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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 200x200, xtrabytes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2043585 No.2043585 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why I should buy this shitcoin.

I understand that it's a more secure way to secure the blockchain.

>100 XBY per transaction means it's already as expensive as BTC
>Nodes are shit if nobody uses the coin, just look at pivx and posw.

>> No.2043601

because it will make you money

>> No.2043626
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldnt because you sound like a moron and I wouldnt want you making money off XBY when it inevitably moons.

So fuck off.

>> No.2043631

Who will use it when transactions cost more than BTC and BTC is already secure enough? Won't make any money unless that can be solved.

>> No.2043665

transaction fee is not immutable, lead dev confirmed it will be adjusted based on price

those logistics don't even matter when it's obvious that hype alone is going to carry this coin to at least 5x its current value in the short term, whether its growth continues is a different story

>> No.2043687


Then dont buy it. Goodbye

>> No.2043690

Do you have a link to that? Would appreciate it.

>> No.2043695


transaction costs will get lower when price and volume increases

XBY will be 10000x more secure than BTC in fact it will be unhackable because of the brilliant Proof of Signature consensus

BTC transactions nowadays can take up to a week but XBY transactions won't take longer than 3 seconds EVER - they are INSTANT

>> No.2043700

read the announcement thread, as you should be if you are serious about investing

though the fee may have been discussed in the slack

>> No.2043748

Website still says 1m XBY for a node, is it 500k now?

>> No.2043768


Yes 500k, website is not up to date. Join the slack chat anon

>> No.2043794

I'm fuckin' psyched for this coin. When's the white paper coming out? Also, the spokesperson for the coin sounds like a reasonable, intelligent guy

>> No.2043891

Kek, what a mess. Don't tell me you fags are actually buying into this?

>> No.2043950

>this much fud
in the words of XtraBYtes marketing spokesman, "this deal's real, buddy". Just checkout the website

And don't forget, for the price of 1 BTC you're still in time to become a static node. This shit's blasting off to the moons of Uranus!!!!!

>> No.2043959

Who is Borzalom?

>> No.2044033

He is the 45 years old hungarian programmer of XBY. He is an expert programmer with 25 years of experience in hard/softwarte developement and 7 years experience in cryptography. This guy wrote his own OS back in the 80's when he was 12 years old. He is a fucking genius not even Vitalik Buterin can touch him

>> No.2044076

dude, this guy sounds like he's really something! Tell me about the other projects he's worked on between the OS in the 80's and XtraBYtes now?

>> No.2044085


I love when people troll the shillbillies XD

well done anonson.

>> No.2044112

Why don't you go into the Slack and ask him yourself?

>> No.2044171

so far, all I know is this: The head developer of xtrabytes was zapped by a broken waffle-maker when he was 11 and the accident left him with prodigious, rainman-like autism. He lost his hearing ability, but in its absence, his coding abilities sharpened and with those powers, he created his own OS...in the 80's!!!!

I'm dying to find out what happened in the following chapter of this man's life. I should ask him, but he doesn't speak English, right? And the American XtraBYtes marketing guy seems somewhat erratic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN6vand5Dp4))

>> No.2044183


Hahaha your funny keep on FUD trolling faggot

To poor to buy in some good amount of precious XBY already now


>> No.2044244

Who just bought a fucking trillion coins and jacked the price from 216 to 245

>> No.2044251

smart pepe

>> No.2044286

Should I up my buy order or wait? I've currently got it at 210

>> No.2044414

You people are more than retarded, this coin can't be more obvious that it is a pump and dump. A coin with a 650M supply how much do you expect it's price to get?
Fucking dumbass retarded piece of worthless shit. I hope you fucking hang yourself you disgusting piece of shit. You're a waste of life to this world, all you do is waste food, drink and materials that could actually be used on someone better than you (literally everyone).

>> No.2044425

It is pretty obvious this is a PnD but c'mon anon that's a little harsh don't ya think?

>> No.2044432

hey pajeet faggot fuck off nobody cares if you don't have enough btc to buy some precious XBY

btw the coin supply will be way lower than 650M but anyways you dont know shit and coin supply actually does not matter you dumb faggot

>> No.2044527

>doesn't matter
>btw supply will be way lower than 650M
Fucking prove it you idiot don't point someone wrong when you can't put some facts.

>> No.2044538

The statics remove 500k from the supply. 500 statics is the goal which will cut the supply a shit ton

>> No.2044556

You don't make such statements without source.
Get out with the nonsense.

>> No.2044561

What the fuck? That's straight from the dev.

>> No.2044562
File: 14 KB, 346x346, 1492989248476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shitcoin enjoy the losses.
Just the creator of this coin is a fraud that should make enough sense.

>> No.2044566

just so you fucking autistic sandnigga understand

one static node = 500k

coins from static node = gone from supply

500 static nodes x 500.000 xby coins = 250M

650M - 250M = 400M actual supply


>> No.2044568
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight from dev
>doesn't provide source
how much more retarded /biz/ be?

>> No.2044578
File: 7 KB, 204x204, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2044579
File: 4 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400M actual supply
Thanks for making me laugh, enjoy trying to sell this shitcoin below average.

>> No.2044586

I hope to god none of you idiots actually change your minds and buy XBY

I dont want any of you to make money when XBY moons

>> No.2044589

That's the fucking source? What else do you want?

>> No.2044596
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A example of a crying person who bought a large quantity of XBY and unable to sell.

>> No.2044604

Ok if your too lazy too look for yourself or just being a troll on FUD mission let me tell you this

soon you will cry when you see XBY ride to Mars and then you will never laugh again and probably think about committing suicide and you will 100% remember my post and think about what a little gay dumb piece of shit trash pajeet you had been

ok long story short: stay poor wagecuck

>> No.2044605

So you're the dev? fucking kys we know people of /biz/ are retarded but not to this point

>> No.2044613
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person, now enjoy the losses.

>> No.2044619

I literally asked the dev this question in the slack and told me the reason plus the Ann where it is explained. I don't know what else you want

>> No.2044620

lol this is actually happening cant even sell my xby 40
fucking sad

>> No.2044626

I asked trump about when you will be deported back to mexico on twitter and he said in 2 days.

>> No.2044629

I asked Mike pence when you'll be electrocuted for being a massive faggot. He said tomorrow. Get fucked, nigger

>> No.2044641
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>> No.2044651
File: 99 KB, 1024x839, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a retarded nigger. One guy trying to FUD. What a faggot. Kekekek

>> No.2044657

Just to let know I am sharing same portable browser and gold pass with like 20 other people.
And we're all in a skype call laughing at you retards.

>> No.2044660
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencrap time!

I'll make sure to feature you in the fudder collaga when XBY hits 1k sats

>> No.2044664

Tell them I said hi and to go fuck themselves like the faggots they are for buying a gold pass Kek.

>> No.2044666

I will let you shine my shoes boi for 1000 XBY I know you need them

>> No.2044685

Sure laugh all you want enjoy your another time of loss like PoSW

>> No.2044686

I'll shine your shoes AND clean your toilet.

>> No.2044802

>280 sat price now

There it is, my chance of getting static node is now gone! Fucking hell i was there staring at my screen when the price hit 100 sat ready to click buy order of 500K XBY, but I didn't, I fucking bought STR instead, and I fucking lost money because poo-in-loo-niex decide it's time to fuck us all up.

I fucking hate myself FUCK!

>> No.2044890
File: 194 KB, 542x441, 1485165958438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My xby-wallet says that its an old version, where do I get the new one?

The one on github is apparently old as well.


>> No.2045037


pls respond

>> No.2045039

What operating system?

>> No.2045143


>> No.2045259

Update wallet here


>> No.2045299




already downloaded it from there, its the old one

>> No.2045303


now it works apparently ty

>> No.2045304

I was having the same issue as you, and I just clicked the link and it fixed my shit.

>> No.2045329


What the fuck, it says again its an old version.

Cant the wallet update itself?

This is shit tier programming.

also what does "for staking only" means in regards to the passphrase?

>> No.2045423

lol dis pajheeta camnt update his wallet bet he cryu lose coin street shitter stay way from xby!!!

>> No.2045441

Muh do everything for me because I'm a retard. Maybe crypto isn't for you

>> No.2045514


Yeah except that the other wallets I use are not that shitty.

PIVX is a shitcoin but has a decent wallet, why cant xby?

Also why are you so rude?

>> No.2045522

You mean the PIVX wallet that crashes and gets corrupted all the time? Yeah I heard it's a great wallet

>> No.2045549


Mine doesnt, maybe you should not consume so much cp and beastiality from questionable sites.

>> No.2045554

Guys which site to buy XBY????

>> No.2045555


>> No.2045915

I feel so sorry for this board. Shills are using neets/wagecucks here to pump their coins, only to dump and make them cry.. looks like POSW didn't teach anyone here anything either. STOP GETTING FOMO'ED INTO BUYING AT ATH.

>> No.2045923

Nigga posw is tight as fuck.

biz just played y'all with a quick pnd.

the term deposits are free money desu

>> No.2046049

fuck off pajeet faggot you already too poor to buy some precious XBY so you try to FUD troll but it is nothing more than embarrassing ahahahahahaha

Anons why don't you buy XBY right now it does not even cost ONE FUCKING CENT???

You WANT to STAY WAGEKEK for LIFE r-right?

>> No.2046164

just give up already anon, these people are too dumb to understand