed! we need more nodes, heres the src:

>> No.2045080

This thing really took a dump huh?

>> No.2045083

I feel much more conservatively about it however it will still do very well.

I see it going where NLG and DEM are now.

I made a thread about national cryptos earlier today but it got no replies. I feel like the whole idea behind these are unique and since they are going for real world value and acceptance by merchants, they have strong potential.

>> No.2045085

Perfect time to buy!

>> No.2045087

So lower than it is now?

>> No.2045093

I was referring to market cap and real world acceptance. If you're in now don't worry about where the price goes if the market cap balloons. One or two years from now will be a whole new world.

>> No.2045096

Yeah, it did. But most of that was simply because of the results of France's election today. Now it's not tied to an event and is just a coin. And the fact that it didn't tank as low as MCRN or LEPEN gives me some more confidence in it.

Could be good in the future

>> No.2045098

I believe the real potential is tied to mainstream adoption in France. I have a good feeling but we can't know for sure yet.

>> No.2045105
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7 businesses...

thats honestly pathetic.
more businesses will take my mcdonalds coupon and none of them are even mcdonalds.

go to bed shill, nobody wants your trash coin.

>> No.2045115

That's cool, but you're not hoarding mcdonalds coupons and hoping to get rich are you?
This has potential to grow at least. Keep stacking those coupons though, boyo

>> No.2045122


Would have bought this if Le Pen won

>> No.2045127

>>has the potential

the only potential it has is a fucking pump and dump, but you know that because you are shilling for it.

those mcdonalds coupons will consistently be worth more than the fuckboi franc.

>> No.2045128

A Rothschild banker is now president of France. Do you think that will spur greater interest in French cryptocurrency or less?

>> No.2045136

less, because if he wants to adopt a crypto he will pick one of the good ones thats already relevant with a good team behind it.

>> No.2045138

Down with tyrannical Fiat! Up with the coin of the republique!

>> No.2045139

>Rothschild banker adopting crypto

Come now. He is as status quo as it gets.

>> No.2045145

>if he wants to adopt crypto
I don't think that's what he meant by this >>2045128

>> No.2045156

very true.

I'm just trying to help newbies realize that francs is just a shill

but you are also right, this is not good for any crypto.

>> No.2045162

Name a business besides the ones that take btc that take a coin on this board.

>> No.2045168

My thinking is that having old bankers in charge of the country will push people to unregulated alternatives like crypto.

Again if it gets adopted by more businesses people may take pride in being able to make tax free transactions.

>> No.2045205

you can see some shops that accept FRN here: http://www.francs.paris/mappe.html

>> No.2045220

Taxis in Amsterdam take NLG.

>> No.2045230

i love how this is a slow board but in every thread like this theres 5 replies hyping some shitcoin in the first few minutes

>> No.2045717

I'm OP.

>> No.2045787


>> No.2045821
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Bunch of gooks in some Discord chat, they're not scammers just looking for outsiders to propagate the price so they can unload, so yeah they're basically scammers.

>> No.2045907

this post reeks of shill

>> No.2046438

Holding here.Moved some to my wallet today but will buy more next wage id say. Froggies love a bit of class and it looks classy. Good feel to it

>> No.2046567

>Seven businesses are now taking FRN as a payment option!
There's literally NO information about it in French Google

FRN has ZERO mentions in the French language (which is easy to check with Google Translate)

A link to a bitcointalk thread is NOT considered proof

I think they make up shitty claims to simply pump their coin

>> No.2046605

Also, they based their coin on Bitcoin instead of a faster alternative. Even Dogecoin is based on Litecoin. So it's basically a blind, lazily mashed up Bitcoin clone with no innovation (just like the myriads of poop coins), and who with any sense would create a Bitcoin-based coin for commercial transactions which are supposed to be fast? The answer is simple: those transactions are never gonna happen, because there are NO businesses in Paris which support this poop coin. It's sole purpose is to give you false hope and make you pump it.

>> No.2047395

its one of those things where the stores talked to the dev and ARE accepting it but probably getting no coverage for it.

>> No.2047807
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Is that you fuckboi?

>> No.2048198

It's based on Litecoin dumbfag. All your post are really full of shit.
If you can't find it on Google it's because the name francs is linking to a million things.

>> No.2048241
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> over 5000 businesses accept BTC
> 7 businesses accept FRN
> "Francs is the only coin that you can use TODAY to buy commodities!"
> ishiggydiggy

>> No.2048242

>tell schmucks that your shitty no-name coin is accepted by local businesses when there's absolutely no reason for any business to do that
>schmucks get aroused by your lies and buy your shitcoin
>dump shit

Okay, whatever. I read on their website it's based on Bitcoin. But it doesn't matter.

Because I did NOT google just for "francs", dummy. I googled for "FRN" and "crypto-monnaie", and there is fucking nothing. If they were not a scam and lived up to their claims of "being accepted by businesses", there would be at least some information on local French websites. There's zero. Empty space. Just a cock-sucking thread on BitcoinTalk.

>> No.2048284
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You obviously don't know about Monero, Pivx, Lisk, Waves, Zcash, Ethereum and literally all of its tokens...That's 20 right there. The list goes on. Also I checked the list and those aren't businesses. Random designer guy and random trader with a "@hotmail" address are you kidding me? It's called merchants and even that is an exaggeration. That makes it 250k merchants for BTC, 7 for yours.

>> No.2048446

There is only a few hundreds shops accepting Bitcoin in France so far
Far from 25k

>> No.2048552
File: 149 KB, 1032x818, wewerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember only to post about once every 30 mins or you'll lose ideas of what to shill about

>> No.2048609

I'm glad that this coin has dedicated shillers! It is a sign of future success!

>> No.2048621

You'd have to be an idiot to buy this shit anyway, so here's a free bump